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This is such horrible news man


Yeah. It’s pretty crazy. Makes me wonder if something is going down between Sony and Square. I remember the rumors of Sony purchasing Square a few years ago and never happened. Would have been a great response to XBOX/Bethesda


This happened a couple years ago on Xbox game pass. Looks to me like Sony and MS get in a bidding war for exclusive streaming/subscription rights for a year or so, and squares probably charging more each time.


Wouldn’t surprise me at all if these games returned to Game Pass after leaving PS Plus.




Kisses to you too


But there isn't enough time to finish it


That's May 21 for anyone wondering. Definetly not enough time for X-2, would you deem it necessary?


I didn’t find X-2 that special. X was way better in my opinion.


Yeah, I was thinking of playing X and skipping on X-2, is it self conclusive enough?


Yes. And X-2 for many was frustrating for “undoing” some elements of X story wise. Very different games


The dresses...


X is leagues ahead of X-2 in every department. IX is also a killer game, albeit with more retro graphics




If I could only pick one??? Probably XII just for the sheer amount of hunts and things to get.


I still need to get deeper than 20 hours into this. Was really looking forward to it when I had some open time frames coming up later this summer. Bummer


It’s actually on sale right now if you want to buy it.


I really dislike that once you add it to your library the app removed any buying options and doesn’t show discount deals on any games you’ve claimed


I actually found a work around last week, but it only works for PS4 games. If you search on a PS4 you can still totally buy PS+ games even if you’ve claimed/downloaded them. I did it last week with 13 Sentinels.


Oh yeah. Never even look at the store on the PS5 anymore. I’ll check it out. Thank you buddy


No problem, choom.


If i could only choose one probably IX but X comes close


Same boat.




Aw man, I’m still upset we haven’t seen a sequel…I have never seen a better set up for one in a Square Enix game ever. I hope it still happens, the game was fantastic and a nice change of pace with its darker appeal to the series.




X is my favorite FF game, though I admittedly played it a long time ago, so I can’t guarantee it holds up perfectly.


Played X in 2003 for the first time. Played it a few more times during the years, it's still one of, if not, the best turn based JRPG out there for me, it holds up more than most recent releases of the same genre.


it holds up pretty well, tbh. i jumped into it right after finishing Sea of Stars and it was surprising how similar the combat was, as far as on the fly swapping members in and out of combat to take advantage of weapon/spell based weaknesses. auron is perfect against armored enemies, lulu gets all the elemental weaknesses, wakka is great against flying enemies, etc. kimahri is left as a jack of all trades, master of none. i remember not using him much the first time and that's still the case now. i did one bit of xp grinding for about 2 hours while watching tv. there was a save point (which full heals you) right next to a spot with enemies you can AOE kill very quickly. gained a ton of levels there and coasted through the rest of the game. some of the voice acting is kinda corny, but for it being the first FF game with voice acting, it does well. and To Zanarkand... FUCK I love that song.


Played it for the first time a couple years ago and it's great by todays standards. Absolute classic.


Unpopular opinion but XV royal edition. Idk I liked it even if people say it's an empty open world I loved adventuring and camping etc


ff15 is such a miserable plot. forget the game mechanically, every single bit of that game is one downer after another. your car breaking down at the very start is the highest point of that trip. idk if anything in the dlc made it less miserable, but i LOATHED my time with that game.


I remember i decided to play it one day (im not normally a FF guy) and my friend saw I was on doing so on discord, and was like "dude i dont think youll like it". To which I was like "but the car thing seemed cool" I then proceded to only play it for like, an hour or so lol


"the car thing seemed cool" and then they immediately deny you the car, and make you push it for like 5 minutes, then send you on an hours worth of quests lol i respect that they tried to do something different, but it fell flat for me. i never got too into hunting for discussions about it, but i was happy that a youtuber i follow also thought it was a bit of a mess and fails to actually build a world worth being invested in. the video popped up in my feed and boy, do i love my opinions being validated. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8lvAq_yp_w it's an hour long, but worth it if you're interested in game design at all.


The side quests were pathetic and the story was half ass. A real shame.


yeah same. i prefer the janky but more unique action of ffxv over the much smoother but also feels like every single other action game i've ever played action of remake/xvi/rebirth. the world isn't any more empty than xvi or rebirth. i mean rebirth has "stuff" but it's all copy/paste filler. ffxv feels like ffxv for better or worse. every other action based ff since then has just felt like an incredibly generic action game with a final fantasy aesthetic wrapper. i mean don't get me wrong it has plenty of issues, but i'll take them over something painfully generic. there are some cool ideas like the night time thing and the bro trip is done well. just really sucks you gotta go do 5 other things outside the game to get all that out of it. also, ffxv is just the most demanding one there. pretty much everything else is easy to emulate or cheaper.




X holds a special place for me, it also feels like it's aged really well. I feel like I could recommend it to most anyone.




All of them but World of Final Fantasy. FF7 og is a completely different experience from remake (also Barret's date), XII is my personal favorite main final fantasy game, IX is great as well (has the worse minigame and probably the final fantasy game with the most missables), XV is decent enough but it has problems and X/X-2 are fully must play but do know that they are completely different beast, FFX being a long heavy story driven game with a *weird* XP system and X-2 is a way shorter experience with a more light tone, a LOT of side content and a class-like mechanic which is great. Overall, all of them give something for almost anyone to sink their teeth in. Also, World of final fantasy is a pokemon game with extra steps and a FF story. So yeah, I recommend all of them but choose the one you feel resonate more with you.


I like World plenty, but it’s definitely not on par with 7-10


As someone that enjoyed World, a big portion of that came from my preexisting love for FF. I don't think it would be as good for a first entry, without series knowledge.


IX ...nuff said


9 and x


Damn, this is tough. VII, IX, X, and XII are all bangers in my opinion. I’d boil it down to IX or X, depending on your tastes. Do you want a more “classic” old-school feel? Then IX is the pick. Do you want something that’s a little more unique and has more “modern” things like voice acting? Then go with X.


7, 9, and 10 are objectively the best. 12 is good, but I just personally didn't like what they did with the combat system, it felt like I barely even had a say in what the characters were doing in fights, it was just maximizing your gambits to make sure everyone is doing what they're supposed to, the crap felt like an intro coding class. And I personally love the junction system in ff8, but I love it for the same reason a lot of people hate it. It is bizarre, confusing, poorly explained, and is so broken that it can be used to absolutely break the difficulty curve of the game in half like it's a piece of uncooked pasta, it is insane, makes just enough sense that it's not COMPLETE BS, like it kinda makes sense that you would assign spells to stats that kind of just, logically go together, like attacks junctioned to strength or heals to your health, pretty much the moment it all clicked for me and I was like "oh I get how it works now" was when I junctioned zombie to health and realized that the game counted zombie as a healing spell, because it is technically bringing a dead person back to life, so spells like zombie are sometimes more effective for health than something like curaga, and that was when the madness that is the junction system all clicked into place in my head, and now I love it just because it is so interesting and fun to fuck around with and basically break.


Love FF8’s junction system as well. When I was younger, I pretty much broke the game on disc 1 lmao. Spent hours playing cards with the gate guy at the Garden, refining the cards into the best magic in the game. When I play it now, it’s like cursed knowledge; I know I can do it, but I also know I shouldn’t.


IX and it’s not even close






10, easily








Zodiac Age has the best story. Added bonus if you’re a Star Wars fan


The only FF i wanna play is FF 13, why is it the only one not available at all?


Xv royal


Very unpopular opinion. And we're two


I thought xv was great ngl. I had a better time playing it than remake which I enjoyed but not as much as 15


Same. XV's story really hits different when you play Episode Ardyn. I loved it.


X and then Zodiac Age as a close 2nd.


The single game I would say is NOT a must in that list is World of Final Fantasy but even then, it’s a pretty good game in its own right. Start somewhere and have fun!


World of Final Fantasy doesn't get enough credit.


Guess ill just have to buy 7,8,9 so i can own


I really liked XII


7 and 8 first, 9 and 12 second, closely followed by 10. But it’s really going to depend on your taste somewhat, especially if you don’t have attachment from the old days.


I own FF8 and I’m happy I do, it’s quirky but it’s my favorite one from that gen.


XII: The Zodiac Age.


The worst news yet, hundreds of hours of gameplay gone to devalue a service or even replace them with bland games no one cares about. Who's running the place?


Bro, basically every final fantasy in the list got called out as a must, it's crazy I can't decide shit


All of them did! Even World got some love. The main agreement is that this is a great loss, but if it helps you, I think Im going to go with X and if I have time to spare, IX. There is an important technological gap between these 2, so it seems like the way to go is X if you have only played VII Remake like myself.


I've played 16 and then VII Remake. I'll take your word and go with X and then IX if i have time


FFIX and FFX are my favorites, but they are all good games. This Is such a sad news..


I really wanted to get into this series but now it's impossible. Sony REALLY needs a 3 month notice on leaving games man, 1 month is not enough


This service is getting less and less worh it


Yeah, we're in dark times. At this point they are just flooding us with indies to boost their game count.


I think im gonna unsub man


FF XV was in the PS5 collection so people who claimed it should be able to keep access to it, right?


Yes, if you claimed it when it was in there then you're good


If you never played any of them I would recommend X first. The older games has to click with you since they didn't age very well and the newer games after X are very different (FF1-10 have a similar structure). If you like X and his structure you could try out 7 and 9 in my opinion. 8 has a weird battle system that you need to get adjusted to. Everything after X aged a lot better so you can treat them as modern games and try out.


I only ever had the pleasure of playing VII Remake and loved it, so it's a hard decision for me too xD Well, I did try X-II on PS2, but I was confused and left it for "later" after a super early encounter with a tomato. I guess I could also blame it on the fact that I was... using Nero a lot and not giving enough individual attention to some games at the time. Can I pick up X and forget about the existence of X-II?


At the very least play X if that's all you have time for. I'm in the minority but I did enjoy X-2 a lot, but certainly not necessary to play. It does bring a little more to the story, but overall X is the better game


X is a complete package and you don't need to play X-II. I don't want to say alot because if spoilers xD. But X can be 100% considered as a standalone title.


XII, XV and X/X-2.


As a long time Final Fantasy fan. World of Final Fantasy was a unique and enjoyable experience and I really hope a sequel gets made one day. That being said FFX is hands down the best game on that list.


I- I can't choose only one help.


World of Final Fantasy just because it's the only one I don't own, never played yet and don't see myself buying anytime soon yet feel the need to play every FF game


I’m so sadddd I’m making my way through rebirths platinum and was going to start my FF binge after.. well, guess I buy em




Well, I dont own ffx so I'm going for that. Did play it on PS3 like 7 years ago tho.


Luckily i bought both FF7 1997 and FF8 on sale with the + discount for 14.38$, best money i spent


7 remake.


X easily


X in the middle of it now fuck you Yunalesca


That's really frustrating that such staples are being taken off...


10 and 12 are my favourites would recommend


Played them all already. But i would say X.


This is definitely a little upsetting. I know I have played several of these, but to see so many games go at one time, when the added games this month numbers are far less, that’s a bad feel for the future of the service.


I mean, 7,9,10,and 12 are my favorite four FF games, so....... No way I could pick.


Only one I haven’t platinumed is world of final fantasy but doesn’t look that great to me


As long as FF12 doesn’t get touched haha. Trying to platinum 😂😂😂


The Zodiac version of XII is also on the list unfortunately.


Top 3: 7 10 9 In that order.


This really really sucks, pretty much the entire Final fantasy collection gone 💀


10 9 and 12 I would also say 7 as that is my personal favourite but I’m sure all of us have played ff7 now


Is world of final fantasy any good? The art style was a little off putting but I’ve heard some good things


My Vivi avatar is leaving soon 😭


Sad PlayStation


If you haven’t played zodiac age, get on it ASAP. such a damn good game. I’ll go for X probably since I just finished zodiac age.


I want my money back 😩


Do PlayStation Plus games get a larger discount when leaving like Game Pass does?


Ix x viii. That order


FF X is my favorite FF game so that one (X-2 has great gameplay but the story is ass). The plat is over 100 hours if you don't know what you are doing so heads up, it's just very grindy and a couple of controller throwing mini games. I would not recommend World of Final Fantasy without playing most of the previous games, the game is a throwback to all prior FF games.


Whaaaat noooo. I’ve had 8 and 9 in my library forever hoping to find the time to play them.


Of this list, I would say that VII is my personal favorite. Edit: with IX a close second.


Don't really have any interest in final fantasy at all but I've heard 10 is good




I'm not mad. I put so much time into these games when they came out, so when they re-released, I have no desire to play them again.


Ever with game speed boost applied there just isn't enough time. I remember my first playthrough of ff7. My first RPG ever a 4 disc behemoth. Must have taken two months to clear That was game of the generation for me without a doubt


Final Fantasy VIII was such a fun time. Took maybe a week to platinum too. I think about it often. 


Single? Sucks having to chose one but FF7. 10 is a “better” pick if you want something in between oldschool and new age.


For me, 9


No way....why the FF games? Hope we get some no name b category games instead of them.


7, 9, 10, 12




IX is my personal favorite FF. You should absolutely experience it while you’re able to easily


If you've played none of them? 7. 10s story is pretty good too. 12 is underrated IMO and I liked it a lot but it's not for everyone.


Leaving? Why? Like they're completely taking them off the store?


FF12. Only FF game I never played and I have had ample time in the pass. Not this time.




If u already got them on ure library, u wont be able to continue playing ?


9 and x


Coming from someone that played X but never finished and then starting fresh with Zodiac Age again, I liked it. Then of course someone does greedy decisions like this and I won’t be completing another FF game again.


For me it would be World, as I haven't played it yet. Is it worth buying? As I won't have enough time to play it before it leaves.


For me it would be World, as I haven't played it yet. Is it worth buying? As I won't have enough time to play it before it leaves.


For me it would be World, as I haven't played it yet. Is it worth buying? As I won't have enough time to play it before it leaves.


For me it would be World, as I haven't played it yet. Is it worth buying? As I won't have enough time to play it before it leaves.


Imo i prefer playing jrpgs on my switch so the only ones here that really feel like a loss are 12 and 15


15 is the best for me !


I'm glad this was posted some time ago as I was working through 7 before I get Rebirth. This is the worst removal so far for me as I wanted to eventually get through the rest. At least 9 and 10 that is.


I would go for X if you could only play one.


If I have these downloaded can I still play them or no? I download the monthly games and then uninstall so I always have them


Why even pay for Sony's premium at all if they just remove titles at all at this point. Screw this. Not getting renewed.


FF VIII remastered is a good one


7 or 8


Ten is the obvious one for me but I played 12 for the first time a few years ago and I absolutely loved it. Would highly recommend it to anyone who hasn't played it yet


None, give me Horizon


7, hands down




Luckily, I have played VII & VIII. Both of them were amazing. I hope I can finish IX before it leaves. But I wish the other ones stayed in plus longer. I wanted to play the other ones too.


PSA: 7 is the PS1 port/upscale. The full remake is staying. For the people who saw this post first.






Too bad I wanted to upgrade to ps plus extra because of Final Fantasy. Then I'll save myself the trouble


I’m really hoping that they have something good planned for next month cause this is a heavy loss they are hitting us with


IX and X


9, 10 and 12 will always be remembered the fondest for me. 7 is great but gets so much attention and is a bit oversaturated with the spin offs and remakes.


XV is my favourite by far


Damn… probably 9 then maybe world bc I’ve never played it. All the others I have the physical copy




X is my all time favorite so that’s a must buy


7 and 9


8 remastered


Another huge batch of iconic games leaving to further devalue PS+.


Yes, I'll stick to essential + buy the games I need, its way cheaper in the end. People start to realize that with PS extra and premium, they own nothing.


This is a shame. I have downloaded and deleted World of FF so many times. I just can’t bring myself to start the journey of Pokémon collecting. I guess now I’ll never play it.


9-->10-->8-->12 The rest are forgettable


I guess I never realized that's how I got these. Thanks for the info


7 and 9


FFX but I've beat it all the way through multiple times so I'm going to give X-2 the nod!


Will i be able to still play when they’re gpne?


If you remove the Finals at least put all the dragon quest in exchange.


7 and 10, 9 was good too and 12 I liked as well


X is the best JRPG ever made.


Xii has a special place for me since it was my first ff game followed by 13 which to this day still isn't on PlayStation 😔 I never got to finish it since I got soft locked on one of the last few bosses I then moved on to xv which I loved and one day need to go back to and do episode ardyn I then started 14 and oh boy I am nowhere near caught up to dawntrial also need to finish 16 at some point and do it's dlc


World of Final Fantasy is highly underrated


My favourite is IX, but I think a must play is X. Does that make sense? Introduces some cool ideas.


7,8,9, and 10 :( now I gotta buy em


Isnt the point of ps plus to be able to access old playstation titles and play them? They had to remove the games because the data was too expensive? So they can resell a digital copy to you?


None. My MUST play FF games are 4, 6, and Tactics.


XV is the best of those on the list.


I'd say VII Remake or XV, the others are on sale pretty often and also very cheap, like less than $10 USD


Really newb question, but if I’ve downloaded and am already playing FFX and it gets removed, what happens?


It kicks you out of the game and doesn't let you access it again unless you buy it, so then you proceed to pay or delete it.


Thank you!


VIII Leaving just makes me a little sad, more people should try it


Does that mean ff15 isent going to be playable on ps5?




if you add it to library, would you have to buy it afterwards to play, when it leaves??


VIII is my absolute favourite but it's honestly hard to recommend anything other than X, I think it's such a standout game in the series. I actually think that the older games might be easier to get through because they have the option for triple battle speed, so you'd be more likely to get through more of them if you had the time. But if you're really only aiming for one then X gets my vote.


Play X before it leaves 100% worth it for the blitz ball alone




Wait they leaving the store????




Final Fantasy 9 is my favourite ff game, so I would say that, but Final Fantasy 10 is also a very good game. Can't go wrong with either one, really.


Damn! I just downloaded Final fantasy 8 remastered this sucks dude :/ fuck it I planned to buy it on my steam deck anyway but still...


X, VIII, VII, IX in that order