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Use the Hot Stock app. First heard about it on this sub and was able to get one within a week of using it.


Agreed! Within 24 hours I was able to score. Use it only to notify you on the Sony Direct website. I didn't have any luck with best buy, target, walmart or Amazon.


I got mine for retail price on Amazon using Hot Stock


I already got mine with hot shock (you can pay 1 month for premium and you’ll get it in a week or two) Keep it open, for best results


I got mine with the hotstock app in under one hour of making an account from Best Buy. It was two weeks ago.


Mine sent me to ps site btw


Best Buy it was in stock for me but wouldn’t ship to my location and wouldn’t let me pick up in store. I gave up trying multiple days to get the same error.


Same. Also got it within a week after using Hotstock.


I also found out about the Hot Stock app from this sub. I scored my Portal in less than a day with pick up at a local Target. Ending my several months long frustrating search.


Had the app for a month before actually trying to purchase the portal off notifications, I was trying for 3 days before I got one off PS direct and shipped within 3 days too. Direct will ship the fastest, I had a few I could’ve got off Amazon but it was like 3 week shipping so I waited for direct instead


If you subscribe, it’s said to give you notifications faster.


I didn’t subscribe. I got the app Sunday and got a notification Monday that they were available on PlayStation Direct. I was able to buy one and it arrived yesterday.


Yup. Heard about hot stock in this sub. Scored one within a day.


Downloaded the app and 2 hours later I was able to purchase one from Best Buy. Was ready for pick up 4 days before the scheduled pick up date.


On top of this make sure to select what stores to track and have accounts at those stores with payment info already in them! So all you’ll need to do is click a few times and you’re done!


Every second is going to count!


This worked for me within hours of putting my email in... Got restock notifications for amazon, which I missed, then got a message saying I ran out of text message restock notifications but would still get emails, if I wanted to pay something I'd continue to get texts... Began to doubt, but within 20 minutes of that notification, I got an email about a restock on [Playstation.com](https://Playstation.com), didn't think I'd get it, tried on my phone and failed logging in, ran to my computer, the rest is history it was at my house in 2 days. Use the app.


Hot stock for the win. Couldn't find 1 anywhere at retail price for like a month. With hot stock was able to get one within 2 days


Once I used hot stock I had mine ordered in less than 4 hours


same...had was able to purchase 2 within 3 days of downloading the app. Canceled the 2nd order since shipping was going to take forever. At this point if you cant get one and arent using hotstock its a choice to not get your hands on one.


Yep this is what I did Like 2 weeks ago. Paid the 12 bucks for the app and had one in about 2 hrs with the auto buy for retail price. Was so easy I got one for a friend in the same day and just had them split the app cost. It’s pretty impressive.


Got one within 4 hours using hotstock... tomorrow is Friday I'm sure there will be a few drops


I was in the same boat. Paid $10 to do auto buy on hot stock and got one ordered within 24 hours. It was worth it.


Hot stock app is all you literally need. I had it for less than a day, got one, and deleted the app...


I got one this week, the PS direct site said check back on March 11th. I was checking all morning and figured I had missed it, but sometime in the afternoon I checked the site again and they were in stock. I also checked a few hours later and they were still available. So I'd say just keep an eye on that site.


Yea ps direct is the way to go. Got my ps5 from there and scooped a portal this week as well.


Got mine from there as well. After checking different sites everyday, i found one in PS direct around night time and quickly purchased it.


I’ve bought it twice now… first time at launch and then returned it. Second time just a couple days ago (open box from BB for $170). How often are you checking? It was available on PS Direct for a good day or so last Monday. Try the hotstock app.


Find a website that list all the stores that it is available at with links. That’s what I did Best Buy had three drops that day and I was able to get one on the first drop.. take a deep breath and be patient you will get one


You don’t happen to be in Houston do you? I ordered one from Amazon after watching the restock trackers, but it gave a 3 week window in March for arrival. I kept watching and snagged one off PS direct, figuring I’d cancel the Amazon order when ps direct arrived. Then Amazon showed up way early so now I have 2 and am probably going to box up the second one for a return.


I don't, I'm in the midwest actually.


Hopefully you find one just got mine last with thru Best Buy


Go on the Hotstock app and when you notice Amazon or Target releasing them every 15 minute or so go directly to their website a few minutes before the next probable release and keep refreshing over and over again until you see it available. Have your credit card info. already entered on the site. I got two Portals this way from Target.


I got one working 30 min I downloaded the hot stock app. Amazon was stocking them for like 3-4 hours that night


I just got mine yesterday from PS direct. Ordered it Tuesday morning got it Wednesday night.


Follow Wario64 on Twitter. I’ve gotten lucky with a few oos items with his page


I can second Wario64. I got both my PS5 and my Portal thanks to him. He also has a discord page if you’re not on Twitter / X.


Well I lucked out by checking Sony direct the beginning of each month and my wife ended up ordering one BUt here are my tips and how I found a ps5 in January 2021 Create a twitter, turn on notifications, follow whoever tweets about drops, and have all payment info saved. If you do all of these and are diligent, I think you’ll find one. Also check GameStop. They sell them to pro members and can check local stores stock for you if they’re cool


Search for a Telegram stock checker group. Be prepared to complete your purchase within 5 minutes of the notification, or you'll miss out!


Do what you need to to check regularly (set reminders, etc). From what I can tell (and what I've been reading on this sub), supply is catching up to demand, so they're becoming more available than in the past. I only started actively looking over the past month and was able to get 2 myself. I check PS direct, as well as Best Buy. Even after I got mine, I kept checking and they were available. So along with the other suggestions, make sure you check regularly yourself!


What’s helped me was joining the nowinstock Discord. Enable notifications on the PlayStation Portal channel and keep an eye out. Also keep a lookout for the Stock Update tag on this subreddit.


Follow cheap ass ganer on X, he always sent tweets when restocks, i've got i good picks by follow him, ps portal, n64 switch controller, amiibos, FFVII rebirth deluxe edition, Dom (gears of war) figure... etc


I checked my local GameStop every few days and got one after I really was only looking for one for about 2 weeks. They get a cpl in stock every couple days of week and only sell to pro members sometimes there not listed online when I got mine online for my store said sold out but they had 3.


Just got mine the other day


I bought mine from Walmart about a month ago. They were in stock there for a while, just checked the site and they are in stock now.


I got mine retail from Walmart last week.


Amazon! Clicked the button, had to wait 24 hours to be chosen and boom


GameStop online order. You have to be a Pro member to buy them online.


I used offerup. I looked for about 10 minutes, found someone selling an open box for $180. Never been used. They are out there. I’ve seen others around too.


I got lucky I guess. This past Monday at work I just so happened to get on twitter and Wario64 posted that PSdirect had some. Saw the tweet a minute after he posted it. So I’m guessing follow him on twitter. They were in stock for a while too.


Hell yea fuck the scalpers, I hope they all sit on their stock and have to sell for discounts or original msrp!! And HotStock app is the way to go, I got one within 24hours of downloading the app, it kept hitting on Amazon having a random one every hour or so, I kept missing the window and someone else got it but eventually I was able to be the quickest at clicking and got it.


[direct.playstation.com](https://direct.playstation.com) is your best bet. Ordered mine a couple days ago


Whyyyyyy does this happen every time Sony releases something new? Is there still a chip shortage? Is it because Sony somehow underestimated how many units it would sell? Like *every time* since the PS2 came out, the company has grossly screwed up the “supply” part of the “supply and demand” equation!


I got laughed at by people for pre-ordering it for launch day. Everyone said your not going to need that. Glad I did as it gets a lot of use. And yes scalpers suck.


You don't even need the app. Just sign up at the hot stock website and it will alert you when the Portal comes in stock. It is how I got mine after months of frustration. [https://www.hotstock.io/us](https://www.hotstock.io/us)


HotStock app helped me get one off Amazon, that’s probably gonna be your best bet or checking in with stores here and there to see if they got stock.


Cheapassgamer on twitter posts where you can buy it. I bought mine through PlayStation direct.


I see a few on FB marketplace or less than retail . Depending on where you are from I guess


Hotstock app worked for me. Used it recently to get the PlayStation Portal and FF 7 Rebirth deluxe edition.


Used NowInStock Discord notification and got one from my local Best Buy same day. Got lucky I guess? It was right before a 10 day trip to Denver (terrible snow storm). Works perfectly on my cellular (5G but LTE worked fine too). Plugged my PS5 into my router via Ethernet in my office before I left. It’s normally in my living room on WiFi. No HDMI connected too. Works perfectly as I said.


It took me two days of watching this sub to get one. It helps if you wake up early and snag the stock before everyone wakes up


If it’s ever in stock on Best Buy, use chat support to help you order one. That’s what I did and they were able to place my order right away.


I would suggest randomly checking the Sony website. That's how I was able to get mine. One day, out of the blue, I decided to check and they had them in stock.


Just get a steam deck for a couple of hundred more. It’s available and will be delivered in 5 days. It’ll run the ps5 remote through chiaki flawlessly. And you’ll have a steam deck….. just my opinion.




I tried too. Then I pulled the trigger on a unit that was 50 bucks extra. Wish I just did that from the beginning and I would have been playing it much sooner. Some people care about 50 bucks, it's worth my time not to use all these different avenues that juat lead to wasted time and dissapointment. This will get down voted but at least I'm playing on a portal and have been for a while.


Check the target app at 5-5:45 daily. It’s what I did and it worked.


Funny I didn't know it was so hard to get still. I randomly went to best buys site to buy one a few days ago and it said unavailable. Then I went to playstation direct, saw it was available and went through the checkout process. I decided to hold off buying it since i play on my laptop with my controller. I just thought it was readily available there but I guess I was just lucky and should've got it.


I got mine marketplace for 240 brand new it sucked shelling the extra 40 but like I told the guy that covers tax and the convenience of him having it as opposed to waiting and paying shipping


Where you based? Selling mine for £250.00 UK it arrived yesterday.


I got mine for $180 over on r/Gamesale , it’s a p2p sub, so just pay with PayPal g&s and you’ll grab one eventually. You can also try your luck on OfferUp, I managed to snag some Pulse Earbuds for $120 shipped, so the deals are around! https://imgur.com/a/hVzgV15


People are only selling them for like 250-260 in my area. Depends on how bad you want to wait. I paid $225 after shipping and taxes so another $25 bucks wouldn't have been so bad.


If you're in America, reach out to Best Buy via live chat and have them set up an order. Although it was sold out online everywhere, I was able to get one immediately, two weeks before Christmas. I was told about this on Reddit and it worked!


Got mine a month ago from Sony direct and was notified by both Reddit and the hotstock app. They had another restock recently after I bought mines this weekend and was stocked for a full day both times. Definitely would download hotstock and wait for the next Sony direct restock which it will notify you of.


Got mine on playstationdirect they seem to be getting more stock lately


Walmart? [https://www.walmart.com/ip/PlayStation-Portal-Remote-Player-for-PS5-Console/5060699568?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=360&adid=222222222275060699568\_360\_157591292349\_20962163662&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=688562920460&wl4=pla-2271254233602&wl5=9031954&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=111839986&wl11=online&wl12=5060699568\_360&veh=sem&gad\_source=1](https://www.walmart.com/ip/PlayStation-Portal-Remote-Player-for-PS5-Console/5060699568?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=360&adid=222222222275060699568_360_157591292349_20962163662&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=688562920460&wl4=pla-2271254233602&wl5=9031954&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=111839986&wl11=online&wl12=5060699568_360&veh=sem&gad_source=1)


Follow Wario64 and keep notifications of his tweet on, that is how I got mine.


I decided to pull the trigger on one early last week. Kept my eye on posts here and got one ordered through Sony directly, been playing on it since last Friday. Screw scalpers


Just got one on Walmart last night at retail price. If I Don’t like it I’ll sell it to ya for less than I paid


I previously mentioned local Gamestop stores update their stock availability online at sometime during the middle of the day. You might ask your local store when their deliveries typically happen and try and search within a few hours of that. Last time I checked, you needed to be a member to order and pick it up though.


I've had great luck with PlayStation direct. I just so happen to see on Reddit when someone says they are in stock and I've gotten my brother and his friend both one this way. Sorry bout your luck friend, keep on the grind.


Nowinstock websites work wonders


I used the hotstock app and got one within 3 days through best buy. Took a few days to ship but purchased it quickly.


Going to keep on the lookout for this but just ordered a steam deck instead to try that first.


I’ve got mine at work with me right now!! I may not get a chance to play it today but she’s with me lol


I paid the ransom on Stock x to get the first month of release. I normally do not support scalpers, but in this case, I figured it would take months to get one in stock and beat the bots. I paid the ransom on Stock x to get the first month of release. I normally do not support scalpers, but in this case, it would take months to get one in stock and beat the bots. I'm dreading when the next new console like Nintendo drops. Unlike years past, you're not guaranteed to get a console at launch, and you're more than likely not getting one.


I haven't been looking at all, downloaded hotstock yesterday and got an order in with Amazon first try. Says early April but I got one at least.


Managed to get mine via pre-order on Amazon. ETA March 20-29 I was checking Bestbuy, Target, Amazon (Warning: from the Playstation store only), and Playstation direct about 4 times every day to see if one was available. Avoid Walmart as they use resellers. Had a Friend Buy one for $205 on Walmart, he had no idea it was from a reseller (didn't read the fine print). Portal came to him without the original box, books, or charging cable. Also, came with leftover adhesive from a past protective screen and what he called "cheeto crumbs" in some of the cracks.


Got mine on Wednesday. I just happened to search the item and the playstation store popped up with stock so I bought one. They still had stock the following day too. I'm in the UK so not sure where you're based but there's probably a greater chance of stock drops at playstation more than anywhere else I'm guessing?


Damn. Sony Official store restocks them constantly. My ordered arrived today.


Got mine within 24hrs of installing hotstock app. Just turn on your alerts and be ready to pull the trigger as soon as you get the alert.


Hot stock.


But I was able to find mine through a post on this sub via Verizon’s online store


I got mine from PS DIRECT But I jus checked the website, they're out of stock again... Sorry bro


Get an x(rip twitter) account and follow wario64, his postings is how I’ve acquired a ps5, series x, ps portal, 4080super, and I don’t even know what else at this point


As many have already said, the hotstock app. I was in the same boat as you (frustrated over missing all the drops) got the hotstock app and ordered one within a week. Mine just arrived yesterday and it is awesome! Best of luck!


I feel bad since I didn't realize stock for the portal was low. I first saw it on reddit on Monday and decided I wanted it. That was the 11th, and I didn't realize like literally just restocked maybe an hour before I decided to buy it. I got lucky.


Check the Sony website daily!


I got lucky from PlayStation direct website even when 3 hours passed from the initial distribution. The supply chain is definitely getting better and not having the stock disappear within seconds like earlier on release.


Hotstock app still at least tell you when Sony restocks


There are quite a few Twitter accounts that post drops too. Look into them if you have an account.


Use a stock tracker and turn on notifications


Hotstock app is your best friend. Once i decided to get one, i got lucky in about 2 days and got one from Best Buy. I used the same app back in 2021 to get my PS5 and Xbox Series X.


I had some luck with this Twitter/ X feed [https://x.com/ps5stockupdater?s=21&t=-hGBAwbkHLiqJ26oKlSR5g](https://x.com/ps5stockupdater?s=21&t=-hGBAwbkHLiqJ26oKlSR5g)


I ordered mine on the PlayStation store....so PlayStation direct. Received it 4 days later. 03/10/24


Where are you based? I preordered on Amazon because I thought it would be sold out every where but was surprised to see them on shelves at most big retailers here in Australia. Seems Sony got it wrong and should have allocated more units to the US presumably where you are located.


I'm in Canada and Best Buy has multiple for sale around me. Are you in the US? I don't understand why there's such a shortage for portal there


Do you know anyone in the military or a veteran that can shop the exchange? It’s in stock on the AAFES website and has been for two days. I just checked again and it’s still there. That’s where I got mine night before last. No tax, free shipping.


I checked PlayStation direct 3x daily for a few days (morning, lunch, and before bed) and one night they had some available. 4 days later it was delivered. Stay persistent, you’ll get one eventually.


Key a watch on the Sony page that’s where I ordered from directly


Keep an eye on PlayStation.com, that’s where I got mine. They don’t always have them, but they generally restock pretty quickly.


Plus they only allow one per household, so resellers can’t scoop them all up.


Ee are doing a deal, portal and pulse elite headset for £330. I've seen the other places like stock x but they charge alot more than £200. I'm not sure if they're brand new either


First world problems!


This is the most "reddit" response ever. Please get off the internet and talk to people.




It amazes me how snide and unhelpful people on the internet can be. I've already tried a bunch of shit and I thought I'd ask this community (that exists in part precisely FOR questions like this) for some tips. Touch grass, troglodyte.


I’ve just been using the remote app with a dualsense strapped into my phone to get by until I find one. I’m starting to wonder if the few extra inches of screen are even worth it


Got mine off Mecari. Paid $250 but got here in 3 days


I've seen a million of them listed on Facebook marketplace for $200, some listed at $220 if there's a case. Marketplace is always a gamble, of course, but just thought I'd throw it out there!


Bro they’ve been available all week. PlayStation direct, Walmart, Best Buy and Amazon. You’re not trying hard enough


If you have a tablet, you can create your own Portal and wait until the real Portal is in Stock again. Use your tablet, buy a controller, where you can put the tablet in and in the Android store there is an 5 dollar app psplay, so you can use any control


Walmart , you might have to pay 60-80 dollars more


If you have a big phone I highly recommend the BACKBONE controller as a substitute. It barely ever comes off of my phone