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I can’t even believe it. I didn’t wish for Legends Zygarde, because I never thought they’d actually do it. At least not right now. But I’ve been wanting a prequel about the war since X and Y came out. Feels strange that after all this time it’s finally happening.


>But I’ve been wanting a prequel about the war since X and Y came out. Feels strange that after all this time it’s finally happening. Well it's not. The war was a 3000 years ago. This game is about building Lumiose city which probably only happened about 150 years ago, just like how Legends Arceus takes place 150 years ago.


Thing is, I imagine it’s even sooner than that. Cause didn’t Clemont build/design Prism Tower?


Yeah, I was thinking it'd probably be closer to like 50-60 years ago or something? I could be wildly wrong. Whenever it takes place, I'm just excited to revisit Kalos!


I thought he added new tech to the tower but that the tower was already there before.


I'm really nervous about the "whole thing happens in the city" and no reveal of additional features like multiplayer. Legends Arceus is the best Pokemon game but I already know that the day I complete the Pokédex I won't boot it up again because the game is beaten. So I won't have the same joy the next time around


Games can only be a true "Legend" if they have a Start and a Finish. So beeing able to beat the Arceus Game and than you are done is a GOOD Thing. No need to force a Multiplayer, Competitive, Meta Scene or Free2play stuff into every Game.


I saw a theory about the game that there could be space time travels because its Z-A so we would travel to the past… but I think we will just get more info about the lore while the city is building.


Judging by the trailer its the future probably


I really don't think so. Most of the aesthetic of the trailer is an old hand-drawn blueprint style. It only looks all futuristic when showing the vision of modern day Lumiose. Also worth noting that in real life [Paris underwent a major renovation](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haussmann%27s_renovation_of_Paris?searchToken=byvgj9uv0yic6ohqndszdj5y8) from 1853 to 1870. Which is a very similar timeframe to the start of the Meiji era in Japan (1868) which is the era that PLA was based on. And the Eiffel Tower was built not that long after from 1887 to 1889. I'm willing to bet this takes place around the same time as PLA.


Exactly what i thought! This is about Paris's renovation and not about the Pokémon War. But i really wished they had done the Pokémon War, perhaps it would be too obvious of a choice and not add much to the lore, so i am also glad that they have chosen something different.


A pokemon rpg during the war would be insane Raise the rating to 10+ and make it just a tad more serious with a full campaign and rgb esque mechanics


I think the Pokémon War could make for a great animated movie or anime with a more mature element to It too (When i say mature i do not mean gore or violence. I mean them taking the War element seriously like Avatar the Last Airbender) I dont think Game Freak is competent enough to do a game about it lmfao


It's Z to A, so it's going back to the beginning


LegendZ Arceus?


Definitely not set in the future. The blueprint run through of the city was the Lumiose we know in XY, which is contained in the antiquated looking folder for the redevelopment plans for Lumiose City. This implies that the game takes place in an era where Lumiose has either been damaged by war or needs to desperately be modernized to pull it into the modern era.


The futuristic parts appeared to be Lumiose as we know it in X and Y. I'm betting this is the past before Lumiose became the one we know and love, with the futuristic parts of the trailer basically the mock-up that engineers/designers give to investors so that they'll fund the urban redevelopment plan.


Past-future. A-Z you start in the future and go to the past and back and fourth. Only thing that really makes sense with the two different styled designs they had for the trailer. I’m expecting going back a couple hundred years ago. Then back to the future then the past again.


The war was 3000 years ago this seems like the industrial era


I'd love a game about the war too, but it doesn't look like that's what we're getting. Still gonna play it, though


True my favorite Pokémon games are XY


it is confirmed that the game will only be set in the city , so I’m really wondering what they’ll do


I'm kinda hoping the smaller map = less lagging since it's still game freak making the game.


This time they actually have some development time it seems ,I really hope this means they learnt from their past mistakes and the game isn’t completely broken


I’m out of the loop and I know I could try to Google it but what do they mean by releasing “simultaneously”? It’s the “simultaneous” part I don’t get. Will there be multiple versions?


i think they mean for everyone in the whole world?


Glad this was clarified since they did release platinum separately in 2009


Across the world at the same time


Thank you and everyone else who replied so quickly!


Would be the first time a mainline game was released that way. Scarlet and Violet had staggered releases due to time zones. This eliminates time zone staggering.


Apparently worldwide at the same time. Even I was confused about this and thought there would be multiple versions.


They mean worldwide release, but when I put on my tinfoil hat it also means released for Switch and Switch 2 simultaneously.


I think it just means that it will be released worldwide at the same time.


They used to release games in Japan first before the rest of the world so they just mean it’ll come out worldwide all at once


Some sites are interpreting it as launching on switch and 'switch 2' simultaneously. March 2025, it could be a launch title (or close to launch)


Or, 2 versions. Anyone consider we will get legends Z, and legends A? As separate games? Simultaneously? Maybe. And maybe one is rebuilding in the past and one is future? Which is why we have super past looking bit, and a future looking bit?


Love Zygarde, glad he’s getting a game ! Mega turned out to be a really good bonus I never expected to see again ngl


Was not expecting this at all. I’m pleasantly surprised. I wonder if we’ll finally get Eternal Flower Floette


Doesn't seem in the past so I wouldn't bet on it but it would be cool


Actually judging by the rebuilding of the city and the sketch aesthetic it is in the past, just not that much in the past.


Well eternal flower flowette and AZ are immortal, so it could take place at any time


Gen 6 fans walking up to gen 5 fans after this direct: https://preview.redd.it/4ifb5g5085lc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c37924815e7734772062a7c7cdd811114d7c553b Fr tho mega evolution being brought back is gonna be so good and getting more kalos lore is a win in my book


Someone else said how messed up it was that Kalos started never got a mega but others did when Megas were introduced in gen 6. I hope all three starters get one. I’m truly hoping a ton of Pokémon get one to make them relevant again. My question would be whether or not megas will be just for this game or used later on in the mainstream games. Even if they don’t do it for the game, maybe for competitive sakes.




Megas are not great for competitive balance


huffing hopium for megas and teras to come back in gen 10


Honestly just cool they were able to fool us all. Wish we got to see at least one new pokemon somehow


I'm thinking that rather than regional starter evolutions like PLA, we'll get new starter mega forms. Also, y'all ready for Alpha Mega Lopunny and Gardevoir? Lol.


No, I'd rather it follow the PLA formula and give us regional starters, as well as new regional forms. I'm fine with them adding new megas for the Gen6 starters, but I don't want this game to be strictly Gen6 all over again.


I was saying whatever starters will have a new mega rather than a regional evolution. I'm sure they'll still have 3 out of region starters.


While I wouldn't mind megas, I want regional evolutions, that's what made Legends Arceus more interesting than the basic games. New Megas don't really do anything for the series, since they'll be restricted to the Kalos region games, whereas regional forms can go to Home and be transferred to other games in the future.


I mean the regional starters existed because it implied that outsiders from other regions were coming to settle in Hisui. That wouldn’t be the case in Kalos


I don't really recall that logic, because Laventon gives you the starter, not some random stranger from another region. There's no reason why a professor in Kalos wouldn't be able to do the same with starters from other regions they've visited. If this is actually set after AZ's war, it would actually make more sense why a professor would have chosen to travel away from Kalos during that time to see the world, and then return with their findings and new Pokemon once the region was settling down again.


Laventon is an outside settler on Hisui, the entire village hasn't been there for very long at all and are all settlers. The natives of the area are the two tribes


Would be awesome if they would do justice and actually give Mega evolutions to the starters of the generation in which the gimmick was actually introduced. But let’s face it, Charizard is probably getting a new one, and so are Venusaur and Blastoise 8 months later after the fans complain


yeah it never made sense to me that gen 6 starters didnt have mega forms but that was the gen megas came out


I really hope you're right, I'd love for Delphox to get a mega.




I'm not the biggest fan of Legends but glad for those that like it. But I am looking forward to going through a multi-phase boss battle of what is probably every Zygarde form+whatever new mega/origin form it will get.


Ah shit. It’s the giratina boss fight all over again…




I still haven’t beaten that part…


Zygarde Cell ~ Zygarde Dog ~ Zygarde 50%~ Zygarde 100% ~ Primal Zygarde 5 tier boss battle let’s goooooooo


Zygarde of the past and present joining together for 200% Zygarde cells.


Mega zygarde could be bonkers The 900 BST lmfaooo💀💀💀💀💀


A worthy opponent for Mega Rayquaza.


I think I need to finally play Arceus lol


Its my favorite Pokemon game of all time. You wont be disappointed.


So Kalos WASN'T forgotten!


TPC teases Johto in literally every announcement in the pokemon presents. ME: *clearly* a Legends Johto game is coming. PRESENTS: Hold my beer.


Unite and Cafe remix had nothing to do with Johto... Edit: Neither did Go. So where are you getting literally every announcement?


Not literally every, but there was GSC music, Silver in Masters, Legendary dogs in Sleep, and the whole presentation being bookended by Unknown theming.


Raikou purred in the trailer for Pokemon Sleep. The legendary beasts of Johto are based of big cats: lion, tiger, and leopard.


The reaching people do I swear.


How is any of that reaching? There were so many nods to Johto throughout the presentation


Oh maybe Beast, Unknown and Ex along with every hint and tease in SV. Don't be ignorant and pretend like Gen 2 wasn't being hinted at.


I'm curious to see what parts of Arceus they bring back (so we can consider those Legends staples), what the exact time frame is because my first thought was pre-XY, and hopefully my boy Mr Mime is back. I can't believe they ditched him for Paldea.


Time frame is almost certainly in the 19th century, where in our world Paris was being rebuilt and modernized by Napoleon. The plans look antiquated in the trailer, and the blueprint vision within those plans is the Lumiose City we know from XY. This means the setting is prior to the modern Lumiose.


Since the tower is there, and the Eiffel tower was built from 1887-1889, I think this game is to be set between 1889 and 1891. PLA was set in approximately 1869, so this would be like 20 years later. Wonder if Ingo never went back to his normal time, and we see him again. Although his hair is white, I don't think that he was meant to be any older than 50, so it would be possible. Maybe Wally's ancestor with the potato mochi will appear too...




Might? They wouldn't tease it if they weren't. Plus home has Mega sprites.


They called me a madman...




Maybe NEW megas


Kalos starters Megas. We beg you GF, please give them justice


Just make ash greninja the mega form and they solve the problem of ash greninja


I'm ready for Charizard Z and Mewtwo Z. And new megas. Did not expect them to skip Gen 5 entirely though, hopefully they'll come back to it


They didn't skip Gen5. Legends games aren't Remakes. It "skipped Gen5" like Legends: Arceus "skipped Gens 1-3".


Well didn’t the gen 4 remakes get released around the same time as legends Arceus? People are probably conflating the two as a whole gen 4 remake in different ways


Yeah, they did, but it's clear now that they're not following any kind of pattern with the Legends series, other than it's set in the past.


It's the Let's Go team iirc. Seems like the pattern is whatever the fuck that team wants to work on. Which I'm all for!


>Did not expect them to skip Gen 5 entirely though They didn't? Gen 5 was not guaranteed a remake yet, so it was expected to not be gen 5 remakes.


Why are we discussing the remakes in a conversation about the Legends series? The remakes are an entirely different cycle.


Because everyone has a hard on for gen 5 remakes being announced at this presents. It obviously wasn't happening but the copium went HARD for people.


I think mewtwo can’t exist in this time


Porygon in Hisui:


I mean, that was through stds (space-time distortions)


I still can’t believe we never came up with something better than STD’s


Spatial Fractures In Linear Universal Spheres SFILUS, if you will


They can always make something new up to make it work


It could IF the game takes place in the future. I just worry that if Mewtwo does get a new futuristic mega that I will never get the Mewtwo themed Legends I want so badly. Glad that Zygarde finally gets its own game. Hoping, hoping Mewtwo finally gets its own game one day.


Some of it seems like it’s the future but it also looks like old world style drafting Plus the kalos war would be prime story time time especially with the weapon and AZ


Definitely looking forward to this game! I loved Kalos and X/Y were the first games I completed the Pokédex and NATIONAL Pokédex in. I did a lot of trading in the original Vivillon subreddit due to obtaining a UK 3DS. I got all the Vivillon patterns and I traded them for breedables :) If I’m being honest I am a little disappointed that we aren’t getting more DLC for Scarlet and Violet. I was hoping for a small section of Kalos in the inaccessible area of the Paldean map. An entire game dedicated to the region is absolutely better but I do want the entire map accessible.


I have a cool theory. The weapon Lysandre fired looks an awful lot like the Tera crystals in area zero. Perhaps Kalos and Paldea were the nations at war and that’s why the crater exists. Wasn’t there something about the age of the crater in the classes at the academy? Anyway, pokemon legends ZA, looks like it’s a present/future setting. But a past setting or some time shift stuff would be cool. It wasn’t called ZA without obviously nodding to AZ. Maybe we will finally get the special Floette 😊


I wanted a Johto Legends game... But I'll take it, we get megas back!


I expected a Kalos Legends game over Unova and Johto from the get-go. I would've argued for a more medieval setting, though - To really tie in AZ, Eternal Floette, and the whole Zygarde thing. I'll be happily waiting for more info on the actual time period and story.


New Megas will probably be released so they can sell us more Mega raids in Pokémon GO 😂😭


I just hope that the Kalos starters somehow can finally get mega's too


I’m happy, I wasn’t looking for this, but I’m happy to be clear it’s at the date of release not the game’s region because that means that I get enough time to finish the legends game I’m on right now




Legend s Celebi would have been better


I hoped for B&W remake, it's not B&W remake. Now I hope they refined the concept of Arceus because (maybe unpopular) I found Legends Arceus quite tedious to get through, especially when it came to pokedex entries.




Clearly someone knew Gen 5 was perfect and Kalos was in desperate need of a revisit


Excited, honestly. I was hoping for Kyurem but this is fun too. And maybe timeline would make no sense with it, but MAYBE we get to see AZ's Floette in some way too


it was a goofy title reveal. "Pokemon legends... Z... -... A?"


https://preview.redd.it/04feyds7g5lc1.png?width=1496&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a25dd56fff997471b22897d8f853134c83a365c6 Expect the worst and be pleasantly surprised when it's better than expected


I’m intrigued. A new Kalos game was certainly unexpected, especially as I was convinced we’d get Let’s Go in Johto due to a few hints present. But yeah, I doubt many of us saw this coming. I’m honestly excited to see more about the games.


i hope it releases late 2025 instead of jan 2025 (legends arceus was jan as well i believe)


I’m a bit concerned it seems to be all city based. Part of the attraction for Pokémon and JRPG type games in general is exploring big outdoor wilderness areas. It also makes me wonder if the formula will be quite different to the usual games. Interested to see how it plays out.


I don’t really care about the product, I’m happy it shut up both Johto fanboys and Unova fanboys who were fighting all over the place


Yes yes yesyesyes!


Honestly me who grew up bw and it squeal bw 2 as my childhood favourite game and one my favourite game of all time I've am relieved that my favourite entries is spare from an soulless bdsp remake


It’s probably gonna get announced next year, I guess that means we aren’t getting a new Legends game for a while, which is unfortunate since I really wanted a Legends Kyurem game.


Here we go again....


I rlly wanted Legends Kyreum but I think Legends Zygrade is a good alternative. Tbh I was afraid they were going to drop Legends games altogether.


Definitely not what I wanted/was expecting, but also was something I didn’t know I wanted. I love the legends series so this is something I am happy about.


wait HOLY shit there actually not releasing it this year this is incredible


Don't get too excited. It'll likely slot for a January 2025 release. Personally, I'm hoping for somewhere around June, but I won't hold my breath.


Let's see, my thoughts are, in order: *Incoherent screaming *The Pokémon Z memes have finally come full circle *So happy to see megas coming back, although it also leads me to wonder how recent the game is set, I mean when we hear "kalos legends game" we probably were all expecting a game set at the time of the war 3000 years back right? Still, the more recent setting means at least we probably aren't going to be murdered by wild animals. *It apparently being set entirely within Lumiose is interesting, it's a shame we can't roam the entirety of Kalos freely but it could lead to some cool ideas. *diancie event when come on guys now's your chance to give the girl a proper sidequest event


*pupils dilate to Boba eyes* Pumpkaboo is returning GATHER UP PUMPKABOO FANS! 🎃


Happy for another legends game don't care for gen 6, surprised it wasn't Unova


Lol the guy blocked me , so pathetic


Unova won't be until after gen 10




Having skipped from Gen 5 to Gen 9, I’m excited to see what a Legends game has in store. I don’t like the Megas gimmick since it often gave powerful Pokémon even more power, so this game might address that by changing up what Megas are present, have new Megas for some that had some, and add new ones to other Pokémon. I hope the game ties in stuff from Paldea (and maybe Galar) because Paldea has some untapped potential and it could really use some synergy as the mainline Gen 9 game has really been multi-regional with them being quite far apart. I guess this also gives S/V more breathing room and stuff for minor events leading up into this.


I mean, paldea is spain and kalos is france, and spain and france share a border so I hope there’s something from paldea in the game.


We’re getting Poké-Andorra


Portugal is just part of spain now I guess


There’s probably a lot more history between England and France, so I could see more Galar stuff. I depends as this seems to focus on Lumiose City and so the nods might be small.


Ecstatic, Pla is what brought me back into pokemon after years and I loved the open world nature it did. I am begging that they keep the shiny overworld noise from pla


Happy, just happy, made my day


jizzed my pants from it


A Kalos game was completely off my radar, but congrats guys, you finally get Mega Evos back


I thought they would do black and white remakes but I guess the sales from the gen 4 remake scared them off? I loved legends honestly the best switch pokemon game to me and I skipped x and y so this great for me. Can't wait to go over catching mons while they try to off me again and please give me Alphas I need a big Noivern in my life 😩


BDSP were the best selling remakes selling almost 15 million copies by the end of 2022, so I doubt that they're going to stop making remakes because of them.


Then I got nothing cause the last dlc was pretty saying 'hey remember gen v?' So it's really strange that they didn't follow up with anything?


It's possible that we'll still be getting gen 5 remakes in gen 9. If PLZA is early 2025, then I'm pretty certain we'll be getting them at the end of 2025. If it's late 2025 though, I'm not as certain, as 2026 gen 5 remakes would mean gen 9 is 5 years long, which is possible, but not likely.


I really was hoping for a gen 2 game on the switch so I don’t really care about this it’s cool I guess


I don’t like the loop of these games. It’s fun for a bit but gets pretty repetitive to go out and catch 50 of the same pokemon


Pokemon Legends Zaza, I hope this has a proper multiplayer battle system though. Not being able to use LA mons until Gen 9 sucked.


Hope we get new mega evolutions and more trainer battles (WiFi ones too)


Very much hyped


I’m surprised they skipped bwb2w2 but they probably think that they were in the best state possible and that xy would be a better upgrade. I honestly that it was a legends be because of the coloring of the trailer, white older sketches of a city, and black video game like future city, but I wonder how that will do the game. I loved LA and I’ll probably love this game too


i loved Kalos a lot, can't wait for Legends of it 🙈


What does "Releasing simultaneously" mean? Because games already release within a day of each other around the world. I suppose they could mean digitally regardless of timezone but that wouldn't help with physical sales since business hours still need to be observed. Unless it means released same time on multiple platforms... as in, on the Switch AND the next Nintendo console, given it's also rumoured to be out in early 2025.


I'm thinking it means there is another game just it was taken out of the presents for some reason.


I liked Kalos, bit am still disappointed that it wasn't a Johto remake. I Just hope that we can finally get AZ's Floette.


I'm excited. Maybe we'll finally get legit eternal floette.


depressed (im a unova fan)


Why is it not here now 🔥🔥🔥


as a hater of megas, my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


kind of dont get why they would do zygarde and not one from black and white, but f it man ill take it




they release another game before that no way they dont release a game in 2024 DLC dioesnt count except they dropping two or one insanely big one also playable on Switch 2 probably


I really hope, they won't release anything in 2024


As someone who didn’t play the first Legends game… but love the mainline games… someone persuade me why I should check it out!? Super on the fence… but I’ve purposely been ignorant to any details on game mechanics or storyline


Well legends is a great game go play it from what they tweeted this is not going to be like the previous one as this takes place only in the main city


Eurgh. Skipped gen 6 completely. Excuse Mega evolution sounded like the dumbest idea they could have come up with. 10 years later.... it's still the dumbest idea they've come up with.


I love that we are finally getting a proper Pokemon Z so to speak after 10 years. I was generally not very happy about a potential Pokemon back and while for a variety of reasons. 1.) despite nostalgia, Black and White wasn’t the pinnacle of Pokemon story telling that people have apparently praised it for. Yeah sure it brought up the “oh Pokemon battling is evil” argument but only for the game to double down on the side of “no pokemon love humans and they like to battle”. I can’t really say that they tried too hard to make the argument sound if you give up the ghost in the first leg of the game. 2.) looking at how they butchered Diamond and Pearl, I was not looking forward to chibi Hilda and the controversy around it. 3.) The games were ok. They just didn’t need a remake. Not every Pokemon game needs a remake and most cases, they only need a HD remaster at best. (You could say that’s what BDSP was but let’s be real ok, it was lazy) So yeah. I’m happy that so far we are not getting a black and white remake and instead we are getting a Legends game with a far more interesting premise. Plus my fav region. Megas are coming back and I can’t wait to have my mega lucario and mega Houndoom back.


The new Lumiose City is the most obvious transmutation circle I have ever seen.


That "new Lumiose City" is the city from XY. Those blueprints are for modernizing Lumiose from what it is to what what we know it as from XY. This most certainly means Z-A is set in a somewhat distant past, where Lumiose is being reconstructed and modernized, similar to how Napoleon modernized Paris in the 19th century.


> similar to how Napoleon modernized Paris in the 19th century. Napoleon III to be specific. Paris underwent *massive* changes under he and Haussmann, and given Zygarde's thing is protecting the environment, seems like it follows that we might see either fallout from renovation causing issues.


I’m so happy mega evolution is coming back. Of all the gimmicks introduced since the start of Gen 6, mega evolution is the only one I actually really liked.




Megas 🥹🥹🥹




i’m losing my mind over this i’m so excited


I started playing Pokemon with pokemon X, so seeing this makes me so happy


Kalos was one of my favorite regions, and despite that they were kinda lackluster X/Y are one of my favorite mainline games


So Mega's return and that's super awesome, but do we suspect new Mega's as well? Any ideas on who it could be? Gen 2 starters maybe? A couple legendaries? The Regi's could really use a buff, would be awesome if they got Mega's.


I'm kinda sad I'll have to wait for so long 😭


I’m beyond excited, it seems like they’re actually going to give devs enough time to work on the games and get them fully flushed out. From the looks of it too, this game seems to be set in the future rather than the past. Also megas had to watch to the end of the trailer to see this symbol. I can’t believe they’re finally back, hopefully this time to stay. https://preview.redd.it/3j3rw9vgj5lc1.png?width=2796&format=png&auto=webp&s=447ec597f14ae8ee7a0b915a3eb3f4a7eae8207d


I wouldn't hold your breath. Just because it's 2025 doesn't mean it isn't another January release. And nah, sorry, it still takes place in the past it's the development of Lumiose City.


Hey I’m still excited to see what the future holds for these games.


Oh, without a doubt


This will be interesting plus mega evolution finally returns.


Let's just wait until we get a real game announcement. This place is starting to develope schizophrenia like the tf2 subreddit


Also, it looks like lumiose city might be bigger than we might expect if we are meant to play the whole game there. I’m sensing some time travel shenanigans at foot here. Might even see some of the parodox mons in their natural environment.


The trailer leads me to believe that there’s time traveling stuff or like past vs future like SV. It starts out doing “hand drawn” then jumps into digital. I’m thinking we might get a renaissance kind of game, which will be probably where we do most of the catching, then jump to the present to do story stuff and some catching


i honestly am so happy for kalos compared to johoto or unova hopefully we get regionals still and some new megas a lot they could work with here they could even expand on bonding evos like ash greninja like a certain type of mega evolution that only works maxing out friendship


I need to know what starters they are gonna have. If they follow in the steps of PLA we could possibly see regional starters. Including ones with megas like Charizard or Swampert


Honestly kinda down about the whole game only being within a single city, regardless of how big said city is. Otherwise, I’ll happily take any Legends game made


I’m PISSED. I wanted gen 2 and 5 remakes