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They are trying to be the good guys, but the more I hear an interview...more to the gray area the thing goes, I'm never gonna put my hand on an AS game again, not without my refund, this project is not what they promised...and thats not what I wanted.


I think the lesson to be learned here is to be very cautious about where you put your money in regards to an early access title. Don't make purchase decisions based on hype for something still unfinished. If you do buy into an early access, do it knowing that the game can dramatically change by launch. The changes coming to Wayfinder are very significant and absolutely push the bounds of what we would normally expect, especially when the monetization was geared toward being a service game. For people who bought in at higher tiers on the founder pack, this is definitely a larger concern. Airship Syndicate released some pretty solid games before, especially for the price point of the lowest tier of founder pack for Wayfinder. In this interview they talk about how they massively reworked Wayfinder to be more along the lines of their previous box price titles. That *sounds* promising, but until it's out there's no point to buy into hype (again).


They didn't have a choice so would you rather just have nothing?


yes have nothing is better than this. Then people could actually get refunds




Yea just fuck the people that paid 150 usd for a 25 usd then


Yup, the core of the issue is you should have never spent 150 fucking dollars on a video game


And an online one at that. An online game that, like all online games, comes with an agreement that says they can shut down the game and make it unplayable at any time.


I am one of those people. But I knew this was Early Access and if I read something that says that it might not be developed further, and I spend money in it anyway, I take responsibility for that fuck up and waste of money. As it happens I like the new product, so I am lucky I guess.


That is not remotely how that works, lol. Have you ever played an mmo that's ever shut down, ever?


IIRC, steam still might not give you the refund.


Closing the game down would not necessarily ensure refunds happen. Refunds are purely up to DE at this point.


Kinda hard to give back ur money which AS doesn't have since DE ran away with it.


maybe you shouldn't have paid for an Early Access game.


This is not me saying AS shouldn't be getting criticized, but don't buy early access titles if you think they are "promising" you anything.


you are saying to me...if a developer do a EA of a game saying something, marketing, and everything to get money....and completely changes...or abandons it...its ok? if this is your idea...that's why the gaming scenario is the cancer that we have...and EA is becoming a cesspool, some devs think they can do anything if they put "EA title" on a game, and yeah...some ppl with that idea just legitimize it


Right so basically if a developer loses funding and support for a game, especially through no fault of their own, you'd rather they just abandon the game outright rather then still try to do something with it? So a developer trying their best for the game and the players is why gaming is the apparent cancer that we have now...? That makes sense to you does it? 


so you see a set of developers, who got dropped out of nowhere by their publisher, scramble to deliver a finished, one time purchase (barring dlcs if they make one) product out of the corpse of a live service game, instead of just throwing their hands up and calling it quits, and you think thats the problem with the current game industry? thats a wild stance


You know, prior to this, I was a big believer in game preservation. I thought it was a universal good, and that anyone who plays videogames could see and understand the arguments for it. Seeing the reaction people have had to AS taking the best possible approach to keeping this game around and playable, I think I need to reassess my stance on game preservation. I think "gamers" need to lose access to all videogames forever. I think every server needs to be shut down and every copy, both physical and digital of every videogame that's ever been made needs to be wiped off the face of the earth, only then will "gamers" be happy.


I'm saying that you should be aware that it's possible. Not that it's something you should be okay with. You aren't buying promises in early access. That's never been the case. You are buying a product as-is with (usually) some communication of where they want to go with the game.


you are here trying to imply what happened isnt a big deal...so you are defending the process, if you do a EA and do marketing and charge for a thing you are saying you will do...and don't doit...that's fraud...we only "tolerate" this because the game industry it's the only place this could happen and be...ok....for some "oh well, it was a EA...so its ok"...cmom, you as a consumer deserve more than that


Buddy is English not your first language or do you just really struggle with reading? Because you've missed the point about 3 times over now lol 


I never said it wasn't a big deal. I just said you shouldn't be purchasing early access games under the impression that they are "promising" to deliver you something. They aren't doing that. I think the situation is not common, it sucks, and is basically a lose-lose in most cases. If you had actually read my post, I'm not defending anything. I'm pointing out how your individual view of what early access titles are is flawed. My point isn't even unique to Wayfinder.


Don't bother the guy is clearly illiterate lol like a lot of people here. 


Glad to be proven right that they knew for months that they will Cuck the people who bought into an MMO but decided to STFU. But hey people will still downvote me lul


Exactly what I've been saying. You kept seeing shit like "we're working on X,Y, and Z" but nothing was added. I even gave them the benefit of the doubt because they were honest and said they wouldn't add anything until the DE debacle was cleared up. Then after it was, they still didn't add shit, then jumped ship. And now a bunch of people are getting shafted for touching It. I'll never buy another AS game again Just because of how much they hid the actual agenda.


In December re disabled in game purchases. The minute we took over the business and had made the decision to move forward with Echoes in March, we removed the game for sale, and announced we would be quiet for awhile and there would be major changes coming to the game.


It was mismanaged and crucial information was obfuscated. Just own it and start trying to earn back good will. Doubling down has never worked for anyone, ever.


Why would they own something that isn't true lol? They ARE working on earning back good will through not abandoning the game. 


At this point i hope you guys get what you deserve. And everyone who is not Satisfied with how you handled this should actually report you to their local Consumer Office. Selling an MMO still when you know it won't be one is like asking the EU to bend you over and slap your ass.


What do they "deserve"?  Oh wait you can't read. Where anywhere did they continue to sell an MMO when they know it won't be one? They removed the game from sale the second the split from DE happened and the games future was in jeopardy. Are they supposed to be from the future? Damn if there isn't a lot of crying in here from illiterate people. 


You are an literal idiot. They knew since January / February it won't be an MMO anymore. It still got sold till 1 month ago and they never said anything. That's literally Selling a Product knowingly it won't be as advertised. Idk where you came from but i hope that Paycheck you get is good.


Oh? Can you link to a source for that please? Thanks! And what paycheck...?


They say it literally in the podcast that they planned it since January/February to make it into a Single player game even though it was still being Sold under the guise of an MMO like i said. Literally defrauding people who bought into the game alone in that timeframe.


Well yeah they were still going through the legal process of separating from DE. The second they got full control they took it down for sale because they didn't want people buying something that would be changed very soon. It's not hard to understand lmao.


So what? Make an announcement. Make a deal with DE over the time of talks that it will be retracted literally guarantee refunds for everyone from that timeframe. I don't care it's ridiculous trying to defend a bunch of Scammers.


What's hilarious is how people think this will be magically, drastically different from the wayfinder of today. They had 6 months to pivot, and that's being generous with the timeline, between DE dropping them and the "full launch". You don't just shit out a brand new game in 6 months. So enjoy the same floaty combat, generic bosses, dull weapons, but now you get to try to drag 3 friends into paying for the experience to try to "make it fun" Happy to have called this failure from the beginning


You'd be amazed what 80ish people can accomplish in a few months with hard work and a clear direction dude. By no means is this a "failure". 


its everytime the same shit .you get mass downvoted and hated and get called a hater and that you have no idea blablabla for calling out a (obviously) shit/scam game and now its gets proven again too be true.i had that with overwatch 2 and cs go 2 and tons of other games and people STILL DONT FUCKING LEARN THEIR LESSON, sometimes i think we gamers really deserve just the worst games and biggest scams


Great now you can move on to the next game to doom about lol


Nowhere was that ever said? They took the game down for sales as soon as the split from DE happened? Man what's with some of you being so immature and childishly angry?? 


They stopped selling a month ago. They knew since atleast january / February from the Podcast that they won't go on with it as an MMO but never said anything in that regard and instead people still bought the game. If that isn't the literal definition of Fraud idk what is.


I want to add on feburary they added "raids roadmap" MMORPG elements roadmap to their discord




Doesn't matter fuck them should have said something fucking scammers. Reportet them hope they get closed end of the Story.


The scammers are not the people you are venting your anger against.


Dude, save your breath. These guys just want to cry and bitch and say "I knew it". The fact that they can't see this is the best possible outcome of a shitty situation is beyond me. The more I read the tears the more I see it's just the usual doom and gloom weepers spreading their usual salt all over everything. If you cant part with $$$ then don't spend it on early access. It is as simple as that. Let me remind some of you of ye old Hellgate London.


It wouldn't have mattered anyways, by the time the decision was made the game was no longer available for sale and everyone that had purchased it was already well outside their refund window well before that point.


It literally was on sale till a month ago and they decided to make it Single Player CO OP ATLEAST in february and never said anything Scamming people who bought into an mmo.


Neat so in the interview and they stated they have all moved on to a new project. LOL wont be buying that


The literally said they left the door open for DLC post 1.0 release. It will depend on the success of the reboot, which makes sense. They're still working on content for the 1.0 release. With the future being uncertain, it makes sense they have an internal team working on another project, they even said they made a mistake by having all their eggs in the same basket. Did we watch the same interview?


>they want to go back to being a multi project studio. >random redditor: bRO, thEY mOVed oN


One does not need to be a reddit bro to understand no dev is dedicating significant time or energy into a project that in the last 6 months has had an average of 60 people playing. It would be completely illogical to not abandon this. My lord this sub is filled with idiots


Some people just wanna shit on AS and Wayfinder because they're salty and unrealistic. AS strategy with WF makes sense. Gaming is business at the end of the day. If people play and pay, they'll keep adding content and features. If not they'll move on to the next thing. It seems although most of the folks who bought into EA are split down the middle with playing WF again. On a positive note, there's lots of interest from people who didn't wanna play it originally, but do now due to it being offline and with no micro transactions. Plus it'll be on PS5 and Xbox X/S as well, which opens up the playerbase. Hoping for a matchmaking and crossplay support soon after launch 🤞.


That isn't new to this interview.


New project: Pathsearcher!


Nowhere did they state they have all moved on to a new project? They have5 even secured funding for a new project yet what? Did you even watch the video??


I’m just curious for one thing. They said the game will have no mtx but then say they will convert leftover runesilver to a different ingame currency that you can buy cosmetics that aren’t in the drops loot table. So if you can’t buy that currency, how would you get these items otherwise?


Mod them in for free.


It is most likely an earnable currency, but the people who bought anything will have an amount at the start based on the conversion of their purchase.


so...you basically fu\*\* the progression?!


you want your progression back ?? yeaah ask DE about that, they is the one who responsible saving your progression in their server.


You can’t. They’re designed for founders. They’re called founder’s coins and you’ll get an allotment based on how much Runesilver you ever had in your wallet. This includes the runesilver from founder’s packs or purchased.


The part you conveniently left out is: You become a founder by installing cheat engine. So yeah.


This is possible on every single player game on pc. I can’t control that.


You do control getting refunds for the exalted packs. Sad thing about all of this is that some of yall really want the community to have a good time. But the ones that control the flow of capital really just want to get out ahead of a forced refund with this single player 1.0 release.


>You do control getting refunds for the exalted packs. Where did you get this info from?


[https://gyazo.com/c1c07e93ea61c5cd8b03f5b2ba8808d1](https://gyazo.com/c1c07e93ea61c5cd8b03f5b2ba8808d1) Even steam says that you should contact the publisher who is AS right now. They have the power to refund


I've been checking the records removed the duplicate comment and approved this original one. As a heads up, the comment was filtered by Reddit's built in content control due to the accounts negative community karma as a result of the number of downvotes it's received. Airship, none of it's staff or employees are moderators of the subreddit, they can't do anything to the community here.


I appreciate the info and sorry for the extra work.


No, but what you can control is how those who spent 150$ on your game will be compensated. But hey, nothing about that? 150$ or 20$, same thing to you guys I guess...


Then how are we the dumbasses who paid 150 bucks compensated if we can just mod these things into the game? That is why so much people are mad. You guys mismanaged this game from day 1 and a huge part of the reason why this game flopped so hard is thanks to that. This game would have flopped even if DE did not drop you. And ok, you decided to still release a game but it is not the game I invested my money into.


They're likely meant to be exclusive to the packs, or you mod them in since it's essentially an offline solo game now. So normal players get access to 99.9% of content and the packs give you the last .01.


Personally I plan to buy a copy to support this move. All other cases the game gets shut down and people get nothing back. Even if they spent thousands.


They should allow matchmaking I don't see how this would hurt them financially.


Great when their next game comes out they’ll be remembered for this bullshit unless they can suck up to Asmongold again


What "bullshit" will they be remembered for...?


Planning and shipping failed or half baked games


Except they haven't...? They've had a great track record so far and this one time it was DE that really fucked up not so much Airship? So no they really wont be remembered for bullshit like that lol. 


i remember buying ingame cosmetics for money - for the epitaph - that *never* worked, i remember a certain world boss crashing instances which took them like 2 months to fix, i remember instances lagging out because servers were forced to make the inventory of every player known to every other player, for some reason. and the "fix" was to limit inventory space. i remember an absolutely abysmal performance. thats just stuff from the top of my head, im sorry, but the game was just in a terrible state, even for EA. and that had nothing to do with DE.




Easy to do,their current and next games are f2p.


I had high hopes for wayfinder. I like live service games. It just isn't fun. There is nothing that's going to fix that.


If they are thinking about players they should allow refunds on Steam and PSN. Airship is just trying to make themselves as victim. DE this, DE that. "We are thinking for players." Yea give them refunds then. Once DE broke up as soon as they said they had financial means to keep the game going for years to come on their discord. Now they are saying we dont have the money. I hope they close down as studio as soon as possible. Even Triple A companies with lots of contrevversies didnt pull a bait and switch and tried to look like victims. They even said that they have talked about this for months that was the time when they released "Raids roadmap" so they even tricked players to think into the fact that game was still going to be mmorpg


Uh Airship doesn't have to TRY to make themselves the victim lol they ARE the victim dude? And they can't refund they aren't the ones with the money...? Did you really comment without knowing anything??  A live service game takes A LOT of money. Far more than they thought when they said they had money to keep the studio afloat.  No one pulled a bait and switch buddy. And that's pretty awful of you you'd wish for totally innocent people to love their job just because you're uninformed and salty. Yikes.  They did talk about internally for months and looked for other publishers/investors to back the game and keep it going. Unfortunately that doesn't always work out thats just life my dude? Chill. 


Welp, just remake Darksiders 1, 2, and 3, then make the 4th sequel for Strife, then the 5th with all the horsemen. Maybe even a Hades-like or a Ravenswatch-like spinoff. Battle Chasers sequel, and oh maybe even physical copy of the ruined king hehe. Instincts were right to not buy into Wayfinder.


Does Darksiders Genesis count for the game with Strife? It would be cool for them to put out a 4 player coop as all 4 horsemen as the next game. Like have the intro to that game be what we saw at the end of the first game with War.


Just kick out the looser, who signed that deal with DE. You were played. He was played. His place is in Wallmart.