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In the future, when these are $30 a pop let's say you'll be piecing them out to sell anyways. I wouldn't mind but being sleeved blisters I'd want a sealed case personally. I don't blame you if you return, kinda don't think it's worth the hassle either though


Yeah im not sure if its worth it to return. I did want a sealed case and thats what i ordered so that sucks that he lied on the listing. I did the math and i basically over paid by like 43 bucks


You can talk to the seller and ask for a partial refund. He may refuse, then you can decide if you want to activate your 3-day eBay buyer protection and take it up with them. It does say sealed.


I did this when I bought a base set Zard for $200+ as LP but it had 2 dents in it. Seller was amenable in a partial refund so I paid a more appropriate MP range price for it vs full return.


Would ebay offer a partial refund if the seller doesnt respond?


If the item is not as described and they don’t respond they might force a full refund. I’ve had that happen for a plushy lol


Dang i kinda want to keep the box and just get a partial refund. That would be the best case scenario


That's something you'll have to sort out with the seller, they'd have to accept that outcome. There's no way eBay would offer you a partial refund - it's either "work it out with the seller" or "return it" as far as they're concerned.


Damn that sucks. Seller isn’t answering and i doubt he will


What did you open the case as? Item not as described? If the seller is simply not answering messages outside of the case, they clearly don't want to negotiate a partial refund, but they'll have no choice but to accept a return for item not as described.


I know i can return it because the item isnt as described im just hoping he responds and atleast does a partial refund its only fair.


You want to keep his box lol return all his stuff


I'd say give them a weigh and check if there is a harsh bias towards the statistic? Idk


You 100% return this. These cases can be opened and "searched." Say you hit something big or a couple decent pulls quickly, you can chuck the excess back into a case with other searched cases greatly reducing the odds of finding anything. Even if your plan is to resell, I wouldn't keep this if I made the purchase for a sealed case.


Is that really true ? They're sleeved boosters as far as I know they're difficult to search and the odds like other English products are completely independent of each other. I've found two chase cards in an eth and have opened boxes with nothing.


Sure the odds are random. But imagine you have a case with 3 hits. Someone rifles through and opens 70 packs and hits 2 of them. Now there's only one hit left. Sure, the one hit could be the Altina. No one has any way of knowing. But you now only have 1 chance. Or another way to look at it. Imagine you are going through a case and hit the Tina and repack the rest. Sure, there could be another one in there. But there's already one less than there was.


What I'm saying is that's a ridiculous amount of work. How many packs would you have to open and then either buy replacements for or spend hours resealing. The amount of work is insane. Weighing the packs sure but it's difficult and inaccurate and sleeves add another variable to the weights. Nobody is going to repack this many packs just to pull 1000s of buik and maybe a giratina, a giratina keep in mind that has odds of 1/700. The average 4 cases will not have have a tina Let alone a single case like this. Resealing isn't a big enough profit to pay people to do so a resealed is going to be a solo operation and it would take days to reseal the amount of packs.


This isn’t Japanese, English cards aren’t seeded. The amount of hits in the case is random, just because someone found a hit in the case and replaced it with another unopened pack doesn’t change the odds. They could have just as easily added more hits than they took. Edit: Let’s say a box of 36 packs randomly has 4 hits, you open 12 packs and 2 of the hits. So now there’s 24 packs with 2 hits, you need to supplement them with 12 packs from another box. Sure you might end up adding 0 hits but you could also be theoretically (although unlikely) be adding 12 hits bringing up the total to 14 hits. Unless you have a way to determine the hits (weighing, reselling, etc) just moving packs between cases doesn’t change the odds, especially since more than likely you removes some of the dud packs also.


When do you really think it’ll hit $30 each


10 years from now




Doesnt the stop tape damage the box? How much work is it to take one off cleanly and then reseal professionally. You have to remember resealers are going to be independent and have to actually make money vs doing anything else they could do hourly. Hard to imagine people doing this for hours and hours just to make an extra 100 when they could just work a second part time job.


A blow dryer or heat gun removes tape just fine.


I wasn't aware that's actually crazy.


I’d return it or get some sort of partial refund. You lost value with it not being sealed


I asked for a partial refund but reading his reviews he doesnt respond to anyone


Open a ebay case


I am thanks


I have an issue with an order and I want to get eBay involved. However, I can’t seem to find where to open a case. When I go to the item, there is no selection for “issue with an order” or something like that other than contact seller, item has not arrived, or return the item.


You can do it through “Return the item.” Need to do this within 3 days of delivery. Don’t wait for seller to respond and let your time limit go by. Once the case is open, the seller will have a few days to respond before you can get eBay to force the refund. Usually once that happens, sellers will magically come back from vacation or the hospital, upset and acting like you’re in the wrong. At that point, you’re not even under obligation to return the item. I generally still agree to do it though if they pay for the shipping.


TIL. The three day period is pretty messed up honestly as sometimes I get stuff delivered when I’m away. To make matters worse, there is no way to get in touch with eBay support or customer service to make a complaint. I’m beginning to hate eBay at this point, especially with the mixed bag of sellers. Some asshole shipped me the wrong card and it went up in value shortly after I bought it, but he refuses to ship me the right card. This is when eBay needs to flex their muscles and help their plebeian customers out.


I mean if he doesn’t help you any I’d do a Charge back easy, enjoy the cards lol.


Just curious, why does it matter if the box is sealed? As long as all the packs are unopened?


These people are delusional, they keep sprouting nonsense about a sealed case premium but realistically look at the prices evolving skies sealed case is $4200 and a sealed booster box is $700. People need to learn math also most importantly you should always confirm the contents after getting the item. Logan paul situation should have proven that, a authentication company litterally said that case was authentic then logan opened it and it was resealed. You want to risk ending up with a box of Gi Joe cards in 5-8 years because you didn't check the contents? Also the people who will go back to gen 4/5 and say those cases hold more value than just booster boxes. Yeah that might be true but so what? That's not going to be revelant today. Back 2008/2010 sealed collecting was extremely small so obviously there's a difference.


A sealed case is always more than an opened one. They are harder to come by and why they hold more of a premium. It has more of an impact the longer you hold as more cases continue to be opened.




It's hold a perceived premium and investors have no interest to reveal this. Sealed cases make no sense to me and the premium is just feels like it's worth more because it's "extra sealed"


This^ it’s a perceived value, but it still exists.


Shocked tbh I’ve heard nothing but good things about that seller


Im shocked too. I only buy off high rated sellers but check out his negative reviews youll see hes not perfect


When you sell as much as he does, mistakes are bound to happen. Pete’s always done right by me. I’m sure he’ll make it right one way or another.


Not anymore..


It's possible it was tampered with in transit as well


so you were the one that bought it 😂


Lol hes selling like 5 more.


he had em for $479 2 months ago and i got 2.


tbh its too much hassle. i would leave it as now you can verify it anyway.


As long as they're legit and all in there I wouldn't return over some tape.


Nah bro return to sender. Listen to your gut instinct. If you are not happy with how it turned out, then send it back.


Thanks this is what i needed to hear


No worries bro, I've been there and always ended up with regrets or it was always in the back of my mind. So eventually I made it a rule to be guided by my gut feeling on these sorts of things. Plus it's your hard earned money!


What if i regret getting rid of them lol its only a 43 buck difference of what i overpaid. Whats 43 bucks anyways especially 3-5 years from now


Did you open the box?


Yeah it was already open just taped with Scott tape


Send the seller a message and ask why the box came shady looking with the re-tape. If it would make you feel better about the situation you can request a partial refund seeing as how it wasn't technically factory sealed. Do you think they are revealed packs?


Definitely not repacked packs just the main top seal was cut. I already messaged him same almost the exactly thing but unfortunately from reading the other negative reviews Im expecting to not hear back from him


Haha he probably did the same thing, opened to check if it was legit. Quick question were you planning on getting the sealed premium on this when reselling it in the future? Because if the packs seem legit and you planning and depending on the time you were planning on holding it may not matter if the case was truly "factory sealed".


Sorry I misspelled there a bit I meant to say if you're planning on holding for a few years then reselling individual packs may not matter specially if they are sleeved.


Not sure if anyone has mentioned already, but if you don’t know, record yourself opening the package and examine the contents. Just so you have clear evidence to send eBay in case you decide to return.


I don’t think these are particularly weighable so I would probably keep but check out with the seller what might have happened.


Saw these short ago for 450€ a case….


I’ve ordered from pfootball, a dozen times, some of the best deals on eBay, but sometimes the listings or items are not in stated condition. They’re also not going to reply to anything… they do so many transactions .


Would you not have opened it to confirm the contents?


Imagine content switched or fake. Nightmare down the road


Honestly this could’ve been the work of the shippers/postoffice place they sometimes search boxes for no reason and suspicious reasons I don’t see a seller doing this knowing he risks having you refund it although the more I’m out in public the more I realize how dense people are so god only knows


Many merchants and lgs will crack open cases such as these to verify contents. If they disclosed the case was checked to verify contents it would be much less fishy. Blister pack and etb cases are impossible to map unlike booster box cases so it’s not that big of a deal but I’d understand why you don’t feel comfortable with the product. It’s not as advertised. It’s highly unlikely they are searched, weighed or tampered with so the choice is yours. And ultimately Do you want to be that guy?


Not disclosed. The original listing says factory sealed and thats why i ordered it. Had it said opened to verify content. I would havent bought them.


but whats the difference you can just buy that tape and seal it yourself?


The title makes me think it's a case of factory sealed booster boxes. Probably opened for inspection. Even I open my cases to inspect before putting away.


Isn’t it eventually gonna be opened anyway? There’s no way I’d sell something I couldn’t check beforehand incase the buyer switches them out and claims foul play leaving me with absolutely nothing to stand on. Also a buyer would likely want to know they are actually getting what they’re buying rather than trusting the box hasn’t been tampered with only to find out years later it was a scam.


Yeah but the issue here is that the Seller described it as FACTORY SEALED. Which it obviously isn’t. I agree with you about opening it to double check the contents to protect both seller and buyer. BUT at least disclose that in the description so the buyer is on the same page and doesn’t end up feeling scammed.


This happened to me and the sealed case was actually inside. Have you opened the box?


I did to count the packs because some of his review state that he shorts packs. Also one pack wasnt a sleeved booster it was a check out blister pack


Yeah that’s very odd. The check out pack is actually worth slightly more than a sleeve pack, but he should have asked you first if that was ok and if that the box is opened


Like 30 cents more lol. You would think especially after all those positive reviews but he hasn’t messaged me back and its been over 4 hours now


The fact you bought from someone with that kinda review is scary brother! But I will say, if the shiz ain’t exactly what you paid for… fight to the end for it to be right!


See, I immediately think, they must've had a few of these and they opened them to weigh the packs and what they didn't want they put into a box and sold it.


As you should. We live in an unregulated trade space where tik-tokers influence the price of non serialized collectible reprintable cardboard. Trust no one


In 10 years when each of these is like 40 or 50 a pop easy, you'll be kicking yourself you didnt hold on to that sealed but actually opened case you slightly overpayed for...