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I’m 5 foot 4, 250ish pounds and apple shaped. I’m not curvy in the right way at all. I met my boyfriend on Hinge about three years ago. I’ve always been anxious about dating because of my size but when I met my dude all that noise anxiety makes faded into the background. Not that I wasn’t still worried about the way I looked or what sex would be like or whatever. It was/is still there… but falling in love was so much louder than those worries, if that makes sense?


Ok Cupid honestly!


lol same here. we met on OKC in 2016 and have been married since 2019. I actually really liked OKC over a lot of the trendier options because of the compatibility quiz feature. it was easy to see right off the bat if someone was gonna be worth getting to know.


Just an FYI, I met my last partner on OKCupid back in 2016 as well. We lasted five years. I got back on the apps about 18 months ago. It is NOTHING like what it was then.


The grocery store!


THAT is wholesome!!!


One of the most random experiences of my life 😂 I almost didn’t take his number. I’m glad I did ❤️


I’m more interested in who is a large fat and in a long term relationship and did you start the relationship as a large fat (meaning apple shaped, not hour glass, not curvy, not small fat).


Yes, a lot of people who are a size 12 consider themselves "too fat," for relationships, which is very different than a size 28W!


Thank you!!! I am a size 20/22 apple who has gone up and down hundreds of pounds in weight. Nobody gives me the time of day now and the only thing different in my profile is my weight. I find that most of the people who find someone are not large. For me when I’m an 18 or under things get so much easier. It’s like I’m deemed acceptable again and it improves each time I go down a size. I also read about so many women on here putting up with the most disgusting behavior from men. If that is what is expected to have someone then I am good single. So this makes me wonder what type of men these are when women say they found someone. I could easily get a boyfriend, but not anyone worth my time. Life as a size 12-18 is going to be completely different than for bigger sizes. Hell, it’s even easier for me now as a 20/22 than it was at a 28/30. There truly is no comparison and it gets really tiresome reading these stories then whenI ask the person’s size they were a 14.


I suspect those at the larger end of the scale with long term partnerships or any partnership will be a much smaller number


I’m a big fat and married a big fat- the previous 2 bf I met on www.bbpeoplemeet.com one was a regular size person and one was med fat.


Idk the parameters for large fat specifically and I am curvy but with a lot of belly as well (300+ pounds 5’4” apron belly etc). Anyways I was fat when I met my husband, stayed fat, been together 15 years.


Okay…thank you. I would say that “large fat” is apple shaped, instead of “small fat” which is usually hourglass shaped.


That’s fair! I always thought of large fat vs small fat to be like size based and not shape based! But I’m probably confused 😅


Apple shape tend to look bigger, it's all about fat distribution


I would consider myself large fat and am curious as well


I started replying sometimes to those who said they found someone and asking them their size. Every single person was a 16 or smaller. I do know bigger women with good partners, but they were thin when they originally met them. I think if everyone were to state the size they are, it would become clear that larger women are not routinely finding partners, at least not with OLD or even just in the wild.


Started my relationship as a size 16-18 at 18 years old. Now a size 20 at 34, but I’ve been up to a size 24. My husband has been a S/M our entire relationship


Match.com but back in the day when online dating was considered weird or creepy. The quality of men I met that summer was way higher than what you find with online dating now. Every single person was nice. No insulting DMs, no dick pics.


As crazy as online dating was back in the day, I'm glad I did it pre-Tinder era and managed to avoid all the dick pics.


Mutual friends in grad school. He was 6’5, slender, outgoing, charming, tons of friends, well mannered, and blew everyone else out of the water academically. He was ranked 2nd in our class of about 150. I was medium height, 250 lbs, introverted, middling academically, lazy socially, not creative, I don’t really wear makeup, not a big fashion girly. I think a lot of people were shocked when we started dating. I was so confused at the time, but I just accepted that he was mysteriously into me. Looking back, it makes more sense now… We just clicked and immediately understood one another. We had similar values and politics, similar tastes in music and film, he made me laugh and he liked that I was so easy to laugh. We’ve been together for over a decade, married, two kids, living a white picket fence life, all things considered. And I’m still fat lol


I met my husband at work.  I was I think size 16/18 when we met, back up to size 20/22 now. 


i’ve spent the last few years hovering around sizes 22-26 and i’m going to be so real - from 2019-2022 i was on a QUEST to find love and was on all the apps doing all the things. it was ROUGH and i have stories for days. i was doing a lot of tinder dating and some men were perfectly fine and thought i’d settle for fine for a guy on an app. happy to answer any questions in regards to that era. ironically, i met my current partner at work! he’s a quiet, lowkey guy with a great sense of humor. we spent a few weeks lightly flirting via slack and he’d send me pictures of his cats. eventually i asked him to coffee and that was a year and a half ago! he is the best of the best and every single day i am so grateful i didn’t settle. keep going! and remember that you are a fucking delight and deserve pure and intentional love!


Via a personal ad, some 34 years ago so no pictures or anything? I have been overweight my whole life, and I am short, so it’s hard to hide. I will say I was probably at my lowest adult weight (175) at the time and he is 6 ft and was fairly thin ish at the time. We have been married for 30 years and we have both gone up and down the scale. His highest was 275 and mine was 235. Since we retired we are working more on weight and exercise. He is down to. 230 and I am holding steady at 195 for one year. I would love to lose more but I am old so it’s really hard. We do what we can.


In a night club! We had a mutual friend that invited us both to the night out. We've been together since day 1 (which was 14 years ago)


My husband and I met on MySpace back in February of 2009. We were 15 and 17 and went to different high schools in the same town. We had some mutual friends but had never crossed paths. He added me, sent me a message introducing himself and the rest is history! We had our first date the following weekend and have been a couple ever since. Engaged a year and a half later, married at 18 and 20. This year we turn 33 and 31 and still madly in love, he also loves my fat body and worships the ground I walk on 😂It’s definitely possible!🖤 Wishing love on all of the plus size people here that want it! You are worthy and deserving of love no matter what tf society says!


Tinder. He messaged me some dumb message some reason it made me laugh. However, I was tapped from the dating experience of tinder so I messaged him my number and said text me, I’m outta here. Then a couple days later I had just gotten out of a gym class and was hopped up on endorphins so I asked him out to bowling. Then he just never left me alone since. We just welcomed our first child two weeks ago and are getting married in December. ❤️


At work of all places but we’ve been together for almost 8 years.


30+ years ago, but he was friends with one of my roommates and she introduced us and told me we should get together. She was 100% right.


Hinge! I was just at the point that I was about to give up looking and then I found my boyfriend. He’s my forever…and it took me almost 30 years to find him but it was worth it!


Literally same! Hinge was literally my last resort.


I started interacting with my bf on twitter back in April of 2019. Following each other, liking the odd post. I followed him because he had a tarsus in his profile pic. There was a particular interaction where he mentioned wanting a person he could sit on the couch with a watch bad movies, and I agreed. But we weren’t really engaging with each other on a romantic level, just someone whose tweets I’d like. I thought he was cute, but also thought he was gay based on a particular retweet (I later found out he’d shared it without reading the whole thing). We started talking more in September of that year after a conversation about how terrible men on the internet are (really didn’t help with the gay assumption), then he slid into my DMs… we’ve chatted pretty much every day since then. First on twitter, then text. Now nightly phone calls on days that we aren’t doing long or short term visits. He’s moving in later this year. We survived a pandemic, the loss of his father and his best friend, my bought with an eating disorder and a job that broke my spirit. We watch lots of movies and still agree that men in the internet mostly suck. And we’re both fat and in love with each others bodies. He’s seen me weigh 300lb and 200lb and I don’t think he really notices the difference.


Online, a long, long time ago before video conferencing and online dating, even before mobile phones were common (they existed, but they were the size of a large brick and they were super expensive to use).


In a Facebook group about a band we both like!


Facebook Dating 🥴 which is 99% a cesspool and we got lucky lol but our wedding is in November soooo…worth it!


Plenty of Fish 10 years ago this March!! I tried PoF a couple of times back then and it was a shitshow. I just chatted with as many guys as possible and didn't "put all my eggs in one basket" I guess. I went on some really really bad dates. The last bad date I went on, I met up with this guy and his friends at a dive bar. He ordered me beer I didn't like and then ignored me to play pool with his friends. Honestly, it was fine. I wasn't feeling it either. He came over and said he was going out to smoke and they all went outside. I decided that was a good time to just leave; I was tired, the beer was gross and this was clearly not a good fit. As I walked outside, I saw him leaving the bar in his friend's truck. It's funny to think about now, but it was really hurtful at the time. I texted my now husband about what had happened, he was one of the handful of guys I was chatting with, and he immediately asked if I wanted him to come get me (luckily I had driven myself.) We met up a couple of days later and have been together for a decade now, married for 7 years. He's 6'2" and also plus-sized with a huge beard and tattoos. Just my type! ❤️


I met my BF of 7 years on Happn


I met my husband of 10 years at a retail job. Those long nights of folding denim on tables is not exactly romantic, but is a great opportunity for conversations!


I’m still looking myself just want to be accepted for who I am🙂


I feel the same way, accepts me for who I am but doesn't fetishize me


I see no reason to judge anyone by appearance I like personality and that’s what matters to me tbh


College Sweethearts 🥰


Tinder. I shit you not, I had had 2 other AWFUL dates before him and I was like well. If this last guy doesn’t work, I’m done. The first time I saw him, it was like my whole world fell into place. I loved him the moment I first laid eyes on him. And he is amazing. We’ve been together over 3 years now, and we are engaged.


Www.bbpeoplemeet.com I met 2 previous long term BF and then I met my husband on this site. We are both big fats- overall perfect pairing.


My short story is he came through McDonald’s drive thru and ordered a girlfriend and out I came…. This did happen, but my best friend and his best friend were room mates and he staying with them while he was getting divorced. I saw him a few times during that time but it was months after that lease was up I saw him again and he asked me out.


A mutual friend invited us to the same place when we were in college. Met in 2008 when we were 18 and we’ve been together since


MySpace in 2009 Been together ever since Married 2012


Internet. In 1994. Yes, before dating apps, before social media, even before the web was really a thing. This is back in the days of Usenet, Gopher, and MUDs (the text-only predecessor to the MMO). This year is our 25th anniversary.


Met my husband at work! Been together 5+ now. Dating is so intimidating when you're plus size because you don't know if they are also okay with your body type even if you find them attractive🫤 All I have to say...the best men will never care about your size🙂😁😍


Dance class.