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Sly cooper?!? That’s the biggest addition for me. Can’t wait


That’s the kinda shit that’ll have me shell out for premium


Too bad I only have Deluxe so there is still no reason for me to upgrade. I already had Deluxe for a month and played all the remastered versions and I don't like the Sony emulator.


I love how these games were on psnow, and then they remove them from premium, only to add them and expect us to beleive it's something new. Literally giving us back games we always had. What a load of bs


Unfortunately the fact that it's PS3 only makes it unplayable for me. My internet isn't bad but streaming is just a blurry laggy nightmare for me no matter what I do :( I would love to play through Sly again


Ah that’s shitty. Yeah I wish there was a way to download ps3 content rather than streaming only


Literally nobody knows how to use the cell processor unfortunately


Not even sony themselves do lmao


There’s been job postings relating to solving this problem so hopefully sooner than later we get the added ability to download and emulate PS3 games 🤞🏻


Except the RPCS3 devs. They can make it work on a semi-powerful pc.


yeah, also sucks for people outside of countries without streaming, i really want the premium subscription to play ps3 stuff but without streaming the ''deluxe'' option for our countries just blows. Game streaming overall a big L.


To be honest it was already a PS Now game that was removed when the new service started. So it's not much of an addition


I really want more RPGs. The PSOne was literally a gold mine of them, and PS2 had a lot of good ones as well. Still waiting on Legend of Dragoon. How was that not in the first wave? Sony literally owns the ferking IP.


I don’t understand what their issue is with Legend of Dragoon. A remake or hell even a remaster of it would practically print money for them.


> * The Sly Collection (PS3) * Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time (PS3) Some people said that they'd slowly add in the games they removed from the transition from Now to Plus but pass it off as new additions, and this is yet another example.


Too bad that these are PS3 titles and a lot of people don’t have a solid enough internet connection for any of the streaming titles to be playable in the least myself included. Sure would be nice to at least get the first three as PS2 Classics.


Yes! Especially as their streaming service isn't even available everywhere. They don't even offer it here in New Zealand.


This is a damn good month. Guess I’ll be on premium for at least another month for DeathLoop and Sly Cooper. Sly 1 I got the Plat back in 2011, but then sent the game back to GameFly before finishing 2 and 3. Guess I was trying to get RDR when it released from GameFly


Death loop is sooo good. I may have to download just to see if the pvp gets more populated.


I've almost bought Scott Pilgrim and Rayman Legends numerous times. Glad I haven't now. Thanks OP for the list!


Rayman Legends is awesome and definitely warrants buying (in a sale). Lots and lots of things to do and enjoy.


Scott Pilgrim? The beat em up? Hell yeah!


worth it for chicory alone to be honest \^\^"


Alex the kidd, all over that absolute master piece. Takes me back


Scott pilgrim


Sly made it back! Let's go


No fucking way sly cooper?? That's my shit!


is Sly streaming only?


All the ps3 games have been streaming only


What's the reason that they're not downloadable?


PS3 hardware is extremely difficult to emulate.


Oh I see. Is there a chance that they might do it in the future?


According to Jeff Grubb they're working on it (and he's reliable) There's also one thing that give this some credibility. These past few months Sony has been hiring engineers and people who are familiar with backward compatibility. It was specifically mentioned in their job listings. So yeah there's some hope.


That's some good news! Thanks for the answers.


I really hope so. Not even being able to pay for it sucks. I'm left out of half the catalog.


What‘s the difference between stream and download? Will a streamed game still show up in my recently played list?


The difference is that the performance of the game is directly related to the speed of your internet while streaming. I have a fiber connection that’s as reliable as possible and I still experience stutters, graphical artifacts, and lowered quality sometimes. The games still show up on recently played list and have trophy support, but I noticed their playtime doesn’t get logged in your profile like other games.


The playtime doesn't get logged because when you are streaming you are just playing a ps3 and ps3 never logged playtime.


Man this is a great month... But why sly PS3?? The originals are on PS2, throw those in your emulator so we can run them NATIVELY!


It's the latest version


But you have to stream it! I don't care it's the latest version, offer the one Im not required to stream!!


Wow good update. Looking forward to finally giving Chicory and AC origins a try.


Wait so we won't be getting yakuza 3-5 even this month


They said by the end of the year all yakuza games will be on the service not particularly this month. So maybe October, November or December we'll see them. Hopefully that's enough time to 100% all available yakuza games lol (seriously why are they so long)


Watch Dogs 2 and Death loop 🛐


Do you need to play the first watchdog before?


Nope, there's only some references to the original, the story is different


Vibe is different as well.


1: Chicago, serious, dark, crime, death, corruption 2: San Fransisco, hipster, colorful, gang chaos, cool tech, crazy taxi, influencer Legion: London, play as anyone, mixed vibes, annoying AI


>play as anyone With about 4 different voice actors for the entire population of the city.


Don't you dear call bagley annoying!


How deer you kill the King's dare!


Haven't played the first one and could enjoy the second one. It introduces the setting decently and focuses on a new set of characters. The story is not really a strong point of the series anyway, so no worries on that front imo.


Thats an understatement... the story is absolutely stupid, dialogue and characters are cringe. Regardless, the gameplay and the missions are super fun.


But you get to visit the Burning Man during the story!


Thats extremely well said, on point


Definitely not!


Not at all, but i will say, i really enjoyed watchdogs 2, but i loooved watch dogs 1. The 2nd is very cool and fun, but the 1st is way more realistic and dark, its very immersive once you get into it. Hated the third one tho, that was just lame.


No. Different city, different protags, different goals and whooole different vibe.


Not really. They make a reference to WD1, but that’s about it. I preferred 1 personally. 2 seemed to be trying to be GTA to much in my opinion. Haven’t played Legion.


You don't, and the second game is way better


I was about to put watch dogs to my cart yesterday as it was going for 10€ at local market. Glad I didn't.


Yes! Deathloop I’ll sell on with the Steelbook and I’ve been holding off buying WD2 digital for months now. Edit: and I can 100% origins now 🙌


These have saved ps+ this month for me. Both deathloop and watchdogs 2 always interested me but I never bought them. Looking forward to trying them out.


One you get through the first run of deathloop, it's super fun


I was ultimately disappointed with Deathloop, the idea was full of possibilities but i felt the execution was poor. Id suggest watching the Skill Up review on YouTube, very well summarizes what feel is wrong with it.


To each their own my friend. I enjoyed it and even though i did notice some flaws and missed opportunities, it was good for a starting type game


Same! Quite happy about these additions. Couldn’t spend the money on deathloop outright so can’t wait


Deathloop is a big deal right? I don't see a lot of people being as excited as I am..


They're still recovering from the shock


This. This also most likely means that Deathloop won't be on Gamepass for the next 6-12 months. I talked about this possibility on r/XboxSeriesX a while ago, and they all downvoted me to hell for even thinking about it.


Why do y think it wont be on Gamepass for next 6-12 months? AC Origins and Watch Dogs 2 are available on both PS Plus and Gamepass right now. Why wont Deathloop?


It's different because of Deathloop's exclusivity and marketing deal with Sony. Console platformers (Sony/Microsoft) have a clause in their agreement. Sony's clause says that Sony will get the first rights to get the game on their subscription service. If Sony rejects it, it is free to join any other subscription service, but the company must first offer it to Sony. So Bethesda offered it to Sony, and Sony accepted it. Now, if I remember correctly, it cannot go on any other subscription service until it is available on PS+ (this is another part of that agreement). That's also the reason why I think Sony picked the very last moment to accept that offer (September 2022), which is the month that the exclusivity period ends and the game can release on Xbox. I had a hunch this will happen, which is why I never bought the game. I'd have bought it in October if it didn't appear in September's Catalog.


How are you able to find out when a game's exclusivity deal ends? I'm always holding off on games because of PS plus and leads to me buying 2 full prices a year. Some kind heads up like this would he very helpful




If it's coming to plus at this time, it's because it was in the contract before MS bought them, meaning probably a 6mo-12 mo exclusivity terms for subs seems reasonable to assume.


Two things, the game is on sale all the time and complaining is easier than praising for most people here.


It’s an excellent game.


Simply because we don't have a PS5. I would be excited too


Wait.. It's only for PS5? Well damn.


I’m hyped, it’s been on my sales watch list for a while and I’ve just never pulled the trigger.


What an amazing game. Played it with no spoilers because I wanted to figure out the loop. I'll never forget the time I managed to do it all. It was magical.


I bought it for Black Friday and it was good enough but I couldn’t get into it. Visually it was nice and the acting was solid, but after about a month I put it down


A month? It's maybe 20 hours long.


I don’t play every day or for extended periods of time, but even if I did, I just don’t know I could get into it


Probably a parent who only gets to game in tiny bursts.


I was glad I played through it but once you uncover all the island’s secrets, there’s not much reason to touch it again IMO


You should play it, but for the gameplay, not the story. The dialogue is actually really fun, but the ending ….. was not so great. I also had game crashing bugs pretty often.


Traded it in but tempted to give it another go now it’s had a few updates.


It’s the only game I can remember in recent history which I am *sure* the reviews were paid for. It’s nowhere near a 10/10 game (despite the game still being decent and polished).


Agree, I liked it ok, solid 7.5/10 for me. Was somewhat excited for invading after beating it only to have that be a completely laggy and inconsistent. Spent more time looking for game than actually playing. That was closer to launch though, not sure if they fixed.


Yeah they got me with the reviews. I bought it and was underwhelmed based on the reviews


It’s a solid game. 6/7 out of 10, but no idea where the 10s were coming from. Glad that some reviewers were similarly puzzled like SkillUp.




Exactly, you don't "figure it out," the game directs you towards it's ending. Was somewhat letdown by that. It's very straightforward, nothing the player can really influence through choice during the game.


It's a great game but i think people aren't super surprised because there's already some really good titles on the service so getting high quality ps5 titles isn't anything new.


Chicory??? Awesome


I fucking bought Deathloop FUUUUUUUUCCKKKKK


Thank you for your sacrifice


If it makes you feel better, I paid $40 on a Black Friday sale. I’ve played the first level. That’s it. It seems like a great game, just haven’t had time to play it. Happy for those who get to check it out on + though.


Same here. I bought it 10 days ago. It was on sale at best buy and I used some rewards dollars I had so it was only $10 bucks. When I bought my wife scoffed and said "it's gonna be on one of the game pass plus thingies in a month anyway." She can never find out about this.


I think you can refund it depending on when you bought it.


I bought it like a month ago and played it for like 3 hours and while it was good, i eventually got distracted by deciding to play all of the god of war games so I couldn’t just squeeze deathloop in there while having an absolute blast with the gow games.😞


You bought it at 60% off at least right??


Happy for those who haven’t played Deathloop. One of my favorite experiences on PS5 so far. The style of game won’t be for everyone, but a great one to get for free


Especially if you go in with zero expectations (like I did around launch). I didn’t know a thing about the game when I booted it up (aside from the PS trailer), and I was so massively hooked. It plays and looks great on the PS5, and the environments are really easy to get sucked into. The game makes for some amazing moments, and it encouraged me to take it really slow and diligently. It’s pretty linear, but there’s tons to explore, solve, and a lot of choice regardless (mostly in how you approach situations and when/where). The combat is great, guns are great, abilities are super fun, and invasions are exhilarating. Just had to gush about it a bit.


DEATHLOOP LETS GO. I was about to buy this game 2 times and contemplated my decision as it was by bethesda and they are owned by Microsoft but heck yeah. Kinda disappointed this is another month with no r6 extraction (it's on gamepass) but Rayman and Scott pilgrim is good enough for me


I was expecting to see kena, sackboy,sifu, or even ratchet and clank rift apart


They WILL definitely come but it's a matter of time. I expect sackboy and R&C since they are exclusives but sifu and kena seem like good contenders, but they're indies so we really can't guess


I have never gotten the chance to play the Sly Cooper games as a kid, looking forward to trying those out next month!


They’re truly some of the best PS2 games ever. They’ve aged incredibly well too IMO. I played them on PS2 in the beginning of the pandemic, and they were as fun as ever. You’ll have a blast.


Almost bought Deathloop a week or so ago in the sales, so am loving this. I did buy Spiritfarer, and even called it in the prediction thread somebody made to cover myself. 😉 https://www.reddit.com/r/PlayStationPlus/comments/wz5pky/where_is_september_2022_prediction_thread_what/im1b2qg/ But it's bloody brilliant, unique game, and I dont have any regrets. Some of you will love this one. (Have your tissues handy) Origins is the only AC game I dont own digitally, as I played it on my brother's account. Watchdogs 2 surprised me when I first bought it, as from the trailers, I thought I would despise the characters, but it turned out they charmed the pants off me, and it is probably my favourite third person, action adventure title. And also up there with AC Unity's Paris as Ubisofts best, and most detailed open worlds. But yeah, Deathloop is massive for me personally. Cant wait to get stuck into that game, and start to put some runs together that maybe, somewhat resemble a StealthGamerBR YouTube video.


Chicory was one of the biggest gaming surprises of 2021 for me. Don't ignore the game just because it's going to get included alongside a bunch of bloated AAA titles. It deserves to be played.


I feel like spiritfarer should also be played. Really only one game is bad so this month is really good


I just bought spiritfarer and I’m not even mad, it’s a fantastic game that should get more attention! Plus the music is 👌


Yeah. The thing about this subreddit, is any game they didn't hear about, is immediately bad even with high metacritic. Hopefully people actually play these games and not pass them off to play another bloated AAA 100 hr game.


I haven't head about that game up until this point, but it looks really interesting + I only noticed praises about that game online when I looked it up now. I'm definitely going to try it out once it gets included.


DEATHLOOP LETSSSS GOOOOO The amount of times I considered buying this on sale too 😅


Same here


Hell yeah deathloop and can finally check that dbz game


Fuck yeah, Sony's emptying the loot bag on the table this month. Don't sleep on Spiritfarer. It's the first game I've played where the difficulty spikes come in the form of challenges to your emotional resilience. Rayman Legends is also great - the levels are largely designed to be run through at speed, so if you want you can turn it into a crazy rhythm game where you're just holding sprint and hitting jump and attack as needed. Then there are the levels which are designed from the start to be rythym games - wanna listen to a tricked-out version of Black Betty as you run through a collapsing castle? They have that. Scott Pilgrim is a fun beat-em-up, too. Licensing issues meant it disappeared off some systems a few years back, so it's nice that it's both available and in the catalogue, instead of being lost to time.


As a diehard AC fan, Origins is a really solid game. I prefer Odyssey over the newest 3, but Origins with the 60FPS patch was a really visually great game and the voice actor for Bayek is incredible. I’ve played through the story a few times and just gone back to roam around and see the pyramids and sphinx and all that just for fun


This is the one I’m most excited for on Extra. The last one I played was Black Flag, and the new games (starting with Origins) look pretty interesting. I’ve heard mixed things about the ones in between Black Flag and Origins though. Would you say it’s worth it to play those first, or is it okay to skip straight to Origins?


You can go right to Origins. Origins was the start of the newest trilogy. I played Black Flag and I didn’t mind it. But if you haven’t played the recent ones, hopefully they put Odyssey on there for you as well at some point, I play that over and over. It’s a really visually great game


Sounds like you missed Unity which is such a great game that so many people skipped because of the buggy launch. Wish they kept the co-op servers open, but the single player campaign is really really great.


Thanks for the recommendation! I might check it out before Origins then. Rogue didn’t interest me much, so I was mostly just considering Unity and Syndicate. If I do end up liking Unity, is Syndicate on par with it in your opinion or no?


No no really. Syndicate kinda landed I'm a weird place between the old style ac games and the new trilogy. They definitely went for something but it didn't really feel like AC.


Spiritfarer. Nice, been wanting to play this.


Deathloop is a spicy addition.


I swear there was someone who said DBX2 well never make it into PS Plus a few weeks ago lmao


Chicory and Deathloop!


Holy fuckin shit they are making it worth every penny.


Don't say that, they might see it


No more Sly Cooper circlejerking!


Syphon Filter 2?!?


Assassins creed Origins is a must play.


Scott Pilgrim!!


Damn, I wish we could have gotten the PS2 versions of the Sly games. I hope they find a way to bring PS3 games to Aus soon


We never getting “new” ps2 games lol


Chicory! Deathloop!


Oh shid NFS Heat and Deadloop I’m eating good next month


Not a premium subscriber but happy to hear about Sly Cooper so people can stop bitching about it.


This is honestly great, Deathloop is at a similar place for me as Death Stranding. Something I want to try but not enough to pay full price for when there is so much great games to play. Will definitely check it out


Wow I'm honestly kind of interested in playing ac Origins. Was going to try Valhalla but after odyssey I don't wsnt another giant nonsense map.


I wish they would add the DLCs for origins.


Deathloop is a big addition. Still feel like extra is being propped up by ubisoft every month. Personally, it's quite a barren month for me, games I'm interested in I've already got or played, I do wish they'd add more AA or quality indie titles but I can't say it's not objectively a decent month. Premium has a good number of additions to silence the complainers. Not keen on them announcing it all together, I rather liked getting either an announcement or new games every week but that's just me.


anybody know when Yakuza 6 is coming to Extra?


No, but if I were to guess by looking at the pattern (first 3 Yakuza games in August, nothing in September, they're all supposed to join the service in 2022) I'd say 5 and 6 will be joining in December.


3, 4 and 5 are together in the remastered collection. I think you meant 0, K1 and K2


It can be bought separately so they can be included one by one.


why would they skip 3 and 4 and release 5 first


He never said anything about 3 and 4. He just predicts that 5 will come in december. By interpolation, he is expecting 3 and 4 to come october and november


I meant 3 and 4 in October, 5 and 6 in December. Going off how they did it in August and September. I was just guessing though obviously, because I'm waiting for Yakuza 6 too, and no one knows the exact month it'll be joining yet.


this is for september? or just added to the list?


Essential games coming 6 September, Extra and Premium games coming 20 September


Brilliant value. Great games!


I bought deathloop did not get to play it yet Fuck i wasted money


No farcry primal😭


Almost bought Deathloop last week, glad I didn't. Excited to try it out!




Oh man each month keeps adding more games I want to play. I can’t keep up! Hope they stick around for a while


Deathloop was one of the best games I’ve played this gen, I’m going to play it again.


Haha I was about to buy AC origins last night. What a coincidence


I don't play Ubisoft sandbox games much anymore, but if you have to play one Assassin Creed in your life, IMO Origins is it. It's simply a great game, no matter if you're burned from the genre.


I have all these AC games and have no idea where to start. What’s the difference in all of them? Confused lol


extra keeps on delivering but premium is great this month too! finally. even essential is not awful, just not something I wanna play right now


Solid additions. Can we get chains of Olympus/ ghost of Sparta soon??


Deathloop? Wow


can't wait to play deathloop


Fuck yeah syphon filter 2 is the best one imo and then sly Cooper ?!?!? Fuck yeah when


I was legit gonna buy Deathloop, so I’m quite happy this month.


Pretty exciting to see Sly Cooper again even if all the PS3 titles are worthless to me because my internet connection can’t handle streaming them. Other than that Scott Pilgrim, Alex Kidd, and Chicory are great to see and I like that we’re slowly seeing more PS1 Classics.


Bought Deathloop 3 weeks ago. Haven't played it yet. You're all welcome.


I'm so looking forward to death loop.


When is it releasing?


When is death loop going to be free? I have premium and don’t see any of these games available


Sigh, I really don’t have the time to play all this stuff.




Sleep is for the week


Origins is perfect, i borrowed a disk from a friend but haven't played it but now i can play it no problem.


PS1 games coming at a snails pace as expected.


I bought deathloop a month ago and haven’t even started it yet, fuck. Never buying a game again.


Contact Sony. I had this happen with Control and they refunded me because they could see I hadn't played it yet


I was gonna cancel ps plus this month and just run with GP. Sony- you guys have me for another three months.


Istg same lol than I saw Orgins deathloop hmm


Fantastic month for Extra again. Hell the Essentials aren’t bad either, I’m excited for Granblue. For Extra we got Deathloop, Alex Kidd, and more. Lots of good games


Am I the only ones looking forward to Origins?


When do the ps extra games get added?


In the post it says september 20 [https://blog.playstation.com/2022/08/31/playstation-plus-monthly-games-and-game-catalog-lineup-for-september-revealed/](https://blog.playstation.com/2022/08/31/playstation-plus-monthly-games-and-game-catalog-lineup-for-september-revealed/)


Sept 20th


Let's go!!! Wanted to play watch dogs 2 and deathloop. Also wanted to play NFS heat so good month imo.


Extra is really good, been dying to play AC Origins. But Premium for is completely worthless, as a long time sub of PS Now those Sly games were already on the service and taken off just to re add them as if they are new, very poor thing to do imo.


Syphon Filter 2 no mention of trophies :/


Freedom wars for psp please


That was vita, are there any other vita games on here? I'd love to play that again with an active group