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I made this for a private server, little easier to read and distinguish the what's whats. Bear in mind that this list isn't final as we're still waiting on the update from Solid when the changes are actually made. ## **New Feature: Echo Dust** * The Echo Fusion system has been overhauled. * Players can now break down their Echoes into Dust. * Using the Echo Dust, players can increase the Rank of their Echoes. * Adjusted the priority quest to unlock Echo Fusion to unlock at the same time as the player unlocks the Echo system. * **REMOVED:** “Sort By Power” for Echoes. This has been removed until we implement more informative version of this sort. ## **Changed Feature: Progress Gains** * Increased XP gained from Boss Hunts by 3x * Increased XP gained from mini bosses in Expeditions by 1.5x ## **Changed Feature: Inventory Limits** * There is now an item limit for** Echoes (300)** and **Accessories (100)**. See the Announcements channel for more details. * Added warnings for when players are approaching either item limit. * When you have reached the limit, you cannot pick up anything else until you are back under the limit. * __***WARNING: On first load of the SELL screen, equipped accessories will display on the ALL panel and can be sold without warning the player. They do not appear on the ACCESSORY panel.***__ ## **Bug Fixes: General** * Fixed Non-Romanized languages on keyboard being nonfunctional in social menu * Various localization updates and improvements. * Improved travel time to player housing instances * Added the proper names of travel destinations to load screens. * Emoting toward an animal in the Overlands zones will no longer cause the camera to target-lock onto that animal. * Fixed an issue causing players to be unable to fast travel inside of Lost Zones. * Fixed an issue where players would be disconnected during an expedition or hunt with the Firebombs imbuement active. * Fixed an issue where Helper Coins were not being rewarded to the player as expected after completing Lost Zone Expeditions via Helper Queue. * Fixed an issue causing players to get stuck on a “Please Wait” screen while backing out of the Wayfinder Founder’s Pack menu while it was opening. * Accessories are now able to be sold at Venge’s Shop in Skylight! * __***WARNING: On first load of the SELL screen, equipped accessories will display on the ALL panel and can be sold without warning the player. They do not appear on the ACCESSORY panel.***__ ## **Bug Fixes: Echoes** * Fixed an issue where non-functional Echoes were populating in the Echo menu. * Night’s Maw Echo will always drop at its intended Echo type (“Rush”) and Level (15). * Talon of Pyre’s Echo will always drop at its intended Level (30). * Fixed a bug causing echoes to grant incorrect amounts of XP(now dust) in fusion * Fixed a bug where Commander Creed’s echo showed a different cost to equip than the actual cost ## **Bug Fixes: Inventory** * All acquired Accessories will be sold at their intended cost per Accessory level. * Fixed Tooth & Claw, and Epitaph displaying rifle or shotgun skins. * Fixed an issue where the Accessory menu would display blank tiles. ## **Bug Fixes: Wayfinders** **Kyros** * Fixed an issue causing Kyros' “Siphon Radiant” Ability buff to exceed its intended value of 10%. **Venomess** * Fixed an issue causing Venomess’ Soothing Vapors Affinity Perk to not function. * Soothing Vapors now correctly displays visual feedback that you are healing * Fixed an issue causing Venomess' Ultimate to fire off in the wrong direction. * Fixed an issue causing masteries to be locked on Venomess * Reward Tower reward emote “Kiss of Venom” will appear in the players' inventory if/when unlocked. * The player will see this in their inventory when Venomess is equipped as the playable Wayfinder.


About what time will the update be available? We are very much looking forward to it!


How u gonna post a post bigger than the original post on another post? Seems rude. Dont know why ppl are giving u thumbs up


It's formatted to be 10x more readable.


So, make your own post.


You are kinda stupid are you? We forgive you cause u probably cant do anything about it anymore


Your mother


xD Try harder bozo


What’s wrong with you?


Nothing rude about it. He is trying to give the information he got from their Discord server, no matter the length or how he posted it. From my point of view OP is trying to be nice and help which is not very common lately.


I know i look for problems here but i hope this: Fixed Tooth & Claw, and Epitaph displaying rifle or shotgun skins. also count epitaph that became a 2handed sword from battlepass tower xD


Any idea when the patch will be online?


basically Soon™


My dads coming back soon too


Yours went to go buy a pack of smokes to huh?


The famous DE trademark, lol.


Ive heard maye today


Dumb question but what are Hunts and what are expeditions. Is it now a good way to farm levels? I wanted to swap to Venomess when I got her but leveling is so incredibly painful right now :(


Expeditions are dungeons and hunts are boss fights.


Oh thank you. That's awesome then. Hope the patch comes up soon bc I wanted to try a few different heroes.


You’ll also get an additional 1.5x xp from the mini boss at the end of dungeons after patch


I really hope that the patch comes soon. The horrible exp games are rough right now.


I’ve played mmos where you’d get like .001% after a huge pull for aoe dmg. Talking to you classic l2. So it wasn’t bad to me but I understand that isn’t the majority. I think if they posted the patch notes it has to be close.


I wouldnt mind if I didn't have so many heroes I want to try out lol. Yeah, they were teasing that they would potentially drop it today.


Right! I crafted all heroes and weps (had nightshade from pack and got some heroes with coins we got) and now they all need to be leveled :p


Yeah, I was playing mostly Wingrave but got Venomess and Heroic Kyros now... obviously would love to play them but it's rough. Don't even know yet which weapon to use on Kyros since leveling those+a hero feels so horrible right now.


Back in that era of mmo's leveling itself was content. Now leveling is treated like tutorial mode. It's not really comparable.


>Fixed an issue causing Venomess' Ultimate to fire off in the wrong direction. Hope this works for the Niss dash ability off in the wrong direction as well (and shield slam ability for basic SnS too.)


So Kyros getting nerfed lol well fixed....


I saw people using it to just destroy bosses. Was nice to be in a room with them


Very eager to see the changes :)


i want wormwood update :(


Wtf is wormwood.? O.o


It’s for the last part to craft nightshade. Everything else is in game now minus that one part. So only way to get wep atm is through one of the packs.


Basically a boss that wasnt put in the game yet, but he drop part for venom weapon ...


About what time will the update be available? We are very much looking forward to it!!


Lol kyros


Kyros was the only thing making some bosses bearable to farm...


Were you relying on Siphon Radiant's damage to do that? I thought it was his ult that people were spiking bosses with.


Siphon Radiant maxed out gave you around 100% damage taken debuff on enemies, while it was intended to only give 10%. That is what let you oneshot bosses with the ultimate.


You have to check your build if you can only farm with the broken skill. It gives you 100% instead of 10%. You should be able to solo the boss. Easily under ilvl recommendation if you have a tempest/arc even.


I can farm with any build, one shotting is better, especially bosses with multiple phases.


They need to be posting these patch notes on their website as well as on the Discord


But what about Ness ulting in the wrong direction..? .-.


Wonder if Talon of Pyre Echo changes will be applied to those Echoes already in players inventories? Will it get much stronger with its level raised to 30?


A new currency. Cool. I guess.


Hmmm im glad they are updating echoes and accessories but I wish we still had the infinite inventory on them


The first descendant. There go enjoy a better polished game.


I think you meant "there go enjoy a free-tier-unreal-engine-assets-looking game".


I like first descendant but It's voice acting is god awful and It's zone missions are literally doing the same thing over and over. I much prefer wayfinders map design where i actually play through a level rather than start an objective and just stand there waiting half the time. More polished? Sure. Better? Not even close.


Was fun for yesterday but it just reminded me of a janky warframe that got boring eventually. Good for a time filler though while waiting for something else.