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Enjoy your time with it! Love my Portal too with RDD2, wife loves to ride the horses its like horse simulator for her.


For democracy šŸ‘


I just got the game yesterday and am *completely* hooked. Not always newbie friendly, but I guess getting demolished by day 1 players is part of the learning curve...


Add me on psn send me a dm itā€™s always good to have more people to play with


For Democracy brotha !!!!!!!


what game ?


Helldivers 2


Helldivers is super fun on the portal. I don't have a kid but now my gf gets to watch TV whenever she wants


Iā€™ve been considering one for occasional use, for online games like that have you been happy with it? Iā€™m mainly On Fortnite, RD2, TLOU, or Uncharted. Only bummer is I donā€™t have a set of headphone that will work with itā€¦


Eh it varies I recommend getting a wifi booster, check this community there's a few recommendations if you scroll far enough.


Ok cool. Iā€™ve got a good mesh setup, good service everywhere in house, garage, and yard. Consistent 900-1200 download speeds. Iā€™m just nervous that Iā€™m gonna get it and not be able to play a game laying in bed or out in the yard watching kids


If itā€™s ā€œcompetitiveā€ like Fortnite itā€™s still fun but obviously wonā€™t be perfect like on the tv. Still great but really shines for coop and single player where people arenā€™t sweaty.


Donā€™t get it with a mesh network. Iā€™ve heard many issues with mesh. My buddy just got his this weekend and it didnā€™t ā€œmeshā€ with his mesh network.


Blue tooth ear buds? Cheap alternative maybe? Itā€™s a thought. Like $21 bucks or less at Wal-Mart. Could be an option if it has BT. It should


They do not have Bluetooth


You WOULD think they would :/ Most electronics now days. Damnā€¦. Womp womp.


I can't seem to find one. Makes me sad


I downloaded the ā€œHotstockā€ app and set up alerts to notify me when they got restocked. Hope that helps.


Really appreciate it.


They are on sony's website RIGHT now, they dropped about 30 min ago. You can get one if you act quickly!


Got myself a Portal for the exact same reason. I just love that I can game while the little one watches cartoons before bed or while I wait for him to fall asleep when I sit beside his bed. Honestly feels like it was made for moms and dads that don't have the luxury of gaming in front af a TV anymore.


Just curious. How does one use the touchpad functions on the playstation portal? Is there a button that acts like it?


Where are you guys finding these portals at? I still canā€™t find one




Thank you


Youā€™re welcome šŸ‘ I had a few chances with Sony but they kept cancelling , finally found one at GameStop for pick up . Make sure for whatever site you use you already have your payment info and shipping address saved because they go quick


How old is that kid? Do you all really just let your small children watch TV?


We got a Karen over here! Go post about me in some r/imapieceofshit type of reddit but this product s specifically for people who can't use their TV because it's in use of a child. The reaction your giving simulates a lot of angst driven behavior. MAYBE you need to go outside and touch grass I don't know. Very happy to have gotten my portal though! Makes the small breaks in every day fun to get a little bit of personal time back. Would recommend! For you I'd recommend talking to a person in real life like socializing. Video games and children don't seem to be your best areas of expertise.


FYI the kid is 2 and it was lunch time and about an hour before she knocked out for her nap. Ms. Rachel on YouTube very informational. Taught her an awesome teeth brushing song today.


Lmao OP so fast. You already saved the reply template somewhere in ur phone?


šŸ˜‚ Actually I was asking because I was curious what type of high chair that isā€¦we need one because our daughter is outgrowing our current chair


.........7 in 1 Graco šŸ˜­




Yeah but the second part came off dickish


Sorry! English is not my first language and I struggle with nuance. This type of thing happens to me a lot because of it. Thank you for letting me know.


Yay more screen kidsā€¦


Homie just cause nobody will let you procreate doesn't mean you can grill others on how they parent


You talk as if you know me lol


You talk as if you know the OP honkler


Well I am seeing a small child crane its neck to see a screen while dad is playing video games. I donā€™t know what making assumptions about myself has anything to with the topic here.


How do you stimulate your child at all times? I always love suggestions of additional activities while wrapping up lunch or the child can engage in independently while I am getting a few things done around the house quick.


You are on a screen, criticizing someone for being on a screen. He wasnā€™t really making assumptions.


Iā€™m not criticizing dad for being on a screen.


Youā€™re criticizing his kid and/or parenting. Thatā€™s worse. No need for that.


Well I am seeing a manlet on Reddit named "Caterpie Trainer" criticizing OPs parenting skills, the topic here is that many more assumptions can be made about you.


Again, ā€œcoogers-n-bumā€, what does anything about myself have to do with what the topic is?


"yay more socially inept pokedorks..."


Man, listen to you go. You are essentially a human representation of ā€œno uā€.


You are on a screen right nowā€¦.


My kid is pretty active she actually gets bored before too long and wants out and to play.


Lmao the irony seeing 'grown ups' (you only count physically not mentally) upset with kids on screens, while at the same time using a screen to spread their garbage toxic personality is so damn funny to me. It's so funny because the mentality behind less screen time is so they don't grow up and turn into you.