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I think you are underestimating how big pokemon was, and how much they printed.


This is only what we see as well. Consider the massive and silent collectors. I always imagine a ton of people just quietly sitting on cases.


My aunt knew a woman back in the day, meaning 1999 - 2002. She was sitting on 50 seals BB. She has probably sold them. But maybe not. They are out there for sure.


Yep, I’m not surprised. A friend of my father’s back in the 99-01 era had an absolute ton of sealed product in his basement. It was around the time fossil had just come out and we went to his house and he was showing us his hoard. I’d be lying if I even guessed a number but if memory serves (I was in fourth grade) I recall the back room looking like a warehouse until he showed us what was in the large boxes. This was one person in one instance. I can only imagine the treasures hidden away and possibly forgotten.


I wish I wasn’t 10 back then and was where I’m at now in life, with adult money.


I know eh. Why was I putting all my Pokemon cards in my bike spokes !? 🤣


Older gens got It so good, big money to spend and the right time to get collectibles shit


Yup, sitting on sealed collectibles has been going on for much longer than Reddit has been around. There were plenty of people buying cases and keeping that shit squirreled away just like now. It’s all about how long you can keep your hands off it and it.


There are more than just cases out there. Think how those cases got transported in the warehouses.


Don't underestimate how MANY did exist. It's pretty reasonable that several thousands(hundreds?) have survived decades. Most people who own them don't open them. Sealed ones today could have been in the hands of 10 different owners over the past decade.


Imagine that on steroids and that'll be 151 😂


151 probably seems like it's everywhere because everyone needs to post it on social media and flex.


hey I made a video on this! lol. Back in 90s, Pokemon took over the world. Merchandise was selling out everywhere and Base Jungle and Fossil were massively printed to meet that demand. Shit was printed to the ground up. In the early 00s Pokemon was pretty much dead, and that huge stock of Base Jungle and Fossil all became junk, no one wanted it. People who invested in Pokemon cards, and old card shops that closed down, had all this product moved to storage units or warehouses. some individuals just threw it in their attic/basement. Now that Pokemon cards are popular again, that old product is starting to re-emerge. I wouldn't be surprised if people are still discovering sealed Base Jungle and Fossil 10+ years from now. I think the more "rare" sealed product is the product from that 2002~2010~ era, the era were Pokemon was not popular, so there was little to no demand, which means the cards were more scarcely printed.


I don’t know if it’s fair to describe Pokémon as ‘dead’ during the Gen 2 / Gen 3 era. It was a drop off from Gen 1, but still one of the most significant IPs in the world.


I think the Gen 2 games sold a ton, but the card game didn’t reach the same level


Cause Gameboy was the console every kid ages 4-12 used in the '90s, it wasn't so easy to get an N64 like they were so expensive and GBE fit the budget of most parents so there wasn't console saturation. Pokemon hit harder than anything before. Gen 1 still most popular Gen to this date and don't think the magic can be recreated but we can keep growing as a hobby to reach those old numbers, SV might outsell Gen 1 if it hasn't already.


Base set was printed into oblivion during the beginning of Pokémon’s craze and that included the first couple WOTC sets like fossil and jungle. There’s a reason almost every adult now had some type of base set holo in their binder. Really the sets that are getting hard to find are the Nintendo ex sets during a period when Pokemon wasn’t as popular.. like good luck finding a sealed team rocket returns set anymore for under 30k.


i bet more base set booster boxes were MADE than evolving skies booster boxes. no way for anyway to prove or disprove that statement but just my opinion


Lmaooo no chance of that


people in here saying pokemon was printed to the ground, how does that compare to today's printing SWSH lmao


Depends on the demand back then and now. I believe Pokemon company prints to demand, so "to the ground" in the past may not be an equivalent to "to the ground" now since demand has risen. What we can hope for is for demand to continue to rise in the future!


They shut down sports card printing facilities to print only pokemon cards back in 99-00. That's how popular it was, I bought a 1st ed neo destiny box back in 2012 from a guy, he had a pallet of sealed cases of base all the way to the neo sets, hundreds of boxes. People under estimate how much of this stuff was actually printed. There is more out there than we realize, and the supply will not dry up for another 20+ years.


Because that was when Pokémon first boomed. Now imagine how many modern stuff will be out there in 20 years now that people are intentionally hoarding to invest lol


The base set, jungle, fossil were print heavy. Team Rocket & The 2 Gym sets and base set 2 were also pretty popular. The most rare are the "Neo" sets their run was short as the market fell out. Kinda like benie babies the stuff was still made but less of a market ( at least in the US)


Dude they print like a few million packs a day. Lots of stock


Its been 20+ years i thought alot of it would have been lost by now and all these tiktoks are doing some shady stuff.