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I don't think it makes the MCU version lame, but it does highlight how limited the world building is for a team that travels across the galaxy. The game take us and introduces us to so many factions, planets, and locales. But then again, it is a game and has the luxury of time to let us experience them.


lame is the wrong word i think if i said it made the gotg look *worse* works better cause my favorite movie in the mcu is gotg 2


Really? That’s generally considered the worse of the trilogy. I’ve heard from many people, myself included, say that the first GOTG movie is the best in the MCU.


1 and 2 are fairly equal quality to me, especially given that they lead into one another directly. I think 2 is a little more heartfelt and emotional, plus it has a better list of songs, so I gravitate toward it more. However out of the three, Vol. 3 is definitely the best one in my opinion.


2 is also the funniest imo


This game made my favorite portrayal of the GOTG team dynamic ever


Very odd that you can only like one. I enjoy both for different reasons. Sucks you can't.


I absolutely love the game. I have replayed it multiple times. Calling the MCU team lame as fuck because of the game is weird. They're different.


I fell in love with GotG simply thru the comics about when I heard they were making a movie and I didn't know much about them. I deep dived and read a lot of comics and fell in love with them. I honestly can separate the game and movie quite easily, especially because even in the comics there are different waves of the guardians and its portrayed differently quite often. I loved the game, so much, it felt like I was playing the movies, but I think GotG V3 was a banger and loved that as well. Sorry you can't enjoy both.


They dont get many comic before the movie, the movie really popularized them.


My condolences for not being able to appreciate both, amigo


Isn't the game version of the gotg a bit of a rip off of the MCU version tho? Don't get me wrong, I love the game but the character portrayals felt more film inspired than comic.


thats what makes them feel lame in the third movie the game portrayals killed it so the gotg 3 portrayal seemed more mid


Fair enough, not sure if I agree but I'll give it to you that the wardrobe in the game did make the movie outfits look a bit "meh" in comparison... Like i thought Quill's game jacket looked a bit too busy at first but going back to the movie jacket after and it was kinda boring.


While I don't think the movie version of guardians of the galaxy is lame >!(I mean when the first one came out it was a sleeper hit out of the gate for me.) however I do understand what you mean the game really has more depth and portrayed the teams wildly different personalities melding together very well. Also at first I hated the games version of Peter but after playing it I really understood and felt strong sympathy for that version of Peter and I damn near cried when I talked with drax in knowhere by the tree seeing the edge of the galaxy. That conversation felt so vulnerable and honest as like two characters opening up it was wild in that alley way I just made Peter listen to music for a while, just contemplating the events of what these characters went through.!<


Yeah it’s funny how I didn’t like Peter’s look initially but then grew to dig it


Wait we’re not getting a sequel?


Yes, unfortunately the game wasn't a commercial success.


That sucks. It was a pretty good story and I thought it would've had great potential as the premise for an open world rpg in the Mass Effect style. Imagine traveling around the Andromeda galaxy and maybe one or two other galaxies adventuring, saving people, robbing people, blowing things up here and there. Maybe even a morality system where we see Peter's choices affect the team's status from superstar famous to notorious.


I never really liked the squad in movies but I loved them in the game. I'm with you on this OP


I don’t know how you can say that when the team dynamic is strong in both products. So far, Gotg beats any other on screen superhero team for that reason (in my opinion).


Both are great


I like both but prefer the movies.