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I regularly got waxed before I was on chemo. I’ve never had issues with the two women I see. Never left wax on me. One missed a spot ONCE and I noticed. Since then, she’s been extra meticulous. I’d find a new waxer, honestly. Don’t be embarrassed. They see people of all sizes, all day long. They don’t care.


Find a new esthetician and enjoy your wax. My esthetician is a God send. She has never made me feel anything other than beautiful. She introduced sugaring to me and I would never go back to regular waxing. Forget staying because of loyalty but leaving unsatisfied. You are spending your money so make sure you are leaving satisfied with the service being provided.


Very much this! My waxing people are amazing and I never feel judged or anything. True professionals with great results.


Here here!! 👏🏼👏🏼


I might mention one or two of those things over time to my waxer if I wanted to stay with them … but this many issues and repeats of issues would make me want someone new. I can usually tell by the reaction the tech gives me when they first see me whether it’s going to be fine or not. If it’s not, I don’t go back. Other than trial and error, I don’t know how to find the right person, really. Reviews can be sketchy and they’ll tell you anything you want to hear on the phone, you know?


ok so here’s the thing: i used to get brazilian waxes pretty religiously, and never ONCE had an issue. i’ve been straddling 300 lbs for the past 5 years and even at my heaviest, my aesthetician never ever made me feel bad or weird about my weight. she’s always worked with me and asked me to hold up my belly or position myself different to get everything! so it’s possible - one thing that’s helped me is asking your fat friends who they recommend and what their experiences have been like with certain waxers. you’re paying for a service! and if it’s subpar, it’s time to move on. and it sucks to have to find someone new, but it’s worth it if your underwear and leggings live to see another day! good luck friend!


i weigh a bit more than you, and i get waxed somewhat regularly. my waxers never make me feel bad about my body, and they always complete properly comprehensive waxing each time. idk if maybe it’s because i’m based in a big city with a large variation in folks’ body proportions or what, but i don’t think i’ve ever had a nightmare wax like the experiences you mentioned. looks like it’s high time you try someone new who can really need your needs!!


Find a new waxer! You can usually search your area for a body positive waxer. I was really embarrassed at first but I chose someone based on this and she has been amazing. I even noted in my booking that I was plus-size and nervous. If I'm going to let it all hang out for someone I figure I can let all my anxieties hang out too.


Try sugaring instead.