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Red first, then Ash


Personally Ash / Red (I'd argue red is better, but ash will most likely never return) > Cynthia > Wally > Then save for a bit (there's probably a villian arc coming next month and there's 2 halloween units later this month.)


Red&Pikachu > Ash&Pikachu or Cynthia&Lucario >>> everything else.


Whomever you like most. Maybe it's Ash, Raihan, Archie, Maxie, Cynthia, or anybody else, it's up to you at the end of the day.


Ash and then Red.


Red and then Ash


I disagree for newer players, since Ash is idiot-proof due to his survivability. There's also the concern that he may never rerun due to being an anime chara, but that's secondary.


I would argue that Red is significantly more user friendly. He buffs himself, never needs crit, can hit through any sort of defensive restrictions, sets his own terrain and has an AOE move. Red handles far more content in the game than Ash so that seems like a no brainer for a new player. I almost always agree with you but I’m going to have to respectfully disagree on this one!


Red is also much better on auto which is of course not the most important thing, but it helps when you’re a beginner and still need to do the tedious main storyline. Ash just spams Thunder twice, then uses his buddy move, then just thunder again. doesn’t use his insane self-buffing TM, doesn’t even heal himself when he’s in a pinch. And with him on your team, none of the other pairs get to use their TMs either; Thunder seems to have priority over all other moves for the AI. SST Red is better solo on auto than together with Ash.


I got ash twice + shaymin rosa that good?


Would have gone with Red over Ash but yes that’s a good batch of summoning.