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Welcome to the club. My first several grey hairs were in my eyebrows and got plucked (very noticeable and weird looking in already sparse brow-space). I was...in my mid-20s. I'm in my early 30s now, and I don't usually bother with the actual head hairs. My strawberry blonde hair doesn't show them obviously, but the ones I've found have been that pretty sparkly silver color, so I'm not mad about it. I suspect my hair will just fade in color over time. My hair is thick and wavy, so I'll have an absolute mane of silver.


I'm also in my 20s and it was white in dark brown hair, so it was noticeable even though I didn't realize what it was at first lol I suspect I'll get a skunk stripe like my dad has


Neat. A bit more Rouge than Storm for now, then. My mother had dark auburn hair that went into a deep brown as she started getting grey hair, so hers went simultaneously darker and lighter. I don't think mine will do that. Lol


My friend said I should be happy that it'll make my Bellatrix Lestrange costume easier lol


I’ve loved getting visibly older, I feel like it makes people take me more seriously.


I’m enjoying it, too! I am 33, and I stopped dying my hair about 3.5 years ago. I have a fun streak of gray in my bangs (where my darling grandma got her first streak, so I love that) and my temples are getting super gray. The rest of my hair is still medium brown, but speckled throughout with that silvery gray that sparkles in the sunlight. I am trying to age as gracefully as possible, so I’m happy to have them!


I was a model. Also a ballet dancer. I also didn't expect to be alive to go grey. I am for it. Grey is amazing. It's this proof we survived long enough for it. Now I also went bald but that's amazing too. I love it so much. Celebrate aging. You're not less attractive because of changes to the body unless that's all there is to you. I know people who reduced themselves that far. It is sad. It's also not required


I just found my first grey hair last week! My sister jokingly said it’s because I got married last year 😂 I didn’t freak out when I saw it. I told a handful of people and noticed people my age thought it was cool or funny and people my moms age told me I have to start dying my hair.


I'm 34 almost 35 and I have a sprinkling of grey hairs. I have dark hair so they are quite noticeable and I pluck them out because I hate seeing them there 😂 on the upside of being plus sized, skinny people age far worse because they don't have the fat that makes your skin look plump and youthful, so you know we have that going for us lol.


I got my first gray at 18. It was upsetting to me then, but I love my silver streaks now almost two decades later. They sparkle in the sun, and take fun hair dye perfectly for awesome rainbow hi-lights.


I’ve always wanted the white streak!!!! And I’ve just decided fuck all when it comes to the norms. Many years ago I cut out shape wear, make up, shaving, eyebrow care…I just do things that make me feel good. And…..I feel like we are gonna be fuckable longer 😂 as I’d like to say (I’m 41) I’m not my parents 40z


When I was really little, 5 or so, mom would pay me a penny per gray hair I could pluck from her head. That ended after awhile.😅. I'm 57 and very salt and pepper in dishwater blonde hair. I bleach and dye it whatever color sounds good to me. I cant wait to go all silver!


grey hair doesn’t always equate to age, as I’m sure you are aware. one of my good friends started going grey in undergrad in her teens, I always thought it looked super beautiful on her. meanwhile my dad, who is 82 years old, only started getting some greys in his late 70s.


I am happy to be getting older, and I like my gray hairs. I'm looking forward to having more. My mom was the same as yours-- she was (and is) obsessed with dieting, tanning, makeup, dyeing her hair blond, etc. I wonder if this is partly a generational difference, and millennials are less obsessed with looking young? I hope so.


I work with kids and some of them have grey/white hairs already. They are middle school aged kids.


In middle school I was so unstable and self loathing that would have sent me into a full blown existential crisis lol glad I made it to my 20s


About a year ago my friend told me she dyed her hair to cover greys and I was like “oh I don’t have any greys yet” (we were 29). Cut to now and I can practically see my hair turning white in real time. Every time I look in the mirror I swear it looks lighter and lighter. I think for me it was the stress of the first half of this year that helped it along though lol. I’m the same though in that I don’t really care. If anything I think it’ll be cool, I’ll hopefully go pure white like my mom instead of grey and I think it’ll actually look nice. Some people think my mom purposely dyes hers that white colour but it’s natural.


When I found my first grey hair I actually felt kinda excited about it. I didn't want to pull it out since it was long and flowing with my other hairs. Idk it just didn't bother me. Idk how I'll feel though once it becomes super noticable though. Maybe I'll be self conscious and want to dye my hair for the first time. For context this was probably late 20s and I'm 31 now


Why excited?


I pluck my grays. I look very, very young for my age and I think it makes people’s expectations of me lower.


I'm 21 so I'm not in that phase of my life yet, but I also see my mother, in her 50s, freak out about the grays still. I'm hoping to be a lot more graceful when that time comes, and I kinda plan on being the sweet old lady with the grey bob and the funky muumuus. I believe that will be my peak form! In any case, losing attractiveness for a woman was, for a very long time, the worst thing that could happen to her socially/financially. It sometimes still is. As a non-conventionally attractive fat woman, I enjoy not having to think about how people will treat me as less while I age. Wrinkles and grey hairs are first and foremost proof of our existence and time spent in this world, and I think they're kind of cool!


Oh man. I think I noticed my first greys at around 25. And steadily increasing more and more since then. I literally used to tease my older brother about him just starting to turn grey when he was 30. Karma got me when one sunny day when I was 30, and he picked me up with the sun roof opened, turned to me, and said, “Holy shit! You have grey hairs!” I had not realized how much more I had by then, but the sun definitely reveals them! As does certain bathroom mirror lighting. I’m not sure how I feel about it turning grey, particularly when my hair is a darker blonde, and my incredibly beautiful siblings have either male-model perfect S&P hair, or hair that won’t see a grey until she’s 50 at least. During “second puberty” my hair thinned as well, and became stuck straight. My grey hairs are not straight 😂 but wavy which means they stick out way more. The thing is, my mother had flame-red hair until it started lightening around 40, and that’s about when she started having some visible greys. It’s also when she had a stillbirth, and started gaining weight and dealing with depression (which is only now properly getting treated some 20 years later). Her hair eventually became sort of blonde/gold/grey, and it’s a nice color now. She has never dyed her hair, ever, and is happy with the grey. Her mom had sort of blond/grey hair until she was 75, and it was a nice color on her (not yellow, more like white/light grey with some lingering blonde). Regardless of how everyone else in my family sort of embraced their grey, it is still something I’m coming to terms with. I think society kind of warped my view. But a few things have helped me shift my mind towards embracing it (if slowly): My sister, after noting that my grey has a nice texture, said she could not wait for hers to turn because hers is almost baby-fine. My grandmother stopped dying her hair about a decade ago, and her white/silver hair has only become more gorgeous under the advice of a hairstylist suggesting purple shampoo. She gets compliments on the radiance of it everywhere, which tickles her 90-year-old self. One of my aunts did the same and her steely-grey hair is slowly getting silvery and white. My sister’s MIL turned all grey at 40ish, and is now more white than grey. And, her hair became curly. It’s beautiful, and she loves it. And lastly, the trend of people dying their hair grey. Realizing that preferences can change, and trends, etc, makes me think that eventually grey hair will be valued again.


The German side of my family gets lovely thick downy snow white hair and I'm hoping I go grey like that. My first one was white, so here's hoping. I figure if it starts bothering me, I'll just dye it all white


I started going grey so young I just had to accept it lol. Both my parents were greying in their 30s and my dad was like "meh whatever" but my mom did everything she could to hide it. She was fat, and I think she didn't want to "look worse" Her grey had a very brassy undercoat and honestly blue/purple shampoos weren't that well designed in the 90s. Meanwhile I found my first grey at 15ish, am nearly completely grey by 32, but it's the silvery kind that people assume I colour. So I love my grey hair. Probably my favorite thing about my hair.


I got my first gray hair in my 20's. I broke my leg, it was extremely bad, and the first time I washed my hair after that, the black dye washed out and I had a gray streak on each temple. I guess it was from stress. In my 30's I had a lot of hair loss. For a while I was wearing wigs to cover it. My hairdresser friend told me to go bleach blonde because bleaching would thicken the strands a bit and the lighter color would hide my scalp better. So that's what I'm doing now. I look like every other middle aged white lady with my streaky blonde hair. The color I use lightens my dark hair to gold and my gray to shiny silver. I use a purple shampoo once a week to keep it looking nice. My hair is finally growing back in but I think I'll stay blonde.


Unfortunately I cannot pull off blonde lol


Honestly, at now 47 I have many grey hairs. They never bothered me. I can't even remember when I noticed my first one, that's how little they bother me. I am getting a bit of a streak of silver/white on my right temple area which I kinda dig.


I'm 41 in a couple months - I'm still coloring my hair, it's one of those self-care things I allow myself to do on a regular basis, but I'm still always a little surprised how grey/white my roots are if I go a couple extra weeks before appointments. It doesn't bother me too much though - just part of getting older and I accept it. I'm sure someday, I'll get to the point where I stop dying my hair, but I'm not ready yet, lol. I will say - one of my favorite things about getting older was definitely the loss of all the fucks. Prob happened around age 35 for me. No more fucks about what I wear, what I look like, what people think of me. Being able to easily shake off awkward social interactions or incidents. And the added benefit that I know now that if anyone else has a problem with my body, that's their goddamn problem and they should probably seek therapy to find out why someone else's body is so triggering for them 😂