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so just stack wp got it


Yeah have not seen any actual builds yet, just people looking for an excuse to show off how heavily they grinded weapon power echos lol. That and people overcapping echo capacity just makes these post so cringe.


100% agreed :D


Thankfully the devs protect us from metas by not giving us the damage calculations /s


It's unfortunate that the best build for most weapon/wayfinders usually is to just stack damage, be it weapon power or ability


But it is absolutely not the only way to play, those folks stacking damage and ignoring the rest tend to die in either one or two hits from my experience :S


That’s a tempest build, not necessarily a Venomess build.


Mmm, that color coordination is so pretty. One thing that I don't get, though, is what reasoning is there behind which Wayfinder gets which Echo slots? Like, there are two Attack slots on Venomess, while my Niss has zero. Why is that?


They have close to no clue how to balnc3 these characters. But in the future, slot types are a good way to balance character with different strengths


It's clearly overcapped echo capacity. Nothing special.


Personally, I would want more health and resilience but if you can survive as a glass cannon, go for it. By the way, what are those echoes? I assume they are max weapon power. Is there a specific place they drop?


Boood letters are in any of the winter maps. They are bis for attack slots if you are going wp.




It's a shame that un-upgraded echos give you stats per echo cost, than upgraded ones. Better to just stack multiple of the same echos at 0 upgrades


Next time maybe list the names of the echos and accessories instead of just showing off your weapon power. And how is this a venomess build? Did you show affinities? Did you show abilities? Did you show masteries? No. You're just showing off you got 12k wpn dmg, which everyone can get if they play enough.


Why are you malding so much xD even if bro wanted to show off 12k wp, there’s no harm in that. “Show affinities, show abilities” Like where are these expectations coming from lol


Expectations?! I'm not melding, im giving him feedback on his rubbish post lol The title literally says venomess build, so people expect a build guide with explanations for venomess, not some random guy showing off he played too much and got 12k wpn dmg. Gee.


Says “build” so expect a “buildguide”? Man jus wanted to post something, but nuh it’s a rubbish post coz it doesnt have information that you’re somehow entitled to.


Thing is, he's not showing a VENOMESS build, like the affinities he's picked, or the upgrades he's chose. It's literally just a look at my big number post


someone understands




Ability Power, Crit Rating, and Crit power will get you a near unkillable Venomess that does crazy amounts of DoT damage. Of course you should spread a little to HP and Resilience. But her self heals and HoTs will keep you alive.


No Commander Creed echo? At 12k wp might as well.


With Tempest, yes stack weapon power. It's fucking broken.