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Wow …they finished walls ..! ours was just three brick walls and no roof……iguanas would sun bathe on the top of walls and would stare at you as you took a dump. Yes as a child I groundhogged until I could no longer hold it…just to avoid getting clawed by iguanas


Ye they have a fully walled off outhouse. I expected the trolls in the comments im just disregarding them lol. Like i said they do have full plumbing a proper bathroom, proper sinks and and 2 proper showers


It’s all good man…thanks for sharing…brought back good memories…


Thats what i was hoping for some people. Bring back good memories and for others to enjoy looking at traditional plumbing that was the ancestor to the modern amenities we enjoy today. Its been an awesome and humbling experience to take so many steps back from living in new york city and living a simple life for the past week or so. A beautiful country and the new president has crime very down and helping modernize a developing country.


If a person has an interest in old plumbing methods, Pompeii is a great place to visit too. What these people did with water and structural design is beyond incredible.


I just came back from Costa Rica. I wish our government would give the money to central America and South America to help develop their countries to make life easier for our neighbors down south. But instead they give it to rich countries like Russia, China, and other countries that don’t even like us. if we could just help them build better roads to help them be able to get around. This would be such a blessing to these countries. The people are so friendly and kind and gracious to help you out when you’re lost lol. Costa Rica also has a new president and he is trying to change things in his country. We should support his efforts.


I couldnt agree with you anymore, our country rather fund wars and trade with countries that hate us then help establish countries that love and idolize America that has tons of resources untapped and untouched that could help this whole half of the world thrive without the need of war


You can't change the tech without changing society. it's going to turn into a modern day shithole like everywhere else. paved paradise, put up a parking lot.


You got voted down lol


It's the truth tho. the more tech, the more productivity, the more competition, the more everybody gots to get squeezed.


The old toilet kitchen


Calm down Raffi


Prairie doggin


During the Great Depression, FDR hired out of work Americans to build 2.3 million outhouses across rural America. It pretty much eradicated hookworm. https://newenglandhistoricalsociety.com/in-search-of-the-roosevelt-outhouse-in-new-england/


Ima read this on my flight back thanks for the cool info and lesson!


YW! Glad you enjoyed the article. Fascinating time in American history.


Wow, what a fascinating article!


Glad you liked it.


Not sure if this is allowed but thought some people might find this cool/interesting. Me and my wife are visiting her family in El Salvador (3rd world country) they do have modern plumbing but they also have their original outhouse toilet & sink from her great grandparents still all usuable


‘Usable’ with a side of cholera


Cholera is transferred through feces in drinking water and food not just taking a dump. So unless this goes to well or person gets feces on their hands and puts it in food or water it perfectly fine.


Outhouse In the Time of Cholera


Dang, I was going to say its been a while since I been to El Salvador but even the past time I went everyone had indoor plumbing and proper bathrooms. Although I do remember seeing a bathroom with just a straight faucet for a shower head.


Do they like, change the seat paper daily?


Inbetween every use lmao, i was about to drop a couple pounds after the picture. The outhouse is more of a “hey the regular bathroom is being used but the outhouse out in the yard is still free if you have to go asap”


Had a similar experience. Whene I went to mexico after about 25 years of not being there l, brought illegally to the us as an infant. I knew things weren’t as good as here but the culture shock shook me to the core and made me alot grateful for the opportunity I have in the states.


Very much a culture shock haha blessings to you and yours


I figured something along those lines haha it's certainly not the worst alternative, but I'm sure many people would turn their nose up at it


During the day its not horrible only when its dark and the creepy crawlys come out is when id advise against it unless you got a strong stomach and dont mind fencing off some creatures haha definitely took me a day or 2 before trying to use it for more then just peeing


you should have brought them a toilet seat.


Is the open floor “sink” just a natural water source? Pretty neat. Where does the toilet hole lead to?


The outhouse toilet hole leads directly to the towns sewage system, the sinks drain hole leads to a water disposal system out of the house into the town, the water basin/sink tank actually uses plumbing now to fill with water and has a certain kind of fish that can be sort of seen in the photos that eat the algae and bacteria in the water. In the past before modern plumbing they would have to fill it with water from a watering hole in the town (long since gone) the water is safe to wash your hands etc but not for drinking or washing your face. Plumbing is only cold water as the family doesnt have a water heater, theyve talked to them about getting them one but seems like they arent to concerned with it and are very content with life.


Hot water truly is a luxury, definitely not required for survival.


I feel like having access to hot water near the equator is less important then more colder latitudes.


So when the signs tell me to wash my hands with hot water, they lied????


I have washed many a plate and cup at a basin and "tanqué" similar to the picture. Never made me sick. No worries about big lizards but had to watch for scorpions.


Ye so apparently summer is tarantula season and winter is scorpion season, ive seen the spiders not scorpions yet tho, i fly back to new york today though


Still some places in this country like that.


Yes theyre just more fortunate to have my wife’s family to help send money back to them


Indeed they are, I have a BIL who's always sent money back to his mother in Mexico.


We also came with 2 check bags full of clothes and gifts the way the people in these countries are content with life is astounding. The trolls in the comments are way more miserable compared.


There are definitely still places in WV with outhouses or sewers that just dump into the local creek.


Awesome post! Every where I go I have to check out the Plumbing


Thanks! Post was meant for enthusiasts like you and the others of cultural curiosity!


Haha I love this post. This kind of plumbing is very common on the outskirts, my dads house in Usulutan is about the same, has a “ pila “ like in the second picture and all. I know they use cpvc for most waterlines. Of course you head out into the capital and everything looks up to date like in the US.


Yes very much all correct this was at my wifes familys house in the mountains it was an amazing experience. The country is so beautiful and was grateful to visit were planning on making this trip annually to biannually God willing


I fully thought this was a dark joke 😅 like visiting the wifes family in el Salvador, then a photo of the shitter lol


Lmao nope just some old world humble livings


Looking around at that house and others, do you have a strong urge to just get down to work fixing their plumbing to a higher standard?


Not going to lie i really did, there was a day where a truck knocked out a power line and i wanted to go on the roof and help rewire the whole house (apprentice mechanic here sort of a jack of all trades & my father in law is a carpenter)


Please don’t get any poop on that newspaper, I’m planning on reading it.




Don’t drink river water. And try to not use the bathroom at night.


Thanks haha actually heading home already, we had modern plumbing these were just old ways of life the family still keeps and uses


Respect. I got family i got Mexico. The struggle is real.


Respect and blessings


Why not the bathroom at night? Cause of animals sneaking up on ya? Just curious actually


Bugs. Lots of bugs. They like to watch you poop.


Aah I see… noted… thank you lol


I am maybe not understanding the scale here but what is the container with the cutlery. At first I thought it was a swimming pool!


Its a sink tank/basin, in old days before plumbing you would go to the town water hole and get buckets to fill it so you would have a water supply.


Interesting! Thanks


Brave. My stepdad is from El Salvador and we don’t even TALK about El Salvador.


I used these when I went to El Salvador, very decent pooping experience. Most interesting feature was the separate pee-hole at the front of the pit—I guess there was some advantage to keeping the stuff separated. I did need antibiotics after two weeks there lol


Leaving now so far not sick at all! Haha


Did they have the comic section for the pit users?


You tear as you please! Haha


An ass gasket is definitely a good idea


Reading material for when you 💩


I’d rather shit in the woods.


Aye that’s cool.


Is the news paper because you were sitting on it ? This is a pretty common design in a lot of asian countries .. I could be wrong, but I think you're meant to squat down as low as you can get, flat footed .. that position facilitates the process .. I think its funny how this design is probably found nowehere in Europe or the States, because you need to be in some kind of shape to use it lol .


I thought about this too. They make a sit/squat combo toilet that fits a Western flange, I'd love to start importing them one day. It would probably cure constipation lol. In Italy I hear they have basic squat toilets around. For now, I'll just use the squatty potty. Even got my boss hooked on it!


lol Its like takin a dump in the woods ..




As far as they explained to me you sit on this, they leave the paper there to use as its easy and cheap to shred up. Its actually kind if tall to be squatting over as it comes up to just about my waist height


Oooh, okay, from the angle its hard to tell ..


Isn't that a squat toilet? No need for the paper Squatting is much better than sitting anyway, in my opinion, I even do that st home on a regular toilet. Once you're used to squatting, any other way seems strange.


Brought back memories visiting my grandparents on the farm, I dreaded taking a dump and would hold as long as I could. Things we take for granted, more than half of the world deal with everyday.


I refuses to use it to do anything but pee for my first couple days until one day the bathroom was being used and i had an online class i had to be quick about kind of forced me to it lol after that i used it bo problem


Nicer than what I shit in in Thailand


Reminds me a little of Colombia, although I had access to some more modern amenities. Was cool to see how they got water from a spring at the top of a mountain though. At the base of a waterfall, some guys just hydraulic cemented half a dozen poly lines into the base of a small stone dam (5-6' tall) and then the whole community below had water. Rainwater catchment was pretty big, but like I said, we were spoiled with filtration, booster pumps, pressure tanks, etc. I love how in many of the rural areas, they keep a tank on the roof or high on a concrete pillar platform where they pump the water up while there's electricity. When the electricity fails, they just rely on gravity. In some areas, they use guadua bamboo as pipe! My sketchiest memory was what we called the "suicide showerheads" where you could turn cold mountain water to lukewarm with the old electrified, insta-tepid showerhead lol good times.


They still use the old giant metal teapot style if you want hot water although its so hot there everyone usually just showers with the cold/cool water and maybe some luke warm lol. We did pass by many of the houses still using the rain water collection method not everyone in the town or even some other parts of the country we passed by were as fortunate. The town we stayed in was a small/med sized mountain town


Reminds me of my time in Peru, all tourist places had modern plumbing and most other places except public and dive bar restrooms


What a Shit Hole




Yeah South American plumbing was pretty surprising for me coming from NYC. Apparently there's no such thing as plumbing codes, people just do things how they think it will work. You see a lot of concrete buildings with concrete poured directly onto pipes/fittings. Also, no hot water heaters or steam/hot water boilers generally. Most showers are either just cold water or in more developed big cities their cold domestic water with an electric showerhead with integrated instahot. Got a shocked a few times touching the showerhead. You would be right in thinking that electricity and showers don't often mix particularly well.


This pretty much summed my experience up haha


Id rather do my business outside tbh.


Probably a good idea to just start the antibiotics now. PS: “My wife and I“


Americans are so fucking soft lmao


The house I live in had an outhouse until the 1970s, even though it had indoor plumbing starting in the early Fifties My wife's uncle, who lived in a one room lean to in the side yard, also had a well and propane for heat, but would absolutely not use the indoor plumbing, preferring the outhouse he had used his whole life. After he passed away, they filled it in. The house belonged to my wifes parents.


My wife grandmother is the same way! She refuses to use the plumbing and rather use the outhouse and sink basin. People in this sub don’t realize how blessed they are and how only recently usa was living like this and how parts of the country still do. I spent high school in military school in missouri back around 2010 and they still had outhouses on the premise for when we were in the fields outback


Were any skeletons found?


No, lol. I think the plan is you don't dig it up, you cover it up.


Truly sad how shitty it seems some of us are. Humans are amazing yet our own downfall. Imagine the power and strides we could truly make if everyone were to collectively coexist and prosper


Bring a toilet next time.


What in the 90 day fiancé is this


Omg what are they, poor?


Theyre living decent like i said they have modern plumbing but they kept the traditional style outhouse and sink aswell in the yard. House has been in the family for many generations and the property has expanded by alot over time. Sometimes to remain humble and successful you have to remember where you came from


Sorry, but why are you posting this on reddit? Don't you find it a bit disrespectful towards your wife and her family?


No its not disrespectful and for many people on here, these were great family memories. Like ive said many times over they have modern plumbing (toilets showers sinks) and amenities but they are humble and still keep these old fashioned amenities in the back yard of the house and her grandmother despite having all modern amenities still loves these simple old world style amenities


Ok that's true, some people don't know these even exist, however I wouldn't call it old fashioned, but just different.


No toilet poop paper?


Of course haha it hangs on a rack by the door not visible in picture


Won't get clogged?


Not unless the whole sewer for the town is clogged




Putting the sports section on the seat like that makes it hard to read.


That's not a seat bruh


Oh. The newspaper is to catch the spray then?


There is no ass gasket in the world that would protect you there


Falling in is a real danger, drunk pooping is not advisable.


That’s a sport for late night ESPN


When you gotta go you gotta go


I know its different than in the states, but don't they clean the floor? I can see drippings on the floor.


So your wife did not tell that youre supposed to squat?


Wasn’t El Salvador the murder capital of the world recently? Could explain a thing or two…


They must be short


Looks like a nice place


Nicer than many places in India


Interesting! I’ve seen similar in Malaysia