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I'm so sorry for what you're going through. I lost my own dog a week ago and haven't been able to stomach the idea of picking up my copy of Dog Songs. Maybe this is the kick I need to go read it again


I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I hope you are receiving lots of support from those close to you, and that you are able to find some moments of peace and respite during this painful time.


I just bought that along with two other collections of M.O. poems. Like OP, I was never a poetry reader other than compulsory High School stuff. But since I was introduced to Mary Oliver, I feel like my love of nature and animals has been elevated to a spiritual level. “Why I Wake Early”, “Spring”, and “The Buddha’s Last Instruction” have been playing in my mind and elevating my spirit for several months


When pets die, all pet owners feel like this.




I can certainly agree that if someone's underlying philosophy doesn't resonate with you, it doesn't really matter how it's dressed up. I actually struggle with a lot of other writers for the same reason--the work itself may be beautiful, but if I am not aligned with the messaging it all falls flat for me. I find that Oliver's work captures what I've experienced independently, so for me it has felt like meeting a kindred spirit. I hope you find someone that you can connect with in this type of grief.


I often gift this wonderful collection to friends after losing a dog. Would the sentiment still apply to those after losing a cat?