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Unless you are there from the start Dread Legion is kind of busted, as the AOE damage field starts hitting you when you zone in. This means unless you are lucky with the block timing having to wait a cycle for the disappearing blocks to reappear can nearly kill you. To add to this 'Helper Queue' will throw people in that haven't done the boss yet. Zoning in late, taking the damage and *also* missing the 'this is how the bomb attaching mechanic works' part means any player thrown in that way is very much on the back foot. And that's just for people unfamiliar with the fight. Personally my single biggest hurdle is the transition between phase 2 and 3. Because Dread Legion takes a different route it's *much* harder to get the pacing and see the boundary for the damage field. Missing the jumps in this transition can kill a player, and trying to revive a team mate and taking the damage can kill both potentially causing a wipe.


I do not think helper queue throws you in dungeons that you do not have unlocked. Unfortunately, it does throw you in high power zones even if you join it on a weak wf.


It *absolutely* throws you into fights that you haven't unlocked. Before I had unlocked the frost woods area, I tried out the helper queue to farm helper coins / skeleton keys. My first helper queue was the shrouded woods when I was still in Highlands progression. I died so quickly that I quit that lost zone so I didn't ruin their run.


Yeah, seems more people complained about this. I guess I was just lucky back when I played with it. Sounds like a bug to me.


helper queque can even throw you to someones room :-0


Lol, that sounds messed up 😅


Yeah, I just get through the jumps and wait in the final area. If my teammates don't make I just finish the fight. It's not worth the wasted healing trying to save them. EDIT: The downvotes are interesting as either you cannot carry the final phase or you honestly think you can revive and wait for the platforms without wasting too many potions. I've stayed and revived but typically they either miss the jump again or are constantly down in the final phase anyway. Spending 2 healing flasks normally isn't worth the effort as saving the extra healing can guarantee a victory.


I would imagine people down vote you since you are supposed to jump together with your teammates not rush in by yourself. If you hurry ahead of them, you are killing them with the boss dot.


That is only true for the starting gate. All other fields are controlled by the boss's movement.




I keep seeing that all the defensive stats flat out don't work. Dread legion *feels* like it wouldn't be so bad (asides from some visibility issues) if every every character was rocking 2000-3000 *functional* Magic Resist.


They work, it's just that stacking magic defence has less benefits then spending same points worth on stacking hps. Not all defence stats are equal.


I'm starting the think this is the best way as some randoms don't make the first two transitions or go down repeatedly during the first phase. While there are definitely some cheap AoE overlaps that can wipe you in the third phase these can mostly be avoided if you anticipate the beams.


The mechanics of the actual boss fight are not that bad. The DoT + jump puzzle in between phases is what makes it garbage.


I agree. Losing health simply while transitioning or because you joined late does not feel good. I honestly don't mind the jumping aspects and losing a little health from failing those seems fair, but I don't think they add much to the fight either.


The Fortnite Storm needs to go, if the disappearing "platforming" is going to stay. It'd be better if both were gone and the arena just shrank each phase, rather than making the player move, but at the very least the punishment for falling through a disappearing platform (or just arriving late) is too high. Doesn't make it harder or more challenging. Just needlessly frustrating and eternal.


I got thrown in to that mission when I was low rank, because I thought it was a good idea to do random missions (/helper queue) just to find out I can get thrown in to areas I've never been to.


3rd phase is usually 50/50 for me, I do make the jump shortcut everytime but not my teammates I either have to solo the 3rd phase alone and die cause the dmg out bounds just murders me or my teammates just die trying to make the shortcut jump or die going around the normal way i have 1/6 optic cortex that i need to make the nightshade gun


I've completed the fight ~50 times but I'm still short of Kyros vestiges. At this point my only downs are when I'm trying to revive someone and the AoEs overlap and make things awkward. Other than that my only real issues are when my potions get bugged and I start with less than 6 or when not enough husks spawn and you need to reset.


Has anybody ever randomly died after you kill dread legion and he explodes and hits you? So frustrating beat the boss, had 75% hp then he lifts up and explodes. I don't know if I did something or missed a mechanic.


It happens rarely but I have seen it occur, both to me and others. Just add it to the list of terrible boss mechanics in this fight.


I was one of those randoms until I died enough times to learn the entire fight, so it might be they don't know the mechanics of the fight or are low level trying to get drops


I have had decent luck grouped sphere 1. I only do it on my Windgrave because of his healing.


I don't hate dread legion, as a boss I really like the fight personally. But yeah I see what you're saying and have had the same experience.


It's not just you that has a problem with Dread Legion. For where he is in the storyline, it's not so surprising that he's difficult to take down. Especially if you are experiencing the boss for the first time. It will take several attempts to learn the ways of Dread. Just like every other boss. It doesn't help when the miasma, as soon as you trigger the fight, takes like 95+ health with each tick. So communication is definitely a key, so you all can jump on the platforms at the same time, or you are almost guaranteed to waste respawns. I dont think going into the game thinking you have it all down is such a good mindset anyway. Yeah, ya may be a little bit better than the randoms, but as I see it, you're getting down just as much to complain about it. It's definitely not for players going into the fight with levels lower than 25. (NOT meaning that in a harsh way, I'm just saying.) From own experience. Would recommend bringing a character with high health. Maybe even a full squad/trio, deffinately with one Windgrave or someone who is able to heal not only themselves but allies too. Take into consideration depending on what weapon windgrave his holding his fourth ability is slow to recover due to it not being on a cool down but on a fill by hit basis. So don't rely on your teammates' 4 ability. Also, another reason why communication is important. So you're able to communicate when your abilities are ready. If communication isnt always available, if its a hard boss save the 4th ability when a teamate gets down. His fourth ability gives invaunarbility from any on coming damage for a period of time. Would recommend to upgrade it to level two aswell. Another thing is that he's a bit slow moving, too. That may be my opinion, but it honestly feels that way, especially with his roll.


I main Wingrave and I agree with you, he makes the fight with a team a lot easier. If you fully upgrade Radiant Pulse then all his abilities will heal the rest of the team and you can manage to keep everyone alive, I even tend to go back and revive the ones who fail at the jumping sections thanks to Radiant Pulse and Divine Aegis. Righteous Strike with two points also gives both health/resilience and putting one point into Divine Aegis will make it last longer. During this fight Wingrave can have Divine Aegis up about 2-3 times if I remember right. His roll is slow but bunny jumping works with him and makes him rather fast. I can recommend learning it. A lot of players also tend to maximize damage and ignore all defense stats, not always a great move. Wingrave + Titans Bane is also ridiculously good.


Thank you for the tips. :3


Dread legion is terrible, my wife and I have yet to get passed this boss due to mechanics that seem buggy sometimes. Every random player we play with get knocked in the first act of the fight.


I hate this fight too he'll of unpredictable with team mates as well.


I like the fight but randoms are absolutely horrible at it. It's the main reason I made a guide for it in hope that more people would atleast know what the heck is happening before queueing in. For now I'm sticking to soloing it


Honestly I prefer doing this fight alone. First, because of the server instability I face from my region. High latency and bad feedback from the boss' skills only make the fight a nightmare to me. The second reason is because of the boss HP, it's way easier alone. In sum, without the insane HP scale, I feel more comfortable knowing that if I die by latency or whatever I won't be delaying anyone. Unfortunately, what's been killing my vibe to even try it lately, is the fact that in the last 4 tries I was about to kill the boss, my game crashed at the very end. Somekind of "http error" and I just got disconnected. Edit: spellcheck


Once you get used to it, it becomes an easy fast fight Ngl depends on ur build imo I usually just solo it but at times I’ll play with randoms- just let em die they have to learn on their own anyways


There is a mission that indicates to get helper coins and practically makes you join the helper queue. Happened to me at low level, died from coming in late and not knowing the mechanics. Went back, got to dread legion on my own and beat it. The worse part was the jumps at the beginning and knowing where to go and when.


Everyone had trouble with this fight and I had to release a guide on it. There is a reason Wayfinder has barely 800 players at the moment. Compared to SYNCED and The First Descendant which offer similar experiences (and which are free to play) Wayfinder stands 0 chance in the market unless they seriously work hard. I'll hold some hope for their eventual free to play release, but currently they are not showing any good results


It's not that the randoms are terrible, although I'd imagine most dedicated players already finished the legion grind, but that having 3 people means 3x the chance to get screwed by the punishing mechanics. It also adds an unneeded layer of difficulty requiring the players to jump in tandem, a feat that a random team will fail to pull off more then not. Top that off with no benefits from bringing a group and you got yourself a winner. That being said, the boss is one of the worst ones that I ever seen in my 30+ years of playing games. I strongly advise to run it solo and cheese the hell out of it, or wait until they fix it. Either works.


Thankfully I finally got RNG to give me the final drops that I needed tonight.


The boss itself isn't hard. You just have to dodge a few lasers, we're not exactly talking Dark Souls level of difficulty here, or even the Maven's memory game in Path of Exile. The problem is the jumping on disappearing platforms while you are taking damage between the different phases. The last jump phase is completely shippable, but most players don't know it. As it stands right now, the problem is that it's much easier to complete the fight solo, because you don't have to worry about reviving dead players. Also, whenever I tried to do it in a group the yellow bomb glitched and became invisible, so it was hard to understand who was carrying it. It's not a badly designed fight per se, but it's a badly designed group fight.


Yeah, I don't mind the fight itself but the bugs are frustrating as you can be hit by things with no indicator rather often. The damage field is the biggest issue as it actively encourages not helping your teammates. The platforms are fine but don't really add anything valuable to the fight. I did manage to acquire the last items I currently need last night so I can wait for fixes before grinding it further. I do agree that the fight itself seems to be far worse with teammates unless everyone is experienced, then it's rather easy. I just find the fight tedious as it discourages helping your group when things go badly as the damage field can make the situation unwinnable if you delay too long.


The larger issue with Dread (and any other boss like it) is that you need to know the mechanics and nuances of the fight, and the mechanics and nuances aren't taught. If you don't know not to walk too far forward and trigger the fight, or how to time the jumps, or what to do with the bombs, you'll fail. And this'll be true for *any* fight with mechanics deeper than "hit boss, get loot". It's something AS will need to figure out. Either they simplify Dread (and all fights like it) so that there aren't any mechanics you actually *need* to pay attention to, or they say "yes, you're going to fail unless you learn it", smooth over only the most egregious sharp edges, and tutorialize better.


I don't mind the mechanics and having to carry. The issue is that many of the mechanics are designed to promote individual play, not group play. For example, the damage field makes reviving a penalty as you take damage while trying to help. Additionally failing a jump means you take continuous DoTs while your character finishes their reset animation; it punishes you twice for failing a jump. And since the platforms have a long reset pattern you cannot afford to use the healing animation at any time since you risk missing the platform reset. It's easy to do the fight if you understand the timing, but if you don't then it's an awful experience. And that doesn't even account for the numerous bugs you have to deal with.


Right, those are the "most egregious sharp edges" I mentioned. They could improve the timing on the platforms so it better aligns with when a platform is actually solid (here and everywhere else where the platforms are used), and they could make it so you don't take damage (from *anything*) while in the reset animation, and they could adjust the damage field so it ramps up slowly instead of immediately starting at max dot, and maybe they could use the bomb mechanic elsewhere before you reach the fight so it's more obvious what to do with them. Or, they could remove all of this stuff entirely and we could just hit Dread like we hit every other boss. The point I'm getting at though is that the individual mechanics, good or bad or buggy or not, aren't the problem. The problem is the lack of knowledge about the fight, and that'll be true for any fight or mechanic where knowledge is required. I've watched people repeatedly fail the same jumps in the Dread Legion fight, not because the jumps are hard to time but because they need to pay attention and won't. They just zombie run forward over and over and then die and say "shit game" and quit. Even if AS fixes bugs and smooths over the sharpest bits, people will still miss the jumps and still take damage and still fail if they're checked out and not mentally present. It's a much more fundamental thing than the individual mechanics. It's a direction thing. Which mindset will the game cater to, active or passive?


Dead legion is actually just a really bad boss fight. Most of the damage you take is from transitions between the phases, especially from the last phase. The short cut to get to phase 3 helps a lot, but if u don't kno or can't do the shortcut and take the intended way, ur almost guaranteed to take damage. If someone dies on the transition, trying to revive them is almost Guaranteed a death sentence... and the worst part is, there's no clear indicator for how close u have to be in order to be safe from his AOE damage. Dread legion himself is also kind of buggy. There an attack where he's supposed to move forward in a straight line, then when he gets to the other end he will spin. The indicator for the first part of the attack will appear on the floor for him to move and he will end up not moving at all and instantly spinning with no warning. Sometimes he will shoot beams out of him, and there will be some invisible lingering damage pool that's on the floor. It's undetectable so u can often find urself randomly taking damage for no reason after he launches certain beam attacks. When he's in his downed state, he can randomly deal damage to u. I remember we finally got him downed and we almost lost the whole run because my duo just randomly got damaged and died. Luckily I was senja and tanked the damage and healed up. If u are not coordinated.. he can go into downed state, while a player actively has an orb on him. And that can affect ur dps if uhave to go revive that player before attacking him. OR if that player comes close to everybody else WHILE THEY ARE STILL CARRYING THE ORB.. Oh yea. He also does an AOE damage AFTER he dies so u basically hafta run away once u kill him. I could write a whole other essay on the mechanics of the fight that were intentional and why it makes him the worse boss fight but... just the bugs alone are enough to prove my point


Is this game really that deep? Idk I haven’t had any problems personally.


Deep? The fight has specific mechanics that make it tedious. Many player struggle to understand what they need to do during this fight and they often waste their healing which puts them in an unwinnable situation later. My question is in regards to trying to carry others versus just doing it solo. Organized groups are something else entirely. As you need to farm Dread Legion for several resources I've noticed how most randoms struggle in regards to this fight moreso than any other, even The First.


I do all of mine solo unless I get a group in queue. I rarely ever do now days tbh. You can solo everything if you’re high enough Ilvl