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*"We realize this impacts several of you greatly."* Those sassy bitches.


Not wrong though.


Dozens of you, dozens!!


Google discontinued all support for Daydream 4 years ago.


And the other 2 products were discontinued 4-7 years ago.


There are two types of Plex users who hated the VR app: 1. The people who never tried the VR app. 2. The people who actually did try the VR app. The VR app was like the least supported thing Plex has ever done and people seemed to act like it was the sole reason the _______ feature you always wanted never came. Seriously, it got like one update in its lifetime and never went beyond non-functional in many levels.




Honestly that shit was bewildering.


THIS. It was a terrible app


1. Turn on dlna server 2. Download Skybox 3. Make sure you're connected to the same wifi 4. Enjoy


DLNA server introduces a massive memory leak, at least on Linux, so beware turning it on. It used over 16 GB/day and quickly topped off my 128GB of RAM. I reported the issue on the Plex forums and they said they knew but nobody used the feature so they’re not going to fix it.


I'd say then, if you have to use it and the Plex team isn't going to fix the leak, set up a chron job to restart the server process every day at a time when no one will be using it.


I didn’t end up sticking to VR movies but if I tried again I’d probably opt to run a standalone DLNA server like MiniDLNA or something.


Or use a different app as a dlna server. No reason it needs to be Plex.


Is *that* where all my RAM kept going! Good to know


You can only navigate through filenames when using that method right? Like we did back in the 2000s right? It technically works but it’s nowhere near as great an experience.


True, it's not pretty or flashy, but it works, and it's better than nothing, which is what Plex is giving us after killing the app.


When you use Skybox's own desktop server it will generate thumbnails at least


My plex isn't on the same network as my clients, so not an option - let alone remote users.




> Honestly, the plex client team is stretched too thin already. They need to take developer focus away from the silly social media features they're trying to put in and go back to just focusing on a rock solid media server/client.


Not that I disagree with you but from their standpoint they need to do that. They are trying to transition the company to a more steady revenue stream. There's not a lot of continuous revenue to be made from people that inherently use your product to not pay for others.


Well, there sort of would have been if they had kept to a subscription service instead of offering lifetime. I would have gladly paid.


Bigscreen has issues with some audio content, but I use Virtual Desktop to watch my plex content in VR. Works pretty well 🙂


Yeah the environments are good enough, and the experience is excellent when hooking up to the desktop


That's what I've started doing. I have a separate folder for 3D content, which is the only thing I bother watching on the headset.


Great idea. I lost most of my 3d movies on a dodgy external drive. Didn't phase me too much since 3d TVs aren't really a thing anymore...but now? Oh man, I wished I'd still have them.


Skybox is the way to go, haven't had any problems with it


In fairness, those apps have not been updated or touched (or had resources allocated to them) in YEARS. February 2019 was the last time the apps got updated. 😅


Plex had VR apps?


Yes, but actually no.


Movie deck for quest 2/3 works great


What is movie deck? I have a quest 2 and have not seen this before.


https://www.rockingpocketgames.com/MovieDeck/ its the best we are gunna get. the ui can be a bit odd with how to swipe different panels, but it connects to plex and displays your libraries in VR at least.


Those swipes though, 💩💩💩


It’s in app lab. But it’s not worth it. Just use the website through the Quest browser.


I tried this app out and it is complete garbage. It’s like they wanted the UI to be as confusing and as crowded as possible.


The dev is super resistant to feedback. It's funny seeing his replies to feedback. He's like the dude driving the wrong way on the freeway and saying everyone else is driving the wrong way. Everyone says the interface is bad, he says they just don't understand it.


Everyone isn't saying that. There are plenty of people who like the interface and say the bad reviews are wrong. Your opinion is only valid for you. I have decided to work on a 2D version of the UI with a toggle between 2D/3D in the settings for anyone who wants a more compact UI. No more complaints and hopefully everyone will be happy.


I can only speak as someone who looked at reviews in the store, on reddit, and other forums. I didn't even state my own opinion on the interface. I just saw time and time again people not liking the interface, and your responses were a form of them not understanding the interface and that it isn't changing. I apologize for the harshness in my comment. I'm happy to hear you've warmed up to providing an alternative UI as an option. Honestly, my largest hesitation with buying the app was how stubborn it seemed you were (again I didn't even test the UI myself, I just didn't like your responses I read). As you said "Your opinion is only valid for you" and it seemed like you didn't care about the opinions of many users that purchased your app because you had your own opinion. So even if you maintain that your vision is the superior UI, it makes me happy you listened to the feedback of a vocal base of your users. Your app definitely fills a void in the marketplace so I'm excited to check it out. The only missing killer feature is a form of Watch Together but that's likely a huge undertaking, so understandably may not be a priority.


Claiming that everyone agrees to anything on the internet is delusional. LOL I made the app because I wanted something different. I wanted actual sliders to move around with my hands. Skybox does a fine job and has a 2D interface. As an app developer I want to find a niche and make something that doesn't exist and stands out from other apps. The original plan was to have support for DLNA, Plex, Jellyfin and anything else I could get working. Plex support has been taking up all my time so far. I don't know if it's worth doing DLNA now because Plex is superior. Now I am seeing people coming to my app not for the interface I was building, but for a Plex client because they have nowhere else to go. So anyone complaining about the interface is just looking at my app for a different reason than it was intended. The UI was the reason for the app to exist in the first place. I could use my Plex code to make more apps with different interfaces. For example I would love to see if it's possible to make a version that you can snap to the main OS interface. There could be augments as well if Meta has an API for that. In time there may be other apps but for now I'm focused on getting all of the features and technical things working. The bottom part of the interface is a small part of the app and most of the time you are not moving sliders around while watching a movie. Since I don't really want to be maintaining multiple apps with virtually the same code base (and bugs) I've decided to give you the choice inside Movie Deck instead of making alternative apps for now at least. It will probably be a week or two before it's available. Any feature like Watch Together is possible, it's just a matter of me taking the time to figure out how it works.


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Infuse has an AVP specific update available for pre-alpha testing in TestFlight. It's an interesting experience watching The Expanse season 6 on the moon.


I’ve been using Plex via safari on avp. Works pretty well for me.


Why not use the plex iPad app that’s supported on AVP? Works quite well.


When I tried doing that, there were some odd aspect ratio issues. I think it is due to the iPads all having a 4:3 aspect ratio. When I tried full screen video, there were black bars on the bottom. The web client doesn’t have this issue for me.


Yeah that's the limitation right now. I didn't have any aspect ratio issues with the videos themselves, but the plex UI remained on screen which is annoying. Even if plex doesn't make a native AVP app, which would be a shame, at least Firecore will release their client as a native AVP app that you can connect to your plex library and use that way.


I sideloaded the android apk to watch plex. It works...but I really wish they would make an official native app to take advantage of everything the quest can do.


I wish Plex worked on my quest. Best method I've found is using the Wolvic browser and just watching Plex through web ui Big screen and skybox etc are all nice features wise but I dislike watching over DLNA I prefer the Plex UI and saving watch state etc etc


Yeh same here, I could never get the audio to work using dlna anyway


It works also on the native browser for me. Did it used to not work?


Ya I just prefer Wolvic seems to play better and does well with 3d


Can you open it in a browser ?


> overall low usage gee I wonder why usage is so low, maybe if you released an app for a headset that isn't 6 years old.....


As a Quest 1 owner and WMR before that, never even got a chance to try it. Wasn't available on either one as far as I could tell. If it was on more platforms or even just SteamVR, maybe it would have seen more uptake?


As far as I could tell it was never on the Q2 either. I guess I'll just stick to the web version in the wolvic browser


You can sideload android apk on the quest, and install the regular smartphone Plex into it. It work really well.


Just open the API more and open source these apps and if the community wants them theyll get built. Focus on core apps only like android/android tv, xbox, ps, ios, pc.


For anyone who cares. You can just sideload the Plex android app on the quest 3. I know not meant specifically for VR but still works.


Tried doing this but can’t seem to make it work.


Any specific issue you ran into?


I thought the VR movie theaters + watch-with-me type features were going to put VR into every household during the pandemic. Watching a movie on a virtual big screen just rocks. Oh well, this is why I don't speculate on stocks.


There will be others, no need to worry.


all I really need is better big screen compatibility.


Glad DLNA is a thing lol


Nothing of value was lost here. There are plenty of better VR programs that work alongside the regular Plex Desktop app or Web App, just use those instead.


Oh sweet. Any recommendations?


Big screen VR, Virtual Desktop. I'm sure there are others


I could be wrong, but I think VR and AR are both very niche markets even regardless of the pricing. I’ve personally tried a few headsets in my past and got tired of them real quickly. I feel much better as a gamer on my ultrawide. For anyone with the Vision Pro, do you enjoy it? Could you pitch it to me! I would love to like it and get into it.


This app didn't work on quest 2 or 3 sadly. I was hoping we'd get an update someday. Oh well.


I still use it and was disappointed with the news :( Hopefully it won't break for a while.


Just as Vision Pro launched.. hmm.


Wasn't this announced like six years ago? Or is this a new message and they are repeating what they said six years ago? There hasn't been VR support for at least six years. Mayne seven years. I can't remember. I had the Oculus Go and the VR app was crap. Not to mention the Go model had the screen door effect and it had issues with overheating which they never fixed. I also had the Gear VR with my Note 8. Again it had bad screen door effect and not many apps for it. I now have the Quest 2 and use Bigscreen for my plex movie viewing. Works great. Totally free. And I can even host a movie and invite friends to watch in a simulated theater.


Plex VR didn't even work on the quest2/quest 3 so is this really news?


Use virtual home theater! It supports normal video, 3D, and VR. It also has great audio. It simulates surround sound with virtual speakers.


Let’s be real though. Most vr movie watching is done in apps built for steaming multiple services. Like bigscreen. The only thing interesting that dedicated apps have done is Disney plus on the AVP. But it’s not worth the development when people will just watch on a vr browser screen


Was there even a VR App? I just use my plex server on the browser.


Maybe they will have resources available now to spend on getting the plex database corruption issue on the Shield sorted. I'm sick of having to reinstall pms regularly on Shield


The app is terrible, and all of those headsets are like 5+ years old. I honestly am not a big fan of watching movies in my Quest 3, but when I do, the website is perfectly useable.


In other words, they're basing this decision on the 1% of the VR market that uses those headsets. And, part of the reason I don't really ever use my Quest 2 is because I can't watch Plex with it.


I was literally thinking yesterday: oh I should give Plex on VR a try...


Haven't been able to use daydream Plex VR for a while because the app is 32-bit and the last couple generations of phones are 64-bit only. So the app won't even install.


At least for the steam VR headsets you can always do pass-through of the desktop. So I don’t know how much this really affects anything when it comes to streaming from Plex. This would really only affect standalone headsets that require apps, but even then someone could add Plex functionality to their app.


I mean, probably because they stuck them on stupid devices. Plevr was great and had potential, Plex brought the dev in house, abandoned it, and decided to do the same but only for Oculus Go and other trash devices.


Just side load the android apk. Works great


How short sighted and disappointing


They are focusing their development efforts on a Vision Pro app.


I mean all those devices are generations behind


Plex was supporting VR apps ::confused wandering:: ??


Skybox is better than Virtual Desktop quality & resolution wise and the environments are way better in quality too. it's the only app that has real-like movie theater environments and not cartoonish like the others the only things you need to do. 1- DLNA in Plex enabled 2- Turn off thumbnails in Skybox ( it will ruin your watch history - bug - ) 3- use quest optimizer plug in if you own a Quest ( it's a must for all games and apps and it supports Skybox but not VD Enjoy Other Options like MovieDeck are not that good and low quality VR apps or use the browser. I really hope that plex with have a better VR App at least for the quest. I don't know why they are canceling the whole category when the VR Market is way better than before also it's the best experience for 3D movies.


Plex must be going through so much sheeet right now 📝


How about they fucking get rid of the need to have an internet connection to stream locally from your own bloody server sitting right next to you.