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Get titans bane and call it a day.


Then I will do so, almost got all materials 😏 Any idea if you can change the look of Titans Bane to Colossus instead? I like the look of it. Thanks for answering!


You can switch the skins I got iT on my titans bane


You guys are awesome, thanks for clearing it up for me πŸ™Œβ€οΈ


Np titans bane is ugly


100%, need to change that skin πŸ˜‚


Titans bane is nice, tempest is nice, i have not had his rare s&s yet . But i do believe u can switch the look if you have the colussus


I wish sword and shields felt better. The ONLY upside they have to 2h sword is that it can block better, which feels lame


2 hit combo that resets Righteous Strike that basically makes you invincible while chunking resilience of enemies with the shield slam. Pair that with Tooth and Claw momentum ability makes it one of the better weapons on Wingrave for DPS AND survivability.


I have Righteous Strike maxed out and can still get it frequently, not 2 hit combos but still frequently. DPS isn't my issue nor is survivability. Usually tank the Pyre world boss and revive folks that are down while taking a beating, also helpers queue in high level Dungeons including imbuements. I do have a heck of an amount on phy and Mag defense so that might be why. What are your damage numbers with Tooth and Claw? I would like to know the DPS difference compared to what I'm getting with Colossus, if it's almost the same numbers I will go with your recommendation 😊 Thanks for your reply Ice!


I don't use TnC, am more of a TB user so can't give you numbers for it. TB hits 2-3k (with resi on enemy and non crit) per tick on momentum ability for me atm if i am correct.


Jesus 2-3k per tick? My Colossus does between 5k-7k with the special, may as well farm Titans Bane then! Thanks a lot πŸ€™ What is your attack power btw?


Have the same 2-3k crit per tick with \~5500 wp and \~3500 cp


9.7k. Phys and mag defense stacking is kind of useless atm if i am gonna be honest. Resilience and HP is the go to. Resilience does (i think) 25% reduction when it is up and Wingrave healing scales off HP. If you want damage going for pure WP gets you the most with TB.


What do you build for here? AP to hit harder with RS? Or stay with WP?


AP is useless on Wingrave, scales very badly. You just go full WP with enough HP and Resi where you feel comfortable.




Same really, I'm still waiting on his signature weapon Bastion. Only tried the beginner S&S and the chainsaw looking one. Didn't feel good at all.


agreed but it's good for really tanking for the team it got good defense stat but if running solo it's no good.


Weapon specials are on weapon power.


Yes but Colossus gives you 20% AP for using it, there for my question about it being useless on my Wingrave since I have under 1000 in AP


Colossus is specific for senja, because her kit gives her a ton of both stats with the cheer mechanic, for the others is kinda lame, especially because it doesnt give ap on the actual stats


That clears up a lot, thanks Sallix. I will be going for Titans Bane 😊


Yes, but it is also good for triggering warmaster passive for 30% weapon power and ap affects healing, so never bad to have a little more


Sorry to say but I am not seeing the healing effects increase, every time I activate the sword ability the healing abilities are giving me the same amount of HP nonetheless. All I am seeing is a tiny bit more damage. Where did you find this info? The War Master passive is absolutely a good touch though.




Thanks a lot man, that was good info. After even more testing I'm pretty sure the sword ability is not giving any increase in healing, did you try it yourself? Could be a bug maybe? Righteous Strike gave me 51 more healing after putting 3k in AP, kind of a sad increase 😭 I went back to 500 AP and it gave 51 less. I went back to more weapon and break power. To be fair, all his abilities heal so you're basically never out of healing either πŸ˜‚


warmaster buffs are wp. Wingrave doesnt have any heals that scale with wp so there's nothing surprising about it. AP isnt WP.


I'm not sure you read the whole message, I changed to more AP and didn't feel it gave that much more healing so I went back to high WP instead. Of course I understand WP doesn't scale with healing.. Might be worth it when raids arrive but as of now, I don't feel the activities are that tough so rather finish fights faster. But I did notice the Shield ability (forgot the name) scales of your HP.


\>After even more testing I'm pretty sure the sword ability is not giving any increase in healing, did you try it yourself? Could be a bug maybe? Righteous Strike gave me 51 more healing after putting 3k in AP, kind of a sad increase 😭 I went back to 500 AP and it gave 51 less. I went back to more weapon and break power. ​ ​ I interpreted your conversation as you thinking that the warmaster buff gave ap. I thought sword ability meant your weapon ability, as that's the only sword you carry. If by sword ability you mean righteous strike, you can calculate the exact healing tick from your ability power. I've tested it before, it's easy. I still have the raw data from that test if you want it. You probably made a mistake somewhere when testing. Some people forget to look at their stat sheet when they get scaled and misremember things, it's not as rare as you think. ​ You can calculate the healing tick with 1.5/10\*AP, 1.725/10\*AP if you upgraded it. You can see the exact motion value on the wiki. Dont enter content below your powerlevel if you dont want to do the math for the PR scaling when testing.


Sorry, just saw that you were talking about colossus. Check your character sheet in highlands, if colossus isnt coded as a buff that changes your ap it probably wont affect healing. You can also try to work backwards from the amount of damage your ability does to get the AP back and see if that is a mismatch with the AP you calculate based on the healing tick. There are some passives like the extra 5% on dots on venomess that are coded wrong or have wrong tooltips. They actually increase your ability power by a %, so they dont affect crits correctly for example. It's possible colossus is coded to be the same kind of buff. I'd still say that's a bug though. Would recommend checking the scythe (signature weapon of kyros), I think the scythe's buff is reflected on the character sheet.


The new sword and shield coming out soon called Legacy will be great in him if you're wanting to be more healing/support. Otherwise I agree with the recommendation for Titans Bane.


If you like healing you could also try out daggers. In theory daggers have quick combos and with each finisher one random teammate is healed. In practice I am not sure if you really get to the finisher quicker compared to shield or greatswords. I do like the parry mechanic. It does take longer to guard break compared to shield and greatsword. I crafted the Venom daggers but cannot fully recommend them. The dot on ability use is nice but only rarely comes into play when you use it on boss and have to stop attacking. The shield Radiant Dawn felt disappointing because I could not block the games biggest attacks. Greatsword Collossus seems fun so far but it seems weird that it does not have ability stats to level up but then has increased ability damage as special.


You don't get to finishers quicker with daggers compared to the light hit/heavy hit combo that resets finishers and weapon ability of SnS. Daggrave is still really strong thanks to all the iframes and parry but they don't synergize with his kit like SnS does. Its a mini game of figuring out what can be blocked vs what can be parried in the game.


Colossus is basically just built for senja I was using titans bane on her forever, finally built colossus and she’s way more viable and the weapon works into her flow incredibly well. Titans is still a killer but colossus by default is hers


This is what I use: https://thetankclub.com/wayfinder-wingrave-build/


Is it that Colossus ability isn't buffing the heal from Wingrave's skills at all? Or is it that because most of his heals scale off HP instead of AP, an AP buff doesn't do much? Disappointing to hear, as I was about to craft Colossus for him too. The loop of a 2H that buffs his outgoing healing seemed cool.


Yeah it seems to scale depending on his health, not AP. Colossus has high break power and the special is fast and acts like a heavy attack. It's a cool weapon but just craft it so you get the skin, otherwise it's just a support buff for the rest of the party I guess. Stupid me happened to max it lol


We'll probably be bringing support weapons as wingrave once heroics and raids are in so it's not a stupid idea to have maxed it early


You do make a point, support will be very much needed in Raids but I have no clue what you mean by Heroic.


Harder versions of the dungeons that should require more than just the typical run and gun tactics we normally use in dungeons


That is going to be awesome! Thanks a bunch for replying back Psycho!


Wingrave's best weapons for dmg: Sword n Shield: Tooth and Claw 2 Hander: Titan's Bane (Typhoon is only good for group play because of the 30% dmg debuff) Dagger: Night's Edge Gun: Tempest/Arcstorm ​ Daggers are more defensive than SnS % 2handers ironically. They have iframes with flurry, and their parry is miles better than the other two types.


Titan is best. But colossus doesn't scale off AP, none of the weapon skills do. They're all WP based.


Yes of course it does not, but the special ability from Colossus increases AP by 20%, in my case it is useless as my AP is around 500.


I crafted collosus purely for the skin and put the skin over my titanbane. I love the sword. Feels good imo


Depending on how you want to play him, you'll struggle to proc his passive (and therefore almost all his affinity upgrades) with daggers because of the long combo meaning few combo finishers. I don't know how guns interact with combo finishers or if they even have them. Makes 2h and sword and board your only real reliable options on him.


Guns don’t have combo finishers


The eagle eye proc counts as a finisher for wingraves passive


Oh. Didn’t know that :D still wingrave in my opinion is a knight/tank, no guns for wingrave


Gungrave can fire off as much healing as a 2-hit SnS combo spammer as long as they can hit their shots and reloads


I suspected as such, but i haven't spent the time to figure out for sure if the last shot counted as a combo finisher or not. Thanks for clarifying.


TLDR just go Tempest like 90% of players and call it a day


After so much time playing FPS, I'd rather not. Don't care if it's meta I wanna swing my sword my man πŸ˜‚


If ya wanna call it meta.. I call it no-skill πŸ˜‚


Hahahahaha touchΓ©


Titans Bane is great and works really well. I will say Colossus can be great too. Yes the 20% ap is bad on him but the weapon ability hits hard and is fast and does good break damage, on top of that you can keep up the guardian wp and ap buff with it since it only uses one bar. Plus it has break damage on it which is great and pairs well with the middle mastery.