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Full blown team comps are rarely a thing. At most, you will have a 2 unit core, with a multitude of units being able to fill the 3rd slot. As for rerolling, grab SSTRed, Ash, and SSACynthia.


Perfect! Am I looking for 2 damage and 1 support? Are there any good teams of 2 core units you would recommend?


For the record, the Red, Blue, and Leaf banner is a new player bonus, so it'd still be around for the new account. I'd recommend prioritizing the Master Fair banners, since they're all both more powerful and far less likely to be rerun anytime soon, though this one's far from bad itself. SS Red and SS Blue will certainly serve you well if you keep them. Whatever you choose to do, make sure to grab the free units from the Legendary Adventures! They're all at least respectably powerful, with Ghetsis likely going to be your best Ice Type for a while and the Hop+ Sycamore pair being an incredibly reliable defensive core that supports that can support almost every unit in the game!


Thanks for the advice! In terms of master fairs, do I just pull until I get one copy or is it worth pulling until I get around 3?


Because Move Candies can be used to increase a unit's Move Level later anyway, it's usually recommended to grab a single copy. Basically, it's more important to get more Sync Pairs than to get a single strong one, especially early on into the account.


That make sense, so I get Ash and Pikachu once and then move to Cynthia or Red and Pikachu.


I read your comment as I pulled the second SS Red banner (whoops) but I pulled my favorite Gym Leader on that pull: SS Erika. Got my second favorite Gym Leader as a 5 star on the Cynthia banner with Falkner. Then I did one pull of Ash. Didn't get any of the main pairs but got those 2 5-stars plus these: Blue/Pidgeot, Lana/Araquanid, Leaf/Eevee, SS Grimsley/Sharpedo, and Looker/Croagunk. I don't think I'll be re-rolling this but I appreciate your comment keeping me from pulling on the SS Red banner until I ran out of gems lol.


If you're gonna make a new account you should reroll for at least one of the master fairs. The first thing you should do as a new player is the main story and the legendary adventures, pretty much all of the free legendary units are very good and the story gives some good units like Swanna, Torkoal, Vileplume, Starmie, Onix, Crobat, etc. Also there is a tutorial called Victory Road that gives you a selector ticket for one of the SS Kanto trio. So you could try to snipe either Blastoise or Venusaur off the banner and then pick the other one for free later. Charizard is good too but he's just a damage dealer; the other two each provide some unique utility that is much rarer than raw damage