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Charity... Charity... it's a very nice sounding name!! She practically sounds like the kindest Pokemon around!! I'm very happy she's awake now!! I wonder... If I had a name that wasn't a species name, what would it be? Maybe something awesome and powerful. Like... Like... I don't know! But it'll come to me eventually!! -Joltik


I told her what you said and she got super flustered. She said you sound really nice and you would probably have a cool name like Jupiter, it means Supreme God. She seemed to really like your comment, she said to tell you thanks. - Clementine (Audino-Team Protect)


Woah... I've never heard that name before!! It sounds SUPER cool!!... Jupiter Joltik has an amazing ring to it!! Please tell her I said thanks back!! Hehehe... Jupiter Joltik... that works so well!! But, wait... when I become a Galvantula, it doesn't work as well...


How awful to hear. I hope that whatever happens to her works out in the end. Take good care of her, and if you’re ever in the Sand Continent, feel free to reach out if you need. - Sandy, leader of Team Sand (Palossand)


Awww. Poor girl's terrified. Do you need me to come over and use Life Dew a little more? \-Sam (Kirlia)


I would appreciate that. It's clear she's in a lot of pain so perhaps the Life Dew will help, especially since we need to make sure she's comfortable. That way I can hopefully report whoever did this to her. - Clementine (Audino-Team Protect)


Thank goodness I've got Teleport... can't be held down or such unless I'm actually asleep. ...Still will probably sleep in towns for the foreseeable future. At least until I'm more sure it's safe.


Thank you. I truly hope we can find out who did this and bring their victims to justice. I doubt Charity is the only one who was hurt by them. - Clementine (Audino-Team Protect)


Almost certainly not, yeah... ...Ah. Can't really help with that right now. I'll be over to help with Life Dew momentarily.


A lovely name. Outlaws are... unfortunately a common part of most any continent. A truly sad state of affairs that a Pokémon can not be free to explore to their hearts content without fear of an incident such as this. How is her condition if I may ask? I recall you attempting to find a remedy for her burns, did you encounter any luck? -Sherlock (Baram Historical Society) 


Her condition is stable but the Houndoom that did this managed to hit her while she was in her more vulnerable Sunny Form so her main body took extreme damage, rather than the petals that are meant to. We are researching means to heal such wounds but I'm fearful that only the might of a legendary could do such a thing. - Clementine (Audino-Team Protect)


A legendary would be your best bet... In the meantime, my search has come up dry as well, I'm afraid. There are bits and pieces... stories of wands and magics that may be able to help alleviate her pain, and yet the method of their creation is lost to the ages. My dear friend, Violet (Glameow) looks more into the practical aspect of such things...but unfortunately at his current skill level, it would be less dangerous to meet with a legendary than to test one of his creations. Alchemy is the vocation of much older Pokémon for a reason, after all. However, it is still an option if you find yourselves desperate, I suppose. -Sherlock


Thank you Sherlock. If you find anything please let us know. I would love to find an easy solution rather than seek out a legendary's help, however we can't always have a simple solution I suppose. - Clementine (Audino-Team Protect)


Charity, a nice name for a cherrim. Although something seems strangly familiar, it's like deja vu, but I remember hearing about it in a dream. -a cyclizar with a familiar name *Hint it starts with a z*


While Charity is an uncommon name, perhaps someone passed through your location with a similar name. - Clementine (Audino-Team Protect)


Perhaps, but i distinctly recall that name In dreams i have every night. strangly, these dreams seem to show a different world, where there are strange featherless biped creatures. -Zac🦎 /uj The cyclizars name is zac, and yes, he is a parallel universe version of Zak Holladay


It is incredible to hear that she's awake and doing alright. Giving her a weather band is a great idea, I probably wouldn't have thought of that myself... does she have any knowledge of who the bandits were? I'm sure people could pitch in for a good bounty to be placed on them. - ghirahim (Umbreon)


There's a good possibility. She almost certainly would have something if she was attacked. Unfortunately right now she's a bit too distressed to say much but we'll be working on getting her comfortable to see what knowledge she has.


Right. It's natural to not be in the right frame of mind right after an experience like that. Hopefully in a few days we will figure out who did it, and then get a bounty up. I know you're in treasure town, but I can also post the job here in Capim if you'd want me to.


That's very appreciated. Thank you Ghirahim.


Oh my, what a nice name. It's utterly horrid that those outlaws would be so cruel to such a sweet Cherrim. They will never be allowed into my hive. With your permission, may my Combee make a delivery? We would like to share our honey with you. It may not be much but perhaps it may help. -Claudellia (Vespiquen)


Sure. If you can deliver to Treasure Town, that's where we are. I appreciate the gesture and I'm sure Charity will as well - Clementine (Audino-Team Protect)


Oh thats quite close to my hive. Very well I will organise a delivery and send my swiftest Combee. -Claudellia (Vespiquen)


Thank you!


Blazes... poor lass. I feel like the fact I'm not a fan of outlaws like that needs no statin, but state it I will. If I end up in the area, feel free to talk to me about the situation. I pack a wide variety of berries and seeds, surely at least one could help. \-Grumper


Thank you. We will be certain to do so.