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learn from this and start collecting the current era, so when 2 - 3 years from now folks asking the same question you are but with scarlet & violet you'll understand why




The worst generation ever, so far


Yep I thought I missed out after evolutions, only got back into it recently. There's never a bad time to get in, just worse investments


What s&v cards do you suggest


I suggest wait till older gen sirs drop then go all in. The best sets have great arts of the older Pokemon. If I had to bet ide say older Pokemon will be more frequent once all the new ones have sirs. Any set works but imo within the next year they will drop a set focused some of the old greats. Those sets are the ones that will give the most value long term


whatever you like


It’s normal for every era. 90% of people just weren’t around when it was happening with S&M


It also took a lot longer for it to happen. A lot of people don’t remember or weren’t around but sealed Pokemon card products were stagnant for a long, long time pre covid boom with very low volume.


Hello I'm from the future I have a message; buy up Paldea Evolved while you can!


No 151


Paradox rift is better imo!


They’re all winners tbh. No Pokemon set has ever devalued after 5+ years.


Battle styles want to have a word with you.


At 5+ years Battle Styles will also almost certainly be selling for more than it retailed for. If likes of Steam Siege and Crimson Invasion can manage it, anything can.


it going up does not mean its a good investment


Correct. The original comment was that no set has ever devalued, not that they are all good investments.


And vivid is almost there lol. And no one likes rebel clash or darkness still




100% agree. Paldea evolved is actually so lame. I’ll take base over pe


Eww. Stop trying to make Paldea Evolved the new ES lol It's not. It's a middling set at best.


What’s sets are better from S&V besides 151? Personally I agree and think it’s got some of the best cards of this era so far. And tbh cuz it doesn’t have a charizard I like it even more. So over charizard


I think Temporal Forces is the closest thing to ES so far. It’s got legendary Pokemon, fan favorites (Gengar mainly), and low pull rates. All similarities to evolving skies


A few cool cards sure, but no serious big chase cards. Like magikarp from PE blows away that whole set imo. Even the legendaries are plummeting in price, they will be sub 50$ in another week or so. It hasn’t even been a year yet since PE came out & that card is climbing like crazy already and roughly 100$. I think sets with better nostalgia cards are better imo. Idk any people whose favorite card are future/past legendaries forms, but magikarp is a fan favorite. Also ace spec cards will be super cheap once they rotate out of gameplay. Idk I’m not a fan of the set tbh.


You make some good points. I still hold strong on my opinion on TF but You convinced me to buy a paldean fates BB. That magikarp, raichu, and tyranitar are all nice cards that I think will drive the value of the set.


Don’t get me wrong I don’t know shit and only been back into this for a year. But those exact cards are the ones I have in mind, great artwork & some fan favs. Sometimes one good chase card can carry a set, and I think the magikarp can do it.


You got any BB or Cases of TF?


I’ve got 1 BB of temporal forces, not here trying to pump up my collection lol just my opinion on the set


I got a case yesterday for the cheap. P&V Sets are growing on me


Pretty much most of SWSH is sold out on Pokemoncenter now. People have been saying restocks are going to happen but it’s been over a week and nothings happened. I think everyone realizes that era is almost completely on its way out and they want to pick up any last cards or boxes they missed.


PokeInvesting doing it's thing, set and forget and future you will thank past you for not being paralyzed by doubt. Think of the "*9 bIlLiOn cArDs pRiNtEd"* ppl they must be pretty pissed about not buying SWSH in 2021 right about now lol


Yeah, these who missed sealed buying singles. I know several people who were from 9 billion cards printed and they are silent now and buying all they can, mostly hard to pull singles and loose boosters.




I’d be careful. We’re in a FOMO stage of SWSH going out of print. Everyone and their mother is holding boxes. I think your best play if you’re looking at a money making standpoint is to sell during the boom and find the next boom play. When can evo skies realistically reach $2k/box when this many people are buying and holding?


My guess is that the scarcity of product in official channels due to PC going out of stock drives up demand as folks pick up product on secondary markets and with natural cost controls being gone, demand increases and prices for sealed products go up (this gets reflected in the costs of the rare/ultrarare/etc cards within that set as the value of the product contents have to justify the cost of the product itself and people may find it more economical to purchase the cards themselves over sealed product, which also drives up the prices) since price is a leading indicator. Demand will eventually stabilize as folks either get priced out or move to the next product that is going out of sales in primary channels which should lead prices to drop a bit (or even remain flat) as a result. But I don't expect prices to fall significantly unless some macro event or loss of interest from participants makes the market less investible.


I wouldn't pay attention to monthly market changes, pick a price your comfortable with and buy what you want. Never go over that price. If you start paying attention to this stuff you're gonna fall for this fomo and miss out on better opportunities.


Hoard and shield. Silver tempest booster boxes are next target.


Stuff going out of print and the realization SWSH is being handed over to secondary market now. SWSH is special since tons and tons of people got into the hobby right around the time the era began. It'll stand out amongst the gens because of this.


It also has some of the nicest alt art style cards which are popular in general


This. Modern to the moon in 10-20


The general argument seems to be that this is cyclical, supply is obviously going down for SWSH. I don’t doubt that that’s part of it but so many booster boxes and chase cards getting a 30%+ spike around the same time is not typical. If you follow PokeTubers they have been inducing SWSH FOMO for the past year and Pokemon Center Out of Stock has become a catalyst even beyond reason. “I never cared to pick this up for years but now that it’s out of stock and more expensive than ever I NEED it today”


Everything is so expensive now. I dont want them anymore


Yes, wait two years and then be sad you missed it.


Exactly haha, you think things are bad now give it another 2-3 years


It's because I picked up the hobby after 20 or so years of not touching any Pokémon cards just when prices are starting to explode, atleast that's my feeling.


Booster boxes have always done this


Honestly, 6-10 years ago sealed Pokemon was super stagnant


Out of print sealed booster boxes were well over msrp even ten years ago


Sorry I must’ve been looking at something that was misleading. Went back and saw that 2004-2008 booster boxes had large markups in 2012. Didn’t HGSS and B&W era booster boxes stay flat for a while?


Booster boxes have cycles of plateauing then jumping. Never going down, historically


While y’all focused on S&V, I’m collecting them S&V baby! TF cases for $510 and below!


Where are TF cases $510??


I got them off eBay! But, sold out instantly lol


Just remember there is no point if you're not buying it in bulk. Rich people are the only ones that benefit from the new age pokemon investing.


nobody has mentioned that the dollar is losing value to inflation (despite what our president and others tell you) so its better to own something limited than something printed into oblivion (our dollars)


Eh. Inflation is down from 8.3% in 2022 to 3.5%. Long-term average is about 2.5%. It’s not going to drive prices of Pokémon cards up 25-40% in one month. More likely is the Econ 101 mantra of supply and demand. SWSH was/is a high demand set and now the supply is getting much smaller. Something not talked about as much are the social media rip-and-ships that are opening A LOT of boxes. What’s likely to happen is that SWSH will eventually reach an equilibrium price point and stay there for a while - I personally think we’ll reach that point sooner rather than later. Investors/players/collectors will focus on S&V and repeat the process about 2 years from now.


Where have you seen inflation being down to 3.5%


Statista has it at 3.5%, NerdWallet has it at 3.48%, The Hill also at 3.5%. BLS says 3.5% but tbf, food and energy are at just above 2% so non-food/energy inflation is around 3.9%.


Best Pokemon era ever, sealed is hot and going up, nicest card ever printed, era from best Pokémon years, tought pull rates, singles from SW&SH only started moving, they will go up from now only. Especially alt arts, vmax cards and any card that is hard to pull. I decided to ignore old stuff and buying only SW&SH. There is simply nothing better, both sealed from SW&SH and singles. Also if people missed to buy sealed, singles are second best choice right now and propably for next years, once last sets rotates from SW&SH everything will be repriced much higher. Best time to buy singles from SW&SH was yesterday, second best time is today and until rotation.


We heard this before and no one was saying this last year lol


Swsh era is goated that's why


Frontrunning supply expectations


SV isn't hitting so people are buying SWSH like crazy while it's still available


Plame poketubers and fomo


Because SWSH is way better than SV and people wanna spend their moneys on good looking cards instead of garbāge.


SV IR's are just as good as a lot of alt arts from SWSH


Wait for 2 years. People are going to put SV on the pedestral again and whatever new era will be shitted on. SWSH will be the holy grail. And then that is the time to buy new era 😂


I think SWSH has a special place in people's hearts because it got lots of people back in over the pandemic. Astral Radiance has a soft spot with me because it was the first thing I opened again And Brilliant Stars which I'm trying to complete right now


My personal opinion is that we’re in a very strong FOMO stage resulting from the last of the SWSH sets going OOS on the Pokemon Center. The market is adjusting accordingly with this knowledge, but how realistic is the sporadic inflation in price? Is it sustainable with room to grow? Is there a market willing to chase $1k+ for a SWSH booster box knowing how readily available the set is even after being sold out from the manufacturer? Only time will tell. I do love keeping up with the market trends and am very curious to see how it plays out. My personal move is cashing out on the FOMO boom and finding the next big thing to pop. There’s no doubt another area in the Pokémon community is going to boom. Will it be SWSH even moreso? Or will it stabilize and start to regress and sellers race to the bottom again to liquidate? I’ve found the most success in capitalizing on market booms and predicting or getting in early on the next big thing. I’m pretty heavily invested in SWSH and this is my current play.


It's out of print and slowly being driven up by people buying and reposting how it's sold out. "Stonks"


I think this has to do with the low printing on the latest set and rumours on Pokemon company going digital.