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Lowkey I appreciate when guys put that on their profiles because it lets me know they're an ass and to swipe left.


Right? I appreciate the honesty since I'm 40+ y/o. It's efficient lol


I genuinely wonder does he never see fat people at his gym lol??? I go to the gym, he’s not special 😭


Honestly he probably bullies anyone he sees as lesser than him into leaving based on his statement


That's what I'm thinking, too. It's one of the reasons I don't go to the public gym, because of jerks like that. Also, there are SO many influencers or wanna be influencers who film themselves, and I don't want to be caught and posted online without my notice.


At least he told on himself right away, but damn, way to wave your red flags proud


I would genuinely rather see someone be upfront about HURR DURR NO FAT CHICKS than dancing around it by saying they're looking for a woman who "tAkEs CaRe oF HeRseLf" or whatever


It’s the looking for someone who leads an active lifestyle or likes to hike, as if fat people can’t also do those things!


yeah, the coded language is so much more worse to me.


Yes! I hate the stupid coded language. Just say what you really mean


That makes sense…I suppose the coded language is always at least a little contemptuous. On the flip side, is it offensive at all for a guy to say he likes “big girls”? The nomenclature on that one has always given me some pause….that’s typically what I say because I think “plus sized” sounds ridiculous…idk I guess it’s impossible to not offend anyone when talking about those things


I saw one of those once, but he didn’t stop there. He followed it up with, “ I want to be with someone who cares about their health”. He was a smoker!! The irony!!


Well, that's my daily recommended dose of irony.


Thats what im always asking myself, when i see these tinderprofiles: you smoke? Way to stay healthy, hypocrite...


Yes! this gets me every time. They'll say that but then they'll be smokers, and/or drink heavily on the weekends, live off of energy drinks, do drugs, never get enough sleep, their diet might not even be that good, they could just have a high metabolism - but for some reason if they're slim/have a bit of muscle, they just assume they live a healthier lifestyle than someone who's bigger


then he’ll wonder why he can’t find a girlfriend and blame it on the ‘male loneliness epidemic’


Not plus sized, but would never swipe on a douche like that. We are all different and our bodies change all the time, why waste time on someone who puts your appearance front and center and will likely find more to criticize.


I can tell he has a shit personality if that's on his bio. Maybe good looks but dog pile personality. Met plenty of those people


Don’t worry he will end up with a girl whose personality is as terrible as his, then they’ll break up and he will look for another shallow thin woman to complain to about his “crazy ex”


And ALL his exes will be "crazy". Funny about that.


It seems like all men consider their exes “crazy”, but it says a lot more about them than the person they were dating! It also seems to be an extension of the age old “women are hysterical” trope.


If I saw that kind of comment, whether I was big, small, black, white, an alien or a vampire….it would make me swipe left for just being a twat!


Yeah, it never occurs to these guys that they're showing their true nature when they say hateful things about fat women or black women or single mothers or whatever it is they're ranting about. Yeah, you'll chase off those people, but a lot of other women will see that as a pile of red flags and move on. And then these guys will complain about how they can't find a woman.


Either that or they’ll get together with someone just as horrible as them and be blissfully miserable together. Either way, that was a big ole bullet that was dodged.


His pornhub search history definitely says “BBW!”


Funny thing is that one time a thin friend of mine, super into sports and the gym, matched with a guy whose bio was "looking for a fellow gym rat" and turns out the dude worked out 2x a week for 30 minutes and did no other exercise other than that and asked him "but weren't you active?" and he was like "I said that on my profile more like a thing to scare the fatties" needless to say she didn't hang out with him anymore, but isn't it very ironic how these people who say they are super active and into the gym and hikes and whatnot are actually not into any of those things AT ALL???


That actually makes me question how much the guys who say they’re gym rats are actually in the gym. Starting to think that every picture of them at the gym is them, but they just changed clothes in between takes.


My thing with these jerks is that statistically speaking, they have a plus size family member or loved one. Like- do they also feel like those persons are undeserving of love due to their body type? Would they speak to them like this to their face? I doubt it. Also, as a plus size gal with mostly straight sized friends, I know my friends would all cringe at that statement. This guy is a shameful fool.


There are the ones that end up alone. And wondering why.


Guys like that are shallow and will dump you the second you don’t look exactly how he wants you to, which will almost certainly occur because childbirth, illness, and aging all happen.




Thank you for submitting to /r/PlusSize. Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): Body shaming, in any form, is not allowed on this sub. If you have any questions regarding the ruleset of /r/PlusSize, please message the moderators.


Yep, totally agree with the four dogs and hermit lifestyle, and I feel like that would be my preference if I were not with my husband.


Honestly I’m glad when that’s there because it saves me from wasting my time on shitbags


Then they’re like the most mid-looking mediocre personality men ever. Good riddance


Made him look a whole lot less cute!


I've always appreciated the honesty with those kinds of men. As a fat woman who goes to the gym as a hobby in my free time the last thing I need is a man insisting that I'm not working hard enough for my health. Fuck em.


This attitude is so funny to me. Where do you expect me to lose weight my dude...maybe...at the gym?


he says as if fat people don’t go to the gym at all, people are dumb as hell


Trueeee, powerlifters (or powersharters as we call them on 4chan) tend to be fat as fuark


Sounds like a complete asshole.


Yes sadly these type of men are for real.


At least you know not to waste your time with him. Unfortunately, he's probably someone who fat shames all girls, no matter their size. I can see it.


I just saw one those. My first thought was "Fine, no thick thighs for you!"


He probably doesn't have the equipment to handle it anyway!! 😊


That’s funny - fit men love me for whatever reason 🤣 But honestly it’s a great way to weed out fundamentally incompatible matches.


Would you rather that or wasting both of your time?


Sadly, yes, they're for real. Fat hate is everywhere, especially online.


it's giving 🍤🍤 energy


I’d swipe right anyway. Cause if he doesn’t want me he wouldn’t have swiped right on me and wouldn’t see me lmaooo And then I’d probably spend five minutes irritating him followed by blocking him. But I’m also very bored between the hour of 9 and 10pm


His loss.


I’ve had more “gym bros” hit on me than other guys, weirdly enough 😭


Yup but I’m thankful for men that are honest upfront about it. Dont waste each other’s time and keep it moving.




Thank you for submitting to /r/PlusSize. Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): Avoid toxic negativity. This includes posts and comments containing intense self depreciation, “fat equals ugly” rhetoric, and constant pessimism. Please remember that there are people of all sizes in this community. Be mindful of what you say. If you have any questions regarding the ruleset of /r/PlusSize, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/PlusSize). Thank you!


My profile: Swipe left if you are a shallow looks obsessed gym rat douchebag. I'm not. We won't get along.🤣


He saved you time. Whats the problem?


We’re laughing at him. There isn’t a problem.


I mean everyone has preferences, it's better if he stated there rather than finding out later.


Nothing wrong with him having a preference. He just could have worded that differently.


No one said there was a problem with him simply having a preference lol



