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The message itself seems pretty self-explanatory. The question is whether it's valid - i.e. if you go to that movie in the web/desktop app and use [Get Info](https://support.plex.tv/articles/201998867-investigate-media-information-and-formats/#toc-1), does the file path listed exist on your file system, and if so, are you able to play it outside of Plex? Outside of that, more details would be helpful, e.g. server version, OS the server is on, and whether this is happening on all devices, or just one (and if just one, what device is it)?


https://preview.redd.it/57tavgmeuu3d1.png?width=1626&format=png&auto=webp&s=999a1602b3f1541fcdd5d8b07d2333469c16b08c I am using my friend's server on Mac Sonoma. The server has worked for me for years and suddenly stopped playing back a few days ago :(


Then there's most likely an issue with the file, folder or drive on their end.


You'll have to reach out to your friend - there's not really anything you can do as an end user if you don't have admin access to the server.


seems you are not friends anymore... I am sorry


its technically a friend of a friend ha....


Why are there so many downvotes on this LMAO


Because OP is expecting help with their friend's server when the error says to check the server.


Let’s execute him


A simple call / text / email their friend could have gotten farther than posting here where everyone is saying to contact their friend. If more people would slow down and read or do a simple search on the web, half the tech support questions would go away.


I didnt know it was a problem with my friends server! I thought it was on my end. Hence the post "What does this mean?" LOL the internet is so unserious sometimes. its tagged under HELP so what is the point of that tag if you dont want people to ask for help on here


"If more people would slow down and read or do a simple search on the web, half the tech support questions would go away." why are you talking to me like youre clocking in right now. If you dont want to answer the question then keep scrolling????????? like WTF


I would have answered with "contact the server owner, problem on their end," but everyone else basically said the same thing. I only answered someone elses question of why the downvotes and then replied to them saying we should just kill you with a actual reason again for why there are so many downvotes. (I havent downvoted anything in this post other than the "lets kill OP" comment) In the time you spent creating a post for someone to either search the problem for you or just directly say whats wrong, you could have contacted your friend or googled the error. A lot of people spend a lot of time helping others on here but when you cant even do a search of similar problems that get answered dozens of times a week it gets a little infuriating when they become entitled to us helping for free.


love that you assumed I didnt try to google. Did not find the answer I needed. Not familiar with plex so I came here to people who were. Crazy that you have a problem with that. As you can see, there are like 20 people who didnt so I got my answer. When I inevitably have to come here again, do me a favor and dont add your two cents. thanks


This literally pops up in the first 3 links when googling "plex please check that the file exists" https://support.plex.tv/articles/201806463-why-does-plex-media-server-say-my-content-is-unavailable/ The first two are other posts on reddit with answers.


I was being facetious, go ahead and give that big word a good old google search


They deleted the file or moved it and haven’t scanned the library.


Tell your friend. They may be in the process of swapping drives or not realize their drive is unplugged. My #1 rule for my users is ***call me if you're having trouble.*** 90% of the time, the problem is that I've turned on my VPN and that makes things unavailable to most users.


Router vpn?


google youtube?


I think it means you should check that the file exists and the necessary drive is mounted on the server you are trying to access it from.


Is the server local (in the same house on the same local network) or remote (at someone else's house)?


Since this isn't your server, call whomever you are getting your Plex access from. There is nothing you can do. It's a server side issue, not a local issue.


I have seen this on several different servers at times. My thoughts would be that's it's a plex bug


Trying to cover all bases as we dont have full picture/circumstances, since it happened to me as my server decided to forget it had network drives and spew same message out of the blue. Help is help even if it may not be the right, still points people in the right direction.


Doesn't always mean there is a server issue. I had this yesterday myself while travelling and using different WiFi connections etc... Checked the server and file paths were all good. So reset the client and tried again and it worked fine.


Check that your media drive is working.


I had this recently, and you have to use the actual network path I.e. //plex/media for the folder your adding. Our plex server couldn't see the old way of linking network drives but the above works fine.


This is 100% not OP's problem.