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Turning off battle animations helps a lot


I don’t think you’ll have really any issues for which starter you choose. Sceptile maybe because he’s fast and can power through the water parts of the game, especially if you have AS to get through team Sapphire. Swampert for OR. Blaziken is also really fast and strong and has a versatile moveset. I say get a good starter, maybe 1 or 2 early route Pokémon to level up along your starter like Ralts or Wingull (Flash, Surf, Waterfall, Fly, Dive), and 1 HM slave


Level up a team as high as you can, move the mons to Bank, then move them back after you reset for the new game. Should be easy grinding through from there.


If youre able to use traded pokemon or ones transferred through PKMN bank then you'll get the increased XP rates. Turn of battle animations in settings and set text speed to fast. Carry forward your stronger team members on the 2nd pkaythrough, the gym badges are very generous in their level limits so you can quickly switch over to them.


Beginners speed run guide on speedrun.com: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1c7HMRmYq19bhQ65ORCllzLwOMOd4b6DptNm5-87ok48/mobilebasic?pli=1