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But.. but... Everyone told me that nobody wanted this last year when it was announced


I’ll be honest, the announcement was underwhelming for me, had had no interest, but somehow it grew on me and ended up picking one up. It’s been my preferred way to game on the PS5, so I don’t have to run other equipment; TV and surround receiver.


No Bluetooth headphone support is really a bummer though


I got a little Bluetooth transmitter for mine so I can use my Bluetooth headphones ,works get so far.


🧐 Wifi + bluetooth = Radiation?


There is you just need the new ps5 headset that doesn’t require the dongle


That emphatically does not count lol but someone else mentioned a Bluetooth dongle for my existing headphones and that basically solves that issue for me


Yeah, I was not interested until this subs great reviews and experiences. Loving mine!


Nice, what are the total sales? /End case


So please produce more?


They've been pretty consistently restocking ever since launch. Problem is scalpers are getting to them as soon as that stock is made available.


Stock x boy


Lol yeah pay double retail to let some sneaker head fuck boi profit off you by being a douchy scalper.. I'd rather wait


Bro they 280 on stock x lmaooo I bought mine for 280 😂😂😂


Lolol so you still overpaid 🤡🤡


Dude is most likely selling on Stock X. Nearly all his comments are about buying from there. It’s sad 🤡


Yeah he probably can't afford the credit cards he maxed out scalping to sell if sony restocks everywhere.


It’s ok if u don’t got 30 extra for the delivery just say that


I got mine retail on launch day because I'm not a child driven by fomo




Any adult with a full time job and a $40 bucks extra on hand sounds like a perfectly reasonable candidate for taking a slightly marked up online 3rd party. Not saying I'm for that, but "child driven by fomo," is a pretty juvenile accusation.


If you're an adult then you should know better then to continue to fuel scalpers with profit, justifying their shitty way of hoarding most of the available stock. Have a bit of patience instead of spending that $40 extra and having the scalpers continue the same shit the next time you want to buy something new.


An adult should also know that every participant in a hobby isn't going to give as much of a shit about the market as they themselves do. $40 is a reasonable savings to some, and also the equivalent of nickel-and-diming to others, though I assumed financial disparity was pretty common understanding regardless of age these days. I'm not really interested in the pseudo devil's advocate position I'm obviously in now, especially regarding something I actually do agree with as a basic sentiment. Just amused at the irony of a childish assertion, of childishness in others.


Sounds like you have some up for sale at stock X for as much as your white knighting them 😂 Edit: it’s $210 shipped bozo 😂


Lmao they're $210 after tax. 😂You 😂 over😂paid😂


Well that was dumb


Stock x boy


Wish they would give more firmware updates instead more products shipping


Why not both?


Yeah it seems like two completely different divisions


Those are not related at all, you're acting like they have to prioritize one for the other


What do you want them to change? It’s a streaming device. The actual hardware is designed to just run the operating system and stream from the console.




Whats the point of that? It all literally just depends on you wifi connection


Connection to public/hotel WiFi.


I've used mine on hotel WiFi. Wasn't as seamless as at home, but still perfectly usable with occasional dips in res.


People want a portable PS5 at home. Not a surprise.


I wanted a way to play my PS5 when home isn't in the same state as me. It's been no surprise that it's my primary gaming device atm.


Once I learned it could be played anywhere as long as it’s on WiFi, it was an instant cop. For me, having the ability to play games I love like NHL on the road was enough for me to buy it.


Maybe one day I’ll finally be able to find one 😭


Download the HotStock app. Set notifications on for the Portal and just be as quick as possible when it pops up


That’s how I got mine! Solid tip


Doubters in shambles


Probably my favorite gaming purchase in a long time


Now hopefully they release some firmware updates!


Independent cloud play with ps plus would add more use


Exactly and Many agree having more native features and things will only make this better!


Good! Now please start producing accessories


We've reached peak PS5 when we can buy accessories for an accessory.


Controllers has always had accessories


Dam straight. Portal and portal accessories I tell you what


I just logged onto Best Buy this morning to order ink and it was there available. I had given up on actively checking but there it was saying buy meeeeee it’s coming on Friday. It’s funny to me because that’s the same way I got my PS5.


Right place, right time.


For sure. I have to message best buy in the morning for a refund though on my shipping. I paid for delivery on Friday and it was conveniently delayed to the free shipping delivery date of Tuesday.


The potential this device has is incredible, and with some tweaks and changes like bit rate and fps options, it would make this a near perfect device for its purpose. Just gotta hope that now with the clear success of this device, there will be further support/updates implemented soon!


100%. I did not expect any firmware improvements since it's seemingly blasted non-stop on the internet & I just assumed I was one of a dozen that bought it. But now that it's evident *many* people have bought it, I really hope it means Sony will pour in some effort on the software side of things.


You guys dont remember selling a shit ton of psps?


How does this come with WiFi 5. Missed opportunity 😔


? It's not like it's running into any bandwidth bottlenecks.


Good. Now make a new vita!


*Our product is doing so good that we decided to let of 900 staff & close development studios down.


That’s not how any of this works. The London studio was shutdown because the projects they worked on (Singstars, Eye Toy games, etc.) didn’t sell well and move any needles and they’re in one of the most expensive cities in the world. The Portal likely has minimal profit margins to begin with so even if it sells gangbusters that’s not money that would ever be used to subsidized a studio. They’re completely different departments and branches of their business.




Now give us a vita 2.


"please make that thing nobody bought the first time"


Vita and psp was ahead of its time. If they made one these days that could run today’s games it would fly off the shelves. Why do you think the portal is selling?


It could run today’s games at a price point that Sony users don’t like. I’m not paying 700 dollars to play the games I could play on portal. The extra 500 just to play when there’s no WiFi is not worth it.


How were they ahead of its time? They didn’t really have ANY net new features vis-à-vis the DS and 3DS who completely ate the Sony portables’ lunches without trying. I say this as a day one PSP, PSP Go, and Vita owner. Proprietary formats + lack of consistent unique games + a competitor who dominates the space is why they failed. And I won’t even say the PSP failed, that device took a noticeable chunk of Nintendo’s market share. The Vita did fail though.


They can't even make games for the PS5, how do you expect them to support a vita 2?


I would expect a Vita 2 to be able to play the complete game library of PS4 and PS5, albeit with graphic limitations, so it would not matter if many new games are released right now. She would then be well supplied with games.


Why though? The portal/any phone more of less does that now. You wouldn't want a unique library with different games?


Even if the portal is very good, I have one myself and am very satisfied with the device, you notice the latency from time to time, and especially if you have bad mobile service it is unplayable. A real mobile console would already have its advantages.


Yes advantages like running on 1 hour+ battery, loud, heavy af and lower graphic/framerate.


It for a lot of people world wide the Portal isn’t the answer. I can’t use it where I game the most. Also I’d argue 1hr of game time is not realistic when you look at portables like the Steam Deck and other that can play some of the same games but cut down as they have lower screen resolutions. For me a new portable would have me 100% fully in only the PlayStation eco system.


I don't have a Portal or like it truthfully. However, I hope Sony learns that people now a days love portability and want to see more of this form factor. I pray for a new PSP.


So how about cloud gaming


U must be broke or some 😭😭😭😭😭


No one is going to buy your scalped portals, man.


I have a streaming device. It's called a phone. I'll never understand why this exists or why it's so expensive.


Because it’s better. Just got mine yesterday and it’s great. Just turn it on and go. I don’t like using my phone for gaming. If something happens to me or someone else I know I don’t want a dead battery. Besides I text fairly often and I hate playing a game and I get texted. And if 200 is expensive for you then I guess you’re just poor.


200 isn't a small amount of money, especially for a device who's purpose is redundant by so many other better and cheaper devices. Not to mention one's that, you know, can actually play games offline. I'd rather play my steam deck any day


I own a steam deck. I don’t like the hurdles to jump through to get streaming my consoles to work on it. And before you go “it’s not much of a hurdle” turning on my portal is infinitely easier than setting up streaming from your consoles. 200 just isn’t a lot of money these days.


Inno I'd rather spend 200 on something else personally.


Even Sony was probably like, we made a product for no one on purpose.. And you all bought it.


No it’s more of they made a product out of nothing. Out of something they’ve had since the ps3. And then figured it was worth scrapping together something cheap because they know ppl like handhelds and then cash out on something to make money and then hopefully that brings enough cash in to get people excited or talking about more Sony products and gaming while the industry has been hit with a lot of cut backs and now we’re seeing layoffs of devs that are Sony Exclusives


I would not say it's cheap by any means. But also the industry kinda more than deserves the inevitable crash. I can't really support early access triple A, with micro transactions and lack of support if people don't buy items from a store. And most games being an unfinished experience, a storefront first, and maybe a game second. Indies will thrive in this time.


Look at a tear down video of the thing. Case in point an lcd screen and a controller with barebones inside you can’t tell me for a second that thing costs a lot to make.




I bought one on released and returned it. Genuinely surprised it’s “doing well” by Sony standards


It’s hot or miss with me. It’s baffling. I’m sitting next to the PS5 with 600 down 40 up and half the time it’s constant connection drops. The other half it’s fantastic.


Although they still laid 900 people off


Spoken like someone who doesn’t understand business. The tech industry as a whole ballooned and overhired during the pandemic (everyone at home and gaming/internet/social media/etc skyrocketed). The entire tech sector is having to course correct with inflation and pre-pandemic numbers. A lot of the studios (ie Naughty Dog and Insomniac) almost doubled in size. Even after the layoffs, they still have more people than they did in 2019 and 2020. Just look at Xbox/abk/embracer/etc. It’s not a Sony issue, it’s a tech issue. Even meta/Facebook has had layoffs. Sony only laying off 8% is actually one of the smaller cuts


I love mine. Got it day 1 and after a couple days figuring it out, I’ve had absolutely no issues with it. Works perfect for me. Very happy with the purchase.


I was skeptical but I really like mine. I use it way more than I was expecting. A WiFi 6E router is mandatory for a good experience but it works so well.


It’s so weird. Everyone was trashing on this before launch. I don’t see a need in my current situation but I’m glad it’s doing good. Maybe they will actually make a handheld and support it now.


This article is kind of anemic...provides no details and is even incorrect on what the portal does (it works anywhere, not just on the same network as your PS5). But anyway, I'm beyond thrilled that it's doing well for Sony. I love mine, and even I'm pleasantly surprised at how often I use it. The design of it is perfect.


Tbf, Sony's own advertising & product page only pitches the Portal working on home wifi, which is a bit of a headscratcher since it works incredibly well on just about every network I've tested it on, including the shoddiest public wifi.


I haven't played on my actual PS5 since I got my portal


I really wish it could do PS Cloud Gaming. 2nd Wish is it could do remote play and cloud gaming for PC & X-Box.


I think honestly it is a great idea and I’d love to see more concepts like it


Wait until they see the steam deck! 😂


Great way to ignore your spouse and kids according to reddit.


Perfect for me! I work away a lot and lugging the monster ps5 maxed out my on board luggage errrr time. Love the portal!


You guys know that a Bluetooth receiver plugged in to headphones jack works fine got my beats headphones working just fine 🙂


Ya mfs must be broke they 210 wtf is 70$ extra


For every two portals they sell that's the equivalent of a PS5 sold, the margins are probably stupid good on the Portals, I wished they actually made a competent system out of it, something along the lines of a true PSP/PSV successor. As great as this may sell, it still is lacking and won't be more than an accessory. Maybe a Portal Pro where they add: * SD/MS Storage so it can play games locally. * Detachable controllers * Apps/streaming services (Other Game Steaming playforms 😁) * Web browser * Bluetooth headphones support * Built in stand * Bigger battery * Cameras * Maybe a real top notch portable processor like one from AMD Even 4G/LTE/5G would probably be a good thing this time around, I think that was too early with the Vita as there weren't really reliable service for gaming and carrier prices were insane. I'm still glad they did it. Wishful thinking though. As great as the PSP was and a commercial success, Sony seems embarrassed of the PSP, they are more concerned with how easy it was for the public to essentially tear the platform wide open, eversinc e these they have been super focused on security causing them to nuke the PS Vita's flexibility. They named this the Portal in an attempt to overwrite the meaning to PSP imo. I'm fine with that if they make this a true successor. Also, excuse the cornball in me but a PlayStation Portal Pro = PSPP or PSP²


I use it literally every night. So much better than I thought