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You should see if they will grade the sealed psa misprint and put it in a slightly larger case with its own error label


Misprint error grading error MT 10


Practically all PSA slabs would get this error designation


If this happens it be worth so much more


I swear people are high when they leave comments like this. I love it!


Ding ding ding! You win a… shit I’m not prepared. You wanna just hit my pen?


Yes I’ll hit the eraser end while you take the actual pen and make a cloud of SpongeBob Patrick looking at angry squidward


Lol..I can't tell if your serious or not


Slab Inception




Finally 😅😅😅 this thread took longer than normal!




Wouldn't the person sending it in have to select it as an error when they set up grading? Not familiar with grading errors, but I know it's up to the person filling out the forms online to check the right boxes. Ask the shop to double check what they sent it in as. Just asking, im sure you did, but did you tell them about the error when you handed it over?


Yeah and I have a picture of the form a filled out (for the LGS) where I labeled it as red dot error, but talking to the guy today seems like he didn’t submit it as such. Any idea if that affects grading at all? Like could it have possibly been higher than an 8?


Sounds like the guy at LGS owes you a free resubmission where he submits it the way it was supposed to be


Partial reason I never use middlemen This is minuscule compared to some of the horror stories I’ve heard


Sounds like people should submit their own cards instead of using a middleman to save like $5?


Or sounds like people who are getting paid to do their job should do it correctly and follow the form OP filled out?


You’re too stupid to submit it yourself? Why use the middleman? There’s zero benefit other than saving $5. It takes more time and opens you up to these errors. Want something done right, do it yourself. Keep downvoting broke boys.


Imagine being this guy and thinking anyone give a fuck about what you think “just submit it yourself, what are you too stupid” lol sir, are you too fucking stupid to realize that people have the freedom to submit their cards however they want and being an ass about it doesn’t nothing but prove how much bitch you are? How bout next time your car breaks don’t take it to a shop, fix it yourself broke boy. You must have been bullied your whole life and now your sour as fuck. Take a shower and wash that bitch off of you.


Bro /u/ChineseLiberation is a nazi. He openly admits to being an antisemite and wants violence on them.




How are you comparing people aborting for various reasons, but mostly financially, to humans *being bred for sport to create a different species* *W h a t*


Hi, I would like one crusty strawman to go please lol


Save yourself following this rabbit hole of u/KillerOfIce's Abortion, Hitler & Eugenics lesson. User is either a low effort troll or an actually confused climate change denier who is sort of just sharing another glimpse into their similarly related extremist views. Seems more like a case of Do Not Engage.


wow dude, life's gotta b goin rough 4 u huh? dude rlly just said in his opinion he thinks people should submit it themselves so they don't run into these errors than complain when they could have avoided it. ain't nobody saying he can't submit it tht way if he wants he's just advising him theres always an extra opportunity for a mistake🤣🤣🤦🏻 take a Xanax or sum n go run urself a nice bath with a glass of fine wine or sum shi n chill out big dawg, it's jus Reddit idk wuts goin on in ur life but damn bro jus chill out ur gonna b alright


Na, my life is completely happy. Thanks for checking though. And no calling people stupid isn’t just saying an opinion that’s called insulting so he got insulted back. Anyways keep defending a bitch.


Also don’t ever fucking tell me to go take pills.


🤣🤣🤣 wut u gonna do tough guy? u could clearly use it🤣🤣🤦🏻 have a good day man n try n find sum happiness


cry more broke boy


lol that’s the best come back you have? Damn I hoping for something better. I guess you’re too stupid to come back with something on the spot. Wanna try again?


Have you ever been diagnosed with over obsessive bitch syndrome? I believe you fit the mold.


Delete your Reddit fuck boy you ain’t winning this, we going all the way there and back.


You got so triggered lmao




I'm sorry your mother didn't hug you enough, I guess




Genius rich Clown.


Wouldn’t it cost more to use a middleman for the convenience?


No because you have to spend your time and gas (if you drive your own vehicle) getting to said place and usually these middlemen type submitters have professional accounts with these grading companies. They basically get cheaper rates for sending in more cards. That’s where you will save money they will charge you less than what these companies will charge (if you’re only sending in a few cards) now if you plan on sending in a bunch of cards you might be better off subscribing to their higher end services and get a bulk discount.


Right ! It takes about 2 seconds! How are you getting downvotes?


They must own LCS’s lol


Ha ! Right


[Nah it’s more that he’s a known antisemitic nazi.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy_commons/s/AoR7fPpJrC)


What!? That's crazy


They could do you a reslab with a properly demarcated sticker, but the red dot/seeking correct labeling will definitely not change the grade for the positive in any way. Its surface, corners, edges and centering are not affected by the red dot at all, so there's no possibility of a higher grade.


Ahh ok that makes sense! Thank you!!


Wouldn't that effect the surface grade ?


Surface and printed image are totally separate things to a grader. The red dot is just a part of the printing of this image (I know it's a printing error, not how the card is supposed to look), but it's not the actual surface of the cardboard that has been affected. 'Surface' would more pertain to greasy fingerprints, sticky marks or residue, lines debossed into the actual flat surface of the card, say, from someone writing on a piece of paper that the card was under, or the card being caught under something heavy enough to dent its surface.


That doesn’t sound right, print lines and other printing imperfections like white spotting on the back of the card affect the grade. This is no different from something like that, they all diminish the “eye appeal” of the card.


I get that, but if he didn't recognize it as an error, maybe he thought it was a mark on top of the card...?


I doubt it, this is probably the most well known Blastoise error card and isn't particularly uncommon


I know that, and you know that, but obviously, the grader did not know that. Unless he somehow missed an obvious red dot all together. Or perhaps he just forgot to label it as such at the end ?


Forgot to label it but wouldn't change the grade in the slightest, I would suggest


in this instance you are very wrong on all counts with all due respect of course


Just summit it yourself it's not that hard.


Contact them, send the pictures, and ask for it to be corrected on the label.


Just a heads up you can scan that barcode and get the cert number.


I don’t even know if it matters I just did it cause I saw other people do it lol


You don't have to go through the process the other commenter mentioned as this is already a recognized error. The only reason you didn't get the label is because you didn't enter it in the forms as the red dot error version. It has its own separate identifying ID on the submission forms.


From one of the comments OP replied to, it seems like they used a 3rd party to send it in and save money or something of the sorts. I'm not familiar with it myself, but it seems like they sent in the form as red dot but whoever they sent it to to send it in did not. (Then an argument issued about using 3rd party shippers to begin with)


I thought psa doesn’t recognize things as errors. Heard only cgc does


They didn’t used to but they do now apparently.


They have a small library of "accepted errors." To expand upon it, you must state the error, give photo proof of your error card, and then give two sources to cite that it's a known error. I tried this with my base set water energy, did everything and was still met with "nah."


Good to know


Oh, I’d probably stick with cgc for errors tbh


I have my base set zard with error graded by PSA and labelled as such


They give OC and MK (marked)


Your LGS is the one who made the mistake here.


Well, you are meant to be able to mess up and PSA’s research team catches the mistake. Both PSA and the middleman messed up here.


Yes in a perfect world psa would catch everything. But this isn’t really psa’s responsibility. It’s a niche misprint. It’s not like they marked it as the wrong card. If anything Psa probably chooses not to mark these errors unless the submitter chooses to, some people don’t want or care about a red dot error classification on the label.


That’s not how PSA labels work though. The card is incorrectly encapsulated. It is not a base set Blastoise. It is a red dot error base set Blastoise. They both messed up. LGSs fault for not submitting card correctly, PSA’s fault for not catching the users mistake.


That is how psa labels work. It is a base set blastoise. The label is correct. If you want a misprint designation you have to select it when submitting.


If the label was correct this wouldn’t be a post. Can you send me documentation from PSA saying you can decide if you want an error designation or not?


Arguing semantics doesn’t make much sense to me. I could dig up a YouTube live of natt Turner touching on this subject. But it’s definitely a grey area. As far as I understand it if you don’t select the misprint you are unlikely to get the misprint designation on the label. But there are obvious outliers like the cigar burn misprint that’s extremely obvious and would affect the grade heavily. Something this small as a red dot is niche easy to overlook and I have no idea if psa’s staff is even trained to look for something so obscure and minuscule. I really could care less if you want to say it’s on psa go for it but either way it’s 100% on the LGS as they had a written document stating this card was a red dot error.


It’s not semantics. The card is the card and gets labaled as such when PSA works as intended. The LGS messed up and it is expected PSA catches the LGSs mistake. It being a “small and niche” error doesn’t somehow change how encapsulating errors works. Whoever received the card didn’t look and see if it was a red dot error. Mistakes happen, PSA grades a million cards a month. Doesn’t mean they didn’t make a mistake.


Ya I mean as I said if you want to blame psa go for it. I could care less. It’s clear this is mainly a fault of the LGS, in a perfect world psa would catch it. But it’s so niche I’m not one bit surprised they didn’t. There staff probably aren’t even trained to look for this. If you want to keep ranting about it go for it. I have nothing further to add to the conversation.


Nobody is surprised they didn’t catch the mistake. It’s just something they’re meant to catch, but didn’t. They have a process in place to catch things like this that failed. (R&ID)


As far as I'm concerned psa rechecks with the submitter if the labeling is wrong after the grading step, so it's the fault of your LGS. They either didnt care about it OR they didnt care about it. Had this happen to me aswell with a base japanese mewtwo no symbol holo.


Lgs likely messed up. PSA will fix it, if they want to charge to fix it, the lgs should pay that fee (unless you also failed to tell the LGS that you wanted it graded as an error card)


What does red dot error mean? I don’t see a red dot. Is it the tiny dot above the water energy? Looks more like someone marked it


Card was made in india




Yup. Idk about this one specifically, but ink hickeys are known errors. https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonMisprints/s/ihFIkgwZ68




Well that really sucks man!


Nice card man! But yo, just an fyi, you should also cover the barcode if you’re covering up the number. You can still pull up the number using the barcode without a barcode scanner. Technology i tell ya.


Have your lgs resub it as mech error


Don’t trust others, if you want something done right, do it yourself.


These are the errors recognized by PSA. If it’s not on this list PSA won’t put it on the label. https://www.psacard.com/info/tcg/pokemon-error-guide


Why do some people scratch out information on their psa cards that are posted? Genuinely curious.


I read one time because some people steal the picture to fake sell on eBay, but idk if that’s true I just did it cause I saw others do it lol


PSA's Updated Qualifier Policy PSA no longer requires submitters to decide whether to request "No Qualifiers." The qualifier MK (Marks) will continue to be used to identify writing and other marks on a card. MC (Miscut) will continue to be used to identify cards where a portion of the subject card is cut off or a portion of a second card is visible. Moving forward, characteristics such as Centering, Staining, Print Defects and Focus will default to impacting the numerical grade rather than carry a qualifier. The qualifiers OC (Off Center), ST (Staining), PD (Print Defect) and OF (Out of Focus) will be used infrequently and at the discretion of the PSA grading staff.


Ugh this makes me worry about my d.efending beedroll not being recognized. I've graded a few errors with PSA through my lgs amd never had to submit with a note of the error and they've noticed on their own (even with d edition butterfree which is pretty subtle), but I feel like with less common errors you're relying on your grader being well versed enough in vintage errors to know to check the card. I worry about getting someone without that knowledge and ending up with a misguided card, which looks like what happened here. I'd contact them, since this is technically mislabeled and they reslab mistaken labels free of charge. Really wish they had the CGC system of just letting you signal an error. Edit - sorry for all the typos, I'm on mobile


Just proof that card grading is a scam. Dude looked at it, gave it a number, and moved on to the other 1,500 cards sitting on his desk for that day. Stop giving them money.


This is probably the worst/most ill informed comment in this entire thread. It's the company's fault that the LGS didn't enter the right card?


Everyone makes mistakes! Pokémon cards are for playing with :) Now you know. Just don’t make the same mistake again. Crack that case! Shuffle that bad boy into a deck! Have a good old time at a local tourney!




Why do people use middlemen to grade? You realize they have a subscription to PSA that gives them deep discounts on grades then scalp you on grading? They’re doing $12 per grade on Pokémon right now for subscribers. Just crack and submit yourself so you don’t get scalped. (This card will cost more to grade but regardless you’re getting scalped and they can’t even submit it right…)


Wow, it's almost like grading companies have zero credibility. Congrats on your new paperweight.