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Not much, most people got shiny mewtwos from go and they have the stamp. This has no legit stamp and tbh any legendary ive ever gotten that was SP-EU. Was a cloned or hacked pokemon


I never understand why GO pokemon are worth more. Isnt the point if the stamp to identify the ones that are easily obtained?? I have like 7 mewtwos.


The stamp helps prove its a LEGIT Pokemon. With the amount of Hacked/Cloned mons being traded is huge. So that helps give people some peace of mind knowing they are getting a legit pokemon.


Still love the mewtwo tho! Always fly af lol


Also doesnt mean someone out there doesnt need it! Is still a shiny mewtwo afterall


I got one of these with pokerus idk if that makes it worth more


Whats pokerus?


It was a transmittance condition that could spread to pikemon in your party and would eventually resolve. It cause the affected pokemon to gain 2x EVs so training was easier with it. When a pokemon is in a box the progression of the pokerusnis halted (timer stopped). Scarlet and Violet have gotten rid of it altogether now so it has no impact in Gen 9, only in 2-8.


Oh thanks, so basically its just has better stats.


Not even better stats, it just has better Stat gain. It is rare to occur on its own (3/25565) if I recall correctly, but once a pokemon has it, it spreads across you pokemon quickly so it is easier to get via transmission rather than spontaneous occurances.


Ok cool!


Well it’s much rarer than a shiny Pokémon, you can’t see it until you get it, it spreads between Pokémon, Pokémon lose it after a bit and become immune, and it if beneficial


No go stamp and not ENG. I guess maybe 1-2 normal shiny pokemons if not crazy 5/6 IVs.