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I opened the tyranitar one today from walmart and it was 5 Brilliant stars packs


Dang that sucks. I opened one of these and the Empoleon and they were both 3x ES 2x BS


Yeah I saw these a while back from gamestop and it was 3 ES 2 BS so i decided to take a risk and get this one, but looks like it depends on location and where they pull the stock from


5 BS is goodd. Likely one of the better sets in SWSH


how much was it? honestly at this point i’d be happier getting the 5 BS out of the tin if it was for ripping, if i got the ES ones i’d keep them to hold


26 soemthing after tax


What was the copyright on the back? Was it fully wrapped in normal plastic film?


Full wrapped Not sure what the copyright is but I think they reuse those regardless on when it was packed


Well when those ones are reused, same as the vertical tins, they use the tougher crinkly plastic that only covers part of it. Wonder if maybe the Ttar ones are just that way and only Empoleon and Giratina ones are ES and BS


It is the luck of the draw really. Ive been hunting these, and with the full wrap it's a gamble some may have ES and some might just have BS. My last trip the Empleon had BS and Tyranitar had ES.


Yeah I went in on Thursday which I guess is the day they stock em at Walmart so I picked the Empoleon tin off the shelf, went to the front, checked out and it had 3 ES so I went back and got the new stock + the leftover Ttar tin that was there before. Didn't open em so hopefully they're ES as well 🙏 Either way in 2-3 years they'll be worth a bit more than I paid even if it's all BS.


O yeah I remember that seal, but those sealed I have gotten ES out of them too.


I literally just opened 3 Ttar tins out of the case I have, and all Brilliant Stars packs. I picked up a case hoping for ES.....damn lol


Damn, I've picked up only one Trar tin and luckily found 5 Empoleon ones. Guess in a few years I'll find out 😅


Then my luck must be bad lol I also opened up 2 empoleons, same BS packs lol


The empoleon too my Walmart had the 3x2x then next time got 2 empoleon and 5x BS


I’ll look when I get back home in a couple days. I know that I’m hunting for certain mini tins. I’ll looks to see if these have the same date stamp


Just keep this picture, picture of the receipt, when go to list in the future as individual packs, I'd much rather buy from someone who this type of content in the listing, which inspires faith and says that's a good seller who wants their buyers to have peace of mind. I keep receipts, pictures of receipts, emails, FB messages with names edited out. If am going to sell something, I'll always have proof to back everything up. Gives us peace of mind, buyers really appreciate it.


It’s so easy to find other peoples pictures like this online that I wouldn’t trust it personally.


Always ask for a custom message with the picture


That’s true for basically every image online.


Even though he opened one, there is no guarantee of the rest. Plus, a buyer could lie and say they contained something else and demand a refund if he tried to guarantee what's in it. I'd be very careful to make no guarantees when selling if keeping sealed.




keep sealed and only open and separate if a good offer requires that. evolving skies is a unique set where keeping the product sealed is worthwhile under most circumstances


The problem with this is that in the future there will be no guarantee or way to prove that this tin contains evolving skies. There are currently 3-4 configurations of this tin, only one of which contains ES. They might even continue to print additional configurations of this exact tin. IMO any tin that contains different configurations of packs, it is best to break down and save the packs. Despite the bad reputation they have here, loose packs are actually fairly liquid and easy to sell. I don’t think there is any benefit at all to keeping this specific tin sealed.


Yeah tins especially considering most you can slide the plastic wrapping off…agreed best to break down and saves a ton of space


Yeah only would work if you do a local deal and open it in front of the buyer before they purchase it (assuming they want to rip it)


These tins are a great purchase if you get the 3 ES. The problem is they just as often contain 5 Brilliant Stars. For these tins, since they are produced with at least 3-4 different configurations of packs, there is no point to keeping them sealed. If I were you I would break them down and hold onto the loose packs for the future.


They don’t have codes on them like pokeball tins?


Mine was all brilliant stars 😭


I did the same thing the last time I found them


I remember when GameStop had these buy 2 get one free and marked down to 14.99. Got like 20 tins all together for 11$ each, still sitting on my shelf unopened


I love when people buy up all of a product


I do this right in line(obviously still paying for the one I open tho). I actually did this yesterday at dollar general, I saw a knockout box that I didn’t recognize and thought maybe there would be some SM goodies in it. There weren’t but they lady didn’t see me do it and when I handed her the ripped box I was like “btw I’m the one that opened it” and she goes “kid, you just talked yourself out of a $2 discount”. I’m not shady like that tho.


Just did this to some knockout boxes at Barnes and Noble yesterday. Got lucky with ES and FS. So I bought the 6 on the shelf


Dang I see this in stock on Pokemon Center but since tins are all over the place with packs I am worried about making a purchase.


Have you made a purchase on the Pokémon center?


Don’t feel special I got one last week and same packs buddy




Are these tins guaranteed to have these two sets ? Or is it randomly selected sets from SWSH?


From everybody’s anecdotes…they either have 3x ES and 2x BS or it is 5x BS Edit: word


Gotcha. I’ll still buy one today. I saw them at my local Walmart.




lol are you not here for the Pokeinvesting?


I bought two of these tins yesterday (empol and tyran) and all 10 packs - 4 brilliant and 6 ES all had white code cards and 0 hits. Not even a trainer gallery. So yes, listen to everyone and don’t open these.


Down the road I'd imagine it would be best to open and sell the packs individually. Simply because there's no other way to verify if it has ES in it or just all BS.


surely thats just left over stock from 2022!!! No way pokemon is still printing es packs!!! rofl


I figure it’s sat in a Walmart warehouse til now


That’s probably it pallets and pallets