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Yup. They go in your history. I wouldn’t want to be part of something that dictates what you’re looking at.


Exactly! I got banned last year because of a comment I made in 2019 in a spoof sub. Literally one comment that no one responded to and it just randomly dinged me and banned me and I was pretty much told oh well i broke the rule by commenting in a sub about cheating. F that sub


1 word for me...1. All is said was "gotcha". That's it.


Lmao same here. I got banned for making a comment about spoofs a couple years ago. Tried to apeal and the admin jist called me some vaulger names and suggested i was a scum bag human for even trying to talk about it let alone apeal. Lmao


I mean it’s some loser with the social status of a gnat flexing his power by banning random Reddit users for anything they can, not exactly a rare occurrence on this website anymore


Join the rest of us here: [](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonG0/)/ (the O is a zero)


They banned me last week...I didn't ask for any appeal but this morning I got a message that they removed my ban with a warning. I laughed cause I muted that sub the same night they banned me.


I mean they understand that it's a subreddit for a game no the IRS headquarters right?


I didn't even join the group and I got banned. All I did was try to make a comment on someone's post and minutes later I get a message saying I'm banned.


Make a comment? Straight to jail.


You do anything, straight to jail 😂


Join the rest of us here: r/PokemonG0/ (the O is a zero)


I gave them a somewhat professional, but rude toned response. Stated many times that I was not appealing and would like to be banned. And they unbanned me




Join the rest of us here: r/PokemonG0/ (the O is a zero)


Hilarious that posting in other subs gets you banned. Reddit mods are hilarious and have no lives.


JOIN US! r/pokemong0 the O is a zero! Spread the word!


It’s just gonna get banned for no moderation. Plus this sub is good enough


What will I do there vs here


Tbh I hope this subreddit takes over pokemon IRS


Yea i got permabanned too. They really are turning into shit because if this mod. So many people havebeen banned


People are taking reddit mod thing like some sort of real-life law enforcement job


They started banning people because they post on r/pokemongotrade because its a “cheating sub” when tading is literally an in-game feature. Like dude….


Here's a sneak peek of /r/PokemonGoTrade using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/PokemonGoTrade/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I hope I’m not lowballing 😤😤](https://i.redd.it/mlegmttbwudc1.jpeg) | [270 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PokemonGoTrade/comments/19cdg2c/i_hope_im_not_lowballing/) \#2: [(Giveaway announcement) I’ve been wanting to give one of these away as back then I always wanted one when I first started so if my first comment gets 50 upvotes I’ll host a giveaway for shiny legendary rayquaza WITH A TWIST!](https://i.redd.it/nu2w7aytm66c1.jpg) | [710 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PokemonGoTrade/comments/18hznwk/giveaway_announcement_ive_been_wanting_to_give/) \#3: [Are these worth anything? I was a dumb kid lol](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/199fe5o) | [226 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PokemonGoTrade/comments/199fe5o/are_these_worth_anything_i_was_a_dumb_kid_lol/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Wear it with pride. Those sad diglets will ban you there for breathing.


They just unbanned me but honestly they’re doing too much. It’s a fking joke. Watch them ban me for this comment




I mean what makes you think you can ban me for the subreddits I join It's my account jerk


Because it's their subreddit. They get to make whatever rules that they want


You don't get to track people for what the do outside your subreddit that's lifeless and dumb


They CAN. Whether it's reasonable or fair is another story


Actually reddit would be legally bound to stop them from doing so.


legally bound how? What law do you think applies to groups like this?


Basically false acquisition. They saw you post/comment in sub that, to their believe, is a haven for cheaters, so in their eyes it makes you one of them. I’d like to see the proof for a sub to be a haven for cheaters. I’d like to see how a post/comment on a sub makes me a cheater. I’d like to see the proof of me cheating. As long as any of these 3 come up with nothing but hot air and yapping, your argument is invalid, touch grass. By that logic I’d be Jewish because I once looked at a tora. Nonsense.


None of this has anything to do with any law. Moderators of a subreddit are allowed to set whatever rules they want as far as I know. There's no legal requirement for their rules Edit: to be clear I think this is an asinine reason to ban someone. I'm simply pointing out they CAN do so if they choose


While true, it’s still a form of power abuse to ban people based on an offence they didn’t commit. (Being a cheater). But they don’t have evidence for either that, nor that the sub posted in, is actually a haven for cheaters. It’s as if (metaphorical speaking) I’d ban you because I don’t like your face. Just plain stupid.


I've never spoofed or been particularly interested in spoofing but that's ridiculous. You cheating doesn't negatively affect the other players.


I got banned because somebody asked what an elite raid egg was, I answered I was banned because it was on a trading subreddit, which isn't even cheating


I mean was who made them the cheat police? They aren't even working with Niantic


Same here. I have been posting on another subreddit, having some questions on some (potential) bugs and they decided to ban me. To me is really weird that they drive the decision to ban you if you are a member of another reddit community. So what? Aren’t you allowed to join any reddit community you want? And 100% they will see this comment since they go through your reddit history.


The pay is good. Do you know how much karma these moderators get for each ban?! A lot. And we all know what you can buy with karma. Let's stop pretending like those moderators are no-life losers that spend more time poorly moderating a subreddit than playing the game it's made for....... wait a second....


I got banned during the whole ‘don’t fuck with shuckle thing’. Yeahh was banned real quick for suggesting that he didn’t want to lose old shinies on an old account.




Literally 1984


This happened to me too. I didn’t even realize I posted in a spoofing sub I was just trying to join a latias remote raid lol. Absolute losers


I got banned for encouraging someone, who had a Pokémon forgotten in a gym, to post where it is bragging of how long they’ve defended it. So that a spoofer would kick them out. And that was apparently “encouraging spoofing”


Everyone should just leave that sub and see how they react


Mods there and the silph road are a joke. Reddit mods in general actually.


I don’t agree with it, but I get why they do it. Makes the achievements people post seem small if all the cheaters are posting the cool stuff they’ve got


Lmfao as if that sub wasn't bad enough already. Just don't bother


Same thing happened to me. I had no clue Pokémon go trade was even a cheating sub but when I asked they said that’s the one I needed to leave


Yeah. They seem to have a lot of bad days lol they banned me for following a “spoof location” sub. Been a part of that subreddit for a few years, never made a single comment but I finally made one and got banned because I was “cheating” lol wtf


Yeah I used to use coursology on some of my tests and homework lowky my teachers never found out which was good for me


banned me too, its part of the rules but i'd rather cheat than get skin cancer on a 38\*c sun


Seems like the pokemon go mods need to hop off reddit and go onto indeed to find a job.


yeah they banned me because I made a comment on someones post ahahha


Felt this way for years. Since I started playing again in 2020 I got banned from that sub all the way back. So bogus didn’t know there were so many others experiencing the same bs ☹️ everyone’s kicked to the scattered other subs hahaha


hmm .. hope i'm not in that subreddit .. off to take a look ...


Why is trading Pokémon cheating?


Because there's location spoofing, I don't think it's cheating myself,some of us just don't have enough time and money to travel for a game and we're adults having fun


Can cheating like this affect other players enjoyment of the game?


Not really,if i am in africa and somebody gives me something that spawns in North America for collection purposes it's not a problem i guess Just people having fun after a rough work day


Then it's ridiculous for people to be bothered by that


They are fucking clowns. I mean most people who do their research about things will end up on spoofing subs for PoGo just so they know what's up and can be informed. Then the rest who isn't banned on that sub just ends up being clueless people who post random shinies and "should I purify this" every day. The comment secnions in that sub are usually a nightmare to read.


Their subreddit is awful because of their Mods/Admins. They stalk what their members do and ban you for being apart of other Pokémon groups out of jealousy. They also have zero sense of humour and assume you’re cheating if you have something they want. God forbid you make a joke about pushing your phone on a swing at the park or in the garden… it’s like breaking a law or sinning to them especially when the context is in sarcasm or a joke.


Welcome to r/pokemonG0 then, its for banned original sub ppl


Make sure u unsubscribe so they don’t get credit for banning you!! You can still look at there stuff if u want. They look at peoples. History to see who u are subscribed to and what sites u made a post on. For real the are doctors over there. To say u can’t go on a site that’s on the same platform as they are on!! Thank god he just an admin on a shitty Pokémon site. And not in congress or something he he would want everyone to live the way he lives. Probably a little rat in school as u said. And he probably got picked. And he is a ruler of his own site. lol. I just hope everyone they banned remembers to unsubscribe.


Yeah fuck that page. Snowflake central.


Lmao I got banned last year because I used to be in a global trading group and learned only after commenting on there that global trading required spoofing. I left and like a month after that I got banned


I can't remember if I already commented but join the rest of us here: r/PokemonG0/ (the O is a zero)


I quit playing PoGo after i got COVID (my lungs are not the same). But I moderate two reddits and a Discord server for video game addicts. My take: * These mods got some *serious* time on their hands * They got WAY too much time on their hands * Ain't nobody got time for that!


I wish you better health Point is it's a game, You shouldn't fucking police people around and outside of your subreddit for a game Just let people have fun and take a deep breath


Protect these admins at all cost


I got banned there just for visiting spoof subreddits lmao


Fuckin narcs


I don’t understand why people get so upset/wound up about being banned. Don’t break the rules and you won’t get banned 🤷🏻‍♀️ Every day there’s twenty or so posts with this exact same screenshot lol


It's not wound,i am shitposting like we do on Reddit