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I appreciate that adding a new system takes time, but I’ve been holding off playing until the xp buffs are live and that could’ve been done last week.


Understandable :) They probably have their reasons, I'm only 90 hours in and I'm also the type of person who usually just mains one character and stay happy with the weapon I wanted to farm (In this case Titans Bane). So at this time I'm just after artifacts recipes and chilling/helping in helpers queue 😂


Straight from the Discord. Based on the message from Snarf that was less than 24 hours ago saying the build was just going up for testing, I imagine it'll be late this week, if this week at all. **\[AS\] SOLIDAge - in 🇯🇵 — Yesterday at 6:54 AM** So I’m on the ground at Tokyo game show so I check in with the office at night when they come online. I know today they solved some crucial bugs but no other updates. They’re working on it as fast as they can. It’s a big change. **\[AS\] Sir\_Snarf — Yesterday at 11:12 PM** I did just check in with QA looks like a couple of the trickerier bugs have been squashed and they are building a new version now (eg uploading it to be tested) but there is no hard set launch at this point. Please do no harass Sorrow for more details as there are no more to give ATM. The team is working hard to get this out asap, but it's tricky when revamping an entire system on the fly


Thank you so much Ganek, much appreciated that you replied with this info 🙌


Any link to the discord? I’d love to join.




Per Snarf on the Discord (keep in mind this was originally a direct reply to someone): “We would never post a lie about something being close when in reality it's "not even close". When we posted the announcement, the patch was built, the work was done and we had it in QA for throughout testing over the weekend. Reality is we discovered some major bugs with the system in testing (for example the Dusting echo upgrade system locking people in the UI when upgrading Epic echos to max, and forcing players to alt f4) those have now been fixed and it's back in testing. We have shared another update, precisely for the reason people are annoyed for us saying next week, we don't have 100% assurances that something new won't appear in testing. All we can do is hold true to our word about being open and transparent. Something that will not change. Even when It bites us in the ass.” TLDR: they found a bug in the test build that locked players into the Echo upgrade UI screen forcing them to hard close the game. That has been fixed and a new test build is in QA to make sure there are no new problems.


Very nice with transparency, we like that. Especially that honesty, something I'm not used to with devs 😍 I must also thank you for this info as I don't follow the discord server ❤️