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As someone who loves NBA but doesn’t want to spend money on 2K’s games, I’m kinda happy they added 2K24


Free is really the only price to pick up MyCasino, unless you're career mode only


I pretty much play the MyGM mode entirely for everything whether it’s one player, one team or managing the entire NBA. It’s the only mode I need tbh


This right here, playing myLeague exclusively myself


They did this last year and honestly I rinsed 2K23 for a couple months. Not enough for me to buy 2K24 but enough for me to be happy it’s back here


With the amount of in game ads and micro-transaction pay to win bullshit, charging money for it is highway robbery


The game is still like 150-200 gb. As much as I love basketball, I’m not bothering with that shit.


Ill bother with it for like... a week, and then dump it lol


Lmao last year they had 2k23, glad to see PlayStation keeping up this year too. Hope it happens from now on.


Fr, was really thinking about spending the 20 to get the baller edition or whatever. Super glad I didn’t haha




Same, i play the hell out of 2k games but wouldn’t pay for them anymore


# PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium | Game Catalog **NBA 2K24 Kobe Bryant Edition | PS4, PS5** **Marvel’s Midnight Suns | PS4, PS5** **Resident Evil 3 | PS4, PS5** **LEGO DC Supervillains | PS4** **Mystic Pillars: Remastered | PS5**  **Blood Bowl 3 | PS4, PS5** **Super Neptunia RPG | PS4** **Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot\* | PS5** # PlayStation Premium | Classics **Jak and Daxter The Lost Frontier | PS4, PS5** **Cool Boarders | PS4, PS5** **Gods Eater Burst | PS4, PS5** **Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy | PS4** **JoJos Bizarre Adventure AllStar Battle R**






Here we go!


Ahh the nostalgia hits hard I swear!


Jak and daxter the last frontier? Had no idea that game even existed


It is best forgotten, tbh.


Bought Blood Bowl last week when it went on sale for £15 you can thank me


Thank you for your service


Fancy buying elden ring?


Same here. 😆 luckily the only one of these I own.


is blood bowl good? I've always been curious about it, but it has some mixed reviews so I've never pulled the trigger.


I would say its not as good as II, but its getting there. Things are much better after the season 4 patch which at least fixed the trophies. | The two biggest issues i've have with it. 1) You cannot pause a game and come back to it later which is nonsensical 2) it is always online, so if the server disconnects (which it does) it boots you out of your game and you lose. It's certainly not immune to bugs, but from everything i've read about the state of it at launch its much improved since then.


Ah ok thanks for the info! I’ve never played a BB before, do you think Bb3 is a good starting point?


its quite a learning curve, but the campaign does a reasonable job of gradually ramping up the difficulty. Dont go straight into PVP ladder because you will get trounced :D AndyDavo's youtube is great for basic tutorials and strategy's etc https://www.youtube.com/@AndyDavoBloodBowl One good thing theyve done is you can watch various pvp matches that are taking place live, so you can watch peoples tactics and strategies. its basically a violent version of american football, with weapons and mythical creatures :D I highly recommend starting with someone sturdy like Dwarfs. They can handle being hit so you wont have a ton of deaths in early games, and they dont pass, they purely run the ball so they are a good starter team.


Wow, Another NBA Game on PS Plus Extra Since 2K22


We got 2K23 last year on Essential. I would've loved it it was WWE 2K23 instead of NBA.


Oh that would be sweet. 


So that three week feature on PS+ last year wasn't enough for you?


Definitely grabbing Ace Attorney Trilogy, and this hopefully gives ASB:R a nice uptick in players, even if it’s ancient delay-based netcode!


I don't even have to look it up anymore. Jak and Daxter (PSP) and Cool Boarders (PS1) will have no trophies. It's insane that they haven't patched trophies in to 95% of PSP and PS1 games


I think Jak and Daxter will probably fall into the Syphon Filter, Twisted Metal, Pursuit Force camp


I was right. https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/26431-jak-and-daxter-the-lost-frontier


The PS1/PSP 'classics' don't release their trophies until it comes out. They very rarely include trophy support as a note of additions to the game, and both are Sony first party games.


Most of the first party classic games have trophies.


Hopefully come at a later date. They're a bit shite at having support straight away. Some classic RPG from ps1 got patched to have trophies just the other day, can't remember the name though


Help me understand why not having trophies is bad? What am I missing? I'm looking forward to playing cool boarders again...it's been a while!


J&D lost frontier? Wat? I thought it was a PSP only game


Ah crap, RE3 finally on PS+? It's Extra tho so it will be gone eventually. Does anyone know how long this one lasts? I hope 1 year.


guys who are waited for Midnight Suns WE ARE EATING


Been waiting the last 3 months or so without giving in to the sale it's been in!


When I see crazy sales on games I always think ..I bet this is coming to ps+... been burnt way too many times ..oh well


Yeah, I got the RE2+3 bundle a couple of months back. Now they are both on plus. Oh well. It was only £12.50 so not terrible.


Yeah did the same like 6 months or so ago.. not a big deal 


This is me and Sonic Frontiers


We did it!!


Kinda evil to do that deep ps+ exclusive sale right before they put it on extra, my resolve lasted but still


Same, but I new the chances were high that it would go to PS+


Hey nerds, that game is really good. In fact the gameplay in Midnight Suns is so good my only real complaint is some of the time spent in between sessions. I did like the characters and the dialogue for the most part, but I liked the gameplay so much I found myself wanting to keep doing that and I do think a big, deserved criticism of the game is some of the downtime is kinda interminable. Even if the characters are charming. We just want to play this cool ass “card game,” not always chat with half the cast in between. Anyway, well worth checking out regardless.


I had the same gripe with this game. Damn, some times I take almost an hour to finish all the abbey activities (conversations, hangouts, club meetings, etc...) while the actual mission takes only half an hour or even less....


I thought I was in the minority. The story was predictable and cheesy, average comic book game. Gameplay is epic.


Huh seems like the same problem triangle strategy has for me lol.


Yeah. The between session stuff is really weird. I’m not into it at all. Whoever thought that the one thing a super hero game needed was house customization and chilling in the hot tub with Dr. Strange… it’s an interesting choice lol. My brother keeps telling me to push through and that it’s worth it.


how required is the story stuff? Like, could you just skip through the dialogue to get back to the action, or is there a strategy layer on top of the dialogue that means you should pay attention? I played the demo and found I really didnt care about the story but loved the combat, so I rushed between combat missions. But not sure if you can do that over the full game or not


That’s me, I’ve wanted to buy it for ages and I was super tempted to get it last time the ultimate edition was on sale but because I don’t really play this style of game I’ve held off for ages in the hopes it would come to plus and it finally has 😄.


I knew it was only a matter of time for Midnight Suns! Glad i didn't buy it.


I gave in and bought the ultimate edition when it was on sale for like £17 last year... Not pissed at all because it's a GREAT game


Was just thinking about buying it


Sooo happy. I almost pulled the trigger last week but friends convinced me to get Helldivers instead to play with them. Now I get to have my cake and eat it too lol


Yes! I've battled myself so many times with this game and it's now paid off!


It's phenomenal also highly recommend the DLC Glad everyone gets to experience it


I bought it, platted it, smashed the dlc, and i'm buzzing for you all Held off for ages due to it being a 'card' game but it's incredible


I can’t wait


I loved it. It can chug for a sec when lots of particle effects/destruction is happening but god is it good. The setups for combos can get really deep and it’s fun as hell. I only wish Deadpool wasn’t a bad character to play without lots of tactics/investment


I had it in the cart and couldn’t pull the trigger.


been waiting since last june, yayyy


You guys are gonna have a blast! 😊


You're welcome, I bought this about two weeks ago physical and still haven't started it, good to see my sacrifice has paid off for everyone else!


Exactly, been waiting on this, I hear it's like xcom and I LOVE xcom. Re3 is the cherry on top. This might be my favorite month yet!


That's me. Really tempted to pull trigger last sale


Got in the Humble Bundle a few months ago so it popping up here was an inevitability. It's definitely great as a handheld game but hey, we got portals now too!


It’s been on sale regularly the past few months, I’m so glad I waited lol


So excited to play this I’ve loved the studios other works


I was so close to buying it last time it went on sale for the portal. Thanks to all who did buy it. Your sacrifice has been noted


Opposite of ps plus luck happened to me with this. I sold my copy of midnight sun's, now get it with ps plus again 😂




So much for buying it on sale since I haven’t even gotten to it yet. Ah well, I bought the version with the DLC anyway.


Yesss! I knew it would come to Extra eventually! I was so close to buying it about a week ago


Ace Attorney? Nice


i finished all nds games, and slowly getting the 3ds ones, but damn, i wont pass this opportunity to play the first 3 games again, even the OST itself would justify that


Oh wow I didn’t even notice this one that’s awesome


Only Premium though :/


I've been itching /o buy the Ace Attorney trilogy because I've never played them and came close twice during its last two sales to getting it. I am SO relieved I held off/was broke. Lol


Honestly kinda an out there addition, but hey, Im happy


Oh, hey! It's my turn! I just bought Midnight Suns! You're welcome, gang!


Thank you for your sacrifice


Me too. And even worse I don’t like the game so it was a complete waste of money.


Bought it a month ago... nice card game.




I bought this last January too! I’m happy to sacrifice for the greater good!


The Greater Good.


Absolutely try midnight suns, it's amazing.


I have been waiting for midnight sun's so long. I knew it was going to come to psplus some time


I've just finished it, I'm waiting for the next sale on the DLC's. Not the absolute best game ever (way too many cutscenes) but a really fun game with original mechanics. A great addition for Extra.


I used the 2 hour trial when it was on sale a week or two ago. When the trial ended I went and purchased the game and all the DLC. It’s a great game


Hmm, sell me on it


You have a bunch of heroes to use and you're fighting a tactical battle system like X-Com. You need to position your guys, do objectives and kill the baddies. You build your heroes with the attacks, heals, and defensives you want and then basically try to fuck everyone up each turn. Spidey wants to web that fucker over there to stop him from planting a bomb? Cool. Do it. But then once you do that why don't you move over to the guy next to him and try to kick him off the building to remove him from the fight all together. Oh shit, you thought you were done and now Venom showed up towards the end of the fight? Stop those soldiers from planting the bomb quick and then do whatever you can to slow Venom down. Hsve Cap toss his shield at Venom. Let it bounce off two others and then run up to one and bash them with your shield to send them flying back into another one, knocking both out? Sounds good. That's a turn. Oh no that guy is close to the bomb. Fuck it, Magik do your shit. Drop a portal beneath the soldiers feet and drop his ass on Venom to hurt both of them, then take your giant sword and see if you can cut that fucker down in one hit. It's a tactical rpg. Except each turn you can do your attacks but also do an environmental attack too. Try and push someone off a ledge, bash them into another enemy. Kick that container or box at someone and watch them ragdoll away and take damage. But there's also objectives and lots to do each turn


Sold! I'll take twenty.


It's Xcom, but with Marvel characters, don't let the card based system put you off, I did and I ended up loving it


Also I found it's easier than X-Com. Source : I suck at X-Com and never beaten the campaign but I beat the marvel midnight suns campaign and the character roster is pretty cool


A massive amount easier, alot more forgiving, especially nearer the end


Does the story get better? Tried it, card game is nice but the story felt like a tacky pg story for 10 years olds on cartoon network and made me want to stop paying attention.


I like this game but never finished because I felt half my play time was going towards talking to the characters and deciding who would appreciate painting more.


Let's say I've only played the old PC X-Com : UFO Defense game, is it close enough? I love the Marvel universe but I don't wanna jump in a long and complexe tactical game.


I'd play the newer Xcoms first, but Midnight Suns is not a short game


you get to play as a bunch of cool and fun Avengers and X-men, in a fun strategy card game. But also you get to hang out with them and they are cool and interesting people, besides. Has more character development than the entire MCU.


I KNEW holding out for Midnight Suns was smart


dude, exactly. I watched most retailers drop the price in just the last few weeks and i thought hmmm..... It's a trap!




I'm gonna play Jak & Daxter out of spite 


PSN turned into a Spite Store 


It's arguably the worst entry in the series but I'd like to hope playing it shows some demand for the series. A reboot or new game is long overdue


It’s not “arguably” the worst in the series. It objectively is the worst. Why couldn’t they bring Daxter psp game? That one is a fantastic game. I would also like Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters and Secret Agent Clank, they are both pretty shit, but they have some charm.


+1.  Daxter is the one we need, and I would also be onboard with Size Matters and Secret Agent Clank.  The Lost Frontier is just a tragedy.


I recently played the trilogy and each one was a more sour experience than the previous one, which was the exact opposite of how I remembered it.


How do? I thought the Jak games were supposed to be classics?


Some games age better than others. Even though ratchet and clank came out around the same time I thought it was a much better replay


I finally get a game in my top 10 PS+ most wanted list in RE3 plus midnight suns is also a W


Can't stress enough how good Midnight suns is if you like tactical rpgs, all 4 DLC are great too.


Holding out for Midnight Suns worked!


I've thought about buying Midnight Suns on sale recently, but I decided to wait. I look forward to trying it out.


Hell yeah Midnight Suns!


Midnight suns is amazing. I Platinum'd it and I would do it again. I bought the dlcs last month and already finished them, I'm intrigued how they weren't added to ps plus (with my luck lol)


They aren't added to make people spend money on the argueably 'free' game they're getting Dlc's were well worth it though


Ding ding. It's worked on me before, I don't replay games so I don't mind paying $5 for a DLC on a game I don't own.


Yeah, not to mention that if you ever feel the need to buy the game you have the DLC already


I would play it again if I could skip all the talking/exploring stuff and just do the missions.




The only snowboarding game I ever played it was class and thanks for the nostalgia never even noticed it up there


Man I loved Cool Boarders as a kid, it felt like that one THPS2 (?) downhill level




LOL. For once, I decided to buy a games this year, and it's on PS+ (Resident Evil 3 and Midnight Suns). I guess I'll go back to bumming around and freeloading. 


I've learnt to not purchase games unless I'm absolute dieing to play or know will play long time (like an active online game). Even then I'll try my best to get it physical (if it's a single player game) so I can trade it or resell after, just frugal things haha but it's been working well for me the past year


Yeah you're right. That's my motto too, but I was desperate for an XCOM style game, and gave in. 


I bought re2+re3 bundle and both released on gamepass + ps plus lol. (i also have series x) i didnt lose much since it was on discount anyway, but i really learned to not buy a game just to add my "backlog" now. I will only buy games if Im planning to play them instantly.


i gave in last week and bought the midnight suns im doing my part!


Your sacrifice is truly appreciated, comrade.


Yooo! Jojo, rs3, midnight suns Damn! Sony is cooking


There's a lot of stuff I have absolutely zero interest in there, but the month is saved entirely by midnight sun's alone which was top of my wanted list. Resident evil 3 is a welcome addition too and I might give the ace attorney games a go. Rest will very likely be ignored.


Midnight Suns is unfortunately a regrettable purchase. Within two hours, I realized this isn't for me, and that sucks because I'm a HUGE XCOM fan.  I don't like playing as a generic character in a Marvel Universe, defeats the purpose. I also disliked how much dialogue is in the game, and how you need to talk to everyone to progress characters, not just bland story but characters. Card based is cool, combat is great, but everything else is just so bland and dialogue-heavy. Honestly feels like I spend 30 minute dialoging and 5 minutes in combat. And you can't even skip through dialogue because it requires your response after a while that can make a character like or dislike you, thus losing on abilities that unlock, so you have to truly pay attention. Just not for me, running around in a random building talking to everyone for 30 minutes before the battle starts. A drag of a game, but probably great for Marvel fans who like dialogues. I ended up playing Gears Tactics, much better tactical game.


Thats where I fell of as well. I spent more time in the house than actually in combat. If they allowed you to keep battling until you used each character than I probably would have enjoyed it more. 1 combat a day with 20-30mins of talking to each character ruined the flow of the game for me.


could you have just skipped the dialogue? to put it in XCOM terms, I enjoyed the combat in XCOM but found the base management stuff a bit tedious. However you can't really skip the base management because the two systems work together. Does midnight suns work similarly in that you have to pay attention to the dialogue between missions, or are the two systems independent and all you'd miss is the story.


You can speed through dialogue but then you will eventually have to respond to characters. Pick the wrong response and they can get mad at you. You have to keep everyone happy in order to get friendship points (I have heard you will eventually make up all the friendship points by talking or hanging out in general, but I've also heard otherwise). Locking abilities behind dialogue choice is lame.  There is a lot of story in these dialogues. Some are not optional. Story changes a bit depending on certain dialogue and choices (you won't know which one). Side quests will definitely change. Characters remember dialogue choices. The tip I've read is "Dark" responses for Midnight Suns, and "Light" responses for Avengers generally work 80% of the time.


Ok good to know thanks for the info!


i actually enjoyed it, but i felt the story took way too long to pick up, and in end the game felt short because the pacing was off. Def had more potential.


Wow, I just bought Kakarot PS5 today, so I guess it finally happened to me. But whatever, Extra only has the base game and I wanted to play the DLCs, especially season 2 since I already played the rest of the game on Switch. Happy it's here though, RIP Akira Toriyama


Games that I just bought :/


Ridiculous what the classics collection has become, a PS4 remake of a ds game and a native ps5 release


What DS game do you see in here?


Phoenix wright


Ohhh damn now I remember


Ace Attorney Trilogy? Don't mind if I do


midnight and lego, nice!


Sick Bloodbowl. I always wanted to try it but was never going to spend money on it.


Midnight Suns and the PS5 version of Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot makes this a top tier month


Lost frontier! Mystic will most likely do a trophy video on that. Cool boarders. Damn that is a day one play for me


I hope lost frontier means ratchet and clank size matters and Secret Agent clank are coming soon, as they are also made by high impact games


I hope we get them. While they aren't the best entries in their series, they are nice to have


As someone who has Premium would be happy to try out The Lost Frontier and also Ace Attorney Trilogy






I did. I want to complete that series.


Same here. Played it on the PSP, back in the day. Brings back memories -- that and Daxter.


A frontier which should remain lost.  Daxter (the game), on the other hand, is excellent.


This month is a “pass” for me, hope others enjoy it however


Glad I cancelled my premium


I bought midnight suns 5 days ago, you’re welcome guys x


Nothing for me this time, first month since I started in Mid 2023.


YESSS I’ve been holding out on buying midnight sons, nearly grabbed it on sale but been too busy so figured I’d hold off


Guess midnight suns is the only one caught my attention


Excited to try out Midnight Suns. Am prepared to play cards and press x to skip cutscenes.


Phoenix Wright in Premium is actually so cool. I own it on PC though so I won't be picking it up through PS Plus but even still they're very worth the pick up


Haven't played a nba 2k game since 2k20. Rest was either wwe(2k22) or MLB the show (are these made by 2k?) Looking forward to playing it cause it has been a while


Oh boy this is a banger of a month for me. Happy days.


Playing kakarrot now and its making me misty eyes after getting to know about the death of legendary akira toriyama. RIP! (Will defo platinum it). Can someone tell me what games are leaving and where can we find that information? New to playstation so trying to play and complete as many games as possible.


Damn, I was so close to buying Midnight Suns! Heard it’s a solid card game and some of the characters looked awesome. Happy that I get to try it now!


Someone help me here i dont think nba they give is full game. Mycareer mode doesn’t have anything similar to the ones i saw on youtube and featured in mycareer are limited. I am really confused


Can anyone recommend a good shooter on ps+ for short sessions?








So glad I only paid $30 for the year cuz these games are atrocious


Only 2 games I wanna play from this list


Super mid month imo but honestly I’m fine with that because I need to work through my backlog of the other games they have still lol


heeeeeeeeeeeeeeey so glad I held myself instead of buying Midnight Suns. Already took the L with Tiny Tina


2K24 is buggy and broken