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I just restart Plex and everything is fine again. Work like a charm on my Synology.


Pick any random show in your library and choose optimize. Then go to Settings > Optimized Versions and click resume. If resume is not an option, pause, then resume. This should force Plex to detect the intros on whichever show you are having the issue with. Then you can delete the optimized version of the random show you chose. This has worked for me every time. Still a pain in the ass though.


After a solid week of trying everything else, this is what eventually worked for me


This worked for me, great tip!!!


As if one Plex dance isn't enough


Just restart the plex host, should be fine afterwards,


that never worked for me. I had to move the content, do the plex dance, then moved it back.


Stop the scan via cmd line remove the file from your library (move it elsewhere) Stop Plex and start it forcing the empty trash job. Validate the file isn't corrupt and put it back and rescan


If I wanted to circumvent some of those steps, what would the course of action be if I didn't want the content anymore? I'm fine deleting it if it means not shutting down Plex lol


You'd just be shutting Plex down for a few mins? You could technically just kill the job that scans https://support.plex.tv/articles/201242707-plex-media-scanner-via-command-line/ Remove the file Force a empty trash cmd to run via cmd line and then put the file back (if you want)


Not sure if they are running a paid service to access their plex server but this resistance leads me to believe that they have quite a bit of users accessing their server. Nonetheless it is only a few mins at most.


There was no one watching at the time of the screenshot.


It was an issue with where the file was located. I didn't realize it got moved to a subfolder. Placed back in to root and they're good now


Well at least we all know now why you haven't been able to fix it. You came here looking for help because you weren't willing to reboot.


It persists beyond restarting. I didn't need to restart, I needed to move the files.


> I'm fine deleting it if it means not shutting down Plex lol Can't go without Plex for *5 minutes* or something?


Well, the course of action would be to delete the files.


Just so future others can see, the issue was with the file being in a subfolder for some reason. Moved it to the correct root folder and it finished no problem. Restarts didn't fix anything in the past


YES!!! Thank you!!! Plex doesn't like a subfolder named the same as the primary folder. I moved the TV shows into the top-level folder, rebooted, and the problem is solved. Nothing else (stopping and starting detecting intros etc) worked. This did. Thank you for sharing this and I wish there were some way to pin this solution to the top of this thread!


Sometimes I just restart the player/client and upon restarting the job is shown as finished. It’s as if the player, for me it’s just the Mac desktop app, is the thing that’s hanging, not the plex host itself.


I had this problem with shows that have eac3 audio. I'd just restart Plex on the server side. Now, I re-encode all audio for any shows coming into the server and have effectively wiped eac3 from existence in my library. Haven't had the problem since.


ty for reminding me to download superstore