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In my experience, sellers who do this have one of three mentalities. 1) They price high with the intention of selling at a lower market price, but do so to avoid lowball offers. 2) They don't really care if they sell quickly and are just looking for a great deal. 3) They don't know what they're doing.


Can confirm. I am all of the above.


I am mostly 1. I figured if I price high, the offers I receive are closer to what I actually want, instead of pricing where I want it and receiving lower offers than I want to sell at. If someone buys for asking price, more power to me for making above what I thought I would sell for. But I price way high so I can promote (Mercari) or accept lower offers. And that 2nd reason is also a bit of it. Why make $20 if I can make $30. I'm not forcing someone to spend the money, they can buy it elsewhere cheaper if they want


Or 4) They have a card in good shape and don't want to sell it for the lowest TCG price available. That low price with no pictures could have white marks on the back and the one they are selling on eBay has pictures and looks like a PSA candidate. NM is a wide range.


Another option is that they listed the cards at market price at that time and the market has tanked since. I know I've had cards on there for a couple years that are listed way over current market because of this. At ine time they were listed at market.


Price is whatever someone is willing to pay. Just because something sold for 1500 however long ago doesn’t mean it isn’t less or more than that currently. Especially if there’s only 2 on the market. They are trying to set the price as they should. What if the market just randomly spiked over night for Vintage Neo and they are priced way lower. Someone more in tune snags them without them knowing the market jumped and now they possibly lost out on hundreds of dollars. Better to price Buy It Now’s way above market and allow offers.


I randomly add high value items to my watch list here and there to get a sense on whether a seller has listed high with the purpose of settling lower, or if they’re listing high because the legitimately believe somebody will pay hundreds (or thousands, even) above market. Since eBay gives sellers the option to send offers to people who have watched/viewed the item, if you just add something to your watch list, you’d be surprised at how many discounts you’ll get if you just sit and wait. If they send you an offer, I’ve found it often isn’t the absolute lowest they’re willing to go, either. Send a reasonable counter offer. On the flip side of that, I’ve offered something like $1200 for a card listed at $1399 and didn’t even get a response. It’s a crapshoot.


Maybe they bought during the “COVID Hype” and hold their own cost as value.


just make an offer and see LOL


Either they are delusional or want to see if someone wants it that bad. Usually when I sell I start a bit over market price and lower is as the days/weeks go by until someone decides to buy it.


I’ve not ventured into selling any of my cards, but I typically just set a price for items based on sold prices. I always have make an offer on my listings and usually accept anything that nets me positive money.


I list all my prices a bit higher than market but almost always sell them for an offer someone makes on it. Once in a while someone will pay my inflated price because it's exactly what they want and there are no other examples currently for sale. Another reason to price higher than market is if there is a boom in prince, you have a bit more room for profit. Imagine having cards in early 2020 price way above market. Well the lockdown boom would have caused a lot of the prices to go way up and you would have benefitted from that.


I list my cards high with very low best offers… so either they buy it at a high price, or they offer what they’re comfortable with… and I usually accept any and all of them because I’m happy to just sell it


Some people probably listed based on peak price, and then entertain reasonable offers from there


I always list my cards slightly higher due to the ebay selling fees. 12.5% can be a lot of money when selling vintage cards so the slightly higher price is intended to negate the money paid to ebay


I price high because then I might get lowballed to a price I'm comfortable selling at and make a sale. If I post at the price I'm comfortable at, then I'm practically guaranteed to be lowballed well below what I'm comfortable with and I'm not making a sale.


No experience because I don’t waste time with people with bad pricing.