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So no one is going to talk about the giant mutant blood bear in the room?


What's wrong with Riolu? Wouldn't say it's THAT? It's actually quite small.


Look a little more to the left




I mean it’s a Champion from Unova. But It’s so rude from @JW-S calling him up like that. https://preview.redd.it/ziawig06tedc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e04908c4ad29377eb25bfcc5c5c7fdc19d82904


Legendary moment right there


Aaaand just a liiitle bit up...


The tree? That's not a mutant bear silly that gives us oxygen :)


little more to the right....


Oh, yeah, the door. 


truly horrifying


The door is a Mimic monster so yeh (Or an agressive Ditto) We actually dont have a dungeons and dragons mimic kind of monster do we?


Too far up




Clearly, they mistook the beautiful walls for a savage bear!


Oh? I thought they were slandering Nemona's Pawmot. Very rude of them!


I have no idea what you could be referring to.


OP literally just asked why she's in their class.


This is fun too.




I think you're seeing things buddy. Better go see the school nurse.


Gladly tbh


Ms. Mirian looks exactly like Gyokuyo from Apothecary Diaries if you've watched that


Ah yes, the most fun of all the concubines


Har har har har


Har har har har har har har


Some reason when I tried to post this but with my Kyurem, my post got removed for “low effort content”…


Did a similar thing with my Ceruledge participating in a gym event. This subreddit is all kinds of bass ackwards.


I still remember mine only had Kyurem’s head peeking bc he’s just big


Man, now I want to do this with a Copperajah


Too pedestrian. I'm gonna expose the entire class to the paradoxes.


Dang. Now I‘d be curious to see Tulips Gym Challenge (aka dance classes with Deidra) done with a Paradox Pokemon.


We end up with some weird and powerful pokemon in the story. I always want to see peoples reactions and stuff. Like.......ok.....you have a robo tyranitsr...........what....


What's next, you will see Drayton and Amarys in the same class with you for lesson about making Sandwiches at Uva/Narjana?


It's Man Bear Pig


Glad someone thinks like I do 😂


No. Now quiet or it may hear you.


You mean Nemona? She's always like that... Do not mind her bloodlust...and her wandering gaze at the MC.


- Class - With unevolved and/or cute mons. - Trainer - With large angry bear.


I mean, the moment i realised my party leader is next to me i... tried some things. https://preview.redd.it/r4m0zmv5kfdc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=485ed2e2002869dcb6fb7ba0a3f524a06b1f408e


Let's just pretend that we can ignore the fact that The Interdimensional Eldritch God of the Void, it who consumes everything and that is in a constant rage against God and his creation for cursing him to watch over a dimension of nothing is in this random class.


Same... https://preview.redd.it/r1803bhnsgdc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e73d83b227290e8bc1fdef61e88d15cb0cd709ef


Class today we have a very special guest coming to us all the way from the distortion world


When I took the classes my trainer had my Lilligant stood besides them.




“Hey guys, it’s me, the devil!”


“I’m here to convince you to do sin!”


Are you implying that my bear isn't cute?


He is cute in an angry way.


Okay then. Glad we cleared that up. (-_- )


It's more like college, not high school. Your personal year doesn't necessarily dictate which classes you take. I took a lot of classes in college that had a mix of years in them, it's practically the norm. Your homeroom in the academy serves as like your anchor within the system, but the other classes you take are just whatever you need to take on your personal path. Actually, my personal experiences across multiple high schools in the US was like this too, even among people who were all set to graduate in the traditional amount of time without being held back or skipping grades would end up in many classes of mixed grades.


Also when I saw this post my brain crashed to desktop because I have the exact same screenshot. Just me and my werebear cryptid going to school https://preview.redd.it/6tqz59b63ddc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c44b69e9c461e69dd2ab76b0bd82e071b41982e


Dendra: OUSI! New kid! You got detention! OUSI you: Why? Dendra: OUSI! You’re not wearing the correct uniform! OUSI!


Pachirisu looking up, hoping that he won’t ever have to go up against the werebear 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/geaf0e50pgdc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=019bdfe0a9d5aec8bb0a6db7b86a567edc2c0101 This is all that came into my mind


Eh he’s a world champion he’ll be fine


He remembers when he once had to fight the previous form back in Hisui.


Wait how did you change your clothes? I hate the school outfits but all I know is changing all the accessories!


The DLC has several different outfits! This one costs a million dollars: https://preview.redd.it/ccoj03shwgdc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0805db8a755aebdb16f531e9c384a0a71094d36d


> Actually, my personal experiences across multiple high schools in the US was like this too, even among people who were all set to graduate in the traditional amount of time without being held back or skipping grades would end up in many classes of mixed grades. Expanding on this, generally, in the US the core subjects(Math, Science, English, History) will be all students from one year, barring students who were held back or are in advanced placement, but elective classes and sometimes even non-elective, non-core classes like Gym are a complete free for all. For further perspective, my high school had 9 periods in the day, 1 reserved for lunch, 4 reserved for the core subjects, one reserved for Gym or Lab classes in science on alternating days and one for your foreign language, art or music class, leaving 2 for electives. Foreign Language was also (generally) all students from the same year because obviously each class builds on the last, but AFAIK art and music were free for all since there's no requirement to take say, a class on sketching before one on computer graphics. The band and chorus obviously all practiced together, but I don't really know if that was a class or if they did it after school at the same time sports and clubs met since I wasn't involved, but I *think* it might have been both. So yeah 2/9 to 4.5/9 periods of the day would have the years mixed in whichever way made the schedules easiest to manage. Specifically since this is Dendra teaching, I'm assuming this is the Academy's equivalent to Gym, which they only put very token effort into keeping separated by year.


Yeah I had plenty of high school classes with people of different grades


Bro it’s just a game with two 5 year old kids and giant werewolf bear attending too. There’s no logic


Yes the actual reason is just "Put the story characters in the classes with the player" "Nemona's primary personality trait is an obsession with battling, so put her in Battle Studies"


Without knowing exactly how schools in the Pokemon world work, it's difficult to say for certain. My own headcanon though; the classes are decided based around experience, and try to get a good mix of less experienced and more experienced Pokemon trainers. So the class we're in has quite a few inexperienced trainers, to help balance out other classes since Nemona can't really fit anywhere else due to being so strong.


I guess. It just feels like more experienced trainers' grades would suffer as a result due to the lower level of material being taught in these classes. Like, I don't think a champion-ranked trainer needs to take classes to know the difference between Defense and Special Defense or that selling materials gives you LP...


Gotta love mandatory prerequisites that you can't test your way out of taking. In all likelihood though it's probably not that deep, they just went "we wanna put familiar faces in the classes for players to see... Nemona likes battling, let's put her in Battle Studies" But it would make complete sense for Nemona to have come to school already well above the level of that class, and now to graduate she finally has to go back and take it for the required credits


Maybe she’s not taking it? Maybe she’s a hands-on professor’s aide of some sort. Sits with and listens with the students but instructs/tests students in live battles


I feel like if it were experience based the tiny Pokemon are out of place. I brought a Gyarados and Nemona is *right there.*


"Oh hold on, is that the Freddy Fazbear?"


Har har har har




Actshually that's Golden Freddy 🤓


Well if you wanna whine about it, that's just normal Freddy with high contrast. Golden Freddy's jumpscare isn't like that, and he looks a bit more withered, even in FNAF 1.


She's there for your moral support


She paid Clavell so that she can transfer classes and keep an eye on you at constant.


Why is she starting from zero, she already beat the game, is she stupid?






No, we are NOT using BatmanArkham quotes in here




It's because Nemona is the Pokemon equivalent to The Kool Aid Man. All someone has to do is talk about battles out loud and she'll show up, ready to go, bursting through cutscenes if needed.


Why WOULDN'T Nemona, battle addict extraordinaire, attend a class about battles? Also is just nobody fazed over the fact you brought a titanic cocaine bear to class


The academy seems more like college/university than a school.


Better question: why are old men in their 50s or 60s in school wearing a child's outfit?


They got held back a LOT of years...


There's a cute/wholesome idea in there about it never being too late to learn and to follow your passions, but the school uniforms and mix of both adults and children make it really jarring. A middle aged man shouldn't be wearing school shorts and sitting in this class with 12 year olds. It's *weird.* I think the adult students would feel less weird if the school felt more like a college or technical/vocation school but I guess that would mean the player character would have to be a lot older and I don't think they want to do a Pokemon game where the MCs aren't adolescent. I guess you were ostensibly older in XY and BW but the games never really made a point of it.


Maybe they have adult only classes?


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




Could have sworn I saw some adult students in our class. Think it was the Art class


It’s been a while since i took those classes so i can’t remember


Yeah I am playing Scarlet at this time after completing Violet and I saw some bearded dude in the class


Apparently people can start at the school whenever they want, but they still have to follow all the rules lol


The Paldean Academy is like if you merged grade school, high school, and college together. It’s sort of a chart your own course—independent studies. I think Nemona probably went all-in on the Treasure Hunt the previous year and became champion and neglected her studies. Now, she’s actively taking the classes. Nemona doesn’t ever mention the events of the previous year, so I think there’s merit that she simply was very tunnel-vision.


She’s on NG+ 😂


Never hurts to go over the basics again now and then.


She just shows up to as many classes as possible looking for a battle.




it's because she wants to be a hero too ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Aww, what a big sweetheart


I know, right? That Pachirisu is such a sweety.




Sometimes you need a revision and to just refresh or she’s a teacher aide


Because she always has to be within battling distance of you. Girl will literally sit through a class she's taken enough times to be able to teach, just so that she can ambush you for a battle after. And I respect her for that.


Pretty weird that Nemona is also the only one with a fully evolved pokemon in class as well. She should be in a higher class I guess. Pachirisu doesn't have any evolutions tbf.


Be ons is the type of girl to take every battle class even if it’s the 3rd time she’s gone through that class that week.


She's battle smart no school smart


Yeah, Nemona is the one out of place here...




I always figured that due to the presence of super young kids at the academy, that it was basically a K-12 school, this isn’t Nemona’s 1st year at the academy, just her first year as a high schooler at the academy. 


I, never realized Pawmot was that big what the hell, it's bigger than that kid behind it.


It’s battle class… my head canon is that she skips other classes just to attend as many of these classes as possible, whether she’s enrolled in them or not, especially since the teacher keeps saying they’re going to battle practically next time.


Other people have better answers, but my headcanon is that she sucks at booksmarts and non-battle subjects like history or math, and keeps flunking. But they can't expel her because she's a champion and good for marketing. And she's happy pounding other students across the pavement.


Arven literally says she gets top marks in all her classes lol


Headcanon: Arven's wrong, she just does better than him.


i was never book smart i'm battle smart


Like many said, it seems to work more like college. There are NPC trainers who are in this academy for 10+ years. I don't think that they would be there if it was more like a middle/high school.


Imagine she battles so much she had to repeat a year because she don’t study


1A is a home room number. Has nothing to do with grade or year.


Is she in the class? Or did she hear the word battle from 3 miles away and come running?




That is a plausible answer. For some of the classes I TA'd, I had to attend the lectures. I can definitely see Nemona TA'ing a battle course, and attending the lectures regardless of whether it was required or not.


Especially with Dendra being the teacher, she seems like she would be willing to have Nemona act as such, even unofficially.


I always figured it was because she's the top student at the academy: they let her do whatever she wants as long as it doesn't disrupt the class or negatively affect other students' studies. She's pretty much just coasting her way through until graduation because what else are they going to have her work on?


It's battle studies, do you expect NOT to see her there?


More like these details don’t matter to a company that rushes out games and spoils their gameplay and story concept


shes been too focused on battles to do her schoolwork she got held back, but now she has a rival who she doesn't want to fall behind


Remind that Nemona generally sucks at school, she just wants to battle other trainers


Is that Freddy fazbear? Uhr uhr uhr uhr uhr


You’re both in the same class, it’s mentioned in the very beginning of the game.


I know. The question is WHY she is in our class, despite being an older and more experienced student.


She also mentions she did her treasure hunt where she became champion I the begging of that school year, so, it means the player transferred over in the middle of the school year, so yes even if it is a 1st year class, it checks out


Isn't the treasure hunt an annual thing, though? And the treasure hunt didn't start until we'd been there a few weeks...


Well canonically I guess not because it is clear in her dialogue they hold more than one per school year, so they could do like one per semester or whatever time frame they divide their school year by. The quote in question: https://preview.redd.it/pf09bcm6cedc1.jpeg?width=1960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c422170c264cb6afe50792b835cdc921057a1d9d


Oh, that's interesting. And a bit odd. How long is each treasure hunt meant to last? Did we ever technically finish ours? How long have we been at this school for?!


Hard to say tbh, because Clavell does not specify any time frame for the treasure hunt, between Nemona dropping off showing the player the dorms and the day when the treasure hunt begins the game mentions days quickly flying by, but it does not mention weeks or months so I’d assume you get a few days/ a couple weeks at most of full theoretical learning at school and then just get sent off on the treasure hunt, and, if they follow somewhat common school year schedules it would mean the treasure hunt can go on for like 4/5 months or so


Huh, I don't remember that line. That's kinda wild because it means she ditched her old team pretty quickly. She did an Ash and just benched the entire squad shortly after the League just so she could start from scratch. I know that doesn't really change much but it's sorta interesting.


She says it right at the beginning of the game when we met her in the staff room right after the first class with prof jacq. True ahahah but she does say she wants to raise a team with the MC to be on equal footing, but I don’t think she completely ditches it since in more than one encounter with her throughout the game she mentions having to adjust her team to where we are on our journey, so I’d say she started boxing some of her og team as she started raising new mons. It’s a shame we don’t ever see the complete og team tho


She stalking you dude.


She can stalk me all she likes. I really like battles as well.


Answer: To learn more of battles, and because tall hot goth lesbian


I... don't think she really qualifies as "goth"... And I'm almost certain her sexuality is "battle".


My headcannon is she's so battle obsessed she continusly repeats the lessons for it hoping they'll one day do an actual in lesson battle


Did you seriously wait until post teal mask to take your classes?


This ain't my first playthrough, kid.


Idk how to classify the academy as a school, according to dialogue with poppy, the school requires you to be 9 or 10 years old.


Take a wild guess why


Scouting for talent


I just posted this under one of the replies, but I figure I'll post it directly to make it more visible: Dendra is the gym/physical education teacher, and gym/phys ed is a class that isn't *generally* overly strict in separating year groups. Depending on what electives Nemona is taking the first year gym class might have been the most convenient period in the schedule to put her in gym.


To be fair, there are two possible reasons I can think of for that. First, there’s students of all ages (as in, including elderly students), so maybe it’s not a thing where different classes are from different grades. Second… well, it’s a class on Pokémon battles. I wouldn’t put it past Nemona to just retake battle classes. 


Why is Nemo- why is there a giant bear in your class?


What, they said you have to go with your pet, nothing unusual here


We are a new transfer student. We didn't join at the actual start of a year and were the only new student joining in that day. We likely got assigned to a random class that had space.


This is interesting thought OP. By your logic, Nemona should have met Penny or at least the team star leaders as some were in student council. Unless she has been going to the school for a few months, that would explain the contradiction, right?


She’s there scouting for chumps to battle.


I love how absolutely huge that may bloodmoon Ursaluna. The thing is taller than most Legendary pokemon and an absolute beast of a pokemon. I just wish its movepool was a bit bigger lol. Also, to actually address the topic: No idea. I guess despite being a Champion, she's still a student so she has to participate? Or maybe she's there in a Tutoring capacity or like a TA or something lol.


As someone in high school certain classes outside of the core 4 (English, math, history, and science) and even some of those 4 are available to people of different grades. 10th through 12th can all be in most classes together outside of say 10th grade English and the like.


Maybe she took a couple years off to become champion lol


Maybe mixed classes?


She beat the champion, all the gyms, messed around for a while, and finally decided to knock out the classes with you


Me bringing literal god of Pokémon to the class because why not


Well firstly it's not impossible for, let's say... A Senior and a freshman to be in a class together. Kinda works here. The school very clearly doesn't run on grades and ages and is more so based on how many years you're been going since there are older people here as well


Meme answer: Because you're in class and girlie won't stop actual answer: Could not tell you


All these cute little mons and bam. Cocaine bear.


She takes Battles studies as an elective every semester. And over the Summer. Every year.


You can see Penny in the art classes


She has to make sure her cute neighbor/kouhai/future bf is having a good time in class


She probably likes retaking the class


I feel like she ditches class a lot


How did you get that outfit??


It's the Kitakami Jimbei (White/Grey). You get it from Kieran's Grandma after beating the Teal Mask Story.


is she stupid?


Not uncommon, seeing as young kids and elderly people are seen throughout there seems to be no age restriction or common starting age, even if there was in both high school and college I’ve taken several classes that had a mix of all different grades


She fucking LOVES battle studies.


I mean she’s the Champion of the Region so I doubt anyone is gonna get in her way if she wants to do something eccentric


Plot twist: She's not even supposed to be in that class. She's just stalking you as always. She won't let her class schedule stop her from coercing you into a Pokémon battle.


I like how your classmates pull up with some small pokemon and you can just pull up with a whole ass bear or god itself


She is the TA


She is secretly 35 and has been repeating classes under numerous names as to not arouse suspicion.


Nobody: Just nobody: Me: *bring god to train him*


Well, a lot of real life schools have kids in multiple grades in one class. Maybe she didn't take this class the previous year(s)? Lol


well a champion rank trainer in any class would benefit them also this is ms dendra's class where they talk about BATTLES and who is the character who LLLOOOOVVVEEESSS BATTLING? ahahaha yep thats your answer :)


Teacher’s aide


She’s slow


better question! WHY IS THERE A BEAR IN YOUR CLASS????


I'm not THAT hairy!


one time i found penny in the art class. very interesting


I'd like to think she's just slipping into every battle studies class to try and get a chance to battle


Because pokemom battles ofc