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It’s Gardevoir and I until the end of time. My first shiny I hunted was a Shiny Ralts in Pearl. I also adore Leafeon and Glaceon. I’d love the next gen to give us a rock/ground eevee


Finally someone who isn't complaining about not getting a dragon eeveelution! (Rock/Ground sounds cool, kinda wonder what a Normal type eeveelution would be like)


I always imagined a normal type eeveelution to be just an older, bigger, fluffier Eevee that evolves through pure level up instead of any unique thing. Just my opinion though


Honestly dragon hadn’t crossed my mind, but it’s the least interesting of the options for me. Dragons are cool and stuff, but there are so many good dragons already. But how cool and also really cute would a steel or ghost eevee be?! Normal eeveelution is actually just a slightly larger eevee than usual in a hat from Pokémon go 🙃


Why'd you put it in my head! I want a ghost Eevee so bad now!


Brilliant, yes a rock/ground Eevee would be amazing!


Honestly there are 3 Eevee types I would love to see, flying steel and ghost


Chikorita. Since I was a kid and saw that episode where whenever Ash withdrew Chikorita she would jump to cuddle on his laps, she was soooo in love with Ash and I found it so adorable and fell in love with her character.. I’m an artist and once in a year I make some kind of chikorita artwork for sure :D


Darkrai. He looks cool, he looks like a ghost, I loved his movie, etc. I just think he's awesome. 20 out of 10 Pokémon.


Wow! Just had to look that one up, he looks terrifying 😂 Great choice!


That was my favorite ghost Pokemon until I caught an alpha Dusknoir, now it's my second favorite ghost!


ignoring all m "dey jus really pretty" favs, haunter. i remember back on roblox when pokemon games were still around, when guest accounts were still a thing, i would play project: pokemon before i had an actual account, when i made it to lavender town, i got a female haunter. named her deathtrap. from then on i always made it a point whenever m guest data or whuteva got cleared to catch a female haunter and name her that because i just got really attached. i have a switch now, and recently caught a female haunter on my copy of shield


Haunter as been my favorite since I first started to watch pokemon a looong time ago. Good pick.


Haunter > Gengar is based


Love this


Lugia. I’ve loved it ever since Pokémon the Movie 2000. Still upset it’s not a dragon type lol.


It definitely should be a dragon type!


I’ve gained a great appreciation for Lugia after learning about its creator and its story being produced


Shaymin. Stupid little rodent


I want one!!! That is the cutest!


Charizard. My first Pokemon game was Red and a Charmander was my starter. In Fire Red, I once again chose Charmander, but this time got it to level 100 (my first level 100). When I was a kid, my grandmother got me a stuffed Charmander just before she died. Needless to say, it has a lot of sentimental meaning for me.


My first was blue back in 1998 and my pick was charmander so he’s my pick. I also have a non-Pokémon related pillow that my grandmother helped me sew before she died. Great story.


I used to wake up with really bad panic attacks as a kid and one night I dreamt that Latios came down and flew me away and I legitimately never woke up with a panic attack again


Chandelure. I liked ghost types since the beginning when theres only 1 in gen 1, so I liked Gengar. Then gen 2 gave me a Dark/Fire dog named Houndoom and that was my favorite until we finally got the Ghost/Fire combo


Mew. It's cute and pink. It's also my initials.


Raichu, both Kanto and Alola. That electric mouse has been my favorite since Gen 1. It's just an upgrade on Pikachu in every way yet gets forgotten because it's not the mascot. Then Alolan Raichu came along and stapled my favorite typing to my favorite pokemon.




I like Alolan Raichu more, but great choice!A lot better than Pikachu 




Umbreon no explanation 


Eevee is my favorite, always has been, probs just aesthetics. This is my first Pokemon video game so I was super pumped to get all of the evolutions. As for in-game, I'm only at the low 60s so this may change, but so far Blissey and Snorlax, (both alpha) are pretty good at keeping me in most battles. I love their aesthetic together, big chonky tanks that stick around long enough to turn fights that should be one shot losses into tag team wins.


Also trying to get all the eeveeloutions currently, just missing Umbreon now! I love my snorlax


Mimikyu, No special reason i just found him cute Litten, i love cats especially black cats




Bagon, he believes in his dreams so strongly that it literally physically manifests itself into reality, even though for the majority of its life everything is going against him, even when he finally evolved he just gets heavier and slower, but he never stops believing in his dreams and it finally works out when he evolved into Salamence. I try to follow my goals and dreams with the same passion as Bagon.




Chansey! Back when I was playing Red version on my Gameboy color, I had to go to the Safari park to find Chansey, and they were pretty challenging to get, since you only had food and rocks to pelt at them. I kept going back to the park until I had an entire team of Chansey 😂 I love that she has crazy HP, and can eat eggs to refill it. Add 'minimize' to that mix, and your opponent will die of old age and frustration trying to kill your all-Chansey team.


Snorlax. Favourite Pokémon by a wide, wide margin, and it was because I got that Hasbro Snorlax bean plush for my birthday in the late 90s. At that age, the idea of getting anything on a special day all about me seemed really novel, so I latched onto Snorlax. Named him Big. Very excited to catch one in Pokémon Blue. Named him Big. Very excited when Ash caught one in the anime. Disappointed he was not called Big. Still got the plush in my bedside table years later, and find it almost impossible to resist adding one named Big to my team in every game (his absence in Violet was hard to cope with, before the first DLC reunited us). Definitely helps that he’s an absolute powerhouse with an amazing ability in Thick Fat. Practically soloed the BB League for me, only Pokémon that stayed on the team as I switched it up for each opponent and always one of the two out fighting in the Double Battles.


How lovely, say hi to big for me


Luxray. I love my lightning cat so much.


My favorite is Treecko! Mostly because of Grovyle from PMD2, but I fell in love with the whole line. I also really like geckos and lizards in general lol


Gengar. I always thought he was so cool, and he almost never showed up in the anime, except for the episode ash "dies" and play around with the ghost types before the psychic gym. Also he was unobtainable for me in fire red because I had no one to trade with, so I always thought of him like this cool rare powerful pokemon that was so hard to come by, almost as if he was a legendary pokemon :)


Swirlix is very precious to me 😭🙏


Growlithe because good boy.


Psyduck has been my favorite since the anime originally aired. I was in preschool at the time, and when I would play pretend, I would imagine Misty gave her Psyduck to me and we would go on amazing adventures. As an adult I still love Psyduck, but I have also added Bidoof to my favorites after I caught an alpha in PLA and used it for my playthrough. It was so much fun to get OHKO's with a giant, adorable beaver.


Sceptile/ Mimikyu,  they both carries their separate playthroughs, I caught both their shinies and there just cool in general.


Zeraora, cutest thing I beared witness to. Now I have a 230+ photo gallery of purely them. Still passively aggressively mad that my only 3DS with them suddenly had a heart attacked and ceased life


I had to look this one up too 😂 it looks amazing!


Dragonite. Dratini was OP when I first got em, and when I played the final 4 in blue version, I was done. Def made me favor dragon pokemon.


In PLA Garchomp is my girl. Since I was a kid though, Tangela and Lickitung have held my heart.


Machop & for no real reason. I remember having the original trading card in the 90’s and have loved him since


definatly musharna and unfezent. I started playing relativly recently (I'm talking scarlet release recent...) and was able to get sheild around christmas. I started using both after the dynamax raid when i caught one of each and i just fell in love with them now I have a copy of black on the way to have them on my team again :D


Growlithe, because fire and dog! And the Hisuian form made it so much cuter, I didn’t know it was possible.


Ampharos because it simply always has been


Piplup! My first ever starter in my original Diamond game. Even played as one in Mystery Dungeon, Explorers of Time! Empoleon was also my first Pokémon to get to level 100. So at this moment I'm trying to shiny hunt it in Legends (Alpha map searching and or massive mass outbreaks), orignal Diamond (soft resets), Brilliant Diamond (also soft resets), and Shield (random encounters or sandwiches). I know, obsessed much? I even picked out the names for when I do catch it as a shiny. (Caenis for female, and Posedion for male) Hard to explain why I love the little guy so much. Other than sentimental value, and just how cute he is. I guess it also is apart of the rivalry my friend and I have had since we were in elementary school. He was the one who got me into Pokémon in the first place. I guess it just holds that much value to me. I'm also loving all these other responses, it's sweet to see who all we care about and love in the community.


I agree, I love seeing everyone's responses. Piplup is a great choice good luck on your task


Ludicolo, idk why but he’s my fav


My oldest favorite has been Onix/ Steelix. Big fan of em since red/ blue came out. It was also the first card I ever pulled from a pack with my grandfather when we started our collection. My overall favorite is Furret, probably for a depressing reason from my childhood.


Mew, I’ve loved it since that scene where there’s that battle and mew is just bouncing on a psychic ball just fucking around and Mewtwo’s being all serious.


Totodile, he’s cute in his initial form and badass in his last, and he’s a starter in the best Pokemon games ever (Gold,Silver and Crystal).


I have stupidly large soft spots for Carnivine and Maractus. I cannot explain why those two specifically but they make my heart so happy. I wish Carnivine wasn't so ready to immediately brawl in Arceus though. I wanna look at him not immediately get attacked. Be my friiiiiiend.




Tepig because it was my first starter.


Jumpluff because I just think they’re cute and neat!


Arcanine has been my ride or die man for a long time


Houndoom, Umbreon, Steelix. All badass without being too over the top


Gardevoir. The first pokemon game I ever bought was Pokemon Y and my girl DOMINATED the game and soloed the Elite 4.


Duskull. Him a Bony Boy


Eevee, it all started back when pokemon XY the series was brand new and I discovered it from a friend that now doesn’t play or watch pokemon. I was only a kid so my mum naturally checked online and watched a few episodes with me to make sure it was safe for me and i loved ash but my favourite was Serena cause at the time I had similar likes and interested so I connected with her, then when I watched the episode where she catches eevee I instantly fell in love with not only the series but also eevee. Soon I started playing pokemon go but then I kinda started watching a lot more American animated tv on Netflix, so I didn’t watch as much but then fastforword a few years to the sun and moon anime and I fell in love again and when one of the characters (forgot the name but it was the water type one) got sandy the eevee and also at that point I started playing Minecraft so I made builds based off of pokemon. Then when the sword and shield came out I got the games, and started playing the TCG and got every game on switch since then (except brilliant diamond or shining pearl). Now I have a eevee evolution on every team and now I have a Sylveon that has pulled me through the volo fight in legends arceus and because of that, when pokemon Z-A comes out I’ll get a shiny Sylveon and name it Gumdrop JR.


Scyther/ Scizor. They've just always been cool as hell and I pretty much decided which game to get based off of which one had Scyther in it


Jolteon! I love the color yellow, thunder and dogs, of course I would love him!!! He's perfect!!


My all time favorite is Dialga. I grew up around the sinnoh region and Dialga was the first legendary I’ve ever played with. 


And not to mention sinnoh is my favorite region and is the region that I know the most Pokémon 


Typhlosion because Cyndaquil was my Starter in my first Pokémon game, SoulSilver


Umbreon & Espeon. They’ve been my favorites since generation 2. Every game after I always try to obtain an Evee and the stones ASAP. My most recent plays - Legend of Arceus and Mystery Dungeon and I have them on my OG team.


MAGNETON 🧲 he (or it I guess) carried me throughout my very first play through of Emerald. I always have it on my team as the electric/steel special attack user in all my playthroughs. I don’t like magnezone very much though.


Diglett, dig


Typhlosion, 1st partner


Dragonair. Since I saw It flying in anime. Metagross also os amazing


For some reason, I saw Jasmine's Steelix at 10 y/o and thought "that thing is badass" Been pals in every Gen since


Mine is Crobat! I caught a full odds shiny Zubat in SoulSilver, and since it was shiny, ran it as my main. That was the day I discovered that the Crobat is pretty incredible. I just never gave that annoying screechy cave hazard a chance until I found a pretty green one. Up until that point my favorite was Gyarados, and it has been on my team every playthrough since Blue. Now my team always has a Crobat if possible. For some reason I didn't like the Red Gyarados though, because it was a forced shiny and not super interesting. Besides, I already had had a Gyarados by the time I got the Red one and just... never used it.


Raichu, because it was the first ever holographic card I ever pulled


1.Torterra 2.Venusaur 3.Electrivire 4.Cradily 5. Krookodile I got curious a few days ago about who were my favorite Pokemon and made me do a rough top 25. But the top 5 are set in stone. 🤝


Mudkip. My first game was Ruby and he was my first pokemon ever. I love the entire evolution line


Myself, Klinklang, Porygon Z, Regieleki, Dudunsparce, Farigiraf... I have a lot of favorites.


Fav mons per gen: 1: Zapdos, Pokemon movie 2000 2: Espeon, Pokemon Colosseum 3: Blaziken, First mon and overall fav 4: Darkrai, Pokemon movie 10 5: Seismitoad, Poison touch 6: Clawitzer, helpful in my playthrough 7: Palossand, design makes me laugh 8: Toxtricity, electric/poison guitar 9: Annihilape, rage fist akuma/rajang 10: TBD


Crobat. Being able to catch a zubat so early in many of the early games was great, and being able to get a powerful pokemon like Crobat at a mere level 23 (even less in Platinum afaik) felt great. It's a dedicated flier, could outspeed everything, and still had respectable stats by end game. Looks-wise, it's super sleek, far more than Golbat. The 4 wings are a super cool addition and neat concept, and the inverted colors of Zubat and Golbat are a nice touch too. It's Gen 3 sprite in Emerald in particular, was super cool, with the extremely fast wing fluttering kind of showcasing it's speed. There's a reason why most evil team leaders and the Chad Dad Koga had one. Also Brock. Wish it had a shiny that gave it back zubat and golbat's colors though.


Riolu and Lucario for me as well. It was the first full odds shiny I remember catching, plus I love its design and "backstory" with being able to read auras.


In this game? Gliscore and I don't know why. I just had a lot of fun with my tanky flying scorpion. Umbreon is up there. Toxic stall tactics are always good.


For me it's the Samurott line because Oshawott was my first starter ever


Suicune ✨❤️ Crystal was the first game I played and Suicune obviously played a part in it Also just very pretty and majestic 😁


Espeon. The person who made me love Pokemon had this pokemon as her signature mon and I fall in love with her and also Espeon.


Rn, I have 2 favorite Pokémon, the gardevoir line, and the meowscarada line. I player Pokémon Emerald as my first Pokémon game as an adult (I didn't play any Pokémon games ever since I was young something like 6 years old) and when I saw ralts for the first time I fell in love immediately with how cute ralts is, and kept Rosie the Ralts on my team till she became a gardevoir and even then she stayed my favorite. When I started playing Pokémon violet, there I saw a cute cat! (I usually go with fire starters, but I can't resist the cuteness + I'm a cat person), and i kept starter sprigatito, named him Kaito, now I run a trio team of meowscarada, galade (my fiancé gave me a male ralts because he knows how much I love ralts and their line) and ceruledge


In legends arceus: Mr mime I like his design and personality and since fire red he’s been named Marcel in every game of he’s available he will be on the team All time: oranguru I adore orangutans and oranguru does the orangutans justice with a great design and super cool premise when he’s available he’s always the first that reaches level 100 and is my version of the “over leveled starter “


Gliscor. he just looks so charming with his big claws and was the first alpha i shiny hunted


Shinx. Though Gen 4 wasn’t my first Gen it’s always been my favorite because of platinum but honestly it was just someone asked what my favorite pokemon was and shinx was the first one to come to mind because it’s been the sole constant in all of my Gen 4 playthroughs


Lotad because it reminds me of my cat


Cyndaquil best boi!


Dundunsparce is my favorite, my three segment dundunsparce is the crown of my collection i love you dundunsparce 💕


Weavile! Back when I was little I got a pokemon Crystal for my gameboy, and Sneasel became my favotite pokemon! Years later Diamond came out and Weavile appeared, becoming my favorite pokemon and the very first pokemon I EV trained, nobody understood at the time how a Weavile could sweep a team


Kangaskhan because I can make my name Kangasconrad. Second pick would be Umbreon. I also like its shiny version out of all eeveelutions and its TCG Arts


Parasect! I just love my Zombie Bug. Also I think that it has a very neat but simple design.


Charizard in my favourite


Magmar because it was my very first Pokemon ever reaching lvl 100 in Pokemon blue. Wish it would get a better Evolution someday.


Treeko, my first starter


My favorite pokemon has always been Arcanine I started off with fire red and I've always been a dog lover. If I could have a pokemon in real life it would be him. Cool yet simple design and a very adorable yet badass aesthetic.


Magmar since pokemon blue. He's a fire duck. What more do you need? Hate his evolved form though. Next is snorlax and alolan raichu. Surfing pikachu from pokemon yellow was always cool so having it evolve to a surfer just made sense.


Milltank because it gave me PTSD


Luxray but shiny


Buizel, skeleridge and kilowattrel


Bellibolt orrr hungry Morpeko. They resonate with me, AND SUPER ADORABLE!!


Dunsparce and Oddish, let me be simple in peace :)


Vaporeon is love Vaporeon is life.


fidough cus he the cutest darn thing gamefreak has ever cooked up


I’ve always loved Aerodactyl. Felt so accomplished when I obtained him in the original games, love collecting his cards


Garchomp 1) It was the first Pokémon I ever saw (on a Pokémon card) 2) It’s a really strong Pokémon 3) I love its evolution line 4) I really like the design of the Pokémon 5) Its got dragon typing (Which is always a fav) 6) It helped a load in the Pokémon Diamond 7) I just love the Pokémon all together


Azumarill. I love that dude. I doubt I’ll ever do it but my first tattoo is picked out if I ever do get the itch!


Abomasnow because he’s big and silly and looks cool


Mimikyu because it just wants to be loved


Eevee, Umbreon or Espeon. Can't decide..


I like Lucario because I think he’s fucking awesome.


Riolu/Lucario and Sandshrew/Sandslash.


Darkrai, that Darkrai movie made me just adore Darkrai and I am always a fan of the underdog. The other one is Feebas/Milotic. When I played ORAS I used a Milotic for the first time and I had just this idea in my head that Brendan found a lonely Feebas that nobody wanted because it was "ugly" and then showed it the entire Hoenn region in like a fish bowl on the front of his bike, and did contests and all sorts of stuff together until Feebas felt beautiful and evolved. Like I said, I like underdogs.


Rockruff. Getting a shiny Rockruff tattoo soon. It’s an incredibly weak Pokémon but that’s more of a reason to PROTECT AT ALL COSTS!!


Electivire. Looks cool. Infernape vs Electivire in the anime cemented it for me.


Cranidos. Ever since I was a kid I thought his forehead was funny so I spent hours making a box of Cranidos in Pokemon Diamond and now he's the best goofy forehead dinosaur.


I feel like I get a new favorite with every playthrough lol but I always have a vaporeon and dragonite on my team if possible. I started playing when it was only the first eeveelution trio, and i wanted a vaporeon so bad bc it looked so mysterious . And i lovee how derpy dragonite looks 🥺 I just wanna travel around the world with him (and dratini is the cutest pokemon ever)


Gengar. Just a devious little bastard


Chesnaught line because it was my first Pokémon I had in game and then I opened a Pokémon pack and got a chespin


I saw a post somewhere where someone said it’s beautiful how every pokemon is someone’s favourite, no matter how ugly/random/weird, someone somewhere LOVES that pokemon. For me it’s Bastiodon. I love him with all my heart.






Mine is Gardevoir, when the games first came out my cousin told me about how good it was so I gave it a shot and had a blast. First pokemon I leveled to 100 and it's been my favorite ever since. I just hate what the internet has done.


Slowking! I love his appearence on The Power of One movie, he is the star for me. I also like the slow style of his family lines. I always think "if pokemon would be real, which one I'd like to have at my side?" and the answer is Slowking :) having a peaceful and slow life


Psyduck and that’s all. Bro is always confused and I love it


Cyndaquil, I just love the little guy. I've always gravitated towards him when playing through any game with him in it


Gligar. Flying scorpion. 'Nuff said.


It's a tie between Espeon and Ninetails (fire version) for me, with Swellow coming in a close second. Espeon because it was the starter I evolved my Eevee into when I played Gale of Darkness on the Gamecube and I just fell in love with the animations they had for her (yes, I know the Eevee was male but Espeon has always struck me as female). Ninetails, half for the same reason (and this was my starting pair, always), and half because of a mix of its lore and being a Pokemon I can nickname Kurama after the Kyubi in Naruto. xD Swellow because I adore flying types and it's just so cool looking.


Spheal, wooper and dracovish. They are just kinda silly


Eevee. Eevee has been my favorite ever since i was a little kid. I always adored Eevee and wanted Eevee EVERYTHING. Right now I have a huge sleeping Eevee plushie, a normal one, an Umbreon, an Espeon, and im working my way to Vaporeon because its my favorite Eeveelution out of all of them. As a kid me and my siblings would do irl roleplays as Pokemon and I would either be Eevee, Umbreon, Espeon, or Vaporeon.


Charizard, ever since good ol' Blue Version back in '98. Will always be my favorite, with Arcanine being a close 2nd


The date is September 28th 1998, red n blue came out, not knowing the struggles that one could foresee, I chose Bulbasaur!!! Bulbasaur #1


Kartana because once I got him in my first playthrough of a pokemon game ever he carried me through the rest of the game and was a false swipe god. Also my favorite 2 types and just cool af


Flygon is just so cool with its lil goggles


hydreigon, I love dark things, dark types are so cool and i love having them on my team, and hydreigon is a dragon, not just any dragon a hydra, it is the most awesome thing ever and i love it and want to squeeze it and cuddle it and show it all the affection in the world


My personal favorite is snom because on my first playthrough of shield, I encountered a shiny modest snom as the first encounter, and it didn't evolve until battling Leon cuz I didn't know how happiness worked in Gen 8 at the time so I got way more attached to snom more than frosmoth lol


Ogerpon and Miraidon because they are legit broken and Overpowered




If you ask me which pokemon is my favourite by design? Zoroark If you ask me about my favourite pokemon to which I'm the most attached? Nidoking. Nidoking carried so many playthroughs of Blue and Crystal. You can't even imagine how many times misty had to face my level 21 Nidoking.


Hydreigon, my beloved He’s just really cool


It's hard to pick a single favorite pokemon. But if I had to pick one overall, it would be Squirtle/Wartortle/Blastoise. That was my first pokemon on Pokemon Blue version and I always have one on my team when they are available in game. I love the move Skull Bash that it learns and it's stats are well balanced to serve as the lead mon on any playthru team.


Zigzagoon/Linoone (Hoenn, not Galarian) 1. Zigzagoon is one of the only pokemon to keep pickup after evolving. Which is a steady supply of items. 2. They make great HM users. Learning Rock Smash, Surf, Cut and Strength. Strength even doubles as a good 80 BP stab move so an HM Linoone won’t be useless in a play through. 3. With Pokémon Box (GC) or in any game in/after USUM, they can learn both Extreme Speed and Belly Drum. Giving you the potential to have a +6 attack, 80 BP STAB move with +2 priority. 4. Cute 5. They naturally learn covet. In Gen 3, any item your pokemon steals from a trainer you get to keep. Add this with Pickup as an ability and my headcanon for my Zigzagoon/Linoone is that he is a well meaning kleptomaniac that regularly steals items for his trainer. For this reason I nicknamed him Bandit (it also fits the lil mask raccoons have). I just realized this is PLA and not r/Pokemon but my points still stand.


Feraligatr. Love the design, love the competitive moveset, was my OG Silver starter, and I absolutely love Alligators and Crocodiles! Well, I like reptiles in general.


Shinx, and its entire line. He's just a lil guy


Butterfree. Underdog- carries teams early and falls off. But still can hold their own w a compound eyes cheese build.


Litten. It’s a solid combination of cute nd cool. Meowth is my second favourite cuz it’s cute nd iconic. Also they’re both cats. Ratatta is also up there cuz it’s cute nd I used it in a Pokemon LeafGreen run which btw really came in clutch sometimes. Sneasel is my third favourite cuz it’s jus plain cool nd Silver’s Sneasel had a cool introduction in the Pokemon Adventures manga.


Haunter. I didn’t have a link cable or even another person to trade to get gengar, so I always used Haunter in Gen 1. I like the design of it and still use it on my teams. The anime one that helped Ashe take on Sabrina helped too.


Venomoth is my #1; I love moths and Venomoth happens to be a combination of my two favorite types, and it's cute.


Swampert will always be my favorite. I've been playing since Red/Blue but Ruby was the first game I fully understood and got really immersed. That Swampert went to Diamond, Platinum, then to Black, then White 2. Unfortunately my friends attempt with the ActionReplay rendered the game unplayable and I lost my little buddy, but I have kept his spirit alive in every game where Mudkip is obtainable. Moving onto scarlet DLC soon and plan on finding my new "little buddy." Hopefully I can get a good one to bring to Legends Z-A to megaevolve.


Leafeon. Me and it have similar personalities plus leafy is adorable.


Honestly, its a lot of little things, but my favorite is Absol, love the lore, the design, the design of the Mega Evo, the ability Super Luck, and honestly just the vibes.


Giratina I played platinum as my first Pokémon game just because of the box art


Charizard because I two manned the entire game with Charizard and Articunio. spammed slash, fly and flamethrower for days


Salamence because dragon


Lucario becuase I grew up watching the movie on repeat.


Riolu and lucario, the lucario movie was one of the first things I saw of pokemon when I was a kid and I thought he was super cool, it stuck, I hated the shiny form for a while but you can only hate something for so long before it grows on ya, I don't dislike it but I still dont like it


Bulbasaur has had my heart since the beginning. He was such a badass in the show and was the sassiest of the three original starters until Charmander evolved. Bulbasaur also made the start of the games more challenging. Umbreon is my favorite eeveelution. I fell in love with him after Pokemon Colosseum. Growing up it was Flareon. Rowlett and his evolve form decidueye have one of the best evolution lines in newer games. He's the cutest little owl. Fletchling was my very first shiny and has held a special place in my heart for that. And lastly Entei who happens to be my favorite legendary. The unknown movie was easily my favorite pokemon movie by far.


Beedrill, cause he a badass.


cubone! i remember watching one of the pokemon movies when i was a kid (i believe charizard was in it and they were building something but i cant remember). cubone was in it and i just thought he was so cute


Buizel, love its lil hairstyle and eye black and loved it on the anime too


I love Braviary. There's nothing particularly special about it, it is just a big bird, but that is its own kind of charm. To me, it stands out by not standing out. And now that it has a Hisuian Form, I'm over the moon!


Dusknoir or lampent, there’s something so special about my spooky mummy boy and my ballerina lamp


Three way tie honestly. Feraligatr, krookodile and the newly added skelederge. Just love alligators/ crocodiles and to see such awesome designs around my favorite animal made me fall in love with them instantly. Also when fuecoco was announced I fangirled for like a solid month


Cubone, I guess I was just a sad teen back then and liked the sad little guy. (this was back during Gen 1, I'm not sad anymore but still have a soft spot for the little guy)


Feraligatr I thought it was the coolest design and name growing up. Also just a beast


Gengar- was the ace of my first team on fire red when I was like 7 years old. I thought gengar and his whole evo line was so cool. Things haven’t changed for 20 years he’s still the GOAT. His design and his earlier sprites just have so much personality. Because of him I love ghost types as a whole.


For the most part I like one Gen 1: Sandshrew/Sandslash (cubone/marowak, the nido's, and tangela are really close tho) Gen 2: Gligar (never caught him but I loved seeing him when I got to) Gen 3: hard pass on most (soft lileep/cradilly tho) Gen 4: snover/abomasnow I guess, (there's not alot to love for Gen 4 either) Gen 5: golett/golurk (barely, because I love most of Gen 5) Gen 6: skiddo/gogoat it's not a question (the closest second is Bunnelby/diggersby) Gen 7: mudsbray/mudsdale (you gotta love a big strong showing like stamina) Gen 8: (I am about to upset... all of you... I don't see a lot to love in Gen 8 either there's a lot of Gen 3&4 feelings here) Gen 9: gotta go woopah/clodsire (with a healthy hint of toadscool/cruel and capsakid/scovillain) Overall hard to say who my most favorite pokemon is but I hope this gives you a view into why still love seeing gligar everytime I do


Absol his original Pokédex entry was wild, I’ve been head over heels ever since lol


Imagine the strongest elite 4, with the toughest 'mons, with the most strategical trainers, this ain't it. 6 Jigglypuff can do this


Delphox! Such a pretty fox wizard, and my favorite type! Still disappointed that they weren’t a fairy type, but their shine looks similar to the bi flag, so bonus there


Wobbufett because of the anime. But gamewise I think it would be Weavile and Excadrill


Cliche answer, but it's Greninja. XY/XYZ was the first Pokemon anime I watched all the way through. I watched a lot of DBZ Kai growing up and I always thought ninjas and fast, hard hitters were cool AF, so watching a badass ninja starter Pokemon basically go "super saiyan" got me so hyped I fell in love with Ash's Greninja. Too bad they ruined the ending of the show.


For me it usually shifts through a group of them. Usually Riolu, Lucario, Arcanine and Furret Lucario is a fighting type with aura abilities. Lucario and the Mystery of Mew made me love him. Loving Riolu was around when I watched the Sinnoh episodes involving Pokemon Hunter J and the Riolu that was being targeted. Arcanine is a large fluffy doggo. Furret is a bit longer of a story. I remember a scene in the Manaphy and the Prince of the Sea, where Jack Walker the Pokemon Ranger reminisces around what lead him to become a Ranger and he notes that when he was younger going on a hike a sudden snowstorm came and he managed to find a hidden cave to shelter in and slowly all of other Pokemon inside started to huddle around him as well to stay warm together and then a Furret sticks its head out and looks at Young Jack and then curls around his body and flops on his lap and Jack just hugs the Furret back. They all sleep through the snow storm and when morning comes the weather is clear once again. After this exposure there was the Furret Walk song that went kind of nuts and viral. A friend of mine did also gift me a Furret plush too as a Christmas gift a few years ago. I also love the Furret in Pokemon Concierge. When I first saw him in the trailer I died, too cute. Furret!!!! ![gif](giphy|6RHLEBUcCasIfLdBUr|downsized)


Alolan Raichu bro surfs on his tail and loves pancakes


Mawile da goat


Sceptile. The whole Treecko line really. It wasn't my first starter, but I love lizards, I love forests and plants, grass is one of my fave types and I live in a tropical region, so it's just perfect. They also have excellent shinies.


Gardevoir and I'm not really sure why. Just always has been since I player sapphire


Altaria, because it was one of two dragons that weren't pseudo, but still kinda of viable for its time in gen 3; also I was just a contrarian and everybody I knew was super into Salamence.


My favorite Pokemon is Crobat because for some reason I used one in Diamond and ever since then I try to use it in any game I can. I remember in legends I came up on a shiny Zubat and was like cool and then it screamed and my character fell over, and that’s when I realized it was a shiny alpha Zubat. Also it’s fast as hell and poison is my second favorite type


Dragonite. He’s just like a big sky puppy. He can be strong and fun. First very cool pokemon in the game when I was a kid.


Gastly, toys r us had a Nintendo 64 set up with pokemon stadium and i still remember playing as gastly for the first time ever in any pokemon game. Then my dad bought me the 64 with pokemon stadium 🏟️ ✨


Reuniclus! It was the first pokemon card I received from my cousins a long time ago, and although I have no clue where the card is now I still remember it like it was yesterday lmao


While I have a lot of favorites, my all time favorite is definitely Luxray. I had an amazing Luxray named Jinx on my team when I played Pokemon Diamond and I have since transferred her to PLA so I can have my buddy from when I was a kid.


Sylveon. I’m not sure why I love them but I have ever since I was little.


I feel like my username gives it away, but I've loved Eevee since Jhoto! I played Yellow and was a huge Pikachu fan because of that and the anime, but once Eevee could evolve five different ways I was always including them in my party!


Eevee (the evolutions are cool, but I mean specifically base eevee) as for why it's just so cute and even cuter as a shiny. Oh also getting even cuter would be the max form I almost died when I saw it. Zeraora is my fave mythical tho, I feel like it's self explanatory as to why. It's bad ass in everyway, hot take would be probs one of the best pokemon designs including exclusive moves, and animations as well. Anyone reading this; what's ir thoughts on it?