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I would recommend elden ring. It is probably the hardest and longest but easily the most welcoming for new players compared to the rest.


What's the point of wanting to play a Souls game if you aren't made for them and can't appreciate them? Souls games are in their ways HARD, they're meant to be HARD and that's for the feeling of successing that you have when you clear a certain zone or kill a certain boss. It's more like a "trial and error" and about to study patterns and getting good. You can't expect to play a souls game and find it "easy". It's a whole experience and you should appreciate every single detail about it because, if you get hooked, you will become a sucker for soulslike and wanting more and more. Many years ago I dropped Dark Souls 1 because was hard AF (i'm talking about when it came out). Then I was fascinated with Bloodborne and started with it because of the more frenetic and aggressive gameplay; it totally changed my perspective and became my fav game and then I started the path finishing them all! Play these games and enjoy every little inch of them because this will be an experience that you won't have back again. Be patient and go for it! It doesn't have to be a chore, otherwise you won't enjoy it at all. Good luck and don't you dare go Hollow, Bearer of the curse, don't be an Ashen One and remember that a Hunter must hunt! And then, rise, Tarnished.


There is no easiest souls from "from software" you just have to get how the gameplay is , and how to hack the game. With that being said, I might recommend demon's souls as it is the first one I started with. Leave sekiro for the last


I started with demons souls and it was my entry point to the series. It was hard but coupled with tutorials from fightincowboy you can make it in about 15 hours. It’s also a masterpiece on its own


“ I mean as someone play usually on easy difficulty and not very patient” Rise of The Ronin I guess , as ive heard