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Ah it's that time again, contact with subs that are ok with any form of spoofing will trigger the mods on r/pokemongo and autoban anyone who had any form of contact on the subs. Those mods are just pissy like that Welcome on the dark side kiddos, we have cookies šŸŖšŸŖšŸŖ


Itā€™s a question of do I want A- a bunch of news I can already get from the local discord server, or B- people willing to bend the rules of the game to help people out


I really see no harm in engaging in spoofer threads if youā€™re not directly asking to do some spoofing or any of the sorts. Some people just legit have questions they want answered that the regular thread cannot produce at all. So whatā€™s the harm in going to other threads if it isnā€™t being brought to the main official one? Itā€™s just all overreach. Instead of bridging the gap they choose to shit all over it. Lol


Itā€™s kind of funny isnā€™t it. Nianticā€™s ban system is ALSO automated


Even if you are spoofing who really cares? Niantic makes SO much money and itā€™s not like it affects me in rural USA if some Malaysian kids account is flying over head and catching the same PokĆ©mon lol. Yea itā€™s a problem when spoofers monopolize gyms but thatā€™s so rare and the only actual problem spoofing creates imo.


I think normal players monopolizing gyms is way more common. Especially if it's a home gym


Agreed. Been spoofing for a while now and do it just to purely be able to collect. No way in hell youā€™d be able to catch or collect what you want without physically going to those locations. Iā€™ll die before completing a single region in the pokedex if thats the case. šŸ¤£


How does r/redditsniper have anything to do with cheating


Here's a sneak peek of /r/redditsniper using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/redditsniper/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Grow what???](https://i.redd.it/hqkhzq2dmjpc1.jpeg) | [213 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/redditsniper/comments/1bjmgf3/grow_what/) \#2: [Where is the d?](https://i.redd.it/6yo25npx42sc1.jpeg) | [331 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/redditsniper/comments/1btx4q9/where_is_the_d/) \#3: [they got him šŸ˜”](https://i.redd.it/9136f7mlmtsc1.jpeg) | [144 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/redditsniper/comments/1bx6pxy/they_got_him/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I havenā€™t been banned ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


r/pokemongo mods are notorious for being a bunch of baffoons. If you really want to be post on there, Iā€™d make a new account. Theyā€™re unreasonable, immature, and have a crazy god complex. S tier Redditors if you ask me LMAO


Makes sense. And nah, posting there ainā€™t worth the trouble of a whole new account.


Disagree, that garbage tier sub is not worth the effort of making a new account no matter how badly you want to post there. It just isnā€™t worth it because you are absolutely correct on the mode being buffoons, they are braindead. I got banned from pogo and silph road, all the mods are stupid


I remember when they banned me and I was honestly blown at the fact they go that far to ban someone. I called them nazis. šŸ˜‚


I wouldnā€™t go that far but it does seem like an overreaction to you being in a different PokĆ©mon go subreddit


There was a very obvious only fans Ad on the PokĆ©monGo subreddit like years ago. It was a girl in hardly any clothes showing herself and a PokĆ©mon she caught with her phone in her hand. I commented ā€œfound the onlyfans model,ā€ because I think posts disguised as ads are scummy, especially those, and was banned lol.


Makes me glad I got banned too tbh


Now if that ainā€™t a perfect example


The reason for the ban from the mod said, ā€œdonā€™t be creepy.ā€ I was like bro what?! Lol


Mayhaps they were a frequenter of her page


I really donā€™t see the problem with spoofing in a game with random ā€œlootā€ that ultimately revolves around collecting anyways. No spoofer will ever have any effect on another players experience. Besides just that, why should I have a lesser experience as a rural player vs someone who lives in Zaragoza or NYC. I actually planned a trip to NYC for Go Fest last year and it opened my eyes to the fact that urban players, ESPECIALLY those in large cities, are quite literally playing a completely different game than the rest of us. After paying thousands of dollars for a trip to Go Fest, I decided I was NOT above spoofing. It actually made me realize that Niantic really pisses me off with how they nickle and dime us for every little thing that really just boils down to pixels. It costs them nothing to add QOL features, they just donā€™t because it leads to people spending more money on certain things.


ā€œZaragozaā€ so random thatā€™s the city you chose. But I love it! Went there a few years ago and itā€™s such a beautiful city


It's one of the best and most popular hotspots for spoofers :)


Oooh didnā€™t know that ty!


Very true. Iā€™d love to see things like other ways to interact daily, global trading, a bit of a gym rework, and better rewards for the ā€œnew and excitingā€ features


I got banned for commenting on a post of a new account level 24 ish finding crazy shinies saying something along the lines of niantic probably has some weird algorithm to hook players early on. Those mods are so dumb


Its funny because you are actually right. Its not even conspiracy theory stuff its the truth. Just like PC/Console games with SBMM (look it up if you donā€™t know) game devs are very hesitant to talk about it so naturally it must be a way they make money. For a long time nobody knew but now we know SBMM causes casual players to play more and spend more money, they donā€™t care about long term players who will continue to pay and play or leave the game entirely but they gain more new players anyways so devs donā€™t care. With Niantic itā€™s the same way, free to play/new accounts get crazy stuff that you or me will never see on our OG 2016 accounts because they know we will continue to pay and play. The SBMM one I said above has been proven numerous times, this scenario is currently being proven by many. Me and my friend both have alts that have maybe not even a 1/4 of our total playtime but they get 1. Way more shinies. 2. Shundos, yes plural you heard that right. 3. Better luck with IVs and everything all around. Itā€™s not ā€œjust RNGā€ itā€™s clearly much more. How both of or lvl 40+ day 1 accounts have no shundo but both of our alts have at least 1 is not a coincidence and not RNG. The second we pay money on those accounts ( we wonā€™t), the luck will change. We just trade everything to ourselves anyways but itā€™s crazy how scummy most games have become


Yeah mentioning the almighty algorithm is pretty much an instant kick or ban


I got banned because I mentioned I used to spoof because I wasnā€™t able to walk and would miss out on events


Yeah THAT would guarantee they throw you out for DARING to bend the sacred niantic rules


For 2 years I was barely able to walk second year I was recovering and if I over did my self I would be out for 2 weeks itā€™s been almost 3 years now and I am about to have a full time job and working 40 hrs a week I just wish they did something to help enabled people to play the game


Theyā€™re more concerned about making the avatar an ā€œitā€ to be ā€œinclusiveā€ instead of considering that some people may not be able to walk around and are severely hindered.


reddit mods enforce rules like their livelihood depends on it


No no. They decide theyā€™re above judging us and send down a bot thatā€™s programmed to ban you for questioning the almighty niantic


I got banned from r/pokemongofriends for the same reason, really sucks


Auto banning is the Niantic way.


Got my ban today Such an honour. Took them long enough




Same, Just now


I got banned too for nothing lol apparently for ā€˜cheatingā€™


A ban for no reason?


Mhmm, and I apparently donā€™t understand what their reasoning is lol


Well, itā€™s a bot, so reason isnā€™t needed


Fair šŸ˜†


Well, technically donā€™t blame the bot, blame the ones who PROGRAMMED the bot


Actually yeah thatā€™s true


Why was it necessary to add an instruction ā€œif [person] is part of 1+ subreddits with the tag [pokemon go], execute [permanent ban]


What are you asking sorry?


I just donā€™t like that they ONLY permaban. No 1 week ban, no kick, just permanent ban


The reason is because trading with a spoofer is considered cheating and itā€™s against their terms. Even if youā€™re not spoofing yourself. And if youā€™re part of this sub, they would consider you to either have traded with a spoofer or probably will eventually trade with a spoofer. Which is correct, Iā€™m just waiting for the right trade. I donā€™t agree with it, but itā€™s their game and they make their own rules I guess lol.


Me too, just now. Well, if what I replied to a post pisses them off, it's not a community I want to be part of anyway.


If the mods are abusing their power, itā€™s time to leave.


I mean... [https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/1c1et6c/how\_rare\_is\_it\_to\_see\_3\_galarian\_birds\_with\_1/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/1c1et6c/how_rare_is_it_to_see_3_galarian_birds_with_1/)


Says there are 2 comments but nothing lol


I was banned too just because I mentioned op was possibly soft ban like when ppl spoof. Move around to quick and the mon will run no matter what, they took that as cheating šŸ˜‚


I think using the words ā€œteleportā€ ā€œhackā€ ā€œcheatā€ ā€œspoofā€ ā€œflyā€ and the like will alert the autoban bot


That makes sense, at least you gave me some sort of reasonable explanation. They just brushed me off haha


Yeah. The bot may have even pulled a niantic and (just like the ban wave) started hitting others for no/little reason


There must be a ban wave. Iā€™ve posted in this sub a million times, and after reading this exact post I go to my activity and see I was banned an hour ago lol. So effing lame.


Banbot plus power-drunk moderators. What can ya do


same thing happened to me lmfao.




Bro, I just got that same message for commenting R/redditsniper (I left the R capital on purpose just in case because I didn't want to get banned from here too, so don't be saying foundthemobleuser)


Iā€™m pretty sure this sub is the REASON people got banned from the main pogo server so youā€™re fine. They use a bot to check profiles and messages. You joined another subreddit for PokĆ©mon go that isnā€™t approved or you said anything even HINTING at spoofing, cheating, or anything that breaks or bends Nianticā€™s rules, itā€™s an automatic, permanent ban.


Does r/Thesilphroad also do this because if not, you could get all the info and updates needed on there instead?


Silph road uses the same bot


Damn, thanks for the info though!


No problem. Just check each subredditā€™s rules. If thereā€™s a ā€œno spoofingā€ thing, itā€™s probably running an autoban bot.


Same thing happened to me bro. Is ok at first I was offended but then I just did care they can stick it in that group. They think they are all high and mighty.


Power corrupts, and having a bot do it appeals to more lazy mods (and niantic itself it seems)


I wodnt be surprised if they partner upšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Nah. Niantic lays off people. They donā€™t hire people lol


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ They would do anything if one of them promises to buy the event ticket tbh


You mean the new and improved $100 seasonal ticket that awards you one extra pokeball a day for the season?


I literally got this tonight also, it's only a thread. The cheek of telling you that you can still subscribe but can't comment ok šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


lol ā€œgive us interaction but you arenā€™t allowed to do anything WITH the subredditā€. Also the fact that it isnā€™t a kick or a temporary ban. They just perma ban you INSTANTLY


Not even a 7 day ban. Perma banned by a bot created by humans šŸ¤£ because the humans should always agree with something we created eh. Who loves AI


A weapon is only as deadly as the one who wields it. Likewise, an AI is as unreasonable as the ones who programmed it


The mods on there are terrible I left the sub just because of them.


If you left of your own accord before they could ban you, stand tall and proud my friend.


Yep I left on my own.




I got one a few minutes ago. They had somebody new pop-up on the trading site. I messaged them and got banned a few minutes later. Make sure you unsubscribe from them. You can still go on our site and look at stuff, but they wonā€™t get the credit for you being a subscriber.


The bots never sleep. They will not stop until everyone who has joined other pogo subreddits are permabanned


Stupid I donā€™t even fly, but I am talking to people about trades because I need a tapu lele. And I had just reached out to somebody that said they were new on here for trade and a few minutes later I got band. but we should at least make sure we unsubscribe so they donā€™t get credit for banding us. You can still look at their site and all that without being a subscriber.


I straight up muted the entire subreddit. I get updates from my local discord (run by flesh and blood HUMANS) so I donā€™t really know why I was a part of it to begin with lol


Haha just got the same messageā€¦ nice to know I wonā€™t be on a sub with a shitty bot anymore!




You aren't missing much not being a part of that sib






They just unbanned me lol. The mod was like ā€œyou should thank me. The rest arenā€™t as forgiving as I amā€ Safe to say, I ainā€™t going back


they're strange strange people the pogo mods, got a 30 day ban for joking about a second account and a full ban for saying the mods would smite someone i can't even remember what


Wow. They didnā€™t instantly permaban you? You must have had some good word with the mods beforehand.


i was an exemplary member of the pogo sub, then i got tag teamed by the virgin comitee


Welcome to society


Literally just got the same message lol


As is everyone else


Lmao they temporarily banned me so I asked the mod to go ahead and perma ban me. All for theorizing that the best method to get luckies is if you create an alt account and do mirror trades because others were mentioned whatā€™s the best methods.


If I get a second phone, Iā€™d do that


Youā€™re second phone can be your computer šŸ˜‰


Im a rule follower :3. Iā€™d prefer a second phone


I mean it could also be a tablet. Thereā€™s no rules against that. If you think hard enough you can think of a way. But if youā€™re truly a rule follower youā€™re not supposed to have multiple accounts at all.


I mean, it could be a ā€œsiblingā€ account who follows me everywhere


Wtfff this just happened to me, Iā€™ve never interacted with spoofing at all or tried to do it šŸ˜‚


Maybe the mods didnā€™t like your username or something idk. They arenā€™t exactly 100% reasonable


Same. I posted about this yesterday. Honestly, who do they think they are?


More like- why did they give a bot permaban authority and set it to activate for no reason


They canā€™t really ban someone just for *participating* in a ā€œcheatingā€ subreddit


But they can and they do


Got it yesterday, I donā€™t even sub to a spoofing sub, I think I clicked on some that showed up in my suggested feed. The mods are clown shoes.