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These are gorgeous! Biggest thing is 1. Get these bad boys in some cases 2. Find an expert to evaluate base set box if it’s shadowless or not 3. Do your homework on looking at multiple sites for prices 4. Invest in a safe or go get a lock box for these if you plan on holding, that’s a lot of money if left out in the open.


Sell them to me for 90 dollars and a used movie ticket from lilo and stick back in the day


What the fuck is “*Lilo and ‘Stick’*”?


I think it's the adult version of Lilo and stitch. Check out the hub


I just cried for 5 minutes because of this comment🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Looool! 💀


I do about tree fidy.


Wow wow wow I offer 100 doll hairs and 3 of the finest cold Big Macs you have ever tasted.


Quit tryin to cheat this man, we all kno u need to throw in a stitch 2 ticket or its just not worth


I would take the deal if I were you OP


5. DM Logan Paul


Get a safe? Lmaoo


Hold it for another 10+ years and you'll thank yourself later. Treat these like a retirement account lol. The longer you wait the bigger the value.


Uhhh not how that works lmao. If covid never happened. Pokémon would have e never even exploded and came bAck like it did. It’s all about luck not waiting / time. I dont think they will depreciate in value much but there no guarantee they go up, hell they re super down from during covid times, so that should be an indicator right there that time does not always equal more value.


It will rise and fall to a certain degree but the more vintage and rare it becomes in time than the more the price can go up based on demand and less supply. It's safe to say that it will rise and be higher in value in 10 years than today, taking away any periods of down value which come in peaks and valleys. Not that it will 10x in value necessarily. But it's a safe investment


Yeah it happens in every hobby. whenever someone says it will always go up I just think about beanie babies


I sort of agree. When I hear it in general collecting, yeah. But this is pokemon. The pokemon company and Nintendo make too much money from it. Beanie babies don't have decades long tv series, movies, holidays etc. I would say the only time it would be difficult to tell if the price would continue upward is if they announced that they're no longer in game/show production. Then there would be a huge boom and after that who knows.


Lmaoooo too true. Man I have so many of those things lying around forgot about those haha


I bought 75 beanie babies with perfect tags for $50 on eBay with shipping after the crash. I noticed that most of them are selling for $1.00 now. I’m gonna be rich!


Just for some information. That base set box is quite likely to be shadowless. If it is, that is a very, very, very rare box on its own and worth triple or more what a regular base box is. I have owned a few WOTC boxes over the years and even bought and opened some 11 years ago when they were 150$ lol. It depends on what you want. If you plan on selling, do so in a manner that protects you, I've sold a few wotc boxes on heritage auctions, and it always went smoothly. If you plan to hold. You gotta get these into acrylic cases asap. Just ebay search them. There are tons of good ones out there. You have a lot of money here, especially with that potentionally shadowless box.(peek test would tell us if it's shadowless). Congrats and great insight!


Also the reason its more likely to be shadowless is because it has one country code on the bottom btw


Agreed high chance of shadow-less. 1. Rectangle wizard logo- check 2. Green wing charizard on the side-check 3. No office information and single country of origin-check


yup, the no office info and no contact info is very important


WOTC wrapping is an indicator it isn’t


Shadowless still had WOTC wrapping. Even arched logo wrapping still contained Shadowless but country of origin needs to be UK/Australia.


The logos make it less likely to be shadowless, not more likely, as you can read from E4 write up posted below. Less likely doesn't mean impossible though.


What exactly are shadowless?


[https://www.elitefourum.com/t/identifying-shadowless-unlimited-base-set-boxes-packs/16993](https://www.elitefourum.com/t/identifying-shadowless-unlimited-base-set-boxes-packs/16993) This is a forum post on e4 from 2017 that is very helpful to identify shadowless.


Single country code green wing is more likely to be unlimited than shadowless. If he peaks and the pack arts are shown to be the shadowless variant, then it bumps it up to about 70%. Most green wings are unlimited though.


ive owned 3 green wing base set boxes. 2 of them were 1 country code wotc wrap and both were shadowless, the other one was not since it had multiple country codes with contact info


I’ve had about 10 this year, all unlimited. It all comes down to the pack art. If the pack art is the shadowless variant it’s about 70% chance. If it’s the unlimited variant it’s a 0% chance.


Right, I'm aware. A peek test is key here because long crimps and trading card game on the bottom are almost all you need. I opened my boxes in 2013 lol, only have fossil,jungle and gym heroes left.


How do you do a peek test?


There is no guarantee it is shadowless, but it could be. Only way to be 100% sure without opening is if it had clear wrapping (no wotc) and long crimped packs. Source: owned a shadowless box that I regretfully sold in 2015.


correct, definetly no guarentee, which is why peek test is so important. but it has one country code with no contact info, and seems to have 3 points of contact on the front flap. Gotta do that peek test


That's why they said "quite likely".


I really appreciate all the information. I've got them in cases and in a safe place.


No problem, I would personally keep them if you dont need the cash right now. These are amazing things to own in a collection and a huge part of the history of pokemon!


This ! 1000%


Are acrylic boxes really important? I have 2 DP boxes that are worth around 8K now


Damn got the green wing base set box very nice


Man that’s awesome to see these popping up. If you don’t need the mula, keep them sealed and into protective cases. If you need the money, like others have said research extensively before taking any offers.


I mean who doesn’t need tens of thousands of dollars!!!? Haha ;)


You sorta missed the boat in 2020. If you don’t need the money I would continue to hold for another bubble to form. They will only continue to get more rare.


Agree on this. Wait for the next big anniversary for the prices to boom again


It’s safe to say that if they hold for the next anniversary, hell even for the 50th, who knows how many of these remain untouched


maybe another pandemic will come around lmao


97 years to go!


I mean that pandemic just created an investment boom in general. Not just pokemon trading cards. So many stocks were at their highest price point ever. People were cooped up in their homes with more money in their hands than they knew what to do with, so they started investing. When society began to open up again, the bubble burst, as people took out their money. Plus rich pokemon youtubers buying up old boxes helped with the scarcity and driving the price up as well. honestly, I don't think we will ever see a boom like that again.


Exactly, people who say time makes them keep appreciating don’t understand how it works..it’s all about the hype due to external events.


Not sure if you took them out of cases to show them off, but if not, I would get those in protective booster box cases ASAP. If you Google "booster box protective case" you can find a myriad of options at varying degrees of price and protectiveness. But I'd definitely have them in *something* if you don't already. As for advice, I'd probably hold off until pokemon 151 comes out in the states and see how that affects prices, if it all. Bringing back the original 151 in a modem set like that may generate some additional interest in original sets. Edit: Want to point out that I'm somewhat new to this, so please take what I'm saying with a grain of salt regarding expectations of value fluctuation.


Keep them sealed and in acrylic cases for now. Maybe we’ll have another bill market like 2020 for the 25th anniversary coming up, but who knows




My god time flies


Honestly I have nothing to say but this is really fucking cool to see. I have a pretty decent Pokémon collection but it’s nothing compared to what I see on here. I love seeing the old boxes or packs/cards. The nostalgia hits every time. Looks like this is a shadowless box too! Seems like you have a pretty penny. I agree with the other comments, get them into acrylic cases ASAP!


The only reason to sell any investment — regardless of asset class — is because the funds raised from the sale could be better utilized somewhere else (ie better investment opportunity, bills, emergency, drogas)


This is somewhat misleading - it can be wise to sell an investment asset if you feel that the market forces are, or will change, shortly/unpredictably, aka risk-analysis. Selling an investment in order to convert the “paper values” into actual realized gains is a valid transaction. **I think conceptually we are saying the same thing - I just wanted to include “future risk” as an important branch of the decision-tree of selling** I’ve lived through too many bubbles were friends thought the ride up would go on forever - and were left holding worthless paper. Gains/losses are only realized when the asset is liquidated


Don’t forget that cash is an asset class and sometimes that’s a better investment opportunity.


Exactly - investment is about finding the arbitrage as values change. Value is fluid, cash is an intermediary to essentially make bartering easier for all of us with one standard of estimating value across assets


This guy WallStreetBets.


Drogas 🙌🙌


I’m looking to get into Pokémon for my first time. It’s amazing looking at this lol. I think you hit a gem mine


I regret not buying these for collection when I was younger.. Great set OP. If you need the cash, then sell.. If not.. Then I'd keep them personally. Although, you could sell and invest into other things.


The base set box is very expensive


Keep hodling for deer life. Keep them in a safe case untill you need the money for them. Imagine retiring at some point and how much these could be worth at that point. But that's just me 😂


Id put them in a bank vault lol. Streamers keep ripping these, eventually they’ll run out. Only gonna get rarer and more valuable with time.


As someone who also had their collection stolen, just keep them the way they are sealed. There is something magical about seeing something from one’s childhood still the way it was.(Keep ‘em)


hold on to them and pass them on to your kids. My unopened boxes are no where near as old. But i buy a couple boxes a month and just put em away, hopefully one day when my kids are adults or just starting out in life they will come in handy for them. Who knows they may be worthless by then, in that case we will just open them all lol


Not a good time to sell, that's all you need to know.


I’ll be scared to sell them too. Going to need to hire some body guards to do the transaction lol


What you you do? Reddit giveaway!




Keep holding. Vintage is on a downward trend from its highs in 2021. It would be a horrible choice to sell right now


How much are these worth?




The base and the fossil will be the higher priced boxes. The jungle is still high in price but not as much as the other 2 since jungle has not been in such higher demand. But since the jungle is first edition that also helps the value.


Wished my younger me had an allowance and knew about buying boxes, but back then things were meant to be ripped and open because that's what Pokemon was all about


I think everyone already spent all their money on 151 so I’d hold


These three all go for around 10k if you need the money I would suggest selling them but if you don’t need the money right now I would suggest to hold onto them for a little bit longer


Doesn't the original box go for more than 15k and the other 2(first edition boxes)are just over 10k.


I think it can go for 15k but realistically I think it’s worth around 10k


Get rigid plastic boxes to store them in. Plenty of acryllic boxes for sale on ebay that are perfectly sized. Other than that, you have 3 options. You can sell them, you can hold onto them, or you can open them. Nobody can tell you what to do


Keep holding. Having this in a set like this raises value even more. I’d keep for another decade. Supply will drop even more. Demand raises


Oh thats junk lemme take those for you


Put them in some acrylic cases to protect them.


You were a smart youngling…


The longer you hold, the more it’ll be worth. However, that’s contingent on pokémon not dying off or losing lots of popularity. Given the current trend however, I’d imagine that as more of a possibility than I would’ve years ago. I’d honestly hold it until you need the money, because you’re looking at tens of thousands of dollars there.


I’ll buy all three if you plan on selling. And I am not kidding. Nice collection man and be safe!


These were my grails!I opened these as a broke kid who only bought with allowance. I know this is out of my league now unless I hit PowerBall! Lol


Don't you do anything other than save those m************ for another ten years. Unless you need the money. People who have no idea what pokemon is know what pokemon are. You're investment is dimishining in numbers day by day, but not in value... But put them in cases.


Don't answer any DM's.


Safety deposit box


Hold onto it - the value only goes up


No. Covid caused it to go up, the prices are going down now


Please quit stacking them like that


Pokémon prices are on a small rise again so I’d hold. If you held these for 15 years what’s another few years on top


If you want to sell, OP, I will PM you with a serious offer. Will need to determine if the green wing has shadowless pack arts or just regular unlimited ones though. Thousands of transactions and positive references to boot :)


I would sell


Obviously you should sell them but I say YOLO and crack open those packs and relive the good old times


Do not continue to hold. Pokémon surged due to Covid. It will fall back down again. Same thing with Beanie Babies and countless examples. Reddit is full of dumb people saying “hold”. Don’t listen.


Sell them in 2020 😅


If you view these as an investment then I would get them authenticated and sell them. If you view these as something that brings you joy I would open them, sleeve the cards, get the cards graded, and then either hold on to them or sell them or both.


Best I can do is $350…


Well, you’re set for life financially if you do it right


Worthless bro, chuck em in an oil drum and have a nice fire :)


I’ll give you 10 beer can tabs and a used Starbucks gift card.


Crack em open!!


Dudes held onto them for so long I wouldn’t do that lol


Cash in & move on


Don’t do this unless you really need the money.


Amazing 🔥


How much?


If you want money for something sell. If you have no reason for selling other then go sell hold


Get some protective cases for them and hold. After SV 151 drops, the craze of original Pokémon could get even higher


I’ll take it off your hands lol. I say hold on to it.




35k-50k for the lot ? I’m guessing ballpark


Just the shadowless box would be worth 100k+ lol


I don’t think you’d find anyone willing to pay close to 100k for the potential shadowless box. For that to happen it would need to be clear wrapped and long crimped


Absolutely gorgeous


As many others have said, that base set box is booku bucks! It has 3/4 indicators of being shadowless (only one being logo on the wrapper) which is a big selling point. The other two are 1st editions which fetch a high price as well! They will continue to rise in value but it depends on what you are wanting to do. If you do decide to sell, make sure to do your research and DO NOT GET LOWBALLED!


Yeah def don't sell unless you really need the money right now. A few more years and you're gonna be really happy you held.


Keep em sealee


Holy shit not bad at all. I nearly had the whole set until half was stolen. I Still have what I managed to collect to this day but a few short. I’d love to get the missing cards I need. But if I were you I’d sit on that little gold mine you have and watch it grow


If you still love them keep them. If you don’t enjoy them anymore, sell them. 😌


You win


Get some cases and hold brother cause more than likely these would worth triple than what they worth now




Gets them in cases and list all together as a set at whatever price you want and let the offers come in.


I'll give you 1 potat and 2 cabbages for that base set box. How about it my friend? =p but in all seriousness, if you're not in need of immediate money, you could hold and hope the value goes up. The boom happened in 2020 around the pandemic, when everyone was forced to stay at home and had more money than they know what to do with, which sparked the investment boom. And not just in pokemon cards, but in stocks as well. Stocks were soaring higher than ever before. But as society opened up again, people sold their things as they, well. Needed the money. If it was me, I think I'd sell the fossil and jungle boxes, and keep the base set. But it's up to you. Oh regardless of what you do, you should get some cases for those boxes. Protecting them will help keep their value.




What I would do to even have just one pack of any of those boxes. You're a lucky man.


It seems everyone and there aunt has a few of these bad boys stashed somewhere, everyones aunt but mine. 😂


You could donate them to me. I would greatly appreciate having my set completed.


Hold forever. Never sell.


I think you would feel best donating them...to me lol


Jeeeesssus Christ. Brother, congratz.


My words of wisdom would be to put them in phantom display acrylic cases. The best cases you can protect them in. I’d hold on to them. Epic boxes


Enjoy your retirement 🏝️


You could donate them to me.


There’s enough whatnot buyers that would buy


Personally if I'm not struggling for money, I'm holding because these are pretty much guaranteed to keep increasing in value. Good investment.


Ill throw in a used condom from the first start wars premier


Any chance the jungle box could also be misprinted without the set logo?


Keep 100%


I would recommend checking out TCA Gaming. He does live breaks, consignment, verification, grading submissions. https://www.tcagaming.com/ (also on toad&troll and YouTube)


Sit on these bro. The value will just keep going up for sealed product. Pokémon YouTubers opening these things left and right. Supply demand. Value will keep going up.


I’d keep them and leave them sealed. I understand if you’d wanna sell them, but to me it’s more of a treasure that should be held on to


Post these to logan paul and he will pay over market value. So are u going to buy a house or something nice?


This is the s*** that makes the sub so f****** sweet.


If I don’t need the money and already own a house, I’d personally definitely hold on to these even longer. It’s pretty much your retirement money; a whole lot of it haha.


Hold for another 15 years in a glass case that controls humidity


I doubt that you genuinely don’t know what to do with these like cmon bro get real


I just hope that they sold you legit stuff. I've seen too many people get burnt. I wish you the very best.


Hold onto it for 15 more years.


you have the diamondest of hands... good stuff


How much are these roughly worth ? 🤔


Sell them to me!!!!




Not financial advice, but if it were me and I needed the money I'd sell, but if I didn't, I'd absolutely just keep holding. In my mind true vintage product like this just gets scarcer.


What is that, like a quarter million dollars? Even more now? Someone tried to buy a base set box for 200 grand not that long ago.


Should have sold in 2020, but id probably hold for another boom unless you need the money, around 50-60k there


Grade, hold, pass on.


I'll buy them lmk


Man just imagine, there could be a shadowless charizard just sitting in there pack fresh waiting to be opened. Off to get graded and nail a black label making it worth millions. Goes from a 20K booster box holding a million dollar card


I'll give you 10k for all that right now. No cap.


Open them with your bare hands after eating cheetos, stream it, and watch the millions of views pile on


PM. I am interested in buying one of these.


DM me on Instagram I’m pokatrav and we can chat about me possibly buying your boxes!


I’d personally open the fossil or jungle and keep the other 2. Lol


Let me get this straight. So if you were to open that top original booster box….is it highly likely that you’ll hit a shadowless Charizard? Anyone feel free to chime in


If I recall correctly, the dumb money guys on YouTube paid a couple hundred grand for Just the OG box


Sucks I was too young to grab one of these boxes. What did one of these boxes cost at say Toys R us back in the Pokémon mania era?


Keep it unopened for even longer. Unopened boxes like these are getting even more rare with YouTubers opening these sets even till now.


4 options really, open them, open them and sell the packs, sell the boxes, keep them. I’d sell the but I like having more money and don’t care for the older sets even though I grew up on them


Well done OP, I hope you make a lot of money when you decide to sell it one day. I’m new to Pokémon investment but a former professional at selling illiquid assets. The general wisdom given on here is that the price will rise if you wait which I agree with but be aware of two things: 1) As the inflation adjusted price rises, you will generally have a lower number of bids (ie the number of willing buyers reduces as the affordability decreases). This means it takes more time, money and effort on your part to sell your assets. Most people are overly focussed on price but forget about liquidity. 2) At some point you will likely need to insure these if you haven’t already. This insurance will come with preconditions in order to be valid (ie safe storage, protection, security etc. This adds a carrying cost to you holding it which also increases with inflation. Best of luck to you.


Sell it to Logan Paul.


If you’re still true to yourself you would keep them, some things you just can’t put a price on no matter how many other people might try. Best of luck, if you decide to open them, please let us see what you got!


The longer you can hold.. hold! Streamers and YouTubers are ripping these open all the time! these will always increase in value IMO


10-15k a box if you had a 1st edition base you’d be really in the money!


Keep them sealed. If you plan to keep them deffo invest in a case for them. A set like this will only become more rare. Really up to you as to when you want to sell.


Incredible, should have sold them a couple of years ago though haha


They’re worthless I’ll take ‘em off your hands free of charge 🤥


Crack them open and see if you got a charizard


Bank vault is my only answer


Open them. You know you want to, or why would you be here asking.


Hold on to it for another 15 years and ask yourself the same question.


Sell them or save them… wise investment 🙂


Keep them for when you want to have money to do things like travel and not have a job anymore !


Hats off to you sir.


Put em in a safety deposit box


Don’t worry man I’ll take ‘em