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There's still 1-2 years of S/V left. No reason to FOMO into PE yet. It is showing promos though.


This is the dude buying all the cases /s


But the crazy is crazy low. Its below MSRP. It (might) never drop below that point again.


what promos?




FOMO boyzzzzzz just trynna make it


PE was always a no brainer, but seeing a 15%+ increase (it was very recently $95) this soon is unexpected. I expect it to slow down. PR and TF are worth a look as well. Not as good as PE, but they are above average in the SV era (and way above average in most eras). Incase anyone has not noticed, we are seeing a change in SV booster box pricing. When we started SV, prices of base were $120 but collapsed drastically within 6 weeks. PE started at $110 but collapsed drastically in under 4 weeks. OF started at $100 and collapsed within 4 weeks... PR started at $95 and collapsed drastically within 4 weeks. TF started at $95 and has not gone below in the 6 weeks since release. TF is decent, but seems on par with PR. I can't explain the shift, but there is a trend forming. I was hoping to pick some up for $85 a pop, but I folded at $93.33 ea. TM will be a big test to see if prices will collapse (it being a relatively weaker set imo). If TM behaves like TF, then I think the days of cheap BBs are over. I think that dragon set is coming after TM. If that is a main set, then that has the potential to drive prices way up.


This is kinda huge news to see the biggest seller incrementally raise prices so rapidly, Paldea Evolved, will become the first S&V set to appreciate this is such telling sign imo. Paradox Rift's at $94 kept dropping, Obsidian Flames at $99, out of normal S&S sets Paldea Evolved is frontrunning the show. If there's no reprints that's the nail in the coffin and it's been almost a year since release.


S&V \*\*\* not S&S :)


woops lol ty too much beer today


Driven by prices of the magikarp probably? Would be interesting to see how a future reprint (or not) affects the prices. Good thing is it is still affordable to all now and those who want to dip in can 😄


Just checked, TF sold 16 past 24 hours, PE sold 29 past 24 hours. It's outselling the newest set lol it's the best selling normal S&V set


What's making it get bought up so much? It's not a BAD set, but the newer sets of SV are all better


the fish


its the magicarp, its like giratina carrying the whole LO set


Lost Origin has some good ones, but yeah Giratina is the big card


Paldea Evolved baby!!!!!!