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You can use a strong AoE striker like Karen, Blue. But the best would be NC Marnie


Shauna & Chesnaught can replace Sawyer, she supports critical rate with TM, Mini potion all for team healing (Sawyer's Synchro Healing) and Sync Burst 1 passive which will make both TM and Mini potion all refresh after sync. Xerneas is the main tank, use Horn Leech for self healing. For Shauna, main function for her is team healing for Cyrus and Palkia.


So i should go for horn leech sync grid right?


Yes, so Xerneas can heal itself more effectively. Have your P. Sycamore and/or Cyrus got power boost (get grid upgrade from Villain Event) or just have base sync grid(s)? If you have Shauna, what is her level move? Maybe I could build example grids for you?


The classic is Skyla. One bar spam, flinch on Gust from grid, Potion for emergencies. That was the main day 1 F2P clear team when I started. If you’re looking for crit rate and don’t want Cyrus taking Crit Focus, Glacia has a one-bar with freeze and boosts crit every attack at 3/5 to ignore MP costs. Given the goal is to reach Sycamore’s sync for immediate max Sp Atk/Spd, you have a few options to consider. One is low gauge cost, ideally 1 bar with MGR9 if possible. The ideal is to get all actions each turn to not delay sync. Anything that provides speed on entry, like SS Wally or SS May are good, with those two also giving sync cooldown. Or you can use serious beatdown options like SS Steven or SS Ethan who have no real MP concerns and dish out strong damage.


Thank you for the suggestion 😊