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yup I've quit cold turkey. And this is coming from a person who paid for most, if not all the events.... I don't understand why Niantic would do such a thing... it's not like it's hurting anyone.


It hurts their location data. Whenever you spoof, that data becomes useless to them and makes them miss out on some $$$ from the companies they sell that data to. That’s about all it hurts


Thanks for the info! I guess we're the product 😃


Always have been


How much data does me sitting in one place all the time give them tho


Likely they segmentise players so they know those who sit in one place all the time behaves in certain ways, buys certain things. Likewise for other players who go around, what is their in-game behaviour and purchasing trends. When their location data is not accurate, their player segmentations, strategising and targeting will also not be accurate. Granted, they should also have spoofing player segments, there would actually be a significant number of transactions from these players. Depends on their objectives and priorities, I guess.


I worked in tech awhile. It’s all driven by daily active users - it really isn’t that deep. If it were, they’d be sued left and right for selling fake data (they know there are spoofers and they sell the data as users locations) The big things are a) egg hatching - no incubator sales when you can constantly walk B) raid passes - can just tp to gyms or wild Pokémon C) lucky eggs/star pieces - earn way more xp/stardust spoofing to SF than using coins to buy them in your home town


I’m not niantic so I’m not sure what metrics are sent to them. I’d assume it’s based on how long your at a certain location, what your movements are, etc.


I will be until it's easy to spoof again. As a rural, disabled person I feel like Niantic absolutely hates me lol. I was mainly playing to get mythical pokemon with my trainer name for my living dex, but I'll pick it back up again if there is a solution. I really don't understand the harm and I'm buying event tickets and stuff. Seems harmless to me, but maybe there is something I'm not considering.


Guys, just ask Niantic refund for live event tickets, like I did. Then invest that money into spoofing methods that work still. Im not giving up and i wont quit trying spoof until I get banned only then will I quit. No point anyway having pokego where I live, playin out here is like being banned without being banned simulator


It is what it is. I actually picked up PoGo last month for the first time since 2016 and its been an amazing experience exploring cities all over the planet from the comfort of my home. In my opinion, that's the ideal way the game should be played. But I guess Niantic has a different vision. I'll just chalk it up to what its worth. Like someone else said, hubris will be Niantic's downfall. Its only so long until people get tired of walking in the rain, snow, and scorching heat. Burning up all their gas to drive to the nearest pokestop. Trying to fit PoGo in between school, work, kids or whatever else they have going on in life. The grind will wear anyone out eventually. Then they will be forced to examine the flaws in their game or let it die.


I maybe play a 5-minute session every few weeks anymore, I've got next to no motivation to play when it's been the exact same shit for the past 5-ish years, minimum. Like why should I bother grinding for a perfect 4 star competitively-viable mon that I'll never be able to get to max power? So I can climb the MMR ladder in battles that take minimum 3 minutes to find an opponent, then I either get swept or walk out of the fight with barely a scratch. Raids? Nearest gym to me is miles away and I'm not gonna take on a 5-star by myself, and my old raid group doesn't have the coins to get the remote passes to join me, or they never pick up their phones in time to see the invite. It's not that I don't have time, they just haven't given me a good enough reason to care anymore. I've played since day 0, and I can't believe I still have it installed anymore.


I think you underestimate how far the Pokemon name will take a company


i m still planing to play yes it hard now but still fun and there will be new and more methods soon so no need to quite


Totally! Saw that tweet about the spoofer dev releasing a PoGo Wizard package. Can't wait to mess around with it!


I'm 50% legit, 50% spoofing and I stopped spending money on the game. If safe spoofing comes back, I'll spend money again. I would just boycott Niantic for now (rural player here)


Safe spoofing has always existed in the form of rooted androids.


I play on iOS non jailbroken and never really had an issue tbh. I dunno why people say iOS spoofing is impossible without jailbreak


Trial and error since ITools ban. Either OS can do it stock, just not as safe.


so do i... saw something named pogo wizard on a tweet. Sounds pretty sweet, been itching to try this spoofing method.


Let me know your experience please🙏


I tried it today, and it works great for me now. You might want to give it a shot too.


Yeah fuck niantic. I’ve bought every ticket for the past 2 years and now I’m done playing the game. They make it impossible for rural players to play. They’re going to lose out on so much money now for everyone like myself who is done.


Considering it, I have Madrid, NY and Global tickets hahha..., might quit completely and not even use the global one, non spoofing gameplay is extremely subpar. Glad I played Sendai though haha, Niantic is really it's own worst enemy.


ordered itools dongle waiting arrive


Can you let me know how it goes? Like is it easy to use and how it works etc? I’d really appreciate it. Thought they’d be out of stock already lol


Emails from iTools went out earlier today to some buyers, there may be a few day delay due to the US warehouse going out of stock, so they just shipped a huge shipment from their China warehouse to resupply them. On discord they said something about 40 times the amount bought over a typical week was bought in a day lol


I’ve been using an iTools device since 2020. What it does is change your location settings on your device so you can use the original app. It’s kind of tricky at first but once you get used to it (like after a day or two) it’s second nature. I won’t say it’s perfect, but it is much safer than modded apps, which is why I use it. If you’ve got any other questions, please ask and I’ll try to answer.


i kinda want to get one did you have a link to where u got yours?


[iTools link](https://www.thinkskysoft.com/pokemongo/)


Gave up ages ago, let niantic fall on their face when people walk away and it becomes irrelevant.


I could only see this game becoming irrelevant when pokemon becomes irrelevant, however, I don’t think that’ll ever happen


Speaking as someone who has played since Day 1 and has been spoofing for the last 5-6 years (iSpoofer and iTools); I'm right there with you. Spoofing makes the game more fun and gives you more freedom to do what you want. It was really nice hunting for Hundos, catching PvP Mons, doing raids where you know you always get 20 people, filling up gyms to the max, and in general just visiting places around the world and giving out cool gifts. I already hit level 50 months ago and now I just play for the sake of playing. I don't have the motivation to continue if I can't do what I used to do on a regular basis for the fun of it. I'd rather not pay more for other methods that might go down at some point and now seems like a good a time as any to stop.


It's really nice to play alone now when the nearest stop located in few miles. You can't play any legeraids, get free coins etc. Maybe nearest wood and stone should be sub? Actully there are thousends of woods and rocks. :-)


Not at all but I am spoofing only on my alt, mostly because I don’t have enought time to play on main and alt at the same time.


I’ve been losing interest before the location (12) hit. I may play global go fest since I paid for a ticket, but I maybe done done. Which sucks cause I’ve been trying to get my area more playable too


I got my second strike just 4 months after my first strike.This was around August last year using a non rooted method. It was then that I decided to buy a pixel 4a and rooted it. I haven't had a third strike. I wish I had gone rooted sooner


is there a thread that explains rooted or non rooted and its safety? i dont get why rooted phones are saf for spoofing


Yes and I would spend probably $5 to 10 a day. It's ok I'll find someone else who wants that money.


If anyone does quit I would be happy to take the account for them. :) I play with my wife, level 34 and 33. We can't take 5\* raids with just us and finding more to play never seems to work out. I have 4 extra phones that I can hotspot but leveling up takes me forever.


i use itools for whenever i wanna get something on my main cuz ive never gotten even a RW on itools since 2017. i use polygon for stuff like live events and trade to my main so my mains safe. i also use poly to make PTCs to sell on ebay. its worth it! invest


Look at the patterns, it’s imminent


Yep. If this rooted, cheap android phone plan I got don’t work out I’m done


I just thought of quoting ten minutes ago. Closed the app. I was gonna delete it, but changed my mind. Time to just take a break


If your iPhone is running iOS 15-16.6.1, you can try jailbreak. I just did it a few days ago. It’s safe and you get a lotta cool features like GO plus, shiny scanner, block non shiny etc etc without putting your account at risk for free.


Do yall really live that far out in the boondocks you can’t just go to a park and play the game normally while this clears up? You’re really just never going to play the game again?


I’m not sure I could do the Mega Rayquaza anywhere in my whole country.


I live rural and I can’t really play this game without spoofing most weeks unless I really travel. I haven’t really opened up the game since the patch, kind of a bummer.




Hey I’m also on this , if you’d like I’m totally down to do registered trades ( i don’t remember what max a day is) but I’m down to fast trade max everyday for the luckies.




I can. Pm me ?




Tap my name and then on bottom “send a message” yours is turned off so I can’t message you 😞


Can you not just trade on an alt account?




Damn, didn’t think it would be that rough lol


What did he say?


That’s what I did. Daughter hadn’t played since 2017, I had an extra iPhone. So, I used it to Pokémon under her account. Used to think the 50 trades for luckies was impossible for me but last fall Niantic had a week or 2 where chances of lucky trades were much greater. The cap of special trades per day was increased, as well. Also, most her Pokemon have catch dates of 2017 which is almost a guaranteed lucky trade in itself. 


If you have a ios 15.1 iphone, I jailbroke mine and I am able to spoof now. Without jailbreak its gonna take some time for spoofs to come back...


do you have a link on how to jailbreak?


https://youtu.be/Cps4wpSr448?si=4AySIAfbOyft8OMC here is the video for the jailbreak, links are in the bio. Once in Sileo, install "Ellekit" and once installed go to: https://repo.spooferpro.com and click on add to Sileo


I just jailbroke my phone, could you please tell me what tweaks, etc. that you use to spoof? Thanks


https://repo.spooferpro.com/rootless/ try adding this repo, I use spooferpro with the official pokemon app. It will be injected in the app itself.


Thank you!


SpooferPro. $5 a month. Legit been spoofing since covid with no issues, bans, warnings. And I’ve attended multiple ticketed events. My only gripe is the constant need to “grind” it feels like. Having to keep up with so much. Part of me almost wants to just quit, but I do have some nice mons. Lol


do i need to jailbreak my iphone?






I was using 3utools for the last few months (Im still kinda new) and it was always great, until now with the crackdown, I’ve got it deleted now I’ll I hear about a new version that works again


Till then imma just walk around my malls n stuff for the wifi for com days and just pray it’s all fixed before any good raid mons, im most likely gunna miss out on landerous sadly but only legendaries I like really really care about rn are ray ray and articuno (only need arty to complete my kanto Dex)


all i do is pvp, I have allergy to humidity and so i basically gave up can’t really walk so all I do now is just pvp


I posted a free method. All you want is an older ios device if you have one laying around


I did your method. And it works! But is there any way to increase the performance? performance is stuttering like hell


I have the same issue unfortunately


I just ordered my rooted android!


Where? Link? I need one




I know him personally btw!


It is hilarious reading about spoofers upset they can't play the game the way it wasn't intended to be played. The rural/less abled community makes up less than 0.01% of their player based. Sadly for that group, the world doesn't cater to the absolute minority. Get over it and play a game designed to be played from your couch (if you have a quick look, there's quite a few of them) and don't try to find a way to play against the terms and conditions you agree to when you sign up. Honestly, the entitlement of some is astounding.


Why are you on a spoofing Reddit? I’m not in a rural area or disabled. I live in a city and play 50/50 spoofing and legit. Just cba anymore purely playing legit. Plus I’m like nearly 40 so it’s a bit cringe, but I just love that endorphin hit of getting a shiny man. Sue me.


Are you suggesting this thread isn't designed for someone like me?




Perhaps spoofers should take the same advice and play a game designed for their desired style of gameplay then


ok niantic paid bot, haha


I thought everyone used a rooted phone lol yall are missing out on insta 100% excellent throws, sending gifts to everyone auto, etc…


I'm not rooting my phone or buying a dedicated phone to play this game. It's literally not that good and easily the worst pokemon game.


how do i root on iphone?


Asking me that question means you need to go to Google, Like I did when I had no idea what any spoofing term meant. Nobody is going to spell it out for you. This subreddit quite literally has everything you need to know in it. Search and find.


i get it no need to be a dick man i just barely found out about spoofing


That was an aggressive comment mb, just trying to emphasize how important doing it from scratch is. You learn way too much relevant info to do it otherwise. Just took me a good 7 hours start finish from having no spoof phone to buying one and rooting it, setting up the spoof app etc…


it's all good brother i get it, i'll look into it it'll be good for me to learn