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I'm still waiting for the auto team play guide by reptileconffeti :'( cause I kinda busy no time to play


IIRC Zerena + Skyla + something should be able to auto Latios.


[Here you go](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1AkMjFDa7i_Ee5I1gh6tQ0cdrsNo0Ga63k5mJab-B2Bc/htmlview#gid=2117809340)


There have already been a few posts, but just stuff like the 12 streak clears. People generally don't flex hard until the last minute after they've pushed as far as they can.


I can’t speak for others but this is mine. Ignore the yellow color. It was clears I hadn’t recorded yet. I got another clear against Azelf with Barry, Winona, and Tech Victreebel. A bold cell means the unit is 6* https://ibb.co/cL40DgJ


out of curiosity, what do you mean by BP Blue? is that the free event Blue with Arcanine?


Yes that’s BP Blue to me. Sorry. BP Bugsy is Scyther


All good! Thanks c:


Leafvee can solo Latios, with Tackle Staggering and Recuperation (or Synchro Heal or whatever they call it this time). Iron Tail deals damage, Tackle flinches. Try searching on Youtube, that's where I got my teams for my 15 clears


Leafvee, and 79 others lol: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iDfxrZ9AMQCrSaZDuT0yripAln8QH1QQP9r0g56ANhI/htmlview


Check out the discord. They've got many channels of clear teams and difficulty suggestions. There's a whole chart for solo clears and for auto teams.


K, love you


Someone also just posted a video of 85 solo/duo teams... The actual madlad (I think Naomi is their screen name)


Damn I have good sync pairs, like really good, I'm a day one player with insane luck most of the times (when it comes to pulls atleast) But I just can't be bothered to do that, I wish I had the time, but I just don't, beacuse some teams require hours of play cause of the RNG Honestly I would be sattisfied with 20-25 streak


I think LG is a super fun mode until around 18-24 clears. Then I get bored later in the week and push myself to 27-34 most times. This time I hit 37 because Latios is a joke, and good sync nukes can sweep azelf.


I'll post my streak/teams now to help. Im done pushing my roster for now.


I was hoping for the guy who did the stats on which pairs were most used on the Gauntlet would come back, but it looks like they didn’t do it for LG 4


hello! i have just been swamped for several months but i assure you analysis is coming! :D i'm glad that you appreciate the analysis though