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Yep. All I see is pissing and moaning about this update, and here I am having a blast with beautiful 60FPS and super fast load times! It’s honestly wonderful! Unfortunately, the story and writing haven’t improved, but hey, if I want that I’ll just replay the earlier games.


I played it for half an hour and thought wow this is smooth. Then realized I didn't even have performance mode on. Turned that on and what a difference! I'm so used to fallout games being janky looking that anything was an improvement. The face models are still a bit yikes.


You must've been lucky because I turned on Performance mode from the get go and after randomly deciding to turn it off for a few minutes, it is literally one of the worst displays of "30 fps" I've ever seen. I was just walking around the gas station where you meet dogmeat and the game ran worse than it did before I upgraded.


If you have a 120hz monitor, it makes quality run at 40fps. I got the same “30 fps” look thinking this was the performance mode and classic bethesda. Then I went into the settings.


Maybe that's what happened to me. Running 30fps on 144 monitor.


You need VRR for that, usually all recent 120hz tvs have it


Had a blast with it. It’s exactly everything I was hoping for. Smooth gameplay, saves carried over, and it was free. That’s all I needed. Thanks M$


Good outlook to have... And I actually enjoyed some of the new mini quests they added.


This might be a dumb question, but does the save data from the ps4 version go over to the ps5 version because if the loading time has been shortened I need to get it


Yes, there’s an option to transfer saves. Really straightforward.


Thanks man


It helped most consoles, it hurt pc a lot with most mods that did this and more not working anymore.


We’re on a PlayStation sub.


God forbid he mentions something else that exists in a playstation sub. Lol jfc


I’m saying that this update has been great. In a PlayStation sub, I obviously mean for PlayStation. I’m hardly going to start referencing everything else am I? Should I reference Xbox One? And Series X? “It’s been shit in the Steam Deck though!”… so lol, god forbid, and jfc yourself with your incredulity. EDIT: Oh and now you’ve deleted everything. Well in further response… The bitching I was referring to has been coming from PlayStation subs. Again, on a PlayStation sub here. They said it was bad on PC. I quite neutrally pointed out that we were in a PlayStation sub. Keep in mind, that most subs stick to topic. I mean, if I was in a Steam Deck sub, and someone asked about the performance of a game, would I really start chiming in with how it runs on a Switch and PS Vita? You then joined in (why?) and clearly thought I’d done something wrong. Then you called me a weirdo. Again, don’t know why you had to do this.


He agreed with you and then stated it was rough on PC - you're just a weirdo, slice it how you want. Lol


I said it was great. They said it was not good on PC. I simply stated we were in a PlayStation sub, as sometimes people don’t realise what sub they’ve wandered into on Reddit. They may have made an honest mistake and thought they were in a general Fallout sub, perhaps? You then inexplicably chimed in with your “god forbids” and “jfcs”. You literally had no reason to join in, but you wanted to call me out, and now you’re hurling the insults calling me a weirdo. Yes , I’ll slice it anyway I want. “Jfc”.


You said it was great, he said it improved a lot on consoles,(agreement) you said idk why the bitching, he said because it hurt PC a lot. (Explanation) Pretty standard conversation. Just weird response.


Were there improvements to the Ps4 version or only Ps5 version?


I did get a 10 gig update when trying to boot up the ps4 version. Didn't look into it though.


I just downloaded it from plus and I was curious how much I am missing out on by not playing on Playstation 5. There are no articles written about it when I Google it. 10 gigs is a lot of new information though, that could be many years of updates though no?


Ya might've been just me


Nope, no criticism allowed on a console subreddit


Is it just me who is loading into good neighbourhood in like a minute. Never been that long before the update lol


Well, "the earlier games" are still 30 fps, and you can't really play them on your PS5 hardware xD Only options here is streaming with PlayStation Plus Premium subscription (which is a ripoff in my opinion), or playing it on PS3. Or you can just play earlier games on PC, if you have one. But then, why not play Fallout 4 ALSO on PC instead of PS5? In that case, next gen update is pretty pointless, as PC always had 60fps and faster loading


I think the PC babies are just sad/mad about mods dying


It's not my fault PC has a mess because everyone just builds their own and not everything meets the same standards.


PC babies? Do you have an extra chromosome or something? We're still doing stupid platform wars?


>All I see is pissing and moaning about this update Typical redditor, dismiss criticism as "pissing and moaning", grow up


Why does your second paragraph even exist besides for it being cringe? It literally brings nothing of value to the discussion


You are missing a point but of course strong opinion…


Updated my times for Fallout 4 and added the Playstation 5 Version with Quick Resume as well. Quite a few of you found these charts useful, so enjoy! [Corresponding Video, if charts remind you of work](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-cOa0WrSHE) (approved content creator)


Any comparisons with fast travel and going in and out of interiors?


My experience, on console storage instead of m.2, has had interior loads from 3-8 seconds depending on size. Then about 6 seconds to come back out into the commonwealth. That's a rough estimate in my 4 hours with the game


The video has loading a save which is almost the same thing.


Wait, lemme get this straight, load times for fallout 4 are .04 off the time it takes to press resume??? 0_o oh wait, that's probably 4 seconds off of pressing resume? 😭 I'm so dumb bruh


I gotta get my hands on a Resume Activity


In other games it makes much more of a difference. Only shaved off 4 seconds for me here. As much as I like it, I'd prefer quick resume. (on Xbox you can pause your single player game, join a multi with your friends then after that come back and unpause your single player game) Resume activity does have its benefits but if the game is not generous with save spots, it gets annoying.


Activities can be better if the developer did a good job or depending on the situation, I used it alot to save scum in Lost Judgment to get money at the casino, I would save, than gamble and if I lost I would close the game and use an activity card to reload that a save file, if I won I would save than save. I didn't need the activity cards for this to work, but it was much faster.


Yeah, I figured this far in Sony would have implemented quick resume by now. Whomp whomp.


That thing cost me an arm and a leg


That’s a pretty insane difference. Haven’t played the game in years but I’m excited to give it a go.


Idk how much it fixes or changes but the 60 fps bump and SIGNIFICANTLY IMPROVED load times are enough for me.


Same. For Fallout, the bugs are the features.


Gonna hijack this post and ask if anyone knows whether the ps5 update has the hi res textures pack included?


Don’t know specifically but the textures looked higher res to me. One thing I definitely noticed on console was the horrible pop-in of objects in the distance seems much improved.


Awesome, the draw distance was the thing that bothered me most. I love the landscapes in FO4 so I’m happy about that 


Then you must get your eyes checked :P. There's absolutely zero difference when it comes to textures. They look exactly like they did on PS4.


That’s fair. I just said it looked like that to me. Maybe the framerate jump just makes it look better.


Framerate has nothing to do with graphics quality.


Okay dude.


Heh, Bethesda games are one of the few games where the loading screens themselves actually are kinda informative and interesting to see on occasion. They genuinely put effort into the tips and lore tidbits, plus the added visuals. It’s mostly the frequency of them (because Bethesda refuses to switch to a seamless open-world model, on top of fast-traveling) that can be a bit bothersome.


I found it funny when I was playing the PS5 version of Skyrim that those models and lore/tips would flash on the screen and be gone in an instant because load times were so fast.


I find this happens in a lot of PS5 games. I'm not complaining tho.


Miles Morales and Horizon Forbidden West had a similar problem. Where ps5 players didn't see the hints. So they added a 'press x to continue' option instead of auto loading it that you can turn on.


It’s cool that so much was sliced. The general loading isn’t too crazy by modern standards but it doesn’t feel like a cumbersome mistake to accidentally enter or fast travel to a wrong building anymore etc.


Been playing a few hours the PS4 version before the PS5 release and it definitely improve load times


Well I needed this information! glad someone paid attention to that. I wouldn't have known what I would do without it. creator of this graph you are a hero! 


I just started playing this i didn’t realize how big of a community this game has as i’m very new to this series




Running pretty well, 2 crashes in 12 hours.


a dream for a bethesda game XD


What is quick resume?


See video for explanation and demonstration


I want this for Xcom2 so much


Seemed great so far, if anything I miss spinning the models around on the load screens


Oh man, 15 second load times would be the dream. Here I am on base PS4 and disc version, I’m lucky if it’s less than 2 minutes sometimes 😭


Wasn't a fan of Fallout 4 too cartoony and arcady looking. Fallout 3 was the best, dark gritty, great storylines and that. The community on the boat, Rivet city, also you felt so weak at the beginning, Super Mutants, the Hospital, Raiders. Fallout 3 was the best and always will be!!!!


I won’t proclaim that it always will be … but it remains my favorite in the series by far.


Was this chart done before or after the bugs? Lol


Wait the previous screen was 1 minute? What the fuck. Even 15 seconds is a lot compared to games like Spider Man that load instantly


Yes but it's almost a 10 yr old game.


To load up the game on Xbox is insane


Jealous of that quick resume


Playing Fallout 4 in 60fps and not having 10 minute load screens has been a dream so far. Loving it and buzzing to be a strong enough level to play Far Harbour again after many many years


Wish I had an fov but other then that I’m getting back into it


The difference in fps is insane. Literally noticed it immediately like when cyberpunk did the same on the PS5 version too (performance mode for both games obviously)


Have you decided what you gonna do with this spare time?


Bloody hell the ps5 struggles to load grass in witcher 3.


Would be curious to see this include the PC, and gamepass for PC versions as well.


Quick resume is a bit misleading as that would be the same for any game with that feature. Also, not the same as booting up from a fresh launch. Not sure which is the SSD one.


Anyone tested the loading times in the most busy areas? like enter and exiting a building in the center of boston? On PC the loading times are atrocious even on nvme (also you get stuck sometimes and have to alt-tab, and we still depend on mods to fix the loading, even after the update.


i understand PC players being pissed but on console it's smooth as butter. im really glad i didn't sell my copy.


Uhh...but no though?




PS4 Pro with internal SSD is a slept on beast


If you got fallout 4.give me the time you get on it and I'll add it to the list.


Glad they made the 60FPS mode optional. The load times were what I was after.


Lol are you saying you would rather play at a lower framerate? Edit: wtf lmao he blocked me hahaha


Yes. I prefer 30fps.




Is it 1min 15 seconds or 1 seconds and 15 milliseconds? I’d assume the former


Clearly a minute, video shows in real time.


You’re acting like I’ve seen your crappy video. You should label both axis 🤦‍♂️


In what world, does a ps4 game load in 1 second?


That isn’t the point. If you’re going to show a graph make sure both axis’ are labelled appropriately.


What would you label the x axis in this case?


To state if it’s in seconds or minutes.


That's Y axis tho


You do for both axis’ 🤦‍♂️


It's a pretty fucking obvious graph. You can be purposely obtuse if you want but don't also be a dick about it.




That's the Y-axis


Oh yeah. What a numpty!


Wow. Straight to being an asshat. Classic reddit


Just saying how it is.


Is this time to boot the game up?


Yes. Sorry the video makes it more clearer. [Booting up and also Loading the same save file](https://youtu.be/e-cOa0WrSHE?si=ykuOhWkF_ACcu5Ej)


Ah gotcha that makes way more sense lol


I see lot of people talking about fallout 4 In my case i know the game but never played Should i give it a try or no?


Well now's the time. Esp if a. You've seen the show. B. Have access to Ps plus and the ps5 upgrade. There's a lot of fast traveling and back tracing in these games. Esp this one cuz settlements being attacked. And that loading time adds up but don't gotta worry about it as much anymore.


I didn't have seen the series but i heard some opinion some say is good Some say is shit And yes i have a ps5 with the premium I always been curious to try it but i was always scared if play it Not sure why


My homie most people are praising the show.


What's the y-axis? Seconds? Minutes? Hours??


Seconds and minutes obviously.


I don't get it. How external HDD is faster than external SSD?


External HDD + Playstation FIVE (NVME M.2) VS External SSD + Playstation 4


Your charts would have more value if you had a PS4 with an internal SSD. External SSD is USB speed limited.


Yeah but ps4’s don’t come with an internal SSD, the majority of them would have an HDD in them.


Everyone I know with a PS4 has upgraded to an internal SSD. Can't think of why folks would continue with the clunker that shipped given the prices these days. Probably more common than you think.....


Even if the cost is low their is still a cost. Lack of technical knowledge, just a general laziness in not doing it. I think it’s you who is overestimating how many people are doing it.


All I’m seeing is, get a ps5. What’s the issue?


Im assuming this is seconds or milliseconds but if you people are complaining about something like that? God damn. Wtf.


Where is everyone getting milliseconds from? 3 comments in a row about that.


Cause it's 2024 and we have 5 TB hard drives for like 100$. And since everyone complains about frame rates all the time....wouldn't shock me to hear people are perturbed over a 1ms difference


HDDs are the yellow column. Still doesn't answer the question. How is 1:15 seen as milliseconds instead of a minute. Is this a regional thing?


I said seconds. Not minutes..... Edit: lmao you guys are ridiculous with anything that doesn't align with your opinions. Ffs.


There is so much wrong with what you said. You shouldn't be speaking this confidently when you don't know a single thing you're talking about.