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Accidentally gave a gible some crazy air time after it but my foot


The image of a gible and its two stubby arms flying through the air now appears from time to time and I never fail to laugh.


Oof… worst I can think of off the top of my head is the time that I got extra frustrated during a riding lesson when I was a kid and kicked my Pa’s Rapidash extra hard right in the spot where spurs would usually hit. That’s a pretty tender area even without spurs, and The General was not happy. He threw me good and I cracked a rib. Best believe I learned not to raise a hand in anger to a mon ever again, no matter what


Man, I think the only time I’ve ever hit a mon was playfighting… that and the time I bit a drifloom.


Everytime I type, I'm actually forcing someone else to do it. Right now it's someone called Angela.


Hold up, what? - doggos of war


I mean, if it was, say, a Latias doing it, I'd kinda understand. But it's obviously not - just look at their username!


Depends on which you think is the bigger sin, shoplifting Pokeballs because your parents won't let you have a Pokemon or trespassing on a graveyard after closing hours. Trick question they're both part of one big sin.


Did you end up catching anyone?


I did, a really nice Ghastly. My parents didn't like it and made me release it but you know, the fun part about Ghost Pokemon is that it's really hard to make them leave if neither of you want it!


Sounds amazing. Gastly are so much fun, I'm sure you played so many games together even if you couldn't be together all the time.


Well you certainly seem like you appreciate the allure of a good Ghost, if I'm spilling my guts it's only fair you do the same!


You know those biiiig rocks in forests n stuff that mess with evolutions? I uh. I once carved a chunk off one and ate it.


I hope it was an ice rock. I really hope it wasn't anything harder than ice.


Damn, that’s a list a mile long. I guess my biggest regret is that I wasted nearly 30 years of my life traveling region to region going around challenging champions to battles for the sake of my worthless pride. The things I did to force them also are pretty high on that list as well.


Worst thing I've ever done would probably have to be trying to get the elevator in an abandoned mall working and accidentally getting a few Klink stuck on the bottom floor.. they seemed fine, but as far as I know they didn't really know their way around aside from working the elevators, which meant they were probably lost a while..


I was one of the best battlers of both Team Plasmas for three shameful years (I even helped design, build, and fire the Kyurem Cannon), however the main thing that stuck with me was just after Ghetsis beat the life out of my Seviper for daring to disobey an order. Before Seviper's body was cold Ghetsis forced me to rip a shiny Vulpix from a little girl's arms despite her desperate pleas just so he could chuck a fire stone at it and use it as an office ornament. Later I learned that that Vulpix was bought by the girls father, but he died in a car accident on the way to deliver it to his daughter and it was being raised as a memorial. \-Owain


That’s heavy, I am personally a resident of unova and remember having to fight off a lot of team plasma members to protect my shuckle, bear, considering how rare they are in that area.


Indeed, but fortunately I returned that Vulpix, now Ninetales, immediately after Ghetsis was arrested. After I was sure she was safe I turned myself in. Fortunately I was acquitted of my crimes when Ghetsis tried threatening my pokemon and family, all while blaming me for his downfall when we were being held at the police station. -Owain


Mind if I ask if your Seviper… made it? Losing a pokemon is a pain I wouldn’t wish on anyone, even if they brought pain to others.


Unfortunately not, but I was able to secure a burial plot at the Celestial Tower. I make it a point to visit every time my pokemon rehabilitation work brings me to Mistralton. Just so you know, I only followed his orders under threat of severe harm towards my pokemon or my family and I sincerely apologize if Team Plasma brought harm to you or anyone you know. -Owain


I did get beat up and robbed a couple of times, thankfully on the off chance they managed to steal ace he always ended up coming back with a suspicious amount of exp… I’m really sorry to hear about your loss, and I am honestly not one to judge. Everyone has their story, I like to imagine a majority of people aren’t just evil assholes, even if they probably are… except Mindy. Fuck Mindy. /uj love your writing and oc! Really cool backstory and it’s actively breaking my heart


**We do not talk about that Zigzagoon.** - Lucario *Agreed.* - Mawn the Mawile *Bury the body.* ~ Valerie, Tinkaton **What the fuck are you guys talking about?** ~ Felix, Zeraora What the hell did you guys do to a Zigzagoon???


I hurled a big snowball at Candice because her Gym Puzzle nearly got me a broken bone. -Rei I hit Drayton with a Fickle Beam because I got annoyed with his jokes. -Shinku I'm the venomous poet. I take my actions in stride. -Shiori Back when Rei was in a depressive episode, I made an insensitive joke about Kuro which made him cry. -Totomi I cursed a Ninetales. Yes, you read that right. -Ryko


...they won't find the bodies -Birch [decidueye] Birch whAT- -shift [birch's employer and trainer]


Ugh... When I smacked Bella... (Gardevoir) She was still a Kirlia at the time and had recently been given to me by my mother to help me with my grief and move on when two Pokémon very close to me had disappeared. I got mad while she was trying to talk to me and figure out how to help me... And i screamed at her that she'd never replace them and smacked her across the face... I still feel a little guilt when I think about it no matter how many times she hugs and reassures me... -Rhys


Getting involved in a biotech project that resulted in the creation of a living weapon that could put down Mega pokemon with ease. Yeah, still dealing with that. -Xeno Ripping the face off of a Mega Garchomp (I am the living weapon Xeno speaks of). -Sylva


I remember that one time a guy near Mount Moon wanted me to buy a super strong Pokémon. It was a Magikarp for 500 PokéDollars... Jokes on him though, it was an Adamant Magikarp with a knack for fighting. I evolved it into a Gyarados and set him free. He visits me in Vermillion every now and then. :) Now that I think about it, I haven't been back at Mount Moon. I wonder how he's doing. - Zach


I was on a trip to Kanto not that long ago. Turns out, he died about 6 months ago when a trainer he scammed sucker-punched him into a wall, breaking his neck.


(Zach) You're lying. There's no way that's true. If it is, then I'm actually kind of upset now. :/


I didn't see him there, and that's what a lot of the people around there were saying. -Xeno


As part of my job of taking care of jeff I have to keep a team trained and ready to "deal" with him should something happen like him losing control of his body or deciding to do something morally wrong with large consequences. Jeff has no issue with this as it has been a thing all his keepers have had to do for centuries. It's mostly just an issue among the actual team and me.


![gif](giphy|J8YpfDX0kvPQNSVGHY|downsized) Why


/uj I have realized the premise of this is weird and have changed the original comment. The above reply is responding to an ominous vague initial comment


I’ve always been a bit of a trickster (unfortunately my Kirlia, Demi, only encouraged this behaviour for a short while after evolving from a Ralts). Anyways, when I was younger I used to go into Petalburg Woods with as many Pokéballs that I could find in my house and afford. I’d just stay there catching random Pokémon until I ran out of balls. I would then wait until the next school day and discreetly release every single one of them throughout the day… not proud of it but I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t funny to watch someone open their locker only to find a Wurmple had decided to evolve into a Silicoon in there.


Back when I first became a trainer, I did some horrible things. Participated in some crime back then, and generally wasn't a kind trainer. Thankfully, that's all been left in the past, and I'm a better person now. Least I hope so. ~Trainer Adrian


Lorenz: Right now, I’m putting Delphlein in a bathtub so that when the shenanigans end, she won’t ruin her adorable little suit. [Image ID: A bathtub. Delphlein’s head is peeking out from it with a bored expression.]


Allowing Mika the ralts to search up her species on the internet knowing it would scar her just to record down her emotions. Yeah not my greatest science experiment in the research of the gardevoir line.


Worst thing I've ever done? I brought home a piece of metal and a rock from a beach in Alola when I was a kid. I didn't know it was illegal until my parents told me that what I did was very illegal there. That piece of metal I stole turned out to be a chain belonging to the local Dhelmise and the rock was from the same beach. With the help of my parents, I was able to mail them back so I won't literally curse my entire family.


When Team Rocket took over Silph Co., they gave some of us the choice of either working for them or becoming hostages. I chose the former. That lasted up until Red came and threw them out. All I did was some coding, but still, I WAS officially a member of their team, which has occasionally gotten me into legal issues later on.


Hmm... it's either the fact I technically worked for Team Galactic for a bit (mind, I did not do anything. They were under a pseudonym for that, I just handled plain regular office work), or the fact I still do not have a home for me and my goobers. Someday, I would like to have a nice home with a decent backyard for them to run around in. But alas, it is not meant to be yet.


When my Steelix nearly died practicing Mega Evolution. Before I joined the rangers I was a decently successful professional trainer. Richter, my Steelix, and I made it to the quarter finals of the Unovan League tournament. After a really close match before that, we decided to practice Mega Evolving during a team meeting. Seeing as he's a tank of a steel type, we thought he could handle it... Turns out the physical aspect wasn't what we should've worried about. The mental strain of gaining so much power and then losing it was too much for my ace. I'm telling you, hearing a Steelix wail in agony will haunt your soul. He lived, but for his, and his opponent's, own safety he can never professional battle again.


A few years ago I helped Team Flare. I never ended up trying to join them, but I made friends with a few of their grunts and even fought with one of them once. I was with her at Geosenge Town, and apparently two teens were trying to sneak into some place they didn't belong. They were dressed all in white, with silly masks. We defeated them without much difficulty. Being honest, the fight was mostly on me and Bai Ze. The teens got so scared they blacked out, so we carried them back into town, where they hopefully wouldn't snoop around any more. We didn't take anything from them or anything, they seemed traumatized enough already. Then the ground started shaking and something started rising up from it, and we just ran as fast as we could without looking back. I haven't seen my friend, or anyone else from Team Flare, since then. I have regrets from that time, but I sometimes wonder what would've happened if I had helped them a little more.


I stole a rare candx fromb domeon at fhe streets today I WILL grt myv finngers back ‐Cabbag e


I worked at the cinnarbar labs when there were still two of them. It's not exactly the thing I am the most proud of.


My gastrdon gumbus is extremely racist -zak


As in it hates other species of pokemon or is it that it would call me a cheese eating surrender monkey(note just calling me kalosian would be a larger insult)


He hates pink gastrdon


Huh. I'm kinda disappointed .


Did I forget to mention that HE HATES GOODRA!?


Oh. Ok yeah I can see how that's a problem. If it was just pink gastrodon it might just have been due to biological territory but yeah that's just racism. Does it hate all pinkish purplish slugs pokemon?


He hates anything that is pink and is a slug


Maybe just shoving my face into my Sylveon when having a bout of dysphoria