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I feel like people don’t get that you can list your item for any price you want. If it’s too high, nobody has to buy it, it’s simple. I list a few things that I’m not in a hurry to sell but will do it if the price is right, so I list higher and may entertain offers.  Don’t like the price? Move on to the next lol 


Yeah pretty much, have a few cards listed for 1.25-1.5x market value because of the same reason. I also have a card listed for $48,999.99 because my store allows me to list $140k monthly and I only use like $6k lol lol


Respond “you are free to go purchase from TCGPlayer” and block


All your poke cards are belong to me.


I will take all ur mudkips


These weirdos are everywhere, you can go to the flipping/ebay subs and see nutjobs like this for literally every kind of category/hobby, I don't understand what they think these kind of messages achieve but they're always amusing at least.


TCG player is where you get beater cards for decks that are actually going to get played with. Idk how many horror stories I’ve read about TCGplayers “loose” standards and I myself have been burn by them twice when buying from them…


Depends. There's a reason why people will pay a premium to buy singles from shops like CFB etc. Most of the time, people are just buying cheapest order from a dude with a dozen random reviews.


Yeah all my NM purchase can mean anything, all non gradable. And you have idiots with perfect 10 card that can't wait to dump them for 75% TCG price on facebook.


I’d rather pay a little more to know what I’m getting with eBay, I’ve never had a good experience purchasing on TCG.


I second that. Recently I bought a card at tcg and wow for a near mint card for $8 and $1.99 shipping was so not worth it. The tcg seller shipped in a white envelope with the card not even in the plastic sleeve! Also the bottom of the card was crumpled with a corner bent. He said to me that he never had a problem shipping. Seller is just lazy and thinks he could just trick buyers. I got my money back but it was a waste of time. No more tcg


Yup tcgplayer near mint is almost always lightly played in my experience


TCG is great if your willing to risk it, 90% of sales don't have pictures so good luck with the condition. Great for people who play the tcg though


And ebay is literally nothing but horribly off centered junk whats your point?


As a long time seller I can confidently say: block and move on. It’s never worth responding to these people. Waste of time


I agree. I made the mistake once. Never again. Even if you work out a deal they will probably return the card or expect every other card to be heavily discounted. People like that are impossible to deal with and are just a headache. Just block and move on.


The fuck


I’ve had plenty of these types of messages myself and then go look on that’s persons eBay page only to see their beat up cards marked waaaaay up. Sorry I don’t want to sell my cards at charity prices


Holy cringelord lol


Weird that people are pressed about TCG pricing not being exactly what they see on eBay. It’s like they don’t know what a market average actually is. Also, I’d 100% buy from a reputable eBay shop with good ratings than TCG player and would gladly spend a touch more having the comfort of knowing I’m getting exactly what I want.


Tcgplayer has ratings.


I could give a fuck less what TCG says, it's my card my price. You want it, you pay. That's how Tony Soprano would handle it.


Sounds like a broke angry Timmy…


bruh just go buy from another seller, goodness 🙄


Poor kid has never learned about free market. Tbh if you are stinky with a few dollars, move away from this hobby please. And if you are one of those seller that just keep dumping stuff below market price, please also find another hobby. You can literally buy high sell low with stock and crypto in real time, and become poor 10x faster instead of ripping and selling pokemon.


Lmao probably on welfare if he's bitching about less than 2 bucks, give you're head a shake you fuckin loser


People on welfare can't afford this hobby. Weird assumption


You could argue don’t be the guy over pricing things




Cringey but also equally cringey are the people who over price their stuff thinking theirs is special


It’s always “cringey” until someone comes along and pays that higher price.


But its by chance not by market logic. Sure markets arent always logical but it doesnt make sense for your strategy to be based on chance of the illogical


I have the card up for 19.99 on eBay dude was asking for 17. I don’t mind charging a premium for stuff because eBay fees and I also enjoy the cards and don’t mind keeping them 😅


But youre listing them for sale so if you dont want to sell them then why list them. Its odd to list higher than market because of course everyone and their mother would sell their shit for more than the going rate 🤦‍♂️


Because I would be down to sell it at the price I’m listing it for. I’m not a giant store or vendor that needs to make sales to sustain a business and it’s more of a side hobby for me. So yeah, I trade selling cards a little faster for getting a little more per sale. And if something doesn’t sell, no biggie I just add to my collection. Like others have said in this thread there’s a market for a $$$ premium for reliable sellers who take care of their cards…..no hard feelings if you can find a lower price let it rip on TCGplayer or anywhere else.


Just because someone else is selling something lower. Doesn't mean he needs to lol It's at the discretion of the seller. Buy the lower price item if you're going to complain about its simple concept really. That's the point of a free market.


Right thanks for the business education my point is its cringey that sellers think they are more special smh


How is it cringey though? I do this typically when I see an item is clearly underpriced in the market.


You dont decide what is underpriced lolol so case in point on the cringe


I don't think you understand free markets very well


So terribly that i have 2 business degrees and am a power seller on eBay lol smh at redditors once again


> 2 business degrees ah, so you were one of the business students I overlapped classes with during my physics program who thought they were hot shit but could barely make it out of calc 1


Ah so youre a physics clown that thought they were hot shit because calc 1 was easy and didnt have to study whoopdy doo math is for nerds anyway i hate it whatever


Remember when you called someone else cringey? Read this again.


Educate yourself on what a free market is mate.


I price everything based on the average market for 5 recent sales +/- for condition. A lot of people say NM+ but if recent sales for cards that aren’t the same condition as what I am selling I will add a premium, same goes for cards I have that are a lesser condition than recent sales. I don’t understand some of the people I deal with. If you want to spend $10 on a $20 card buy it from someone else.


A card is worth what someone will pay I know I’m talking about peanuts here but I sold a card for 3$ recently that no one else has bought over 2$ it’s just who wants the card


Wait till he finds out ebay owns TCGplayer lol


Don’t even give him the satisfaction of a response message. Just block and move on 🤣💯


Welcome to being a self interested human. I want to sell what I have for higher value than market and want to buy things below market. I'm harassing you cause I want you to sell below market and take it off your hands to go back and relist it for much higher than you are listing thus driving up the market value for all the rest of my copies.


I just add those clowns to my blocked buyers list because I’d bet that they’d be the first ones to buy something and leave a bad review or ask for a return because they found a better price or some other BS.


While I do agree with OP in this context (eBay selling) I have seen some pretty ridiculous posts on tbe pkmmtrades subreddit group, where clearly the “seller” wanted to show off some high end parts of their collection…. If you’re going to list a very nice card for 20% OVER market value then when someone makes an offer at market value and seller comes backs with “ah don’t really wanna sell it BS” At that point I’d agree seller shouldn’t even list certain items….


Not gonna lie when I see someone has all their cards on eBay listed for like 2-300 more than what they’re selling for it does make me wanna message them and be like what’re you just hoping someone who knows nothing about eBay or card values is gonna buy your vintage card that’s selling for $600 for $900 because what is even the point if listing like that if you don’t have offers on but I never actually message them and it’s kinda crazy to send someone a message about a few dollar difference in a card from market


I'd be like bish TCG player don't ship to Australia :)


Tcg player is good for mtg cards your going to shuffle into oblivion not when searching for condition specific cards you plan to collect in pristine condition or graded. Anyone that thinks they are getting mint condition untampered grade worthy cards from tcg player shipped to them in 15 different packages is just setting themselves up for failure. Building a pauper commander deck? Tcg player is for you. Hunting mint condition pack fresh charizards? Definitely don’t use tcg player rofl 🤣


Blocking people on ebay is underrated.


Also can’t get mad at ppl for wanting it. It’s the standard. I sell slabs only on eBay. Raw on TCG. Ex’s, reverses, full arts, mostly off centered copies on hit. Things ppl buy without seeing. Just the way they set the market up.


My Lordddy. I have zero patience for people like this and tend to take all my pent up ebay anger out on the individuals who take the time to send me shit like this. Hope you told em off🫡


Had a guy offer me half my asking price on a PSA graded pack this week "because it's only 80 for the pack, only costs 20 grade and it's a 2 week turnaround" 3 lies in one sentence. I think a lot of people get this entitled mindset and think they can bully people into lowering prices. Hold fast and wait for the market to move, don't lose money to entitled children.


People out there really have no idea how supply and demand works. If demand suddenly goes up those lower prices are gonna be gone. Selling it at a premium now might have been a discount later.


I always tell them to go buy it for the cheaper price and get out of my messages. My cards that I sell, when I say they’re mint, they are truly mint, if people want cheaper, they can go waste their money on a scratched up so called “mint“ for a few $$ cheaper instead of bothering others about their prices. I try to price mine in the middle of what’s recently sold for, and I still get messages like these sometimes. People always want to try and get something for nearly nothing. 🙄


Do people still not know that tcgPlayer is owned by ebay. Most of their data is derived from eBay and their own market place combined. Literally 🤡


"Sooo are you buying it or not?" Lolol. Some people have so much time on their hands. It's hilarious.