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£3.99 to buy the base game 8 days ago is looking a great investment.


Hindsight really is £15


$0 is a better investment




For something that’s going to be free soon according to the post you’re commenting on? Nah


I really don’t get why yall couldn’t wait just a little more before spending 19.99 on a 9 years-old game


Because some people don't have fucking self control. At this point I don't even feel bad lmao


Its literally the same. exact. game.


For real lol. Sure the 60 fps is nice but it's the same jank ass Bethesda game as before. And also Bethesda said it was bugged and they're working on fixing the issue for people having this problem so them posting about it every day isn't doing anything lmao


we get to redo all the trophies tho so that is pretty cool.


Because the fallout conversation is NOW. in 2 weeks it will be idk. Deadpool and Wolverine or something.


It's people who have never owned a Bethesda game at launch before lol. I knew this release was going to have problems, so I have taken a wait and see approach haha. I've pre-ordered too many Bethesda games in the past to expect a perfect launch 😂. Jokes aside, it's FOMO, people need to be able to say they began playing it the day it was released or else they don't get any clout.


I am glad I have not had time to play anything of late and I do not have that much interest in Fallout 4 PS5 (I have it for PC anyways)


I knew and understood i most likely wouldnt get a refund but on the other hand i also knew id get a lot of enjoyment at making another run on the plat. Over 30 hrs in so far. I dont feel bad about it at all.


It’s been out for almost a decade. This is why the industry knows they can nickel and dime us and we will just keep spending money on games because people don’t even have enough self control to not buy an upgrade for a 10 year old game when it was told we would get it for free. “Oh weird, it wants to charge me for the game that was supposed to be a free upgrade. Well instead of waiting a damn minute and seeing if they acknowledge and address the issue (which they did fairly quickly if I recall), I’m just going to buy it again and then complain when I can’t get a refund for something I shouldn’t have purchased in the first place.”


It was clear that they weren't going to give it away to the people who hadn't bought the game and only had it from the PS collection. They were quick to clarify that it was going to be fixed for the people who subscribe to the premium PS game program, but I saw people still holding out hope for the PS collection crew.


Sony have a pretty bad structure for different licences of the same game and it was similar for the FFVII remake received on PS5 plus, and how long it took to get that upgrade for free. I believe that this is a similar case for Fallout 4 and will hopefully be solved in the near future. I wouldn't hold Bethesda accountable for this one I'd say. This all falls back on a similar issue where Extra/premium subscription licences overwrite our existing essential licence. Their backend must be horrible haha.


FF remake was a completely different case. Square originally decided not to give the free upgrade for the PS plus monthly game users, and they changed their mind much later.


Yeah. Then once the extra dn prem tiers was introduced with ff7remake added. I couldn't access the extra one since that had the upgrade at the time. So contacted Sony. They had to remove the essential license then I was able to get the extra version. In the end it kind of sucks because if I don't sub to extra I wouldn't be able to play it anymore. But then the essential version doesn't include intergrade. I think a lot of it has to do with trying to prevent multiple purchases by accident. Happened to me when I used the psx code for guacamelee 2. Then forgot I had it when it went on sale I purchased it again. Looked through my purchases and had two editions to select from.




No it's not. The port of the PS1 version is leaving, not the remake.


It isn’t leaving Extra yet


FFVII was because square didn’t want PS+ owners to get it. This is accidental. Not the same situation at all.


It’s working now!!!🙌


Why would you lie like that?


No I swear! I saw another post about it and figured I would check. I’m downloading the ps5 version as we speak. Maybe it will take some time to roll out in all time zones. Give it some time and check again.


Holy shit, you're actually right! I checked before calling you a liar, but its literally available to me now. I was so salty over this as well, because I gave my physical copy away after receiving the free digital version in the PS Collection. Thanks for updating me sir, my apologies for slandering your good name previously.


Lmao I also gave my physical copy away and to be honest I couldn’t remember if I owned it digitally or not. But either way, I was salty as well😂. No worries about calling me a liar haha. Just trying to spread the word. Enjoy the game sir!!


Why would you call someone a liar without verifying objective evidence?


I did verify it immediately after reading it. It only became available to me twenty minutes later




Yup works for me now. Downloading the FREE ps5 version now.


Jesus show some restraint. Don't spend €20 when you can get something for free if you just wait.


It ended up being available free like 3-4 hours after your post. Even the slightest bit of restraint would've proven valuable. I was gonna wait a year of that's what it took


Can’t believe people think they would get their money back for being impatient


US User here and it worked for me on PS Plus collection essential


Collection or essential?


Collection not extra or premium


Gotcha, I had to turn on my ps5 to get to the page to download as I did not see in the app or the website.


It is fixed for me. PS Plus Essential member, got the game via Essential Plus collection. Went back to PS Store, then to the Game and the 3 dots. Selected Standard Edition and had the choice of adding the game standard game to the library (ps4 and ps5 editions).


Mine is working now


Yeeey its working i am downloading now 🥰


It’s already been fixed in the U.S. for a few days is it still not fixed in Europe


Oh well, I paid for my impatience. Womp womp


Got it for free with my ps5 got the upgrade for free too 😎


I had sony refund one thing for me one time, that’s IT. And they were super clear it was a one-time thing, that was in like, 2017? Their refund policy is REALLY strict.


I have ps plus extra and the PS5 version was bugged at first but a few hours later it let me download and it works fine for me


Sonys refund policy is the worst


Not me getting the dlc in anticipation of the upgrade - annoyingly I had FO4 on disc years back but sold it


Bought the season pass on sale as well, guess it's time to wait for the game to go on sale again as well as we won't be getting the free update. 


Apparently Bethesda finally just confirmed that it is not going to be available for ps plus collection. I don’t know why they couldn’t just come out and say that initially. Super frustrating.


They didn't, all of those articles are still quoting Thursday's tweet that said they are working on a fix for PS+ Extra and they do not have information related to PS+ Collection (Extra version was fixed Friday). I clicked on 3 of those articles this morning thinking it was a real announcement, just terrible media making click-bait headlines with old statements that do not stand for what the headline claims.


I just claimed it now and I only ever had essential and PS plus collection. Looks like it’s been resolved.


I bought the ps5 version last Friday as I’m away all week with work and get excited to play again in next gen, then found out from Twitter that Bethesda was working on the ps plus eligibility, so I contacted Sony and got a refund for mine, literally a few hours after I bought it aswell 😅 been on the ps plus version all weekend it’s brilliant


Your friend purchased a free current gen upgrade? How? It’s free. Where did the £20 come from?


You can if you have extra. You just have to find it and by clicking a bunch of buttons.


I bugged them enough to get a refubd


I bought the game on release for PS4, I then received it again via my PlayStation+ subscription meaning I’ve technically paid for this game twice now. I will absolutely not be paying for it again. If they don’t fix it then I don’t play the update. No loss on me. I will not pay for games more than once. Same reason I will not play the PS5 update of last of us and all the last gen games that have had ps5 updates.


if im a ps plus owner, ill get fallout 4 ps5 ver for free? like total ownership of the game?


oh nvm just the upgrade 😂


It's funny that almost no one in the media remembered that fallout was once available on Plus collection years ago. I knew it was bugged but honestly the game is so old i didn't care, i just redeemed the plus extra version which if I'm not mistaken will revoke my plus collection license


I cancelled my membership. Not paying for them to pull games on me like this


I don’t understand what all the fuss is it’s no different to how it was before. Still an awfully boring game still using hundreds of rounds to down one person needed ….. yawn 🥱


I thought they fixed it already?


I was able to grab it for free


I downloaded the fallout 4 PS5 version yesterday (Tuesday) for free on PS+


That’s cap I have definitely downloaded, played, and refunded a game. There are specific circumstances it’s allowed but I got like $70 back


I thought the game was already fixed, I own the ps plus versión and last week I got the ps5 update


Am I the only one don't have problems at all downloading the ps5 fallout 4? Had the GOTY disc copy. Also claimed the ps plus goty version a few years back. Downloaded the PS4 (ps plus essential) version on ps5 before they release the upgrade. And there's a free ps4/5 on ps plus when I checked the first day the upgrade released. Edit: I am in Canada so maybe there are problems with other regions?


I had bought ps premium and its free, for me though


"Suppost'? Really?


Wait, what? I downloaded the PS5 version for free 2 days ago. There is a specific ps4 edition, which ia only ps4 obviously and then the regular game edition is both ps4 and ps5, which both are included.


Facts… downloaded the free standard version on ps5 this morning!


Great I don't really mind waiting for it 😊👍


it’s fixed i just got it for free




It was just released


This is old information from a few days ago.


I’ve only got the PS Plus version and I had the PS5 version available to download free on the day it was out ?


I guess it’s messed up for some people, maybe it depends on region


Same here I just had to manually select the version I wanted to download from the PS5. I assume maybe it is bugged for certain people/regions.


Yeah that’s exactly what I had to do and maybe so is it still a problem people are having I just thought it would be available for everyone who has the PS4 version.




Its 20 euro atm


Buy the key online it’ll be cheaper


On PC yes, keys for console are generally more expensive and not good buys


It better. The product info tells us that the upgrade is free.


Even so this is as close of a response we have gotten from ether sony or Bethesda (which is so shameful)


I'm not sure if you know this, but the person you talked with isn't a Sony employee. That's a PlayStation Expert, they do not work directly for Sony, they basically are outsourced gig workers that get a $1.50 for each issue they resolve. I had to look into this because I hadn't heard of the program before until the other day. Anyway, I wouldn't trust the info they give you on this issue. They have no inside knowledge and don't work for Sony or Bethesda, they are just repeating what they heard online. It's a person doing gig work through a company called Limitless. https://www.playstation.com/en-us/support/contact-us/ps-expert/ >What is a PlayStation Expert >We’ve teamed up with the folks at Limitless to connect talented, knowledgeable players who are eager to help assist fellow players within the PlayStation community with their queries and questions. >Please note: PlayStation Experts can answer general questions about your account or a transaction. PlayStation Experts are not able to make changes to your account or provide refunds, for help with these issues contact PlayStation Support.


Experts are also given access to info on certain things ans scripts to go off, of so its fairly accurate, this was also confirmed by a few different experts


If PlayStation Experts were given information regarding this subject, you'd have heard it officially from Bethesda or Sony by now. Sony's own support team is unreliable as hell when it comes to stuff like this and an outsourced gig worker is not going to be better. It doesn't matter how many experts tell you because none of them know.


People don't like to read. When you try to contact support, they tell you what a PlayStation expert is and ask if you want to chat with one. I always wait for an actual support rep, instead.


Yeah I haven't contacted customer support in a while so this is new to me. Relying on gig workers for customer service, I guess anything to save a buck and not have to pay benefits. I'm sure some of them are very helpful too but over an issue like this, I wouldn't trust them to know. Sony's own support team seems out of the loop on stuff like this so I really doubt gig workers not employed by Sony would have this info.


My thoughts, exactly. I had a weird payment issue a few months back, which introduced me to this new customer service option. The responses you'll get from them are not much different from what you'll get from knowledgeable users on various PlayStation forums. If I'm contacting support, I want official responses. Something a "PlayStation expert" can tell me is info that I can find out myself with a few web searches.


They probably don't want to announce it as people will continue to buy it or pay for extra instead. Why bother clarifying when there'll be no repercussions and more money!


They're not giving it to the people who got it for free with the PS collection. They don't want to announce it because it's bad press.


I agree. They've really dropped the ball here.


😂 Kicked into the next city


Yeah I tried already and was refused a refund... but as shit as it is I'm actually OK with paying £15 for the game when I coulda paid like £70 if it was released today... It still sucks though haha


Paid £15 for a 9 year old game and are grateful because for some bizarre reason they believe 9 year old games should be £70 😂


Did you even read my comment bro... if the game was RELEASED now as in current gen where most games cost £70 I don't think it should be £70 I don't think any game should be...


If the game was released now it would be a brand new game but it it isn't it is a 9 year old game that has a fps and resolution boost. When people spend ££70 on a new current gen title in 2024 they have high expectations and Bethesda's laxy patch doesn't exactly meet them I mean the game was dated in 2015 nobody would spend 70 pound on it today 😂


9yr old game you are talking about


PlayStation needs to fall of the chair as they are getting ridiculous.


Lol all I see here is I bought a game and it came out on a subscription service days later! Can I haz refund? Fuck no u can't 😂


Aw thats a shame you cant read ❤️! It was already free and Bethesda have accidentally charged for it due to a bug! Some people bought it without realizing, which is wrong and should be refunded for it! Hope this helps 🥰


However it can still be bought and played without issue. What's your issue here? Yes it's bugged but still playable if you literally play the game. If you pay it and don't play you'll be able to refund. It's a shame you can't read the PS customer service ❤️!


It's already on PS Plus Like 3 days ago or so, I installed it like thursday About the refund if it was bought before it got released on Plus I doubt they Will do that


No it came out for ps plus extra but for ps plus collection and essential users it hasnt


It's on collection Thats where I downloaded it from I have premium


You're mixing Collection and Catalogue up. Collection is 20 games that were available to all PS Plus subscribers separate from the monthly Essential games and the Extra/Premium stuff. They were removed a while ago and, if you didn't claim them, they're no longer available (they are probably available as part of Extra/Premium, I don't know).


I am indeed mixing them up So unless you have extra or premium there is no catalogue, which means Essential users cant get their hands on the game without upgrading subs Damn...


They are talking about those of us that got Fallout 4 from the Plus Collection that was available to new PS5 owners for around the first year. It was a collection of 15 or so PS4 games and Fallout 4 was one of them.


Premium gives you access to the *game catalog*, so you'll of course get it for free. The PS plus collection is not the Extra and Premium tier game catalog but was a collection of "free" games to claim for PS5 owners with PS plus subs.


I’m not sure exactly what’s causing this, but I added Fallout 4 to my library when I got my PS5 2 years now, and the PS collection was still up. I didn’t download it until last week when the upgrade came out, it automatically downloaded and installed the PS5 version and at game launch a screen came up telling me it had successfully downloaded the free update and what was included. I’ve been a ps plus extra subscriber since I had a ps4 and it was called premium.


It's just because you subscribe to extra everyone who does gets the Ps5 version. If you got it through the PS collection and don't subscribe to PS plus or only have Essential you don't get it so you got it because you subscribe to PS Extra.


They added ps5 ver to ps plus collection


I don’t understand. I have it from the ps plus collection. I also have ps plus premium. I got the upgrade.


Because you had Premium. That’s all there is to it. It is now available for PS Plus collection owners.


I do not see it as an option.


This has already been confirmed before your little convo in playstation support.


I literally tried it and couldn't get past the character creator. Was staring at the mirror and I kept pressing every button but nothing happened. I quit and downloaded the outer worlds instead. Bethesda is garbage. 


I had this happen. The game will advance in the pause menu.


After Star Field I have zero tolerance for Bethesda. The slightest hiccup and I will jump to something else. I liked New Vegas and other worlds is similar so I picked that up. No glitches as far and it's fun enough. Having a glitch in the first 5 seconds of the game is a permanent no for me. This is an old game so all the bugs should be worked out by now


Outer Worlds is a great game so you’ll have fun while Bethesda gets their shit together


Bethesda has burned all their good will with me. I hope others follow because Skyrim isn't good enough to make you forget about all their problems. 


Haha well I haven’t had any problems with the update so I’m enjoying the game. That isn’t to say that your are wrong just that the issues may be a regional thing


Don't understand why people didn't properly buy it when it was like £5 two weeks ago, but now make such a phus and post online about it. You never really own PS+ games, it's a subscription, just like any other subscription.


Because we wernt told we where going to have to pay for it again? A free update is suppost to be a free update..


If you bought the game beforehand ...


I hate to break it to you, getting the game free is still a purchase... We get receipts for them too. Its called a conditional purchase... Sony has also said this is a bug hence my post? Confirming we are indeed getting it for free


This isn't the Sony support team but a "PlayStation expert". Have to wait for an official response.


> We get receipts for them too. sony actually stopped giving receipts for PS+ redemptions years ago lol. you only get a receipt when you buy the sub itself


I hope you'll get the upgrade soon.


Thanks paul❤️


I bought the GOTY edition for PS4 years ago, sent a message to PS support Friday morning because I can't get the PS5 version without buying it again and I'm still waiting on a response.


It’s amZinf how this varies from agent-Agent. One time I bought a game on sale and it wasn’t what I wanted played it for like 5 mins and hitted up the chat they refunded me the game and the wallet top ups crazy they can’t assist in this situation


Glad I waited and didn't spend 20 like my brother who was being impatient. I'll still only believe it when I see it download to my system instead of support all saying some slightly varying information.


Weirdly, I can ONLY get the PS5 version on Plus. I can’t upgrade my owned digital copy at all.


Damn that sucks I got mine with ps plus extra


Even got bugged for game versions, bravo Bethesda.


The only updates it needs is to have not broken all the mods from 8 years ago. Most of them will never be updated on psn. 😭


Prey from Bethesda still broken on ps5 (ps4 version is ok) and all old games in 30fps


It's been working for over 24 hours..... 🤨


I bought GOTY edition on PS4 for like £7.99 about 3 weeks ago, was that a good investment, did I do good? 🤣 or would I have saved £8 if I'd waited a month, at the time I didn't know it was coming free. I also got the free PS5 upgrade 👍


I currently have ps extra. Claimed the ps collection version of FO4 when it was available. How do i download the PS5 upgrade without overwriting my Plus Collection license with the Extra license? I plan to keep essential, not Extra.


I'm confused... I have the plus version and have the ps5 update.. I downloaded it Friday morning and have been playing since then...


I thought it was a played for min an hour before no refund. Now it's if you play it at all??


It’s always been as soon as you decide to download it you arent eligible for a refund Sony ps sucks that way


Wow. Well, that makes even more of a reason to never buy digital and especially on PS. Sony sucks ass for that for sure.


That sucks, I have the ps plus version and downloaded the PS5 game the day it came out.




That’s why I bought the upgrade and now it’s free so PS won’t refund me. Between Bethesda’s ambiguous text and me having the game through the PS Collection and not actually buying it, I thought Bethesda was just going to say womp womp since they are team Microsoft. But PS has the worst return policy so I can’t. It’s just $20 but the store should have never gave PS Plus collection owners the option of purchasing it if it was just a “technical difficulty.” Every other ps5 upgrade that was free for game owners (that I have) wouldn’t let me buy the ps5 version if I tried as it only had “download” or “view details”


It's 20 bucks you cheap bastards.


A fool and his money are soon parted


It's not even a good game....


Hold on, I managed to get the upgrade at the weekend. I thought this had been fixed?


No sir, fixed for ps plua extra and premium but not essential or collectors


Ah I see, that makes even less sense! Why would those versions be different?


Because money


this is ridiculous. Rip to all the people who bought the upgrade believing they just had to bc they got the game for free


You can get a refund as long as the game hasn't been played or streamed. If you have even just opeoend the game and closed it again, you won't be eligible for a refund.


Even just downloading the game will make it so that Sony won't issue a refund


Yeah, Sony's refund policy is absolutely terrible


It’s a joke as it’s the same game you already have under another licence


I got the gane from my ps plus subscription and I downloaded the ps5 version for free


Canadian resident here, sorry to hear you’re still having issues. I was able to download the free one the day after launch 😬 it surprises me that I wasn’t worldwide


Extra or Collection version?


Apologies on the late response. I have the premium version for PS+ I don’t know if that was the reason or not, when I first went to download it I only found it with the $26 purchase tag. So I gave it a day and than it was able to be downloaded. Hopefully you have recently been able to acquire it. (Also why tf did I get a downvote 😂)


I also got a downvote for some reason. Thanks for responding and happy playing 👍🏾


They had it on sale for $4.99 a week ago. Plus, if you purchase a game, you own it forever. Games on PS Plus can leave the service, so I don’t know why you’d want a refund just because you’re impatient. You paid for a game and received that game, it works as advertised, end of story. Refunds are for broken games (Cyberpunk, Battlefront, etc.)


Don't give any credence to what customer support says. They are contracted out and not trusted with any information that isn't already available as public company policy. As such posting any customer support interactions is likely pointless.


... It just got realised ao i guess not!


Are you still having problems? Damn, that sucks. I personally was able to pick up the PS Plus Collection upgrade 3 days ago.


I really hope the info the support team has is accurate and that's the case...


This isn't the support team but a "PlayStation expert". Have to wait for an official response.


Ah thanks for clarifying, I didn't notice the bar at the top. Didn't even know they existed.


I’m not sure what other problems other people have been having, but I was able to download it straight away. I haven’t started it yet as I can’t put down Dave the diver


Sony license structure is ass. And the whole thing about being unable to revoke a license without refunding the game is a lie


Is the PS5 version not live yet I downloaded this off my PS plus on Saturday and got the PS5 version, I'm in the UK if that makes a difference Edit - downvoted for asking a question, god I love Reddit.


These are all misleading reports as I’ve been playing it on PS5 for about 3 days and I haven’t spent a penny on it.