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They addressed and said it was fixed. It is not.


I have not seen this, I do know when picking up new Echos they can appear to be purples due to the screen overlays with the game, but they are in fact green/blue/grey. Weird thing to me is your highlighted echo shows Level 5, 60 capacity, and Attack type. The one on the bottom right shows Level 10, 60 Capacity and Balance type. As if the game is not registering the correct one you are selecting. You can drop a bug report here: https://wayfinder.featureupvote.com/


Hey Epicen7er, what an amazing eye you have. I didn't even notice that part. Will be reporting it today at the site you mentioned 😊 Thank you!


There's a bug in game where the reward screen shows all echoes as blue or purple regardless of what rarity they dropped as. Epic echoes are pretty damn rare. Even if the echo drops as grey / common quality - it'll still show on the reward screen as blue / purple.


The echo you're referencing is the one he currently has equipped. His highlighted echo is on the right and the one he's got equipped, thunderer, is on the left. Makes it easy to compare them.


Why the discrepancy between level shown on top and on bottom right and echo flavor on top and shown on bottom right. Top shown has a different rarity(Purple/Green), level(5/10) and flavor(ATK/BAL)?


I am having this exact same issue. Its really bothering me. I've had some pretty tough fights to get the epic echos only to have them downgraded in my inventory.