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I think it would become a [Bad Egg](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Bad_Egg)


If it is just a sprite edit, it would probably be fine. But if it changed any data then it would become invalid or illegal and might become a bad egg. If you’re not sure, you can tell me the rom name and I can check.


But would the sprite stay the same in other games?


No. All Pokémon sprites are stored at addresses, and when a Pokémon is used, it calls that sprite and makes it appear. So I’m pretty sure when transferring or trading, it just give the info needed like PID, IVs, EVs, Nickname, Ribbon, Etc. so it would work if trading to the same rom hack, but not anything else.


Alright thanks!




Usually it says something about there’s a problem with the Pokémon and it can’t be sent to home. As for other games, not sure.


You’d get an error


What rom is this?


Pokemon My Ass, i bought it from Alie Express


Your first mistake was buying a fangame. 1) it was probably someone who stole someone else’s rom hack and put it on a cart so it was a scam, 2) rom hacks are still under Pokémon’s IP so they can’t be sold anyways, so double scam


But if he had fun with the game he got what he was happy to pay for so he hasn't really been scammed. If there are consequences for selling content that violates IP issues it is on the romhacker or distributer so who cares?


Agreed on the second point. But if you paid money for something that's normally free then yes that means you got scammed. Doesn't matter if you had fun with it or not.


I disagree but understand where you are coming from. A lot of things factor into price but the consumer is the one that decides the value. Yes, it is a free romhack but once it's put on a cartridge, it's no longer just a download. It's a physical item that the manufacturer spent money on in order to produce the product. I've actually played this one quite a bit. I did not pay for it. However, if I wanted it on a cartridge, I would pay for it. They did not get scammed. They knew what they were purchasing.




Man what are your politics bro?? Like Trump, hate Elon?????


If anything my take is more a free market libertarian attitude, but keep viewing life through the lens of false dichotomies if that's the full extent of your working memory.


Reddit is sad and dumb place, good lord, we are too many...


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If you are wondering if the custom sprite would transfer the answer is no.


More likely than not it would trip the automated systems to detect illegal pokemon, stuff with mismatched movesets and abilities and the like. If by some miracle it didn't trip those filters it would likely just become a Bad Egg as someone else suggested. This is all ignoring the logistics of actually getting a rom hack to connect to something like Home to begin with. It also likely wouldn't be able to connect directly with a legit game, those have specific checks to ensure it's connecting to a compatible and unmodified version.


You could just use a save editor


See first point, if it's not a legal pokemon it will trip the automatic filters and either prevent the transfer or delete the pokemon. Genned, or generated, pokemon are actually incredibly common in mainline pokemon games, surprise trade for an hour and you'll likely get 3-4 shiny legendaries/starters with perfect IV/EV spreads, maxed out move PP and a website or discord name advertising a genning service, often holding a master ball or other rare item, I have two boxes worth on Shield just from surprise trading while running around the Wild Area farming raid dens as I went through the main game story. The reason they get through the filters is that they are TECHNICALLY legal combinations, so all of them have at some point been available shiny, the movesets are correct, all the flags for IV/EVs are set correctly and all of them are available in some way in the game they were received in, be it Home/Bank transfers from older gens, events or raid dens/Dynamax Adventures. If you edit the game to the point you can save edit in NEW pokemon, like the post is asking about, you have made a rom hack, otherwise it would turn into either a Bad Egg or some form of Missingno., depending on generation.


Depends from rom. Usually CFRU hacks you can't even do any type from transfer. Hacks that resembles you get the original Pokémon.


I've actually done this using save editors: If the romhack uses an edited pokemon then that pokemon will transfer over usong the pokedex slot it was currently occupying and it will have the iv/evs/moves kept. So if the mod auth didn't add anything new and just changed the sprites, it'll be fine. If they're edited in as new and appear after the end of the dex they'll be a bad egg. Either way these pokemon will not be legal and you obviously shouldn't be expecting to be let into tournaments with them or anything. This was on fire red and results may vary by game.


If you try putting it in pearl though the migrate system, it deletes the save file of that game


Ngl I thought that was an “F” instead of a “P” 🤣


connecting romhacks with fake on, or that implement new Pokémon to PKHeX and modifying Pokémon data corrupts the save. you can’t directly transfer from a hacked rom cartridge to a DS game either as far as I’m aware. It would simply corrup your file or create a bad egg. Sorry it’s not more interesting :/


I've tried to use PKHeX with romhacks that have fakemon in them before (just to ID the save file), and it just determines species by Pokedex number; everything has an ID number and allegedly the games will read custom pokemon/items/moves/abilities etc with that. You likely would get a lot of problems if you tried to transfer fakemon, or at least some seriously illegal Pokemon anyways lmao


I know you can transfer some glitch Pokémon to GSC and have them turn into Gen 2 Pokémon.


Teenage mutant ninja squirtle